May 28, 2008

When Ineptitude Meets High Explosives

DonÂ’t you hate it when this happens?

Six pro-Taliban militants were killed on Wednesday when their vehicle packed with explosives blew up in a northwestern Pakistani region on the Afghan border, a militant and officials said.

The explosion was caused by a hand grenade that went off accidently when their comrades were travelling through the Bajaur region, where Taliban and al Qaeda-linked militants operate, a militant said.

"The hand grenade blast blew up the ammunition and explosives in the vehicle killing six militants and wounding two," said a Taliban member who declined to be identified.

I know – I’m rather disappointed that there was only a 75% kill-rate.

But at least there is the happy ending that sees these guys heading to Hell with their false prophet and his false god.

Posted by: Greg at 12:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 25, 2008

Leaving Out An Option

I realize that as a British journalist, there are some things that Rod Liddle just can't say in print. But still, I'm struck by what he left out in the name of political correctness in the words that follow.

You would think that by now Allah’s message might be getting through. Time after time Muslim fanatics attempt to wreak devastation in Britain – and succeed only in blowing themselves up, or setting themselves on fire, or their explosives refuse to do the decent thing and explode – while we infidel cockroaches look on in bemusement, quite unharmed.

If you were a devout believer, you might put two and two together and begin to suspect that Allah doesnÂ’t entirely approve of blowing British people to bits. He would much rather his jihadis stayed at home and watched the Eurovision Song Contest, or did a spot of gardening, or took the dog for a walk.

It is presumptuous of me to second-guess AllahÂ’s thought processes, of course. But then quite a few incendiary Muslim clerics insisted that the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was down to Allah being a bit peeved at the state of the world and unleashing his righteous watery vengeance upon it. To which you might reply that it was very odd of Him, then, to single out a devoutly Muslim country, Indonesia, for the brunt of the carnage. Maybe He just missed.

* * *

I suppose that many years hence the terrible destruction of the twin towers will still be lodged in our minds, the image of the buildings crumpling, the video of Osama Bin Laden sniggering in his cave. But a similarly iconic image would be of the moron Richard Reid trying desperately to set his training shoe on fire on a plane, having forgotten to bring a lighter. They are either extraordinarily useless or Allah has got it in for them.

What is missing? How about the possibility that Allah is a malevolent false god who is having his butt kicked by the ever-righteous Yahweh? That would explain why the followers of Muhammad's malignant message have been able to carry off so few significant terrorist attack against non-Muslims since 9/11.

Posted by: Greg at 01:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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NY Times Comes Out For Treason

In 1943, an American company that distributed Nazi and Japanese propaganda on behalf of supporters of the enemy regimes would not have been politely asked by a US Senator to reconsider -- it would have been summarily shuttered by the government and its owners prosecuted under statutes that banned aiding the enemy. I may be wrong, but I suspect that the New York Times would have wholeheartedly supported such a move.

My how things change. Today it has condemned the last pro-American Democrat in Washington as a "would-be censor" for seeking to prevent an American company -- YouTube (which regularly pulls down anti-jihadi videos because of complaints by Muslim groups) -- from hosting and distributing pro-terrorist Islamist videos while our troops are engaged in combat against these forces who would impose Muhammad's malignant message upon the world by force.

The Internet is simply a means of communication, like the telephone, but that has not prevented attempts to demonize it — the latest being the ludicrous claim that the Internet promotes terrorism.

Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is trying to pressure YouTube to pull down videos he does not like, and a recent Senate report and a bill pending in Congress also raise the specter of censorship. It is important for online speech to be protected against these assaults.

Mr. Lieberman recently demanded that YouTube take down hundreds of videos produced by Islamist terrorist organizations or their supporters. YouTube reviewed the videos to determine whether they violated its guidelines, which prohibit hate speech and graphic or gratuitous violence. It took down 80 videos, but left others up. Mr. Lieberman said that was “not enough,” and demanded that more come down.

Earlier this month, the Senate homeland security committee, which is led by Mr. Lieberman, issued a report titled “Violent Islamist Extremism, the Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat.” The report identified the Internet as “one of the primary drivers” of the terrorist threat to the United States.

All of this comes against the backdrop of a troubling Congressional antiterrorism bill that also focuses on the Internet. The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, which passed the House last year by a 404-to-6 vote, would establish a commission to study the terrorist threat and propose legislation. The bill, which the Senate has not acted on, has a finding that the Internet promotes radicalization and terrorism.

