May 16, 2006
Make a new Plan, Stan..."
Oh, I'm sorry -- that's 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.
I guess I have just one way to kill a blog to talk about today -- and that is the course of action taken by Polipundit regarding co-blogger Lorie Byrd.
So far, IÂ’ve allowed the guest bloggers here to write pretty much what they pleased about all issues, including illegal immigration.But on the illegal immigration issue, I now find myself having to contend with at least three out of four guest bloggers who will reflexively try to poke holes in any argument I make.
Suppose three out of four columnists at the Old York Times were pro-Republican. You can bet publisher “Pinch” Sulzberger would do something about that right quick.
Suppose a Bush administration official came out openly against amnesty. The Bushies would show him the door.
Similarly, the writers at need to respect the editorial position of on the most important issue to this blog, as the “publisher” sees it - illegal immigration.
We will discuss amongst ourselves what that means, and how we can best achieve it. Once we have come to a resolution, we will make it public.
Sounds to me like the resolution has been made -- conform or die, conscience be damned. Never mind that the very ideological conformity Polipundit has demanded is a part of what has taken the New York Times (his example) from the status of "paper of record" to bird-cage liner.
Demanding ideological conformity on a particular issue is a sure path to disaster -- unless you want to be regarded as a one-trick pony devoting a blog to a single issue.
I hope that Polipundit reconsiders this misguided course of action before he damages the viability of his blog -- if he has not done so already.
Posted by: Greg at
10:08 PM
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Post contains 325 words, total size 2 kb.
May 12, 2006
* * *
Well, in celebration, let's have a linkfest and open trackback party.
Post as much as you want, within reason -- but make sure it is good/interesting stuff.
And remember the rules.
No Spam. No Porn. No Problem.
OTHER TRACKBACK PARTIERS: Conservative Cat, Third World Country, Sed Vitae, TMH Bacon Bits, Adam's Blog, Uncooperative Blogger, Is It Just Me?, Blue Star Chronicles, Stop The ACLU, Leaning Straight Up
Posted by: Greg at
01:48 PM
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Post contains 125 words, total size 2 kb.
May 07, 2006
Hopefully, he'll be back in action soon!
Posted by: Rhodey at
10:50 AM
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April 22, 2006
Why do I approach blogging this way? Well, it might have something to do with avoiding a situation like this one in Chicago.
Typing rambling screeds in an anonymous blog he called "Fast Times at Regnef High," a Fenger High School teacher unleashed his frustration over the chaos he saw around him.He labeled his students "criminals," saying they stole from teachers, dealt drugs in the hallways, had sex in the stairwells, flaunted their pregnant bellies and tossed books out windows. He dismissed their parents as unemployed "project" dwellers who subsist on food stamps, refuse to support their "baby mommas" and bad-mouth teachers because their no-show teens are flunking.
He took swipes at his colleagues, too--"union-minimum" teachers, literacy specialists who "decorate their office door with pro-black propaganda," and security officers whose "loyalty is to the hood, not the school."
In his blog, the teacher did not identify himself or his students, the exact name of his school or the city where he taught. But like most bloggers, he wanted an audience, so he wrote in his blog that he had leaked news of his site to a few co-workers. Soon enough, the 30-year-old teacher's name was the talk of the school.
This week, after returning from spring break, the students read how they were depicted and flamed the blog with profane threats and righteous indignation toward the teacher.
By Thursday, the reaction grew so vitriolic that the blogger took down his site from Also that day, a Fenger High teacher e-mailed his principal that he wasn't coming to school because he "feared for his safety." The teacher was the same one widely believed to have authored the blog because he told two colleagues that it was his, Fenger Principal William Johnson said.
