July 31, 2005
People from certain ethnic groups are more likely to be stopped and searched on London transport in the wake of the bombings, British Transport Police say.A force spokesman said communities were not being singled out, but police have to "target the people we think may be involved" in bomb attacks.
The policy has been supported by Home Office minister Hazel Blears.
She told BBC News: "That's absolutely the right thing for the police to do.
"What it means is if your intelligence in a particular area tells you that you're looking for somebody of a particular description, perhaps with particular clothing on, then clearly you're going to exercise that power in that way."
She said it was important people were kept informed and those who were stopped were given an explanation.
"I think most ordinary decent people will entirely accept that in terms of their own safety and security," she added.
Consider the common sense nature of that concept. We know the profile of the folks we are fighting. We know that they are among us, ready to kill innocents. it makes sense to give scrutiny to those meeting the profile -- not mass detentions or lock-ups, simply heightened scritiny.
Most ordinary decent people would accept that.
And we know that the usual suspects object -- the ACLU, Muslim groups, liberals in general -- quite loudly to any procedure that doesn't make black grandmothers, Japanese tourists, Congressional Medal of honor winners and babies in diapers subject to the same level of scrutiny as Muhammad Atta's identical twin brother. Scratch that -- they object to any procedure that scrutinizes Atta's twin at all.
Posted by: Greg at
02:05 PM
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July 30, 2005
A federal judge has ruled that some provisions of the U.S. Patriot Act dealing with foreign terrorist organizations remain too vague to be understood by a person of average intelligence and are therefore unconstitutional.U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins found that Congress failed to remedy all the problems she defined in a 2004 ruling that struck down key provisions of the act. Her decision was handed down Thursday and released Friday.
"Even as amended, the statute fails to identify the prohibited conduct in a manner that persons of ordinary intelligence can reasonably understand," the ruling said.
Collins issued an injunction against enforcement of the sections she found vague but specified that her ruling applies only to the named plaintiffs and does not constitute a nationwide injunction.
"I'm pleased that the court has recognized that people have a right to support lawful, nonviolent activities of groups the secretary of state has put on a blacklist," said David Cole, the attorney and Georgetown University law professor who argued the case on behalf of the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Humanitarian Law Project.
"The court finds that the terms 'training,''expert advice or assistance' in the form of 'specialized knowledge' and 'service' are impermissibly vague under the Fifth Amendment," the judge concluded at the end of 42-page decision.
Excuse me, but given that money is fungible and knowledge and skills can be used to aid terrorist activities, it would strike me that ANY assistance to a terrorist organization constitutes impermissible aid. If they are on the list, there you can't give them money, give them assistance, or do work for them. PERIOD.
So I guess it is now permissible for someone to go set up a computer network for al-Qaeda and design their websites. Yeah, it may aid in terrorist activity, but you can't really understand that it violates the law.
Posted by: Greg at
03:47 AM
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July 29, 2005
The Fiqh Council of North America wishes to reaffirm Islam's absolute condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram – or forbidden - and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.”
The QurÂ’an, IslamÂ’s revealed text, states: "Whoever kills a person [unjustly]Â…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (QurÂ’an, 5:32)
Prophet Muhammad said there is no excuse for committing unjust acts: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil." (Al-Tirmidhi)
God mandates moderation in faith and in all aspects of life when He states in the Qur’an: “We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind.” (Qur’an, 2:143)
In another verse, God explains our duties as human beings when he says: “Let there arise from among you a band of people who invite to righteousness, and enjoin good and forbid evil.” (Qur’an, 3:104)
Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God's creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Qur’an as “a mercy to the worlds” said: “All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family."
In the light of the teachings of the QurÂ’an and Sunnah we clearly and strongly state:
1. All acts of terrorism targeting civilians are haram (forbidden) in Islam.
2. It is haram for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence.
3. It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all civilians.
We issue this fatwa following the guidance of our scripture, the Qur’an, and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. We urge all people to resolve all conflicts in just and peaceful manners.
We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism. We pray for the safety and security of our country, the United States, and its people. We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of our planet. We pray that interfaith harmony and cooperation prevail both in the United States and all around the globe.
Now let's look at the problem with this statement. It condemns attacks on "innocent lives" and "civilians". Those phrases constitute loopholes so big you could fly the space shuttle through them.
Define "innocent lives". Was Theo van Gogh an innocent, or did film which "insulted" Islam make him guilty of an offense that required blood atonement? How about Salman Rushdie? Is he an innocent, or may Islamists murder him becasue of The Satanic Verses? Are Jews in Israel innocents, or is there presence there an offense that requires genocide? Was Daniel Pearl an innocent, or did his Jewish faith constitute a legitimate basis for his kidnapping and murder? For that matter, is any non-Muslim an innocent, given that we offend against the Muslim faith by our very refusal to drop our infidel ways and take up the practice of Islam?
But some might argue that the later use of the word "civilians" makes up for that. However, that phrase lends approval to the attack on the Marine Barracks in Lebanon, the murder of a Navy SEAL on a hijacked plane, the bombing of the Khobar towers and the USS Cole, and the suicide attack on the Pentagon on 9/11. For that matter, it also constitutes a justification for continued attacks on US troops by insurgents in Iraq. It is unclear to me if the condemnation extends to embassy personnel or governemnt officials.
So even a cursory reading of the document shows that terrorism is not really condemned by this fatwa -- merely some terrorism, and the extent of the condemnation is unclear. That very ambiguity makes the fatwa fundamentally unacceptable. Why the lack of clarity?
Well, Stephen Emerson points out who the folks behind this fatwa really are, and what their prior connection to terrorists has been.
The Chairman of the Fiqh Council, Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, is an unindicted co-conspirator in the case against Sami al-Arian, the alleged North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, whose trial began in June 2005 in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Alwani has been named in court documents as an official of several entities in northern Virginia suspected of being connected to terrorist financing. Documents released in the Al Arian trial show that Alwani funded the Islamic Jihad front groups in Tampa.Another past trustee of the Fiqh Council, Abdurrahman Alamoudi, is serving a 23-year prison sentence for illegal financial dealings with Libya and immigration fraud, has admitted to his part in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Crown Prince, and has vocally announced his support for the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Additionally Alamoudi was just named by Treasury as having been a financier for Al Qaeda.
In 1998, Fiqh Council member Sheikh Muhammad al-Hanooti, gave a speech calling for jihad against the United States and the United Kingdom, saying that “Allah will curse the Americans and British” and “Allah, the curse of Allah will become true on the infidel Jews and on the tyrannical Americans.” Additionally, Hanooti is strongly linked to Hamas, having served on the board of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). A 2002 INS memo extensively documented IAP’s support for HAMAS and noted that the “facts strongly suggest” that IAP is “part of HAMAS’ propaganda apparatus.”
On October 28, 2000, Muzammil Siddiqui, the President of FCNA, at a rally in Lafayette Park in Washington D.C., said, “America has to learn -- if you remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of God will come!"
In the past 4 years, several CAIR officials have been convicted of or charged with various terrorism-related offenses.
CAIR has championed and defended officials of Islamic terrorist groups including Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzook, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, Palestinian Islamic Jihad fundraiser Fawaz Damra, and the radical Egyptian cleric Wagdy Ghoneim.
CAIR has repeatedly attacked the prosecutions of Islamic terrorists arrested and/or convicted since 9-11 and has attacked the government’s freezing of Islamic terrorist fronts as part of a “war against Islam” by the United States.
CAIR has led protests against the deportation of radical Islamic clerics who have called for Jihad or who have been fundraisers for Hamas.
CAIR has asserted that the indictment of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian on conspiracy to murder more than 100 people was “politically motivated” and instigated by “the attack dogs of the pro-Israeli lobby."
