November 18, 2009
U.S. Rep. Donald Manzullo told WREX-TV in Rockford, Ill., that alleged terrorists imprisoned at the Navy base are "really really mean people whose job it is to kill people, driven by some savage religion."The Republican lawmaker confirmed Tuesday those words were his. He said he never specified Islam and apologized for any misunderstanding.
However, the terrorist shills from CAIR leaped to the fore, claiming that ManzulloÂ’s statement was defamatory of Islam. They appear less worried, however, about the claims of terrorists that they act in the name of Islam.
Remember – it is the terrorists themselves who make a claim that their acts of murder and mayhem are based upon religious imperatives. If that does not support the claim that they are practitioners of a savage religion, I don’t know what does.
Oh, that's right.
They commit acts of unspeakable barbarism in the name of the Religion of Peace -- and don't you suggest anything different about that religion or they will cut your head off.
Posted by: Greg at
01:42 PM
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November 17, 2009
Captain [Naomi] Surman, [Hassan’s supervisor in the Department of Psychiatry], who was scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan with Hasan on Nov. 2 told investigators that Hasan had both social and academic issues in his medical training. She said that on one occasion, Hasan told her she was an infidel who would be “ripped to shreds” and “burn in hell” because she was not Muslim.
Would the individual in question have been counseled to change their attitude and behavior?
Would they have faced disciplinary actions?
Would their career have been ended “for the good of the service”?
I think we can all make a reasonable guess – but Hasan was coddled and kept on, even scheduled to deploy in Iraq where he would be a likely fifth columnist for his fellow Islamists, because it would have been politically incorrect to take any action against a “good Muslim”.
The result was13 dead – 14 if one counts the unborn child of one of the soldiers Hasan gunned down.
H/T Malkin
Posted by: Greg at
11:04 AM
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Well, there appears to be an answer coming from Obama’s Democrat allies – and the answer is somewhat akin to the arguments of Third World despots.
According to Democratic Senator Jack Reed, “under basic principles of international law, as long as these individuals pose a threat, they can be detained, and they will.” Come again? You mean if KSM is acquitted he will still be detained? Yes indeed, according to Senator Reed. He will not be released, “because under the principle of preventive detention, which is recognized during hostilities,” we can continue to hold KSM.Well, now. It seems to me as though President Obama and Attorney General Holder need to be asked whether they agree with Senator Reed. If not — if they believe that the proud, self-confessed mastermind of the deadliest attack in history on the American homeland should be able to walk free if acquitted in this trial — then Obama and Holder should certainly say so. If KSM were acquitted, the president and his attorney general should proclaim from the rooftops that Mohammed is a free man, found innocent in a civilian court of law, and then allow voters to render a judgment on their decision.
If, on the other hand, Obama and Holder agree with Senator Reed, they should state that as well.
The problem is that it does not matter a whit what international law says in the scenario laid out by Reed – taking such actions would unambiguously violate the US Constitution. What’s more, in such a situation we would see established the principle that the mere acquittal of a defendant or dismissal of charges with prejudice is insufficient to guarantee that the Executive Branch will not continue to deprive an individual of their liberty after they have been adjudicated to be innocent. Quite bluntly, the Obama Regime cannot have it both ways – claiming that terrorism is a criminal matter best left to the criminal justice system while at the same time declaring it to be a military/national security matter subject to unreviewable executive discretion when the courts prove inadequate to the task.
Indeed, the only way that ReedÂ’s argument based upon international law works is if one recognizes that the War on Terrorism is, in fact, a war and that combatants (both lawful and unlawful) may legitimately be held without trial or access to civilian courts for the duration of the conflict. It is impossible to argue for some sort of hybrid classification and system that allows for the continued detention of the legally innocent without making their trials nothing more than a sham and a show.
Posted by: Greg at
10:58 AM
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November 15, 2009
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused Fort Hood gunman, is paralyzed from the waist down, his lawyer said Friday."It appears he won't be able to walk in the future," said Hasan's civilian attorney, retired Army Col. John Galligan.
Hasan also has severe pain in his hands, the attorney said.
HereÂ’s hoping that they lubricate his wheelchair with bacon grease, and that we eventually solve his medical problems via lethal injection. The we can see if his false Allah will cure him when he joins his false prophet in Hell.
Posted by: Greg at
09:28 AM
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November 09, 2009
We have seen this before in 2003 when a SGT Hasan of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) threw hand grenades and opened fire into his Commanding OfficerÂ’s tent in Kuwait. We have seen the foiled attempt of Albanian Muslims who sought to attack Ft Dix, NJ. Recently we saw a young convert to Islam named Carlos Bledsoe travel to Yemen, receive terrorist training, and return to gun down two US Soldiers at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army recruiting station. We thwarted another Islamic terrorist plot in North Carolina which had US Marine Corps Base, Quantico as a target.
What have we done with all these prevalent trends? Nothing.
And, of course, we could add a great many other terrorist incidents involving Muslims in this country. It wasn’t that long ago that I cataloged several stories that had appeared in the space of 24 hours about newly-convicted jihadis in various parts of the country. A recent investigation spanned the continent from Colorado to New York City, with charges brought against multiple participants. Indeed, we can expect multiple stories each month about would-be terrorists within our country seeking to aid the Islamist cause. Yet somehow, every time, there is a collective expression of shock every time such a story appears, with pious intonations of the P.C. mantra that such individuals are not representative of Islam as a whole and that we must not ask if there is something malignant in Islam that accounts for these cases – even when the perpetrators themselves clearly state that their motivation is their Islamic faith.