In other words, it is now official -- the New York Times has come out in favor of putting seditions, even treasonous, speech ahead of national security in time of war. Those who oppose treason are the enemy; traitors, enemies abroad, and those who distribute their words in America and around the world are latter-day heroes working to preserve free speech -- despite the fact that free speech is one of the very things that the Islamists are committed to destroying (along with Jews like the Sulzbergers, who own the NY Times). Unbelievable!

Closing question -- has this editorial finally crossed the line that will allow the government to make the NY Times register as an agent of al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups?

More At Right Wing News

Posted by: Greg at 12:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 24, 2008

Terrorstinians Use School Playground As Weapons Depot

And you wonder why the IDF ends up killing civilians when they retaliate against terrorist attacks? Do you think stuff like this could have something to do with it?

IDF soldiers uncovered missiles and anti-tank rocket launchers in a Gaza schoolyard in late Thursday. The anti-tank missile launcher and a stack of missiles were found at a school in Sajaiya, in northern Gaza, during routine counter-terrorism operations.

Want proof? Here it is.

Soldiers display some of the anti-tank missiles and launcher.
(Israel News Photo: IDF)

Soldiers near the school's basketball court examine the rocket launcher during the operation.
(Israel News Photo: IDF)

Closeup of anti-tank rockets
(Israel News Photo: IDF)

The cowards of Hamas and Fatah -- like most terrorists -- like to hide behind innocents to protect their own sorry hides. Then they squeal like stuck pigs when one of their human shields is killed.

Posted by: Greg at 09:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 18, 2008

And The Left Still Calls Them Freedom Fighters

And the equivalent of George Washington and the rest of the Founding Fathers.

However, I guess I missed the part about Washington doing anything like this back when I was earning my degree in history.

Military sources say a bomb that wounded two Canadian soldiers near Kandahar on Friday was carried by an 11-year-old boy and was detonated by remote control, killing the boy.

The two Canadian soldiers were not badly hurt, but the blast also struck two Afghan soldiers patrolling with them, one of whom later died.

The four soldiers were airlifted back to Kandahar Airfield for treatment after being attacked in the village of Nalgham, west of the city of Kandahar in southeastern Afghanistan.

Remote detonation of bombs strapped to children -- this new form of cowardice is a new low for the Qu'ran-inspired followers of the debased faith of the Islamists. Shameful -- utterly shameful.

Here's hoping that the Canadians and the Americans can quickly identify those responsible for this atrocity and dispatch them to the infernal reward reserved for them and their fellow jihadis.

Posted by: Greg at 01:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 16, 2008

More Assaults On Christian Institutions In Gaza

Once again, the followers of the so-called Religion of Peace show their respect for the Religion of the Prince of Peace.

Unknown assailants detonated a bomb outside a Christian school in Gaza City before dawn Friday, causing no injuries.

The explosion was heard in surrounding neighborhoods at around 4 a.m. Damage was visible at the entrance to the Zahwa Rosary School, which is run by Catholic nuns but caters mainly to Muslim students.

Two nuns were in their convent adjacent to the school when the bomb went off, a school official said, and were shaken but unharmed. The official declined to be named, saying she was frightened by the incident and concerned for her safety.

The incident appeared to be the work of a poorly trained individual or group, she said - police told school officials that the bomb had been set incorrectly, and it caused little damage.

The bombing was the latest in a string of attacks on Christian institutions in the overwhelmingly Muslim territory. In the most serious attack, a local Christian activist was murdered in October. His killers have not been found.

Friday's bombing was not the first attack on the school run by the Rosary Sisters. The school was ransacked in June, 2007, along with the nuns' adjacent convent, during a week of intense fighting that ended with Hamas' seizure of power.

But not to worry – the boys from the Hamas security force are on the case – and are just as likely to catch and punish the perpetrators of this incident as they are those in the previous cases.

Oh, yeah – not one arrest has been made of one of the jihadis who has attacked kaffir institutions. I wonder why that is?

Posted by: Greg at 11:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 14, 2008

Another Gaza Rocket Attack On A Vital Israeli Military Target

Because we know that the local shopping mall is critical to the defense of the country.

A rocket fired from Gaza exploded in a shopping center in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on Wednesday, wounding at least 14 people, rescue officials said.