CAIR has been named as a defendant in a civil lawsuit filed by the family of former FBI official John OÂ’Neill, who was killed on 9-11.
One of the signatories to todayÂ’s fatwa is Fawaz Damra who was convicted of immigration fraud related to his ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad and denaturalized. He is currently awaiting a deportation hearing.
Another signatory, the Muslim American Society, is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States and whose publications have repeatedly supported suicide bombings.
Are we really supposed to believe these folks are condemning terorism? One would think that theeir expulsion from the room would be the first move of any group seeking to condemn terrorism in a complete and unambiguous manner. For more complete documentation on the terrorist links, click here.
Posted by: Greg at
06:23 PM
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The 14-year-old son of controversial film director Theo van Gogh, slain by an Islamic extremist last November, is said to have been threatened and assaulted by Moroccan teenagers in Amsterdam and insulted by his classmates. The allegations were made during an interview the boy's grandparents gave to the Dutch television channel Nova. Amsterdam police have not confirmed any threats or aggression against Lieuwe van Gogh.
The family lawyer, Gijs de Westelaken, specified that after the murder, which profoundly shocked Dutch society, Lieuwe was attacked by some young Moroccan youths while he was walking the dog. The boy is said to have suffered bruising, but only spoke about the incident to his mother and did not lodge a police complaint.On another occasion he is said to have been threatened with a pistol by two young men of North African descent in the neighbourhood where his father had lived. Neighbours called the police but when they arrived the attackers had fled.
According to his grandparents, Lieuwe was also subject to harrassment and insults at school, and was forced to change class after various classmates told him "it is a good thing your father is dead".
When will we in the West act to rid ourselves of the ihadi pigs in our midst? Therre are many fine and upstanding Muslims in our societ, and I welcome them, but we must make such extremism as unacceptable in our societies as Klan and Nazi activity.
Posted by: Greg at
05:35 PM
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Unfortunately, and has often been the case with individual Muslims and Muslim groups, we don't get an unambiguous condemnation of terrorism, either.
It is rejection of U.S. and British policies in the Middle East, not Islam, that has promoted terrorism against America. And for the benefits of those who do not know, 95 percent of Middle Easterners are Muslims. Hence, it is only natural that those opposing the United States and Britain in the region would be Muslims. In India, they would have been Hindu; in Latin America or Northern Ireland, they would have been Catholic.More important, it was the British and the United States that drew first blood. The Middle East didn't come to America or go to Britain; rather, America and Britain went to the Middle East. Both powers used and abused regimes, toppling some and keeping others in power. They never thought that the people they were helping suppress were human beings with needs, beliefs and emotions. They didn't care as long as their interests were served.
In other words, not only are non-terrorist mainstream Muslims not reponsible for the terrorist attacks, the terrorists are not responsible for them. Rather, terrorism is the fault of the US and the UK, and it is therefore the wictimized nations that are responsible and need to apologize.
No, Mansour, I didn't expect you to apologize. But that does not mean that i find your apologia on behalf of the terrorists acceptable, either. If you find the need to defend the terrorists, please go back home to Libya and do it from there.
More commentary on GOPBloggers, Strata-Sphere. and Decision '08.
Posted by: Greg at
02:56 PM
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July 24, 2005
Fundamentalist Muslims have advocated the destruction of the West since long before the attacks of Sept. 11, long before the Madrid, London and Bali attacks, long before the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, long before the attack on the USS Cole and the 1993 WTC bombing.In many respects, the decision of "moderate" Muslims to acquiesce to these actions and even provide tacit justification for them is just as damaging to global safety and security as the attacks themselves.
Until "mainstream" Islam can bring itself to stop rationalizing terrorist attacks and start repudiating and purging people like Ali and Hajjar from its ranks who do, this war will continue. As long as this war goes on, being "offended" should be the least of anyone's worries.
Exactly -- and until "condemnations" of terrorism and extremism by Muslim groups and organizations stop having a "but" in them, I don't care if how offended the Muslims are.
Posted by: Greg at
10:36 AM
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And now I find that I am wrong. That someone could do this to the pregnant widow of a dead soldier is so incredibly infuriating.
Vandals are compounding the grief of a Tri-state soldier's family.Not even 24-hours after Private First Class Tim Hines's wife and family said goodbye at his funeral, American flags that had adorned their Fairfield yard were piled beneath a car and burned.
Hines' sister-in-law woke up to hear her car alarm around 5:30 a.m. and saw her car on fire.
As firefighters brought the fire under control they discovered a pile of around 20 American flags underneath the car.
Neighbors say Hines' wife's family had flags line their front yard and on the porch.
Those were taken as well as flags in neighboring yards.
Hines was injured in Iraq and flown to Walter Reed Hospital in the Washington, D.C. area, but succumbed to the injuries before he could return home.
Hines' wife Katy is eight-months pregnant with their second child. She buried her husband on Friday.
Katy Hines had just moved back into her parents' home and woke up to find her sister's car consumed by flames.
Investigators believe the flags piled underneath were used to start the fire.
There are no words -- only fury.
And yet some still want to claim that their "dissent" is a higher form of patriotism than support for our troops. Yet such actions prove that it is really treason.
God bless and comfort the Hines family -- and may He righteously deal with those who committed this evil act.
(Hat Tip -- NeoBabble, Instapundit, Along The Tracks, The Anchoress, and The Violence Worker.)
UPDATE -- I've just come across this article, which adds a beautiful act of kindness to this sad story.
Hines met his wife, Katy, at Cincinnati Christian School. They had a 2-year-old daughter, Lily, and Katy expects to give birth to their second child in about two weeks.An anonymous donor gave Cincinnati Christian $130,000 to cover tuition for Hines' children.
I do not know who you are, but God bless you for this gift. May you be richly reqarded in heaven.
Posted by: Greg at
10:20 AM
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July 23, 2005
Egypt's president vowed Saturday to hunt down terrorists who unleashed a rapid series of car bombs and another blast in this Egyptian Red Sea resort, devastating a luxury hotel and a coffee shop and killing at least 88 people in the nation's deadliest terror attack.The early morning attacks, which used more than a half-ton of explosives, came just two days after the latest strikes in London and sent an already jittery world reeling again. At least 119 people also were wounded, the Interior Ministry said.
With two extremist groups claiming responsibility, Egypt tightened security at other busy tourist sites like the Pyramids and Luxor, and the government and British tourist agencies sent large aircraft to the Sinai to fly home nervous tourists.
"This cowardly, criminal act is aimed at undermining Egypt's security and stability and harming its people and its guests," President Hosni Mubarak said during a live national broadcast. "This will only increase our determination in chasing terrorism."
Let's hope that Mubarak is able to run these folks to ground. Terrorists are teh enemies of all humanity.
But despite the admissions of guilt by al-Qaeda associated jihadi swine, guess who is being blamed for the attack on television bradcasts in the Arab world. You got it -- the Jews!
Shortly after the attacks, Egypt's state-run television interviewed retired army general Fuad Allam. He said that he was almost certain that Israel was behind the attacks at Sharm e-Sheikh and Taba.According to Fuad, investigations have shown that the mastermind of the Taba attack was a Palestinian "apparently linked to Israel's security forces."
He added: "I'm almost certain that Israel was also behind this attack because they want to undermine our government and deal a severe blow to our economy. The only ones who benefit from these attacks are the Israelis and the Americans."
Allam's remarks were re-aired several times during the day by Egyptian TV. Other commentators who made similar charges against Israel included political figures and prominent journalists and editors.
Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya, the Arab world's leading satellite TV stations, also hosted a number of commentators who claimed that Israel was behind the latest wave of terror in Egypt.
Dia Rashwan, an expert on Islamic terror groups, from Cairo, said in a phone interview with Al Arabiya: "Israel is the only country that benefits from this," he said, referring to the attacks in Sharm e Sheikh.