Johnson said he doesn't know whether the teacher has resigned. The teacher hasn't returned Johnson's phone calls or replied to an e-mail asking to meet with him. The teacher did not acknowledge to the principal that it was his blog, but Johnson said he has no doubt, based on the writing style and his disappearance after the students named him in their postings. When he started the blog in February, he wrote as if he were the "brick and mortar" building named "Regnef,"--Fenger spelled backward--but then switched his voice and revealed he was a teacher.
In his final posting Thursday, the teacher said he intentionally leaked his blog site to people he knew would "tell the world" because he wanted it to be read, but he didn't explain how he expected to remain anonymous.
Now let's be honest -- this course of action was stupid. Once he started publicizing the blog at school, he was screwed. I have a couple of peers that know this is my blog, but they are folks who know to keep the matter extremely confidential because I've told them flat out that I don't want it to be known as my blog.
After posting stuff like he has, how can this guy possibly go back to Fenger High School.
Heck, how can he possibly remain in Chicago Public Schools?
He has enraged kids, parents, and colleagues -- he is toast.
I don't want to be him -- and so I keep my blogging separate from my place of employment.
And thank God I cannot access my site from school, so the temptation to post during school hours is not even there.
Posted by: Greg at
01:07 PM
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April 20, 2006
And TAKS will be over for another year.
Let's celebrate with my regular weekend Linkfest!
* * *
Post a link to your noteworthy writings and most interesting rants -- not to mention your well-reasoned and intellectually challenging essays -- for all of us to see.
As usual, I will not limit the number of items you can link, provided you stay reasonable.
And also as usual, remember the rule.
No Porn. No Spam. No Problem.
OPEN TRACKBACKED TO: Stop The ACLU, Uncooperative Blogger, Third World Country, Cigar Intelligence Agency, Camelot Destra Ideale, Adam's Blog, Conservative Cat, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck on Stupid, TMH Bacon Bits, Voteswagon, Liberal Wrong Wing, Publius Rendezvous
Posted by: Greg at
10:28 PM
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Post contains 152 words, total size 2 kb.
April 17, 2006
So here's an open thread for folks to link and trackback. That's right, I'm trying to do a linkfest since too keep folks coming back on a day when I might not blog a bunch. I won't limit the number of links, but do request that you practice reasonable restraint.
No spam. No porn. No problem.
Posted by: Greg at
10:36 PM
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Post contains 157 words, total size 1 kb.
April 14, 2006
In the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O'Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O'Connor's reputation is as one of the angriest of all. "One long, sustained scream" is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.
She smokes a cigarette. Should it be about Bush, whom she considers "malevolent," a "sociopath" and "the Antichrist"? She smokes another cigarette. Should it be about Vice President Cheney, whom she thinks of as "Satan," or about Karl Rove, "the devil"? Should it be about the "evil" Republican Party, or the "weaselly, capitulating, self-aggrandizing, self-serving" Democrats, or the Catholic Church, for which she says "I have a special place in my heart . . . a burning, sizzling, putrescent place where the guilty suffer the tortures of the damned"?
Psychologically healthy people do not act that way. Clearly, this is a woman in need of some serious psychotropic medication -- no sane person burns with that sort of seething, corrosive hatred for those with whom they disagree. It isn't called Bush Derangement Syndrome for nothing.
In the end, I don't know what to feel. Should I be frightened of someone so rage-filled? Thankful that she has found some outlet other than violence through which to vent her rage? Or saddened that someone so in need of help is not getting it the thorazine and haldol she clearly needs.
Maybe I'll just settled for being sorry that the Washington Post didn't do a better job of picking a responsible, reasonable Lefty (like John Aravosis or Oliver Willis, for example) to feature. I think liberals in the blogosphere have been done a grave disservice with this piece.
MORE AT: Malcontent, FBIHOP, Jawa Report, Bluto, Iowa Voice, MahaBlog, Mudville Gazette, Political Pit Bull, Latino Issues, No Kool Aid Zone, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Beautiful Attrocities, Club for Growth, NewsHog, Six Meat Buffet, Gun Toting Liberal, Blogger's Blog, Leather Penguin, Seeing the Forest, Alternate Brain, Dr. Sanity, Cheat Seeking Missle
Posted by: Greg at
06:00 PM
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Post contains 427 words, total size 4 kb.