Am I saying that all Muslims are terrorists? No, I am not. Am I saying there are no odd ducks in the Christian (or Jewish or Buddhist or . . .) community that act violently and claim a religious justification for their misdeeds? Again, I am not.
But the reality is that there appears to be a higher proportion of such individuals among Muslims, and their propensity towards religiously motivated violence seems to be drawn from the same passages of the Qu’ran and oriented towards the same goal of establishing Islamic supremacy. Doesn’t prudence require that we acknowledge that reality and that our government look more closely at Muslim institutions – whether charities, political organizations, or houses of worship – in attempting to prevent such acts of terror from occurring on our own soil? And does it not require that we investigate more closely those in the Muslim community who have expressed some sympathy with the cause of jihad and those who engage in such religiously motivated violence?
It is now common knowledge that Major Nidal Malik Hasan, like so many of radical Muslims, publicly professed belief in acts of violence against those who Islam defines as infidels. We know that Hasan, like so many radical Muslims, expressed the view that the war on terrorism is in fact a war on Islam. We know that the FBI was aware that Hasan was trying to connect with al-Qaeda. Indeed, there were plenty of signs that Major Hasan was going to “go Muslim” (or, more accurately, “go jihadi”) against his fellow Americans. And yet even now, after the fact, it seems that too many folks in positions of authority would prefer to gloss over that fact and instead express concern for members of the Muslim community rather than the victims of this latest attack and the potential victims of future attacks by radicalised Muslims.
Again, this is not an attack on Muslims as a group. Most are loyal, and the contributions of Muslims in the military and law enforcement are often exemplary. But respect for good Muslims and a desire to embrace the full diversity of our society cannot outweigh the need to provide for security of all. We cannot look away from the problem out of fear of failing to appear “sensitive” enough to a minority religion in our midst. Any other response is nuts.
Posted by: Greg at
12:17 PM
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Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan came into the Starz strip club not far from the base at least three times in the past month, the club's general manager, Matthew Jones, told Army investigators building their case against Hasan plan to interview Jones soon.
* * * Hasan's presence at the club paints a starkly different portrait of the alleged killer from that offered by his imam and family members, who have described him as a devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day.
But is that really at odds with what we know about other devout Muslims who have engaged in acts of jihad against America? I donÂ’t think so. After all, the 9/11 hijackers had a taste for strip clubs and strippers as well.
Call it getting a preview of the promised 72 virgins.
Posted by: Greg at
11:30 AM
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October 29, 2009
After all, in the last 24 hours IÂ’ve seen the following stories.
- Chicago Muslims arrested for planned murder of Muhammad cartoonist
- Al-Qaida sleeper agent to be sentenced in Illinois
- Detroit imam killed in FBI shoot-out during jihad arrests
It seems like not a week goes by that we donÂ’t have a series of such stories about jihadis among us, ready to do us harm in the name of Islam. And yet some among us still donÂ’t even want to name the source of the problem for fear of hurting feelings or stigmatizing minorities.
But the reality is that that make me wonder – can we afford to allow Islam to continue grow unmolested in our nation? In light of the clear strain of violence and supremacism that has infected too many Muslim communities in America, can we treat Islam like any other religious faith in this country? And in the scariest part of my musings, I fearfully consider at this means for the future of the First Amendment in America and if stopping the jihadis among us in this “sweet land of liberty” will ultimately destroy the very freedoms that they want eradicated.
Posted by: Greg at
12:06 PM
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August 20, 2009
The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.
It is hard, really, to tell which offends liberals more – the fact that the US government was considering the decapitation of the organization that committed a major terrorist action on American soil, or that it might have considered free market options to get the matter done. Personally, I’m just pissed off that this plan was not fully implemented, and that it therefore didn’t result in the extermination of any of the targeted vermin.
Posted by: Greg at
10:49 AM
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May 21, 2009
"I don't doubt that the President--and I think he'll say this tomorrow--that we've made some hasty decisions that are now going to take some time to unwind. And closing Guantanamo Bay obviously is one of those decisions," he added.
Oh, wait – now Robert Gibbs claims that he was referring to Bush Administration decisions being hasty. But clearly that his words referred to President Obama’s decision to set a deadline for closing the detention facility for America’s terrorist foes without any plan for replacing it or dealing with the jihadi swine detained there. The only possible conclusion? It is Ob-amateur hour in the White House.
Posted by: Greg at
11:32 AM
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Four men arrested for an alleged plot to bomb a New York synagogue and Jewish community center are expected to appear in federal court Thursday, the U.S. attorney's office said.The men also wanted to use surface-to-air missiles to fire at U.S. military planes, said a criminal complaint filed this week in White Plains, New York.
"Four individuals were arrested for planting bombs in front of two [Jewish facilities] in the area," said Raymond Kelly, New York City police commissioner.
Three of the four were jail converts to Islam, while the fourth is highly sympathetic to the faith. And, of course, the goal was more dead Americans, and more dead Jews in particular. What other religion in this country sees its adherents plot such attacks with such frequency – especially when viewed in terms of the relative frequency to their numbers in society at large? None – just the so-called Religion of Peace. At what point do we as a nation acknowledge that this so-called faith cannot co-exist
And, of course, the Left has already begun to speak out loudly – on behalf of the terrorists and against the American government. What next? A liberal chorus of “It’s the Jews’ fault?