Dismissing the theory that Al Qaeda was behind the attacks, Rashwan explained: "We are giving Al Qaeda more credit than it deserves. What happened here negates the possibility that the attacks were carried out by ordinary elements. This is the work of an extraordinary element – one that benefits from such attacks. All the available details indicate that only the Israelis could have done this."
Majdi Birnawi, another "security expert," told Al Jazeera that he was confident that the Mossad was behind the attacks. "I believe that Mossad or some other [Israeli] security organization carried out this attack," he claimed.
Birnawi said he believed Saturday's attacks were in response to the attack at the Taba Hilton Hotel, in which 12 Israelis were killed. "Everyone knows that there are no Israelis in Sharm e-Sheikh," he said. "There are only Western tourists there. That's why it's wrong to assume that the perpetrators were targeting Israelis."
So I guess it doesn't matter if their co-religionists make a voluntary confession -- only Israel could possibly be guilty for this and every act of evil in the world. Such rampant anti-Semitism is but one more symptom of the disease of Islamist radicalism that underlies such terrorist acts.
Posted by: Greg at
03:04 PM
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The most recent reports indicate that the death toll is now over 80, and that it is expected to rise further.
The attack, Egypt's deadliest terror hit ever, appeared well coordinated. Two car bombs, possibly by suicide attackers, went off simultaneously at 1:15 a.m. just more than 2 miles apart. A third bomb, believed hidden in a sack, detonated around the same time near a beachside walkway where tourists often stroll at night.A total of 83 people had been confirmed dead, said Dr. Saeed Abdel Fattah, manager of the Sharm el-Sheik International Hospital where the victims were taken. Among the dead were two Britons, two Germans and an Italian, he added, and Czech officials said one Czech tourist was also killed. Rescue workers were still searching for victims at some attack scenes.
Several hours after the attacks, a group citing ties to al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the explosion on an Islamic web site. The group, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, al-Qaida, in Syria and Egypt, was one of two extremist groups that also claimed responsibility for October bombings at the Egyptian resorts of Taba and Ras Shitan that killed 34. The group also claimed responsbility for a Cairo bombing in late April.
The authenticity of the statement could not be immediately verified.
According to reports, there may be more dead in one of the hotels.
The death toll could rise, rescue workers said. The lobby of the 176-room Ghazala Gardens hotel in Sharm's Naamah Bay, the main strip of hotels, collapsed into a pancaked pile of concrete. After hours of clearing through piles of rubble and scrap metal, emergency workers called off rescue efforts, at least temporarily, there around midday.
This could get much uglier, depending on what is found in the rubble.
May God have mercy on the soulds of the dead, may he heal the injured, strenthen the resue workers -- and fling the perpetrators headlong into the very bowels of Hell.
Posted by: Greg at
03:03 AM
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July 22, 2005
Trainee journalist Dilpazier Aslam had his contract with the Guardian terminated today.The move followed an internal inquiry into AslamÂ’s membership of the political organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir.
A statement said: “The Guardian now believes continuing membership of the organisation to be incompatible with his continued employment by the company.”
“Mr Aslam was asked to resign his membership but has chosen not to. The Guardian respects his right to make that decision but has regretfully concluded that it had no option but to terminate Mr Aslam’s contract with the company.”
The inquiry followed a piece written by Aslam for the Guardian’s comment pages entitled “We rock the boat”.
The statement added: “The Guardian accepts that it should have explicitly mentioned Mr Aslam’s membership of Hizb ut-Tahrir at the end of his comment piece.”
A correction will appear in the paperÂ’s Corrections and Clarifications column.
The paper also went into a deeper explanation of its association with this jihadi wannabe, and the group of which he is a member.
Now normally I get upset when employers fire people over their religious and political associations (though, for the record, I recognize the moral right of a private employer to fire for any reason -- including race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc). But this case falls into the exemption from my outrage. Decent people do not associate with members of certain organizations -- The black panthers, the Klan, the Nazi Party, NAMBLA, the Jewish Defense League, and the like. Aslams's group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, falls into this catgory. So far from feeling a need to condemn the Guardian, I applaud it -- and hope that it eventually the paper drops its own anti-Semitic, terrorist-apologist editorial line.
(Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin)
UPDATE: Ripclawe at Narcissistic views on News/Politics points out that the Guardian can't seem to get its story straight about what they knew, when they knew it, and why the got rid of Aslam. And Princeton Progressive Review's Asheesh Siddique engages in a gratuitous attack on Michelle Malkin (questioning her mental health and grouping her with Aslam as an extremist) while reluctantly agreeing with her.
Posted by: Greg at
05:45 PM
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Mr Livingstone said: "If you are dealing with someone who might be a suicide bomber, if they remain conscious they could trigger plastic explosives or whatever device is on them, and therefore overwhelmingly in these circumstances it is going to be a shoot-to-kill policy."Speaking of yesterday's operations, he said: "With each of these attacks, we have responded more rapidly and effectively and I'm glad it went as well as it did."
That does not, of course, stop complaintes from the usual suspects.
Muslim community leaders said they were taking calls from fellow Muslims who are afraid they may be targeted simply because they are carrying the wrong bag or wearing the wrong clothes.The Muslim Council of Britain urged Scotland Yard to explain why police shot dead the Asian man who has been described as a "suspected suicide bomber". According to an eyewitness report the man was shot with five bullets. Spokesman Inayat Bunglawala said: "There may well be reasons why police felt it was necessary to unload multiple bullets into this man and shoot him dead, but they need to make those reasons clear.
"It is vital that police give a statement about exactly what occurred and explain why this man was shot dead rather than arrested and brought to trial."
Mr Bunglawala said Muslims were nervous and feared reprisal attacks.
He said: "I have just had one phone call saying, 'What if I was carrying a rucksack?' We are getting phone calls from quite a lot of Muslims who are distressed about what may be a shoot-to-kill policy."
Sorry, Bunglawala, but your co-religionists have unfortunately made Muslim lives very cheap. Jihadi swine have made it necessary for police to act in a manner that stops bombings and avoids setting off explosives strapped to the body. That means that suspects are going to die -- and they will be Muslims. I'm not celebrating it, just noting the revised reality that the terrorists in your midst have created. Until and unless you people start turning in the killers and would-be killers, this is how it will be. And until you eject the radicals from your midst, it will be impossible for the police to know who is a friend and who is a foe. I think the people of London would agree with that calculus.
Posted by: Greg at
02:14 PM
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Saturday's explosions at 1:15 a.m., when many tourists would have been asleep, shook windows a mile away. Smoke and fire rose from Naama Bay, a main strip of beach hotels in the desert city popular with Israeli and European tourists, witnesses said.A police official in Sharm el-Sheik said at least 25 were killed and 110 wounded in multiple explosions targeting the Ghazala Gardens and Movenpick hotels in Naama Bay and the Old Market area nearby. Other officials in Sharm said there may have been as many as seven blasts: three in Naama Bay and four in the market.
Amal Mustafa, 28, an Egyptian who was visiting with her family, said she drove by the Ghazala Garden — a 176-room four-star resort on the main tourist strip in Naama — and it was "completely burned down, destroyed."
Khaled Sakran, a resident, said he saw one explosion from the Old Market. "I saw the saw the fire in the sky," he told The Associated Press. "Right after, I saw a light in the sky and heard another explosion, coming from Naama Bay."
"The blast shook my house, I can see the fire and lots of smoke," Akram al-Sherif, a Jordanian who was staying at a summer house less than a mile away, said.
No group has yet admitted its guilt.