April 13, 2006
Comments are always a treat (even from trolls and obsessives) -- especially from my regulars.
Trackbacks are great -- when trackbacks are functioning right.
But making the news -- anywhere -- is a treat.
So my serendipitous discovery of this story excited me even more than it surprised me.
How blogs helped keep the faith in AfghanistanBy - Sruthijith K K
The trial of Abdur Rahman, a 41-year-old Afghan facing execution under the Shariah law for converting into Christianity, was yet another incident involving the conflicts that have defined the polarised world after the events of September 11, 2001.
Since the issue violates the fundamental principles of liberal democracy, sharp reactions from the western world and bloggers do not come as a surprise. For the record, charges against Rahman have been dropped for now and the case has been returned to the prosecution for further investigation.
There is little disagreement that this move is a result of the enormous international outcry and appeals from Pope Benedict XVI, US President George W Bush, and many other heads of state. However, clerics have called for the death of Rahman and his safety remains a concern.
'Rhymes with Right' puts the news of his release in perspective. "Rahman is to be freed based not upon a human rights violation, not upon the principle that every person has the right to choose his or her own religion free of state coercion, but based upon technical questions about the evidence and insinuations about his sanity. This is, therefore, NOT a victory for human rights or religious freedom - it is a strategic retreat on the part of the Afghan government."
Many blogs are examining the verses in Koran and the hadiths that deal with apostates. "Though the only verses in the Koran which deal with apostasy do not outright condemn apostates to death, there are plenty of hadiths that do," Giraldus Cambrensis, writing in 'Western Resistance' concludes.
'Riehl World View' says: "I find this incredibly infuriating as so many American, as well as Christian men and women who fought to liberate Afghanistan. This is not what America fought for."
John Hinderacker, taking this line of argument from the American perspective further, thinks this is a "watershed moment". "The American people will bear a great deal of sacrifice, but only on behalf of principle. If, after our liberation of Afghanistan, a man may still be executed for being a Christian - or a Jew, there is no logical basis on which our government can continue to request the ultimate sacrifice from its most devoted supporters."
'Rhymes with Right' balances out the optimism the release has been received with. "There is still every chance of Abdul Rahman being prosecuted. Or what we might see is forbearance in this case, but the eventual execution of some other convert."
Either which way, blogosphere will closely follow developments in Afghanistan.
Wow -- major quotes, including the first and last word on the subject. Not only that, but I'm given precedence over John Hinderacker, whose keyboard I am not worthy to polish
Now when will Bill Bennett, Sean Hannity, and Hugh Hewitt be contacting me to appear on their shows?
Well, I can dream.
* * *
And here is where you can give me a little thrill by linking with your best work and trackbacking to this site. That's right, I'm trying to do a linkfest since it looks like the trackbacks may be working again. I won't limit the number of links, but do request that you practice reasonable restraint.
No spam. No porn. No problem.
Have a blessed Easter weekend.
Posted by: Greg at
06:21 PM
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Post contains 633 words, total size 4 kb.
April 05, 2006
Posted by: Greg at
10:13 PM
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Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.
March 30, 2006
No porn or ads please, but otherwise I will not limit topics or numbers.
This is my all-weekend open linkfest.
Others at Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck on Stupid, Liberal Wrong Wing, Outside The Beltway, Conservative Cat, Third World Country, Bacon Bits, Real Ugly American, Adam's Blog, Is It Just Me?, Voteswagon, Uncooperative Blogger
Posted by: Greg at
11:50 PM
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Post contains 85 words, total size 1 kb.
March 27, 2006
Until I get to bring her home, I will likely spend a lot of my free time by her side at the hospital.