At least two women and one girl were seriously wounded and several other people were slightly hurt, said Leah Malul, an official at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

The Magen David Adom rescue service said 14 people were wounded — three seriously — and all the casualties had been evacuated from the site of the attack.

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement on its Web site.

Got that, US State Department? Who claimed responsibility? ISLAMIC JIHAD. Two of the words on your index of forbidden words in the war on terror. I suppose we could call them [DELETED] [DELETED], but it would make it difficult to distinguish it from all the other [DELETED] terrorist groups that claim to be waging [DELETED] against the US and Israel in the name of [DELETED].

Posted by: Greg at 09:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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But It WouldnÂ’t Do To Call Them Terrorists

Some jihadis are simply too cowardly to blow themselves up. They have to strap a bomb to a little girl and detonate her remotely to demonstrate their commitment to the false Allah of the false prophet Muhammad.

An eight-year-old girl strapped with explosives has blown up and killed an Iraqi army captain.

The bomb was detonated by remote control, injuring four soldiers in addition to the one who died, an Iraqi Army spokesman said.

And these are the folks that so many of our “patriotic” leftists compare favorably to our troops and our elected leaders. I guess that shows what sort of human beings – what sort of patriots – they really are.

But I suppose I can understand the decision to use a little girl as the vehicle for their bomb. I understand that it is the custom of the jihadis to send the one with the biggest penis to do the job.

Posted by: Greg at 09:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 10, 2008

Another Canadian Hate Speech Complaint

Because after all, anything related to terrorism depicting a woman in a burqa must be a hate crime, right.

Even -- perhaps especially -- if it is a devastating likeness of a particular woman and includes a direct quote from her.

Police in Halifax are investigating a complaint about a political cartoon that some members of a local Islamic group claim is a hate crime.

The cartoon, published April 18 in the Chronicle Herald newspaper, depicts a woman in a burka holding a sign that reads, “I want millions,” and she says, “I can put it towards my husband’s next training camp.”

The cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon is a reference to Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal, a woman from Nova Scotia whose husband was arrested in 2006 in an anti-terrorism raid. Qayyum Abdul Jamal was released from jail after charges against him were stayed on April 15.

* * *

Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a hate crime is committed to intimidate, harm or terrify an entire group of people to which the victim belongs. The victims are targeted for who they are, not because of anything they have done. Dan Leger, the HeraldÂ’s director of news content, said the cartoon does not take aim at all Muslims.

“The whole purpose of that cartoon was to comment on the outrageous demands of this individual for compensation long before any hearing into her case had ever been held,” he said.

In an interview with the Herald before the cartoon ran, Jamal said she wanted to sue the federal government for what her family has gone through and told the reporter, “I want millions,” Leger noted. “[MacKinnon] depicted her exactly the way she looks and used her own words, and that’s the genius of cartooning that you’re able to do that,” he said.

Let's consider the issue.

You've read the quote above.

Here's her picture.


Here's the offending cartoon/alleged hate crime.


OK, folks, you decide -- hate crime, or fair comment on the demand that this particular jihadi wife has made following the arrest of her jihadi husband.

UPDATE: The Seattle Times offers this interesting commentary on the danger of such laws against so-called "hate" and the tribunals that enforce them.

H/T Malkin, Dust My Broom

Posted by: Greg at 03:24 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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May 05, 2008

Training Where?

Funny, isn't it, that those on the Left argue that there is no connection between Iran and terrorism in Iraq.

Militants from the Lebanese group Hezbollah have been training Iraqi militia fighters at a camp near Tehran, according to American interrogation reports that the United States has supplied to the Iraqi government.

An American official said the account of HezbollahÂ’s role was provided by four Shiite militia members who were captured in Iraq late last year and questioned separately.

The United States has long charged that the Iranians were training Iraqi militia fighters in Iran, which Iran has consistently denied, and there have been previous reports about Hezbollah operatives in Iraq.

But the Americans say the reports of HezbollahÂ’s role at the Iranian camp offer important details about Iranian assistance to the militias, including efforts Iran appears to be making to train the fighters in unobtrusive ways.

Seems to me that all the terrorist roads are leading back to Iran. That means that the next American president will find him/herself faced with the issue of how to deal with Iran's terrorist ties. Will we elect a leader willing to take action against state sponsorship of terrorism -- or one who will retreat in the face of the terrorist threat sponsored by Iran?

Posted by: Greg at 10:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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