UPDATE: While the official death toll stands at 31 dead and 107 wounded, South Sinai province's governor, Mustafa Afifi, suggests that the actual death toll is 49, with over 200 wounded. It also seems that there were only three bombs, with the earlier reports of seven being based upon echoes and secondary explosions. The dead include British, Russian, Dutch, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Qataris and Egyptians.
Posted by: Greg at
02:05 PM
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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that Pollard waited too long to try to contest his 1987 sentence and failed to make a convincing case that he got poor legal help.The court also ruled that it had no authority to review Pollard's request to see secret documents the Reagan administration submitted to the judge who imposed the sentence 16 years ago.
Pollard's lawyers said they needed to see the material to rebut government arguments against any new appeal or against a request for presidential clemency.
The legal challenge to Pollard's sentence was always viewed as a long shot, and his supporters have focused much of their effort on winning presidential clemency.
Pollard, who turns 51 next month, was a civilian intelligence analyst for the Navy when he copied and gave to his Israeli handlers enough classified documents to fill a walk-in closet. He was not paid when his spying began in 1984, but acknowledged that Israel later began paying him a few thousand dollars a month.
He was caught in November 1985 and arrested after unsuccessfully seeking refuge at the Israeli embassy. Pollard initially denied he worked for Israel but later acknowledged it. He claims prosecutors reneged on a promise to seek a lesser sentence in return for his cooperation.
His case has been a sticking point in U.S.-Israeli relations. The Israeli government, which granted Pollard citizenship, repeatedly has pressed for his release.
May he never be released, and may attempts by Israeli to have him set free be grounds for a reevaluation of our strategic relationship with that nation.
Posted by: Greg at
02:00 PM
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July 21, 2005
Some reports of small explosions around 1230-1245 local time, other reports of strong odors ("like wiring" -- "a sour smell"). Could this be a chemical or biological attack?
No reports of major casualties yet (and hopefully none will be forthcoming, God willing) -- some reports of minor injuries.
Heck, reports are simply very unclear. BBC & Sky are calling the blasts "minor" as of 1400 London Time (0900 Easterm/0800 Central/0700 Mountain/0600 Pacific).
UPDATE: As of 1600 London time, Prime Minister Blair has indicated that this is a minor attack without substantive causalties (Thanks be to God). Australia's PM Howard slapped down those who suggested terrorism is because of Iraq -- points out the many attacks by Islamofascist jihadi swine that predated that war, including 9/11 & Bali.
The best news is the lack of evidence of chemical or biological weapons.
Posted by: Greg at
02:00 AM
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Post contains 192 words, total size 1 kb.
July 20, 2005
El-Amir said the attacks in the United States and the July 7 attacks in London were the beginning of what would be a 50-year religious war, in which there would be many more fighters like his son.He declared that terror cells around the world were a "nuclear bomb that has now been activated and is ticking."
The man, who gave his age as "at least 70," said he had no sorrow for what happened in London, and said there was a double standard in the way the world viewed the victims in London and victims in the Islamic world.
Cursing in Arabic, el-Amir also denounced Arab leaders and Muslims who condemned the London attacks as being traitors and non-Muslims.
He passionately vowed that he would do anything within his power to encourage more attacks.
When asked if he would allow a CNN crew to videotape another interview with him, el-Amir said he would give his permission -- for a price of $5,000.
That money, he said, would not be kept for himself, but would be donated to someone to carry out another terror attack.
El-Amir said that $5,000 was about how much it would cost to finance another attack in London.
He spawned one jihadi pig.
He's out to recruit jihadi pigs.
Can we target this bastard with a cruise missle smeared with bacon grease and make the world a cleaner place?
Posted by: Greg at
03:07 PM
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Well, guess what -- while some groups seem to be unambiguously condemning suicide bombings as unIslamic, others are hedging their pronouncements.
Britain's largest Sunni Muslim group met in Birmingham on Sunday and issued a binding religious edict, or fatwa, condemning the suicide attacks that killed dozens on three London subway trains and a double-decker bus as the work of a "perverted ideology." The group's governing council said the Quran forbade suicide attacks and called such terrorism a sin that could send the perpetrators to hell.Three days earlier at the London Central Mosque, 22 imams and scholars also condemned the July 7 attacks and said the four British Muslim suspects should not be considered martyrs because innocent civilians were killed. But the Muslim leaders stopped short of condemning all suicide bombings.
"There should be a clear distinction between the suicide bombing of those who are trying to defend themselves from occupiers, which is something different from those who kill civilians, which is a big crime," said Sayed Mohammed Musawi, the head of the World Islamic League in London.
Underlining the sensitivity of the issue, Musawi's contention that attacks are justified against "occupiers" came only after a spokesman for the leaders read a carefully worded statement condemning the London attacks. Even so, none of the other scholars and imams at the event expressed disagreement with his stance.
So, who do we believe -- those who say that such attacks are never justified, or those who say they are justified. And given that other Islamic leaders have rejected the notion that there is such a thing as a civilian as unIslamic, who are we to believe?
Posted by: Greg at
04:35 AM
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July 18, 2005
Arabs and Muslims must stop using the United States as an excuse for terror, a London-based Arabic paper said Monday.
In an editorial, Ash-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper, which is Saudi owned, said it was time to stop using President Bush as an excuse for terrorist acts such as the July 7 London blasts and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.
It said many opposed U.S. and British foreign policy, "but they don't crash planes into buildings or blow up cars, buses and underground trains in London."
It said it was time to stop blaming others when "we all know there is a rise of extremism in our societies," and criticized Arab and Muslim "so-called intellectuals" appearing on Arab television channels after the London blasts.
"They make you think that George Bush and Tony Blair themselves went to Leeds and led a group of youth in London and pressed the explosive buttons," it said.
It called for "speaking in one voice to accept responsibility and start looking for ways to get out of this chaos that will affect all of us...if we don't do away with 'George Bush made me do it,' we will not achieve progress in wiping out extremism."
Now if we can only do away with the dhimmi-wannabes in the West who claim that this terrorism is the fault of George Bush, Tony Blair and the actions of the West, then we will have made real progress in getting rid off our extremists, too.
Posted by: Greg at
04:14 PM
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Abdullah M. was missing a leg when he got to Gitmo. In due course, he was fitted with a prosthetic leg and given occupational therapy to teach him how to use it. In the Orwellian inversion that dominates "world opinion" and requires us to prove we're the good guys, he was interrogated and -- after convincing our guys that he really wasn't a terrorist fanatic -- released and repatriated to Afghanistan. Now sought for involvement in the kidnapping of Chinese engineers and a bombing of the Islamabad Marriott, Abdullah is walking around on the artificial leg we evil Americans paid for.
Yep, that's right -- we did what the Lefties want and let the guy go, and he went right back to his terrorist ways. All while wearing an artificial leg we bought and paid for as part of our humanitarian treatment. I bet he walks around on that leg with his fellow terrorists, telling them how evil Americans were. If that were th case, Americna troops wouldhave left his jihadi butt on the ground to bleed out. This is why these people cannot be released until hostilities are over -- if then.
And, of course, there is this simple division of prisoners.
They are divided into separate mini-camps. Those who follow camp rules, basic stuff such as "don't throw feces on the guards," get to wear white uniforms and live in a semi-communal environment. In the minimum-security camp, I saw groups playing soccer and volleyball. One guy was jogging around in his issue slip-on sneakers. Others, who are less cooperative, get fewer privileges. Medium security camp inmates wear tan uniforms and are kept in cells, allowed out often to exercise. Everything is done in ways calculated to respect Islam.Inmates' Korans -- in the medium security camps, hung from the steel mesh walls in surgical masks -- are accompanied, in every cell and exercise area I saw throughout Gitmo, by little black arrows painted on bunks and floors, showing the direction of Mecca. Many prayer rugs were in evidence, as were chess sets, playing cards, and -- in the minimum-security camp -- prescription sports glasses. In the maximum-security building, the Korans sit in the narrow windowsills. Interrogators will even interrupt interrogation sessions to allow detainees to pray. One interrogation I observed passed through the 4:30 p.m. call to prayer. The detainee, engaged in conversation with his interrogator, ignored the call and kept talking. To these faux-religious thugs, Islam is apparently less important than a cold Diet Coke.