If she throws me out of the hospital, though, I may get to post something these next few days.
We'll wait and see.
Posted by: Greg at
07:41 AM
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Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.
March 23, 2006
Last night, my students finished their exams. I graded them and turned in final marks before heading home.
I'm free in the evenings now for about two months. Time to get reaquainted with my wife and my dog.
Sounds like a good reason to open up a post for trackbacks on any subject!
You know the drill for my linkfests -- feel free to link here with any interesting posts you have made recently. I won't limit the number of links, but I will ask you to act reasonably. No Porn, no advertising links, please.
OPEN TRACKBACKED TO: Samantha Burns, Conservative Cat, MacBro's Place, Gospel Fiction, Comedian Jenee, NIF, Don Surber, Right Wing Nation, Colbert Report, Third World Country, Bacon Bits, Stuck On Stupid, Liberal Wrong Wing, Adam's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Real Ugly American, Blue Star Chronicles
Posted by: Greg at
06:00 PM
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Post contains 215 words, total size 3 kb.
March 22, 2006
During the recent controversy surrounding Dan Froomkin's blog at The Washington Post, editors not only decided to clearly label his column "opinion" but also to make an effort to hire a conservative blogger to balance his alleged liberal slant.Today, the Post launched the result: A new blog called "Red America," created by Ben Domenech, co-founder of RedState, a popular community blog.
It immediately set off what Post political reporter Tom Edsall called a "firestorm" in his online chat today.
A former contributing editor to National Review Online, Domenech later became what he calls "the youngest political appointee of President George W. Bush." After a stint as chief speechwriter for Texas Senator John Cornyn, he became a book editor at Regnery Publishing, where he worked with Michelle Malkin and others.
* * *
The launch upstaged what the Post's Edsall had hoped to talk about during his online chat today. Here is a selection of the exchanges there.
So the decision to balance liberal writers at has provoked a howl of outrage from liberals, who donÂ’t believe that equal time is warranted. WhatÂ’s more, they seem to think that they are the oppressed minority at the Washington Post, and want the post to hire a liberal blogger to offset Domenech (who was hired to balance liberal Dan Froomkin). I guess it isnÂ’t equal time for liberals until the balance is tilted to the hard Left.
Posted by: Greg at
01:07 PM
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Post contains 271 words, total size 2 kb.
March 21, 2006
Abdul was taken into custody and a court case has followed. The story hit public TV on Thursday, March 16. The newscaster stated that an Afghan citizen by the name of Abdul Rahman converted to the Christian religion 16 years ago.He was questioned, "Do you confess that you have apostacized from Islam?"
He responded, "No, I am not an apostate, I believe in God."
Question: "Do you believe in the Koran?"
Response: "I believe in the Injil (New Testament) and love Jesus Christ.
Yes, that is right -- the government of Afghanistan -- created and supported with American blood and money -- is seeking to execute this man for exercising his fundamental human right (defined under international law in the UN's Universal Declarationon Human Rights over half a century ago) to choose his own religion.
Help this brother out.
Contact the following.
Ambassador Said T. Jawad
Embassy of Afghanistan
2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
White House Comment Line
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
This trial must not be permitted to proceed, for it gives legitimacy to the notion that government has the right to dictate and punish religious choices of citizens.
MORE AT: Blogs for Bush, Michelle Malkin (taking the lead on the issue), Captain's Quarters, Church and State, Below the Beltway, Ordinary Everyday Christian, Conservative Political Rants, Macmind
* * *
You know the drill for my linkfests -- feel free to link here with any interesting posts you have made recently. I won't limit the number of links, but I will ask you to act reasonably. No Porn, no advertising links, please.
Other linkfests at Conservative Cat, Adam's Blog, Third World Country, Bacon Bits
Posted by: Greg at
11:39 PM
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Post contains 355 words, total size 4 kb.