Posted by: Greg at
11:07 AM
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May 15, 2009
A protester from Texas has been sentenced to two years in prison for possessing Molotov cocktails during the Republican National Convention last September.U.S. District Judge Michael Davis on Thursday also sentenced Bradley Neal Crowder to three years of supervised release.
The 23-year-old Austin, Texas, man was part of a group from Austin that allegedly planned to disrupt the convention in St. Paul last September. He pleaded guilty in January.
Prosecutors say Crowder and a co-defendant made eight firebombs and planned to use them to retaliate against police for seizing their homemade riot shields. The co-defendant, David Guy McKay, 22, pleaded guilty in March and is due to be sentenced by Davis next Thursday.
Not nearly enough time – he and his cohorts ought to be in Gitmo getting waterboarded so that they would disclose the names of the rest of their little gang of terrorists.
And given the fact that these terrorists are prone to arson and come from Austin, I have to ask if the Texas Department of Public Safety is investigating them in relationship to the arson attack on the historic Governor’s Mansion during the state Democrat convention in Austin – an act which resulted in serious damage to the building.
Posted by: Greg at
01:07 PM
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May 02, 2009
Well, never mind -- it looks like military commissions for jihadis may be back on, despite Obama promises to the contrary.
The Obama administration is moving toward reviving the military commission system for prosecuting Guantánamo detainees, which was a target of critics during the Bush administration, including Mr. Obama himself.Officials said the first public moves could come as soon as next week, perhaps in filings to military judges at the United States naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, outlining an administration plan to amend the Bush administration’s system to provide more legal protections for terrorism suspects.
Personally, I oppose anything other than drumhead courts martial for jihadis, followed by immediate execution. But if these swine are to be afforded treatment as POWs like the Left wants, they should be treated as POWs -- held for the duration of the conflict between the civilized world and Islamist barbarism, just as POWs during WWII were held for the duration of that conflict. Following the conclusion of hostilities, those believed guilty of war crimes may then be subjected to war crimes tribunals in which they have access to surviving documents from both sides, as well (and all are guilty, as irregular combatants).
Ain't the fecklessness of Barry Hussein and the rest of the Obama Regime absolutely stunning?
Posted by: Greg at
04:09 AM
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April 23, 2009
That said, there are others who disagree – but still believe that waterboarding might be appropriate. One, Deb Saunders, makes this important observation.
Some maintain that the CIA might have learned what it needed to know without waterboarding. But as one memo reported, before the questioning got tough, "KSM resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simply noting, 'Soon you will know.'"
The questioning got tougher. As the memo noted, the CIA believes that "the intelligence acquired from these interrogations has been a key reason why al Qaeda has failed to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001."
And: Once "enhanced techniques" were used on KSM, interrogations "led to the discovery of a KSM plot, the 'Second Wave,' Â… to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked airliner' into a building in Los Angeles."
Do I like waterboarding? No, but it is not life threatening; in extreme cases, I can live with it. And I'll take waterboarding over a 9/11 in Los Angeles any day.
So, my friends, ask yourself this – which city are you willing to see destroyed in order to protect the purported rights of terrorists? How many of your fellow Americans are you willing to sacrifice in order to avoid troubling your conscience? And do you truly believe that those whose decisions differed from what yours would have been on this matter merit criminal punishment? Indeed, let me ask it more explicitly – when confronted with a choice between American patriots and America’s enemies, why do you side with the latter?
Posted by: Greg at
01:09 PM
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April 21, 2009
The FBI announced Tuesday the addition of Daniel Andreas San Diego to the list, hoping a burst of international publicity associated with the move will help investigators find him after six years on the run.San Diego, 31, may appear to be out of place on a terrorist list with familiar names like al Qaeda's Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Adam Yahiye Gadahn. The "strict vegan," according to the FBI, is charged with bombing two corporate offices in California in 2003. The blasts caused extensive property damage but no deaths.
Vegans eat no meat or any other food containing animal products.
Authorities allege San Diego bombed facilities in Emeryville and Pleasanton, California, because he believed the Chiron and Shaklee Corporations had ties to animal-testing labs.
Unlike the alleged right-wing threat that DHS issued a report about recently, we do have actual violence being committed, with actual individuals and groups engaging in terrorism. Seems to me that this is where DHS really needs to be focused, educating law enforcement about the real threats rather than making ambiguous statements that could legitimately be seen as tarring over half the nation.
Posted by: Greg at
11:25 AM
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The pirate suspect arrested in the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama was all smiles on arriving in New York City late Monday, escorted by a phalanx of law enforcement officers.None of the officers would confirm his identity, but his arrival for trial in the United States had been widely expected.
The suspect arrived at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building in Manhattan, which is linked to a federal detention facility where he was expected to be held pending an appearance in federal court. The timing of that appearance was not immediately available. He was walked through the rain, surrounded by media, as well as officers from federal and New York City law enforcement agencies.
This is, once again, a failure by the US government. Just as we have too often treated terrorism like a criminal justice issue rather than a military issue, we are now doing the same with piracy. Thomas Jefferson knew pirates for what they are – the enemies of all humanity – and treated them accordingly by dispatching Stephen Decatur and the US Marines to Tripoli to deal with them. He didn’t bring them back to the US for trial. We should not be setting this precedent now.