Notice the fundamental difference in treatment from that received by those "detained" by our enemies -- they get to wear orange jumpsuits and have their heads cut off on videotape.
Posted by: Greg at
06:40 AM
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Comments from Americablog. I'll highlight some of the truly relevant parts.
Bit surprised that there are that many dipshits re-enlisting - but not really.Anyone who would re-enlist would do so strictly for selfish reasons; to put one's life on the line for a War ran by a bunch of facist thugs for profit is insane. Of course, I don't like Judges, I don't like cops, and I don't particulary like the military (or should I say the types that join).
Brave ain't got shit to do with it -- they're over there 'cause they have to be there, and then there are others for whatever selfish reason, go after money, etc...
Though I support the troops I embrace the freedom fighters first, since we are the illegal invaders stealing oil, and running a War for profit. So long as there is chaos the theft continues. May the freedom fighters drive the imperialistic facists from their country -- and since the entire Planet thinks Bush is more of a threat than 10 bin Ladens, there is absolutely no way we can win in Iraq.
But that is what the facists want, chaos. That way, they can continue pumping 1 billion a week out of the ground while no one's looking. They are pigs, ever one.
Montiel | 07.18.05 - 10:50 am | #
Wow. I guess we should be honored. The Navy recently offered our high school senior daughter $150K to pay for her intended BSRN degree. Not a chance in hell that they'll get her, as long as Bush is in office and this illegal war is going on.The services are desperate for intelligent, skilled people.
Mainly because the intelligent, skilled ones are skedaddling out of that quagmire as fast as they can.
It's the ones who still really need the money to survive and feed their families in this BushCo downward spiraling middleclassworld that are re-upping.
kgirl | 07.18.05 - 11:05 am | #
You get the impression, I think.
Posted by: Greg at
04:34 AM
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The Sunni Council denounced the bombings as anti-Islamic and said the Koran, the Muslim holy book, forbade suicide attacks."Who has given anyone the right to kill others? It is a sin. Anyone who commits suicide will be sent to Hell," said Mufti Muhammad Gul Rehman Qadri, the council chairman. "What happened in London can be seen as a sacrilege. It is a sin to take your life or the life of others."
The council said Muslims should not use "atrocities being committed in Palestine and Iraq" to justify attacks such as those in London that killed 55 when suicide bombers struck in three Underground trains and a double-decker bus, the fatwa declared.
"We equally condemn those who may have been behind the masterminding of these acts, those who incited these youths in order to further their own perverted ideology," Mr. Qadri said.
Now I won't get into the moral equivalency argument there, something that I fundamentally reject.
This may be a good start -- if it is followed through on.with full cooperation in rooting out every last pro-terrorist Islamist.
Posted by: Greg at
02:21 AM
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July 17, 2005
Now it comes out that Aslam is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a radical Islamist group that is banned in virtually every country where it has ever operated, including "repressive" societies like Germany and the Netherlands. The organization remains legal in the UK -- but it supports the overthrow of Western liberal democracy in favor or the establishment of a radical Islamist system dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Aslam himself has written as much.
In 2001 Mr Aslam wrote in the group's in-house journal, Khilafah, that: "The establishment of Khilafah [an Islamic state] is our only solution, to fight fire with fire, the state of Israel versus the Khilafah State".
So it is clear that Aslam is a supporter of the sort of terrorism that took place on 7/7, and that he is a member of a radical organization dedicated to pursuing the same goals as the terrorists. And so the response of The Guardian has been to fire him keep him on the payroll and justify it on the basis of its dedication to diverifying the newsroom with more minority voices.
Posted by: Greg at
09:52 AM
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Post contains 229 words, total size 2 kb.
Al-Siba’i continued: “If Al-Qaeda indeed carried out this act, it is a great victory for it. It rubbed the noses of the world’s eight most powerful countries in the mud. The victory is a blow to the economy.”When asked about the killings of civilians by Islamists in Iraq, he denied that victims could be divided into combatants and non-combatants. “The term civilian does not exist in Islamic religious law. There is no such term as civilians in the western sense. People are either of Dar al Harb [literally, house of hostility, meaning any non-Islamic government] or not.”
And here I had been assured that Islamic law unambiguously opposes terrorism.
Posted by: Greg at
09:21 AM
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July 16, 2005
That said, I don't think Chris over at AnarchAngel should have been surprised to get some negative reaction to this event. He admits as much, and says he is even surprised to have gotten so little negative reaction.
But this shows the fundamental difference between the culture of freedom that is part and parcel of Western Civilization and the hate-filled, anti-freedom system that the Islamist jihadi swine would impose on us through their acts of terror. A fatwah has been issued against Chris and his family.
A Fatwah has been issued against me by a known terror group. Corresponding groups have responded indicating that I will be eliminated shortly.They have my name, address, telephone numbers, and the names and addresses of my friends and loved ones.
The FBI has been unable to tell me of any actionable threat, however they beleive that the threat is real. They have warned me to take the standard anti-terrorist precautions, suitable for Bogota or South Africa not Phoenix.
They are also contacting the people on the list that was distributed, including my mother, my stepfather and step siblings, and the people who worked on Team Infidel with me.
The thousands of hits I've been recieving from the JP domains with blocked referred information are anonymizer proxies used to hide the identities of those viewing my site.
As my resume is public information, my employers or former employers may also be targeted.
There is concern that staff at my former employers has fed them my personal and private information as well.
The FBI agents I spoke with clearly indicated that althoguh they had nothing direct or specific to an individual (and thus couldnt justify protective custody), they are very seriously concerned about this threat.
Hang in, Chris. We stand with you.
And to all you Islamist jihadi swine -- you will not silence us all. If you go after us for speaking out against you, we will continue to speak. You cannot get us all. But we can make sure that there is not one of your kind befouling the shores of the USA or any other part of the Western world if you continue to attack us -- and that it will be 25,000 years before Mecca, Medina, or any other Islamist "holy city" can be approached without degrading your DNA even further.
And remember -- we did not choose this battle, jihadis; you did. It ends with your capitulation or your death, and at this point I don't particularly care which.
As for all the non-jihadi Muslims out there -- we await your loud and outspoken unambiguous condemnation of this threat of murder in the name of your religion.
Additional commentary at:
Resistance is futile!
Forward Biased
Mudville Gazette
The View From North Central Idaho
Eternity Road
Owlish Mutterings
Nation of Riflemen Forum
Posted by: Greg at
05:34 PM
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing whether two United States citizens arrested recently planned to carry out an attack on the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles and a synagogue in the area.The suspicion arose after local police officers arrested the two, aged 25 and 21, on the suspicion that they carried out armed robberies. In a search conducted in one of the suspect's apartment, in southern Los Angeles, officers found a list of more than twenty addresses, including that of the Israeli consulate in the city (identified on the list as the Zionist consulate) as well as the address of a synagogue.
Now maybe this is nothing -- buyt maybe not. How many folks run round with a list that includes the "Zionist consulate" while robbing gas stations? Whas this the method of getting the money to purchase materials?
Oh, and by the way, this detail makes it in late in the article.
The two suspects are known felons who recently converted to Islam.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Anyone surprised?
Posted by: Greg at
03:16 PM
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And that brings us to the case of Bassam Khalaf, AKA "the Arabic Assassin" in the rap world. He just was fired as a luggage screener at one of the airports here in Houston. He wants to make this a matter of ethnicity, but it isn't. The lyrics to one song talks about commemorating the 9/11 attack with another such attack on September 11 of this year.