March 16, 2006
You know the drill -- feel free to link here with any interesting posts you have made recently. I won't limit the number of links, but I will ask you to act reasonably. No Porn, no advertising links, please.
We'll be open here all weekend!
OPEN TRACKBACKING AT: Conservative Cat, Stuck on Stupid, Adam's Blog, Samantha Burns, Third World Country, Liberal Wrong Wing, Bacon Bits, Real Ugly American, Camelot Destra Ideale, Voteswagon, Uncooperative Blogger, Blue Star, Jo's Cafe
Posted by: Greg at
11:10 PM
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Post contains 129 words, total size 2 kb.
March 14, 2006
This will get you additional traffic, me additional traffic, and others additional traffic -- and let me determine if my trackbacking is working, as I've gotten nothing but spam trackbacks for days.
So help a brother blogger out -- trackback with one or more posts -- though be reasonable.
Posted by: Greg at
11:10 PM
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Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.
March 10, 2006
In the mean time, why don't you folks link up here with some of your best? It's time for our regular all-weekend linkfest!
I won't set any limits on how many you can link back here -- I just ask that you be reasonable in terms of quantity.
No porn or ads, though.
And hopefully a few more trackbacks than Wednesday!
Conservative Cat -- Conservative Cat
Can You Eat an Ice Cream Bar and Blog? -- Blue Star Chronicles
Bacon Break — Dance Party Weekend -- TMH's Bacon Bits
Friday/Weekend Open Trackbacks -- The Liberal Wrong Wing
Big Bucks Extended Weekend Trackback Party & Linkfest Mar. 10-12 -- Stuck On Stupid
Friday Forum - It's All About Books -- The Median Sib
Roundup and Weekend OTA Open Trackbacks -- third world county
The Return of the Knucklehead Weekend Open Trackbacks -- Adam's Blog
Welcome Tiberius Gracchus / Weekend Open Post -- The Real Ugly
Friday News Roundup -- The Uncooperative Blogger
Posted by: Greg at
08:27 AM
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Post contains 211 words, total size 3 kb.
March 09, 2006
So here goes, in no particular order.
Posted by: Greg at
05:57 AM
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Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.
March 08, 2006
I was up at 0400 to get ready to be at the polling place at 0600. Shower, shave, drive to the poling place.
At 0600, I and only one of my staff arrived torunn the polling place. One was ill, and so called to let me know she couldn't come. One bopped in around 0630, in time to still be some help.
Polls opened at 0700. About 0720, my last poll worker arrives -- had to take the girls to school. It really isn't a problem, since we've only had five voters by this point, including me and my staff.
We had a slow day -- only around 135 voters -- but 50 folks early voted. I don't know what the Donks got over at their polling place, but I suspect the numbers were smaller. That's why I had time to post intermittently yesterday, since we had long stretches of no voters at all.
We shut down promply at 1900, and held the precinct convention at 1930. The participants were the usual suspects -- me, the guy who was my predecessor and his wife, and one of the local activists and his mom. All rsolutions passed, and we were out by 1957. Turned in the voting supplies and computers at 2045, and was home by 2145, having stopped to pick up dinner for my darling wife and I.
And collapsed into a sound sleep once the last bite was done.
I'll look up the results in a few minutes and post on them.
* * *
In the mean time, folks, it is time for my Wednesday Linkfest -- go ahead and link to me with anything interesting.
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
OTHER OPEN TRACKBACKS/LINKFESTS: Adam's Blog, Conservative Cat, Freedom Watch USA, Bacon Bits, Stuck on Stupid, Cao's Blog, Right Wing Nation, Basil's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Don Surber
Posted by: Greg at
03:55 AM
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Post contains 392 words, total size 3 kb.
March 06, 2006
Compare this post on Rhymes With Right with this post on Michelle Malkin's site.
Looks like I beat her to the punch by several days. Maybe it has something to do with my decision to invite Andrew to submit something about the Peace Studies controversyfor publication the day the Washington Post story came out.