And what we also should not do is follow the line of nonsense put forth by Tony Karon in Time.
A New York trial for Muse is unlikely even to prompt others to refrain from acts of piracy. There is no fear of America among young Somali gunmen, who demonstrated that attitude in the most grisly fashion in the streets of Mogadishu in 1993, during the infamous "Black Hawk down" incident. That event has achieved mythic status in the Somali imagination. Instead, the trial is more likely to prompt Muse's peers to seek symbolic retribution — possibly even prompting them to make his release the condition for freeing some future group of hostages they capture on the high seas. Until now, the Somali pirates have scrupulously avoided harming their captives; their capture has been simply a business transaction. That may soon change. An escalation in the confrontation between the pirates and the ships of richer nations will present a golden opportunity to the Shebab to exploit popular nationalist sentiment and turn the business of piracy into a coastal jihad.A more likely way to turn local sentiment against piracy would be, for example, to put those responsible for holding a shipment of food aid destined to feed the starving in a famine-plagued region on trial in an African court. Somali piracy needs a Somali solution — beginning with the creation of a political order capable of enforcing law and order and protecting Somalia's sovereignty, and offering young Somali men alternative livelihoods. Putting captive pirates on trial may be part of the solution to the piracy problem, but it will only be effective if the courts and laws are seen as legitimate by the communities from which the pirates hail. Putting them on trial in New York may satisfy the desire by many in the U.S. to send a harsh message to those that dare mess with Americans. But it only raises the likelihood of more, and more dangerous, pirate attacks.
Yeah. Right. Sure. That ranks right up there with suggesting that terrorists be tried in Islamic courts under sharia rules as a means of getting the Muslim world to accept the legitimacy of actions taken against them. What such lunacy instead points out is the need to treat these pirate attacks as the military problem they are – and the importance of bombing the bases and sinking the vessels used by pirates in addition to following the rules in the old “Rocks & Shoals” code to be vigorously enforced.
Posted by: Greg at
11:00 AM
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April 15, 2009
Egypt released new details on Monday of what it said was a Hezbollah plot to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip, to attack Israeli tourist sites in the Sinai Peninsula and to fire on ships in the Suez Canal. Officials said the police were hunting for 10 Lebanese suspects believed to be hiding in the mountainous terrain of central Sinai.The case gained wide attention after Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, acknowledged on Friday that he had sent an agent to Egypt to organize assistance for the Palestinians in their fight with Israel, and it quickly took on broader regional implications.
Hezbollah is a military, political and social organization in Lebanon with strong ties to Iran, a bloc in Lebanon's Parliament and ministers in the cabinet.
So got that, friends – Hezbollah is sort of a combination of the Elks, the Rotarians, and the National Guard. Never mind that they keep attacking innocent civilians and stirring up other attacks against the people of Israel. They certainly aren’t terrorists. The New York Times tells you so, and they certainly wouldn’t lie.
Posted by: Greg at
10:23 AM
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April 14, 2009
Boy and girl fall in love.
Boy and girl elope when her family objects.
Boy and girl kidnapped by mob sent by girlÂ’s family.
Boy and girl executed by firing squad.
Gotta love those Taliban family values.
Posted by: Greg at
11:54 AM
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April 09, 2009
On March 25, a Taliban Web site claiming to be the voice of the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" boasted of a deadly new attack on coalition forces in that country. Four soldiers were killed in an ambush, the site claimed, and the "mujahideen took the weapons and ammunition as booty."Most remarkable about the message was how it was delivered. The words were the Taliban's, but they were flashed around the globe by an American-owned firm located in a leafy corner of downtown Houston.
The Texas company, a Web-hosting outfit called ThePlanet, says it simply rented cyberspace to the group and had no clue about its Taliban connections. For more than a year, the militant group used the site to rally its followers and keep a running tally of suicide bombings, rocket attacks and raids against U.S. and allied troops. The cost of the service: roughly $70 a month, payable by credit card.
The Taliban's account was pulled last week when a blogger noticed the connection and called attention to it. But the odd pairing of violently anti-American extremists and U.S. technology companies continues elsewhere and appears to be growing. Intelligence officials and private experts cite dozens of instances in which Islamist militants sought out U.S. Internet firms -- known for their reliable service and easy terms that allow virtual anonymity -- and used them to incite attacks on Americans.
Uh, mind if I point something else out? This isn’t the first time that Rusty and the boys have tangled with this company (once my hosting company) – ThePlanet purchased Houston-based EV1 a couple of years ago, and that company had a little cyberjihadi problem, too. That leads me to question what is up over at ThePlanet that they seem to be a host of choice for the enemies of America and the rest of the civilized world.
Posted by: Greg at
11:27 AM
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April 08, 2009
During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam, who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the move South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan. He was also regularly depicted in a similar manner during the TV series.
I don't think this sort of thing really qualifies as torture -- but if it does, i for one want to shout "Hurrah!" After all, this is the same sick SOB who liked to order women raped in front of family members and ordered REAL torture of political and religious dissidents. That he might have been humiliated by being forced to see himself depicted as the gay love rof Satan seems pretty mild by comparison -- and certainly les than he deserved.