Sorry, dude -- just like you don't joke about bombs at the airport, you don't make such public statements and then screen luggage at an airport. It makes you a security risk.
Not only that, but his lyrics also have hate content in them, of a nature that rivals anything that is spewed from the mouth of the Klan or the neo-Nazis. Consider lyrics of "Hellsent".
And that is just an excerpt. The rest is worse. And just as we don't let members of known hate groups work high-security jobs, we cannot let this clown do so either. Frankly, I'd like to see them lock you up pending a full investigation of your activities and conduct after that terrorist threat.
And let's be honest here -- this firing is reasonable. His words make him an unacceptable security risk. I would lose my job as a teacher if I were posting kiddie porn stories -- I think an airport screener who posts this sort of crap needs to be fired for precisely the same reason.
(HT Debbie Schussel & Michelle Malkin)
Posted by: Greg at
07:59 AM
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Suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan was given a guided tour of the House of Commons last year - raising the disturbing prospect that Parliament was on the hit list of targets.Khan, 30, was a guest of Labour MP Jon Trickett, whose wife Sarah is head of a school where the bomber taught.
During the visit in July he also met International Development Minister Hilary Benn, whose constituency includes the school, and was shown areas of Parliament which are off-limits to unaccompanied members of the public.
They included Portcullis House, the new extension where many MPs have their offices and where security has been exposed as worryingly lax in recent years.
More interesting is that the terrorist had been a schoolmate of Truckett's children, and had been a guest in the MPs home, having been known to the family for over 17 years. That makes this development even more frightening.
And then there is this bit.
The Labour Party said Khan's group had been fully screened by the House of Commons Security system and was accompanied at all times throughout the visit.
Do I understand correctly? Were they screened IN ADVANCE? Were there know alarms set off by this individual's activities and associations? If not, why not?
Posted by: Greg at
05:31 AM
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July 15, 2005
Diana West notes the problem and its genesis in the multicultural ethic that has taken hold of our society. All cultures are equally good, we are assured. It is a polite lie that we have all paid lip-service to, not wanting to be seen as racist or religiously bigotted. But in doing so we have given the terrorists who threaten our culture the very cover they need to operate in our society, to injure and kill our fellow citizens. West states that it is islam that has become a threat to our way of life.
Notice I didn't say "Islamists." Or "Islamofascists." Or "fundamentalist extremists." I've tried out such terms in the past, but I've come to find them artificial and confusing, and maybe purposefully so, because in their imprecision I think they allow us all to give a wide berth to a great problem: the gross incompatibility of Islam — the religious force that shrinks freedom even as it "moderately" enables, or "extremistly" advances jihad — with the West. Am I right? Who's to say? The very topic of Islamization — for that is what is at hand, and very soon in Europe — is verboten.A leaked British report prepared for Prime Minister Tony Blair last year warned even against "expressions of concern about Islamic fundamentalism" (another one of those amorphous terms) because "many perfectly moderate Muslims follow strict adherence to traditional Islamic teachings and are likely to perceive such expressions as a negative comment on their own approach to their faith." Much better to watch subterranean tunnels fill with charred body parts in silence. As the London Times' Simon Jenkins wrote, "The sane response to urban terrorism is to regard it as an avoidable accident."
In not discussing the roots of terror in Islam itself, in not learning about them, the multicultural clergy that shepherds our elites prevents us from having to do anything about them. This is key, because any serious action — stopping immigration from jiahd-sponsoring nations, shutting down mosques that preach violence, expelling their imams, just for starters — means to renounce the multicultural creed. In the West, that's the greatest apostasy. And while the penalty is not death — as it is for leaving Islam under Islamic law — the existential crisis is to be avoided at all costs. Including extinction.
Dare i draw some dangerous parallels here? The Catholic Church has recently gone through a great time of trial as it has dealt with the sins of a relatively few priests and their superiors -- should we have refrained from naming the problem for fear of offending Catholics? Fundamentalist Mormon sects have forced young girls into polygamous marriages to men old enough to be their fathers and grandfathers -- should the problem be ignored for fear of offending members of the LDS church who shun these practices but might take offense at the examination of the roots of their faith?Should we turn a blind eyeto Israeli spying on the US and the groups that facilitate it out of a fear of stirring up the anti-Semitic "dual loyalty" canard? I think the answer to those questions is clear -- why do we treat Islam differently in the face of the terrorist threat which is daily exposed on our shores and in Great Britain?
The time has long since come for us to quit the monkeying around and to take up the serious business of defending our country and Western Civilization from the enemy among us. We must act in a manner that allows to most effectively find the terrorists. who would kill us. I've noted this before.
The time has come (and is, indeed, long past) to begin intensive monitoring of mosques and Muslim institutions, organizations, and "charities" in this country, for they are the places in which the enemy operates. And if that inconveniences innocent Muslims who are loyal to this country, that is just too damn bad, for the enemy operates among them.
There is much in islam that we can admire and commend as good. But we must not let the silly notions of multiculturalism allow that which is evil in Islam overcome and destroy us.
Posted by: Greg at
07:47 AM
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July 14, 2005
The U.S. Congress should pass legislation defining the legal status of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay to avoid more damage to the United States' image abroad and reprisals against U.S. soldiers, senators said on Thursday.But the Pentagon said existing laws allow the indefinite detention of people the United States has deemed enemies in the war on terrorism, and that legislation could be too restrictive and was not needed.
"The truth is due to no one's fault Guantanamo Bay is a legal mess," Sen. Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record), a South Carolina Republican, said at a Senate Armed Services subcommittee hearing.
With the Pentagon under fire for the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo, Graham is working on legislation with fellow Republicans John Warner of Virginia, the Armed Services Committee chairman, and John McCain of Arizona to clarify the legal standing of people the administration calls "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely.
Human rights groups and a number of European countries have said that term has no standing under international law, and the detainees should have the rights of prisoners of war.
Actually, these are "unlawful combattants" under the terms of the geneva Conventions, and they have no rights whatsoever. At best, they have no more rights than a prisoner of war, who can be held until the end of the conflict in which they are cancelled. That means until the War on Islamist Terror Groups has come to an end -- most likely decades from now.
There is one thing that Congress could authorize that I would support. Congress could pass a law that simply says that we will treat terrorists as the contemporary equivalent of pirates -- "the enemy of all humanity" -- and treat them in the same manner as pirates have traditionally been treated.
You know, hanging by the neck until dead.
Posted by: Greg at
03:11 PM
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July 13, 2005
A prominent Islamic scholar who exhorted his followers after the Sept. 11 attacks to join the Taliban and fight U.S. troops was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison.Ali al-Timimi of Fairfax was convicted in April of soliciting others to levy war against the United States, inducing others to aid the Taliban, and inducing others to use firearms in violation of federal law.
The cleric addressed the court for 10 minutes before his sentencing.
"I will not admit guilt nor seek the court's mercy. I do this simply because I am innocent," al-Timimi said.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg said al-Timimi "hates the United States" and has called for its destruction.
"He's allowed to do that in this country," Kromberg said. "He's not allowed to solicit treason. He deserves every day he gets."
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema said the evidence supported the mandatory life sentence. The judge had earlier left open the possibility that she would toss out some of the counts.
We know that similar radical clerics and scholars operate in England. These are probably the folks who recruited the four native Muslim pigs who committed last week's London homicide bombings. Just like whoever recruited the murderers in England, al-Timimi seems to have had some success.
Al-Timimi's lawyers argued that their client merely suggested that Muslims may want to leave the United States after Sept. 11 because of the potential for a backlash against them.But he was accused of telling a group of young Muslim men just days after the attack that an apocalyptic battle between Muslims and nonbelievers was at hand and that Muslims were obligated to engage in holy war. He told the group that defense of the Taliban was a requirement and that U.S. troops were a legitimate target, according to court testimony.