I'm not making any sort of accusation -- just noting that I scooped her.
Posted by: Greg at
09:23 AM
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Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.
March 02, 2006
Just hope and pray that I survive Friday -- kids have been wild all week, and progress report grades are due before we leave.
* * *
This is, of course, my usual Weekend linkfest post.
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
So come on, folks -- Cowboy Up!
Posted by: Greg at
06:25 PM
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Post contains 189 words, total size 1 kb.
Dana Garrett Says:
February 26th, 2006 at 10:39 pmNice try, Rhymes. All one need to do is go to your site and see all those posts about the evil Muslims to see that you have already been recruited by supremacist views.
And also here.
Dana Garrett Says:
February 27th, 2006 at 1:18 am* * *
Oh, I have read your diatribes against Muslims. There is no doubt that you are a cultural supremacist.
IÂ’ve let that accusation sit for a while, so that I could reflect upon it.
I’ve come to realize that he is right – my statements on Islam do clearly show that I believe Western culture – especially as expressed in America – to be superior to the culture prevalent in the Muslim world.
When I compare the religious freedom and tolerance of this country to the oppression and dhimmitude prevalent in the Muslim world, I find American freedom to be superior.
When I look at the relatively unfettered speech and press rights of our country and the limits placed on these fundamental rights in the Muslim world, I find American liberty to be superior.
When I consider the relative equality of the sexes in America and the chador/burqa/abaya-clad chattel who are subject to so-called “honor killings”, I find American culture to be superior.
In fact, I cannot find anything in Muslim culture that is superior to its Western (especially in its American form) counterpart – a reality I can trace back at least five or six centuries.
If that makes me a "cultural supremacist", then I gladly plead guilty to the accusation.
But then again, maybe that does not make me a “cultural supremacist”. Maybe that just makes me someone with common sense and a love of freedom -- and, to use a word which is anathema to folks like my accuser, a patriot..
Posted by: Greg at
03:07 PM
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Post contains 340 words, total size 2 kb.
March 01, 2006
Seriously -- and I need your help.
You probably wonder what is up -- have I finally lost my mind?
Actually, no.
I'm playing the game associated with Prayers for the Assassin, the new book by Robert Ferrigno
I'm running under my old college radio handle, Tony Scott.
What can you do.
Click a link, and then click to give me the highest possible donation -- $10,000 (So much for McCain-Feingold). The more I raise, the more likely I will win.
So make the right choice -- and shudder at the thought that any such world could ever come to pass.
Posted by: Greg at
05:54 PM
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Post contains 126 words, total size 2 kb.
February 28, 2006
I mean, there I was -- with former President George H.W. Bush, and country musinc superstar George Strait, hanging out together in the same room.
With over 65,000 of our closest friends.
Uh... did I mention that the room was Reliant Stadium, and we were there for Rodeo Houston?
The musically-inclined George put on a great concert than lasted nearly 90 minutes after the battles between grown men and farm animals. The father of our current president was honored for his work with Hurricane Katrina, and dropped the hat to start the calf scramble.
And a good time was had by all, for the cause of raising scholarship money for deserving children.
One night of Rodeo amd Livestock Show down, nineteen to go.
And my darling bride and I will be at a number of them.
* * *
This is, of course, my usual Wednesday linkfest post.
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
OTHER OPEN TRACKBACKS: Adam's Blog, Outside The Beltway, Conservative Cat, Stuck On Stupid, TMH's Bacon Bits
Posted by: Greg at
07:02 PM
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Post contains 279 words, total size 2 kb.
HereÂ’s my favorite snippet.
Please ask yourself a question that wasn't listed above and provide an answer.Question: What makes your thoughts and opinions more correct or valuable than mine or someone else's?