Posted by: Greg at
03:57 PM
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April 06, 2009
Two young Americans who left their homes to join an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group in Somalia held a rare “press conference” in southern Somalia on Sunday, saying they want to be killed "for the sake of God," according to a U.S. law enforcement official and a report posted on a Somali news Web site.For several months the FBI has been investigating at least 20 Somali-American men from the Minneapolis area and elsewhere in the United States who traveled to war-torn Somalia to join the terrorist group al-Shabaab, which has been warring with the moderate Somali government since 2006.
Last month, a source familiar with the FBI investigation told FOX News that "several" of the men had returned to the United States, while others “are still there [in Somalia]." Today is the first time any of these men have spoken publicly.
"We came from the U.S. with a good life and a good education, but we came to fight alongside our brothers of al-Shabaab … to be killed for the sake of God,” one man said at the press conference, as translated by Omar Jamal, the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center in St. Paul, Minn.
Yep – more jihadis among us.
Where is the indoctrination of such values taking place? The most obvious place is in the mosques of America – even if only a minority of them. So while Muslim groups complain of surveillance activities taking place in mosques, I urge that such activities be stepped-up. After all, mosques are public places, where the public is freely invited. For agents to listen to sermons preached there is not a violation of any right, any more than an agent listening to a sermon at St. Miscellaneous Catholic Church or Holy Roller Worship Center violates any right. After all, these are things that are open to the public, and so there is no expectation of privacy and no need for a warrant for law enforcement to sit and listen to what is said.
And after all, we know that incitement to jihad is happening in the Islamic community. Keeping an ear open for incitement to such criminality is only prudent
Posted by: Greg at
12:15 PM
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March 27, 2009
A would-be suicide bomber accidentally blew himself up on Thursday, killing six other militants as he was bidding them farewell to leave for his intended target, the Interior Ministry said."The terrorist was on his way to his destination and saying good-bye to his associates and then his suicide vest exploded," a statement from the ministry said.
Seven more terrorists in Hell – may they sizzle like bacon along with their fellow jihadi swine.
Posted by: Greg at
11:40 AM
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A would-be suicide bomber accidentally blew himself up on Thursday, killing six other militants as he was bidding them farewell to leave for his intended target, the Interior Ministry said."The terrorist was on his way to his destination and saying good-bye to his associates and then his suicide vest exploded," a statement from the ministry said.
Seven more terrorists in Hell – may they sizzle like bacon along with their fellow jihadi swine.
Posted by: Greg at
11:40 AM
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During his news conference, [National Intelligence Director Dennis] Blair also said the Obama administration is still wrestling with what to do with the remaining 240 detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which the president has ordered closed.Some of the detainees, deemed non-threatening, may be released into the United States as free men, Blair confirmed.
That would happen when they can't be returned to their home countries, because the governments either won't take them or the U.S. fears they will be abused or tortured. That is the case with 17 Uighers (WEE'-gurz), Chinese Muslim separatists who were cleared for release from the jail long ago. The U.S. can't find a country willing to take them, and it will not turn them over to China.
Blair said the former prisoners would have get some sort of assistance to start their new lives in the United States.
"We can't put them out on the street," he said.
I feel confident that I speak for the vast majority of Americans when I say “HELL NO” to this proposal. Shutting Gitmo is wrong. Settling these enemies of America in our midst is even worse. And supporting them with the hard-earned money of American citizens is intolerable. This is clearly not the sort of hope or change that any lover of America can believe in.
Posted by: Greg at
11:33 AM
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March 26, 2009
Freedom is so passe at Ground Zero.Once hailed as a beacon of rebirth in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the Freedom Tower's patriotic name has been swapped out for the more marketable One World Trade Center, officials at the Port Authority conceded today.
You don't suppose that the new Chinese tenant could have anything to do with the decision, do you? After all, freedom is antithetical to the powers-that-be in Red China. Just ask the people of Tiber.
Posted by: Greg at
03:21 PM
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March 24, 2009
Unlike his comrade Bill Ayers, who is both unrepentant and who distorts and lies about the Weathermen's goals and activities, Rudd is reflective and truthful. He does not depict himself, as does Ayers, as someone who was part of the broad peace movement.Back then, Rudd, Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn favored "the necessity for violence in order to end the war and also to make revolution." They were fighting "a revolutionary war from within the United States," Rudd explains. When successful, the Weathermen would then build a new revolutionary army staffed by young defectors from the US armed forces.
* * * Their goal was to build "the American arm of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam."
* * * Their attempts at guerrilla warfare ended with the 1970 New York City town house bombing, which Rudd and Ayers and Dohrn all approved. Rudd is honest about its intent, emphasizing how the bomb they built was meant to kill hundreds of GIs and their dates at a Fort Dix dance.
Lest you forget, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam was better known to Americans as the Viet Cong – one of the foes our armed forces were fighting on the battlefield. What’s more, their goal was not to fight on the battlefield, but to wreak havoc within the United States by engaging in a campaign of murder designed to kill innocents in order to advance their political and military goals.
I think this book is quite important. How? Because it not only documents from the inside the efforts of this gang of traitors to side with our nationÂ’s enemies, but it also provides us with the sort of evidence necessary to bring charges of treason against those involved in those activities. Will the Obama Justice Department investigate and bring charges, or will it provide protection to the political patrons of President Barack Obama?