Several of the men who heard Al-Timimi's speech traveled days later to Pakistan and began training with a militant Islamic group called Lashkar-e-Taiba, officials said. Some testified that their goal was to obtain training that would allow them to fight alongside the Taliban, though none actually made it to Afghanistan.
We are finding more and more of these Islamist "religious figures" engaging in recruiting for jihad. The time has come (and is, indeed, long past) to begin intensive monitoring of mosques and Muslim institutions, organizations, and "charities" in this country, for they are the places in which the enemy operates. And if that inconveniences innocent Muslims who are loyal to this country, that is just too damn bad, for the enemy operates among them.
Posted by: Greg at
08:33 AM
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The bomber responsible for the attack on a London bus last week was killed in the blast, Sky television reported on Tuesday, quoting police sources.It was not clear whether the man had intended to detonate the bomb on the bus, Sky said. Police would not confirm the report.
Sky said a decapitated head found near the scene had been identified as that of the bomber.
That is great. Now let's see the English follow an old tradition.
Political prisoners (labelled traitors) and serious criminals often had their heads removed and placed on public display for a period of time. For instance, in medieval England, the heads were placed on spikes along the walls of the Tower of London.
These were British nationals who made war on the United Kingdom. That qualifies as treason, by any definition. Mount this head -- and the eventually recovered heads of the other homicide traitors -- on the Tower of London.
Posted by: Greg at
05:19 AM
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Post contains 183 words, total size 1 kb.
July 11, 2005
Brian Paddick, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, slapped down a questioner who had the temerity to mention Islamic terrorism on Thursday. “As far as I am concerned, Islam and terrorists are two words which do not go together,” he said.
Lenin talked about folks who were "useful idiots." Folks who refuse to accept that there is a connection fon't even qualify as useful -- and instead act as if the terrorists we are fighting lack any common unifying characteristics (like being young Muslim men). These are the sort of folks who still insist on random checks of passengers and reject profiling.
Columnist Martin Samuel has this wonderfully British observation about Paddick and his ilk, folks who are so concerned about PR and PC that they refuse to act on the evidence right before their eyes.
This is what we are up against, at home and abroad. Faced with the Spanish Inquisition, Paddick would find no link to Catholicism and randomly pull in a couple of Huguenots who happened to be passing. Just in case.
Read all of Samuel's column -- it is worth the time.
Posted by: Greg at
06:15 PM
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July 10, 2005
Terrorists have posted a DYI video for homicide bomb belts -- just like Hamas uses to perpetrate genocide against Israeli Jews.
The 26-minute tape gives a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to pack the belt with shrapnel and high explosive, and then detonate it on board for maximum loss of life.In a grim reminder of the blast that devastated the Number 30 in London's Tavistock Place on Thursday, the film's final section shows the device being blown up in a specially arranged "test site", with rows of metal targets designed to simulate passengers on a bus. A voice-over explains exactly where the would-be bomber should sit on the vehicle in order to maximise the blast. A second test-bombing shows how the same bomb will impact on a crowd of people in a street.
Yeah, that's right -- it even offers tips on how to position oneself to do maximum damage to one's fellow passengers innocent victims.
The voice-over notes: "When the person who will be wearing this explosive vest goes on the bus, and wants to blow himself up, he must be facing the front with his back toward the back."There is a possibility that the two seats on his right and his left might not be hit with the shrapnel. However, the explosion will surely kill the passengers in those seats." The video is among dozens of terrorist self-teaching aids circulating on jihadi message boards and websites, alongside manuals on the manufacture of poisonous chemicals and bacteria, urban guerrilla warfare tactics, and the use of rocket-propelled grenades and missiles.
Find every server where it is hosted, every site that links to it, and prosecute the hell out of the owners for their involvement in terrorism -- or deal with them in the much more effective manner used by the Israelis.
Terrorists are the enemies of all humanity -- treat these latter-day pirates as such.
Posted by: Greg at
08:13 AM
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A purported Taliban spokesman said Saturday that the group had beheaded a missing American commando, but he offered no proof. The U.S. military said it was still searching for the Navy SEAL.The man is the last of a four-member elite commando team missing since June 28 in Kunar, near the Pakistani border. One of the men was rescued, and two were found dead.
"This morning in Shagal district, in Kunar province, the Taliban killed the American soldier and cut his head off," Mullah Latif Hakimi, the purported spokesman, told The Associated Press in a telephone call. "We left the body on a mountainside in this area so Afghan or U.S. soldiers there can find it."
Upon confirmation of this attrocity, thee will no longer be any moral basis for meeting any Geneva Convention standards for the Gitmo detainees -- and those standards have been met and exceeded byt the United States up to this point.
Islamism Delenda Est.
UPDATE: The body of the last of the lost unit has been recovered.
The body of a U.S. Navy SEAL has been found and recovered in Afghanistan, a senior defense official said Sunday.This would account for the fourth member of a reconnaissance team that disappeared two weeks ago in Afghanistan. Only one of the four survived.
The body of the SEAL was found near the other two bodies and all three had died in a shootout with insurgents, according to an initial assessment from the field, the senior official said.
This senior official said that "no way" had the SEAL ever been in captivity, contrary to Taliban claims that he had been abducted.
I thank God that the Taliban claim was untrue -- and pray that these honored dead are soon avenged.
Posted by: Greg at
05:44 AM
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July 08, 2005
That is my conclusion after reading this BBC report.
A bus passenger says he may have seen one of those responsible for the bomb attacks in London.Richard Jones, from Binfield, near Bracknell, Berks, had got off a bus just before it was blown up in Tavistock Square on Thursday.
Mr Jones, 61, an IT consultant, has told BBC News he saw a man acting suspiciously on the bus.
He said the man was fiddling with something in his bag and seemed in an agitated state.
Mr Jones, who was forced to take the bus from Euston after Tube services were suspended, said: "He was standing next to me with a bag at his feet and he kept dipping into this bag and fiddling about with something.
"I was getting quite annoyed with this because it was a crowded bus.
"Everybody is standing face-to-face and this guy kept dipping into this bag."
I've seen reports of undetonated bombs being found in the subway system. Might it be that this man, unable to plant his device and unwilling to abandon it unexploded, found a secondary "target of opportunity" upon which to carry out hiscowardly act of murder?
Posted by: Greg at
03:37 AM
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A man who once claimed to be on a mission from God to kill abortion providers was sentenced Thursday to 19 years in federal prison for mailing hundreds of letters with fake anthrax to women's clinics.Clayton Lee Waagner, 48, was convicted in 2003 of mailing the letters and of posting a message on an anti-abortion Web site claiming he'd been following clinic employees and was "going to kill as many of them as I can."
At his trial, Waagner called himself a terrorist and said people who provide abortions deserved to be shot.
It is my profound hope that this individual never sees another day of freedom. He is warped, evil, dangerous -- and has done more harm to the cause of life than all the abortionists he wishes to murder.
And I feel it is fair to say that my view is the mainstream view of the pro-life movement in America.
Posted by: Greg at
03:28 AM
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July 07, 2005
A Fourth of July parade float depicting a shackled, bloodied Osama bin Laden has divided some residents between those praising the display as patriotic and others who see it as un-American.The float, which won the prize for most patriotic unit in the northwestern Indiana town's parade, featured a man dressed as Uncle Sam holding a leash that bound the hands of a bearded man in a robe and turban. The robe was splattered with fake blood because it was a leftover Halloween costume, said Penny Kozinski of Supporters of the Military, which sponsored the display.
The group intended to use the entry to publicize its mission of sending care packages to troops overseas.