Posted by: Greg at
11:58 AM
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March 10, 2009
The five detainees at Guantánamo Bay charged with planning the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have filed a document with the military commission at the United States naval base there expressing pride at their accomplishment and accepting full responsibility for the killing of nearly 3,000 people.The document, which may be released publicly on Tuesday, uses the Arabic term for a consultative assembly in describing the five men as the "9/11 Shura Council," and it says their actions were an offering to God, according to excerpts of the document that were read to a reporter by a government official who was not authorized to discuss it publicly.
These scum-sucking Islamo-Nazis have acknowledged what we have long known – they planned the attack based upon their malignant religious ideology, murdering innocents in the name of Islam. If they want to be martyrs, let’s oblige them by sending them to the infernal regions where their false god and false prophet dwell. Time to quit treating these barbarians like victims, and instead dispense with them with as little guilt as we feel when we wipe out bacteria with hand cleanser.
Posted by: Greg at
12:50 PM
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March 05, 2009
Posted by: Greg at
09:13 AM
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The driver of a construction vehicle rammed a police car and an empty bus in Jerusalem on Thursday, injuring two police officers before he was shot dead, police said.News reports described the assailant as a Palestinian. Police did not immediately identify him but said he was not carrying identity documents. Jerusalem’s deputy police commander, Niso Shahar, told reporters: “We have no doubt that it is a terror attack.”
Hamas, of course, has offered praise for this act of terrorism.
You know, stories like this continue to reinforce my belief that what is needed in the region is a “one state” solution, not a “two state” solution. Let the Arab nations take their Arab brothers and sisters, and leave God’s Chosen People in the Land he gave them.
Posted by: Greg at
09:13 AM
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February 28, 2009
Small grenade lobbed at Jewish centre in Venezuela
Yeah, it is one more example of the anti-Semitic violence encouraged by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. But hey, it was only a small grenade, so it really isn't that big a deal.
What next?
"Woman raped with small penis"?
Isn't the point here that there was yet another act of anti-Semitic violence in a country and a world where such violence is becoming more acceptable -- and is even encouraged by political and opinion elites over current economic woes and Israel's willingness to defend itself against terrorists seeking its extinction.
Posted by: Greg at
01:31 AM
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February 26, 2009
Binyam Mohamed, the British resident released from US detention base Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, has told friends that Britain is too cold.The 30-year-old was flown back to the UK on Monday after more than four years in the controversial US military detention centre.
But since arriving back in the country the former Al Qaeda suspect has told supporters he is finding it difficult to adjust to the British climate after four years in Cuba.
Temperatures at the detention centre at this time of year are about 26C, compared with 10C in London.
Moazzem Begg, a fellow former Guantanamo detainee, said Mr Mohamed was in "good spirits" but was struggling to cope with the weather, according to the Daily Express newspaper.
He added: "He's been wearing a jacket most of the time."
Seems to me that we could solve this problem by shipping him back to Guantanamo Bay – and then continuing with prosecuting him for his part in the dirty bomb plot. Following a conviction, we could then send him on his way to somewhere with an even warmer destination for all eternity.
Posted by: Greg at
10:40 AM
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If you plead guilty to stealing from your employer, you are no longer an alleged thief.
Why is it that a guy who has entered a plea of guilty on charges of terrorism is called an “alleged terrorist” in this article?
Posted by: Greg at
10:38 AM
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HereÂ’s the background.
As federal authorities press their case against a Tustin man accused of lying about ties to Al-Qaeda, they disclosed this week that some evidence came from an informant who infiltrated Orange County mosques and allegedly recorded the defendant discussing jihad, weapons and plans to blow up abandoned buildings.On Wednesday, a man who claims to be that informant stepped forward, filing court documents saying that he had served as a confidential informant for the FBI from July 2006 to October 2007 to identify and thwart terrorist operations in the Orange County Islamic community.
* * * Monteilh said in interviews that he had alerted the FBI to Niazi after meeting him at the Islamic Center of Irvine in November 2006 and spending eight months with him. Monteilh said he called himself Farouk Al-Aziz and posed as a Syrian-French American in search of his Islamic roots. Monteilh told the FBI that Niazi befriended him and began to lecture him about jihad, gave him lessons in bomb-making and discussed plots to blow up Orange County landmarks.
"He took me under his wing and began to radicalize me," Monteilh said.
The fine folks at CAIR, however, reacted to the arrest of Ahmadullah Sais Niazi with expressions of deep concern – that the FBI would dare look for jihadis at a mosque.
Ayloush said he was "100% sure" that Monteilh was the informant in question and expressed anger and disappointment that the FBI would infiltrate mosques. He accused officials of trying to entrap innocent Muslims, noting that Monteilh has been convicted of grand theft and forgery in the past. He said Muslims had worked hard to develop a partnership with the FBI -- and had been assured by J. Steven Tidwell, then assistant director in charge of the Los Angeles field office, at an Irvine forum in 2006 that their mosques were not being monitored. Now, Ayloush said, he has doubts about future relations with the FBI."This is religious profiling at its worst," Ayloush said about the FBI operation.
“Religious profiling at its worst”? Really? Given the nature of the enemy we fight, an enemy with an ideology explicitly grounded in Islam and which operates with the blessing of Muslim religious leaders around the world, why wouldn’t we look for wannabe jihadis in mosques? Indeed, how could it possibly be seen as responsible for law enforcement to not look for them there? And why is CAIR more concerned about the fact that the FBI looked for potential terrorists in mosques than it is that the Bureau actually FOUND one there?
Of course, given CAIRÂ’s well-documented ties to terrorist organizations over the yearsÂ….
Posted by: Greg at
10:34 AM
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February 21, 2009
Detainees being held at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cannot use US courts to challenge their detention, the US says.The justice department ruled that some 600 so-called enemy combatants at Bagram have no constitutional rights.
Most have been arrested in Afghanistan on suspicion of waging a terrorist war against the US.
The ruling has disappointed human rights lawyers who had hoped the Obama administration would take a different line to that of George W Bush.
Prof Barbara Olshansky, the lead counsel in a legal challenge on behalf of four Bagram detainees, told the BBC the justice department’s decision not to reform the rules was both surprising and “enormously disappointing”.
Now where are the protests in the streets? Where are the outraged celebrities?
And where are the apologies to George W. Bush, whose policy is being maintained by the Obama regime after Obama condemned it during the campaign.
Posted by: Greg at
12:03 PM
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February 18, 2009
Using patterns of how animal species spread, the world's most wanted terrorist can be tracked down to a town in the tribal region of North West Pakistan it is claimed.By factoring in his need for security, electricity, high ceilings to accommodate his 6ft 4in frame and spare rooms for his bodyguards, the search can be further narrowed to three walled compounds.
According to a team led by Thomas Gillespie, at the University of California in Los Angeles, bin Laden's location is "one of the most important political questions of our time".
Now there are two points IÂ’d like to make about this interesting bit of speculation:
1) Why wasnÂ’t this material handed off to the government rather than the press?
2) Does anyone disagree with the notion that all three should be bombed to rubble?
Given the inclinations of the current administration, though, I canÂ’t help but wonder if weÂ’d send Predator drones or a special envoy to deal with bin Laden. After all, the current administration is giving its support to the imposition of sharia law in parts of Pakistan to pacify Islamists. Why not negotiate with the worldÂ’s most wanted terrorist while they are at it? On the other hand, Obama has adopted a lot of Bush Administration strategy for dealing with the Crusade Against Islamofascist Jihad, so maybe this information will be used to cut the head off the venomous serpent that is al-Qaeda.
Posted by: Greg at
12:00 PM
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February 12, 2009
Sketching the international profile of the attackersÂ’ communications, he said cellphone SIM cards were bought in Austria while voice calls over the Internet, using a server in Houston, Texas, were paid for in Barcelona, Spain.
Anyone else curious which Houston-based ISP is enabling terrorists?
Over at Jawa Report, Rusty and company have been documenting some of the uses of US ISPs by terrorists and terrorist fronts. Is there anything we can do about it – especially if the Obama Maladministration is determined to stop monitoring the communications of non-Americans from outside the US? Or will we miss out on the next terrorist attack on US soil because folks on the Left are bound and determined to apply the search-and-seizure restrictions the Bill of Rights places upon US government operations within the US to the monitoring of such communications by non-citizens outside the US?
Posted by: Greg at
12:57 PM
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February 11, 2009
Nicely done, Messrs. Hannity, Goldberg, Limbaugh, Savage and O'Reilly -- and all your lesser brethren who keep the hate speech spewing 24/7/365 across every field and into every shop in the country. There is no more debate to be had, no more doubt about it: What you did in the name of "entertainment," and for the sake of the almighty ratings, raised and animated a monster like Jim Adkisson, gave him a list of targets ("the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book"), and was directly responsible for the deaths of two brave and decent people. Adkisson was clearly angry and crazy -- but his "manifesto" draws the clearest, brightest line possible between the media he consumed and his actions that terrible Sunday morning.Progressives should take three lessons away from Knoxville:
One: we are no longer safe, not even in our own houses of worship. It's ironic that progressives -- the subgroup of Americans who were most determined not to abandon reason and succumb to overblown fears of Islamic terrorism in the wake of 9/11 -- now have good, serious reasons to fear real domestic terrorism against themselves.
Two: A significant part of this country's media infrastructure is thoroughly devoted to inciting people to commit horrific acts of violence against us -- and now, we know for a fact that people are acting on those incitements. It's time to start taking this far more seriously. What goes out across our airwaves these days isn't all that different from what went out over Radio Rwanda a decade ago, spurring that country to genocide. At this point, it's only a difference of degree.
Three: The right wing has, as usual, grossly underestimated our courage and our commitment. The members of Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist quickly and effectively disarmed and captured this man within seconds after he opened fire. Adkisson expected fear; what we got was determined resistance. It's why he's still alive today, and why more UUs aren't dead by his hand. The TVUUA congregation should be our enduring example of liberal grace under fire.
One whacko shoots up a church and claims inspiration by conservative talkers and writers (who universally condemned his evil deeds) and the Left insists that it is proof of the corruption of the ideology and the medium and proof of the need for media censorship. On the other hand, massive acts of organized terrorism over a period of decades explicitly linked to Islam by its perpetrators (and cheered by much of the rest of the Muslim world) are insufficient to provoke such condemnations of Islam by these same Leftists – who often make common cause with the terrorists and argue that America and Israel truly deserve to be the victims of the terrorists.