"We were just showing we were capturing the bad guys," Kozinski said. "We're going to catch the bad guys and then our guys can come home."
Kozinski's husband, David, is in Iraq with the Indiana National Guard, and her son Micheal, a Marine, is scheduled to depart for a third tour in Iraq this month.
Chesterton resident Kathy McMahan, however, said she was bothered by the float.
"If the Founding Fathers saw that, they'd freak out," she said. "It was just hate, pure and simple."
Oh dear -- we can't hate Osama! That - that - that's unAmerican! We're supposed to love the guy who sent suicide jihadists to hijack planes and murder Americans ina spectacular attack. We can't feel anything other than love for the man who has been waging war on the US for a decade. And we certainly shouldn't be angry at the man whose minions are killing our soldiers in Iraq and innocent civilians today in London! That would be so wrong! Snivel! Snivel!
Sorry folks, I don't think the float was specific enough. A batteredOsama on a leash? Fine with me -- but let's have him being sodomized by a pig. Better yet, let's make sure it is a pig with the Koranic verses supporting jihad written on its side in both English and Arabic. Let's make it clear that his warped Islamism is held in contempt in the United States by every loyal American, of every faith -- and that anyone offended by that is clearly on the side of the terrorists.
Posted by: Greg at
12:24 PM
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In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, may peace be upon the cheerful one and undaunted fighter, Prophet Muhammad, God's peace be upon him.Nation of Islam and Arab nation: Rejoice for it is time to take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic mujahideen have carried out a blessed raid in London. Britain is now burning with fear, terror and panic in its northern, southern, eastern, and western quarters.
We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people. We have fulfilled our promise and carried out our blessed military raid in Britain after our mujahideen exerted strenuous efforts over a long period of time to ensure the success of the raid.
We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He who warns is excused.
God says: "You who believe: If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly.""
Iowa Voice is keeping a fine round-up of posts on the assault on our British allies.
Posted by: Greg at
03:27 AM
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"Deeply saddened by the news of the terrorist attacks in central London, the Holy Father offers his fervent prayers for the victims and for all those who mourn," the telegram said. "While he deplores these barbaric acts against humanity, he asks you to convey to the families of the injured his spiritual closeness at this time of grief.""Upon the people of Great Britain, he invokes the consolation that only God can give in such circumstances," said the telegram, signed by the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.
Iowa Voice is keeping a fine round-up of posts on the assault on our British allies.
Posted by: Greg at
03:25 AM
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"We announce in the al-Qaida in Iraq that the verdict of God against the ambassador of the infidels, the ambassador of Egypt, has been carried out. Thank God," a written statement in the Web posting said.The video does not show him being executed. Instead, it shows a man who appears to be the diplomat, Ihab al-Sherif, blindfolded and wearing a polo shirt.
This is the group run by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Posted by: Greg at
03:20 AM
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In America, moonbats calling C-Span are already blaming "US murder of civilians in Iraq" for the bombings and comparing the terrorists to "fundamentalist Christians blowing up abortion clinics."
Tube stations hit: Aldgate East, Edgware Road, Kings Cross, Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Russell Square
Blast on bus at Tavistock Square
London explosions: timeline0849 BST: First explosion occurs on the Metropolitan Line between Liverpool Street and Aldgate
0922: King's Cross and Edgware Road stations evacuated. Entire London Underground network evacuated soon after
0928: Metronet, a Tube maintenance company, reports that the explosions have been caused by a power surge
0933: Explosion reported at Edgware Road
0934: A police spokesman says there are "walking wounded" at Aldgate
0946: Explosions reported at King's Cross, Old Street and Russell Square Tube stations
0951: Scotland Yard declare a "major incident" on the London Underground. Overground trains are diverted from Moorgate to King's Cross
0952: A British Transport Police spokesman says that two Tube trains are stuck in tunnels near Edgware Road
0953: Rescue workers report several injuries at Edgware Road
1000: The National Grid reports that there has been no power surge that might have contributed to the incident
1013: Union officials report that there has been at least one explosive device on the London Underground
1016: Witnesses report an explosion on a bus at Russell Square
1019: Some mainline rail companies close lines in central London and terminate trains outside the capital. People are urged not to travel to London
1023: Scotland Yard says there are reports of an explosion at Moorgate
1035: Metropolitan Police confirm that there has been an explosion on a bus in Tavistock Square, near Russell Square in Central London
1120: The Army is patrolling the streets of Covent Garden
1130: Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, confirms that there have been six blasts in London and that traces of explosives have been found at at least one site
1138: A City of London Police spokeswoman confirms that two people have died at Aldgate
1139: A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman says that armed police and that Army have sealed off the area around the palace
1214: Tony Blair says that it is "reasonably clear" that the explosions were the result of terrorism
1216: Police have been called to Leicester Square Underground station, according to the London Ambulance Service
1224: Der Spiegel, a German news magazine, reports that responsibility for the attacks has been claimed by a group calling itself the "Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organization in Europe" in a message posted on an unnamed website popular with Islamic militants
1234: Washington DC's underground system tightens security, sending armed police and sniffer dogs to patrol the network
1244: Police say that several people died in the bus bombing at Tavistock Square
1245: Police confirm "a number of fatalities" at Edgware Road Tube station
1256: The Home Secretary tells the House of Commons that "a number of terrorist attacks" have occurred in Central London, including at least four explosions. There was one explosion at Edgware Road Tube station, one on the Tube between Aldgate and Liverpool Street stations, one between Russell Square and King's Cross stations and one on a bus at Tavistock Square
1303: Brian Paddick, the deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, says that 150 people have been seriously injured. There was no specific warning about the attacks, he says
1341: President George W. Bush makes a televised statement to say that he has instructed the Department of Homeland Security to make sure that American are "extra vigilant"
Coverage of the story, as it breaks.
Reporters' Log: London explosions -- BBC (updates regularly)
6 Blasts Rock London, Killing at Least Two
Two killed in London explosions
UK's Blair set to leave G8 summit -- "All the leaders share our determination to defeat this terrorism." -- PM Tony Blair
BUS 'RIPPED IN TWO' -- "The top of the bus had clearly been blown off and looking at the wreckage it looks as if the bomb or whatever it was placed at the back of the top deck. People were using tables from a nearby hotel as a stretcher."
Bombs strike terror in London -- A Government spokesman has talked of 20 people dead in the incidents. A rescue operation is underway on the Underground at King's Cross station.
GROUP CLAIMS ATTACKS -- A terror group linked to al Qaeda has claimed it carried out a series of terror attacks on London that have left a number of people dead and hundreds injured.
London blasts fit al Qaeda-type pattern-analysts "The first thing that's very obvious is the synchronised nature of the attacks, and that's pretty classic for al Qaeda or al Qaeda-related organisations," said Budapest-based security analyst Sebestyen Gork.
Muslim leaders join condemnation"We are simply appalled and want to express our deepest condolences to the families. These terrorists, these evil peoplewant to demoralise us as a nation and divide us. All of must unite in helping the police to hunt these murderers down."
Text of Scotland Yard Statement -- They confirm only four explosive devices.
Text of Bush's Remarks on London Blasts"We will find them. We will bring them to justice. And at the same time we will spread an ideology of hope and compassion that will overwhelm their ideology of hate."
Interesting post from Powerline.
Michelle Malkin has pictures and other posts, including one regarding conflicting casualty figures.
Pictures from BBC, Instapunk & Flickr.
The Command Post has a blog roundup -- several British blogs included. Also, visit the UK Blog Aggregator.
Analysis of the attacks may be found at The Counterterrorism Blog.
Good commentary from Tim Blair on these threads on his site.
Now at least 37dead confirmed.
Iowa Voice is keeping a fine round-up of posts on the assault on our British allies.
Posted by: Greg at
12:25 AM
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