I’m not sure which amuses me more – that a regressive like Sara Robinson (and given her implicit call for censorship, she clearly seeks to regress to a time when Americans had less liberty than they do today) is provoked to such hysteria by a lone mentally ill slimeball like James Adkisson, or that she at the same time she so completely abandons all sense of reason and proportion Robinson insists that she and her fellow regressives were “the subgroup of Americans who were most determined not to abandon reason and succumb to overblown fears of Islamic terrorism in the wake of 9/11” and “now have good, serious reasons to fear real domestic terrorism against themselves.”
I wonder if Robinson thinks that conservative Christians – whose sanctuaries have been the targets of violence in a number of incidents in recent years, including vandalism, arson, “white powder” attacks and shootings – have just as much right to fear real domestic terrorism? I wonder if she thinks that Mormons, who have been a specific target of threats and attacks by anti-Prop 8 activists, have the right to fear real domestic terrorism? Or does she, good regressive that she is, think that these groups need to instead meditate upon their own faults that provoke such attacks upon themselves and change, just as so many on the Left argued the US needed to do after 9/11?
By the way, Sara -- you claim that conservatives are going to celebrate Adkisson's statement. Would you care to actually provide evidence that this is the case, perhaps a link to some mainstream conservative site that actually does so (not some isolated whacko pounding keys in a corner)?
Posted by: Greg at
02:02 PM
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February 10, 2009
Geert Wilders had been refused entry to the United Kingdom to broadcast his controversial anti-Muslim film Fitna in the House of Lords.Mr Wilders said he had been told that in the interests of public order he will not be allowed to come to Britain.
He responded to the decision in fighting mood, telling reporters that he still intended to travel to London.
He said: "I shall probably go to Britain anyway on Thursday. Let us see if they put me in chains on arrival. It is an unbelievable decision made by a group of cowards."
Mr Wilders is under 24-hour police protection because of his anti-Muslim stance.
He has been receiving death threats from Muslim groups outside Holland since the anti-Koran film appeared on the internet earlier this year.
In other words, vocal opposition to the Koran-inspired terrorism engaged in by Islamists like those who bombed the London subways in 2005 will get you banned by the UK, while Muslim preachers of hate continue to espouse the same ideology in British mosques. I guess the next step will be to get Queen Elizabeth into a burqa for public occasions, lest the Mohammadan horde become outraged.
My colleagues and I have been planning a trip to the UK for our students for next spring. I will now be recommending another destination -- after all, I would no more take kids to the UK than I would to North Korea or Iran given the sad state of human rights that now exists in formerly-Great Britain.
More at Hot Air, JoshuaPundit, Founding Bloggers, Jawa Report
UPDATE: Columnist and author Melanie Phillips offers this insight from the UK:
So let’s get this straight. The British government allows people to march through British streets screaming support for Hamas, it allows Hizb ut Tahrir to recruit on campus for the jihad against Britain and the west, it takes no action against a Muslim peer who threatens mass intimidation of Parliament, but it bans from the country a member of parliament of a European democracy who wishes to address the British Parliament on the threat to life and liberty in the west from religious fascism.It is he, not them, who is considered a ‘serious threat to one of the fundamental interests of society’. Why? Because the result of this stand for life and liberty against those who would destroy them might be an attack by violent thugs. The response is not to face down such a threat of violence but to capitulate to it instead.
The author of Londonistan offers a great description of the decision in the closing paragraph -- "spinelessness".
Posted by: Greg at
01:30 PM
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February 05, 2009
Bill Ayers spent his brief 20 minutes in front of attendees at Cahn Auditorium charging the audience of students to "do something.""If you ask, you might learn, and if you learn, you might have to," Ayers said during Muslim-cultural Students Association's highly anticipated event nearly three months in the making.
Although the former Weather Underground leader was not encouraging the 350 in attendance to take to the sort of violence he engaged in during the 1960s, he repeatedly challenged them to question the conventional wisdom.
The event, entitled "Peaceful Progress: A Discourse on Effecting Change,"
What qualifications does Ayers have to speak on “Peaceful Progress”? He and his fellow Weatehrmen were terrorists. That includes his wife, Bernardine Dohrn. They are therefore uniquely UNQUALIFIED to on the subject.
And why would members of the “religion of peace” choose terrorists to speak on that topic? What does it tell us about their faith?
Posted by: Greg at
01:56 PM
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February 04, 2009
1) Arrange for women to be raped.
2) Raise the issue family shame and honor killings.
3) Convince them to strap on bombs to commit murder as a form of redemption.
A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organising their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame.Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks.
In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets.
What an evil woman. Such a person can only be produced by an evil ideology that warps the human psyche – and we all know what that is.
HereÂ’s hoping for her quick conviction and rapid execution.
Sadly, it appears that this is not the only use of sexual assault to recruit unwilling participants for bombings -- and that these Islamofascists don't limit its use to women.
Posted by: Greg at
04:09 PM
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Australian Court Jails Muslim Cleric
Sounds shocking. What possible reason could the court have had for jailing the “Muslim Cleric”?
A Muslim cleric convicted of forming a terrorist cell in Australia was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in prison, bringing the countryÂ’s largest terrorism trial to a close. Six of his followers were ordered to serve between six and 10 years in prison.
I’m curious – why wasn’t the headline “Australian Court Jails Muslim Terrorists”? Why didn’t they disclose the most important information in the headline?
Posted by: Greg at
03:47 PM
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