Answer: Thoughts and opinions only have the value a reader assigns to it. On matters of fact, I try to establish credibility by doing research the reader may not have time to conduct on his own, and in matters of opinion, I try to offer a reasonable level of support for my position. Whether you are a Pulitzer-winning journalist or a Weblog Award nominee, your value comes from your credibility and your ability to substantiate what you say, and your ability to admit and correct mistakes.
So, Hal Straus, when is it my turn?
Posted by: Greg at
06:36 PM
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Post contains 155 words, total size 1 kb.
February 21, 2006
I wonder what his reaction will be to this.
Place Bacon Upon Him
I wonder -- could I get and NEA grant for that?
And will I be praised for obscuring Mohammad's face, or damned for my method of doing so?
This is, of course, my regular Wednesday Open Trackback/Linkfest post. here's your chance to participate.
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
So get with the program, folks -- link away before the fatwas fly!
OPEN TRACKBACKS: Adam's Blog, Freedom Watch, Blue Star, Conservative Cat, third world country, Bacon Bits, Don Surber, Jo's Cafe, Basil's Blog, Stuck On Stupid, Everyman's Chronicles, Is It Just Me?
MORE AT Jawa Report, Howie's Moisture Farm, This Blog Is Full Of Crap, Darth Apathy
Posted by: Greg at
09:54 PM
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Post contains 241 words, total size 3 kb.
February 16, 2006
So I'm opening the floodgates and telling you, faithful readers and linkers, to join into my second attempt at a weekend linkfest.
Posted by: Greg at
06:07 PM
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Post contains 110 words, total size 1 kb.
February 15, 2006
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. I think I've worked out the issues of displaying trackbacks -- if the Munuvian gods will allow the trackbacks through (I had a problem there for a bit).
So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
So get with the program, folks -- link away!
Posted by: Greg at
06:22 AM
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Post contains 165 words, total size 1 kb.
February 14, 2006
Well, inspired by that, Beth from My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has decided to do something similar -- only inserting the word "Mohhamad" instead. Call it an act of solidarity with the Danish cartoonists, and a little bit of nose-thumbing at the followers of the Religion of Barbarism who are running amok in response.
My entries have been all the possible variations on the Raders of the Lost Ark/Indiana Jones series -- my personal favorite being "Indiana Jones and the Last Mohammad".
And then there is this little gem over at Jawa Report, taking a popular quote from a Michelle Malkin reader and turning it into the stem for a humorous contest -- I'd rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than. . . " (the original was "go driving with Ted Kennedy."). My best entry is "watch Helen Thomas pole-dancing."
Drop by all of these, and add to the humor/insanity.
Posted by: Greg at
05:41 AM
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Post contains 225 words, total size 2 kb.
February 10, 2006
You know how it works -- you link to this post and send a trackback, and your post will display here. I think I've worked out the issues of displaying trackbacks -- if the Munuvian gods will allow the trackbacks through (I had a problem there for a bit).
So link away -- I won't set a maximum number of items you can link with here, but I would hope that you would consider exercising prudent judgement on the matter. No porn, please, and no advertising -- just interesting stuff.
So let the games begin!
OTHER LINKFESTS: Stuck On Stupid, Adam's Blog, Conservative Cat, Bacon Bits, Jo's Cafe, third world country, Everyman Chronicles, Liberal Wrong Wing, Bullwinkle Blog, Stop the ACLU
Posted by: Greg at
06:00 PM
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I got the following in my email tonight.
Congratulations! Just a brief note to let you know we named Rhymes with Right as our "Site of the Day" on the course of publishing Politics1, we regularly visit LOTS of campaign and politically-related websites. Some candidates, campaigns and groups truly get the concept of using the Internet as a tool to effectively convey messages, promote increased citizen involvement, enhance voter education, and effectively and innovatively use technology to advance their causes. We created this award to recognize deserving sites from all states, and at all levels of campaigns, ranging across the ideological spectrum. The criteria is certainly subjective ("I'll know it when I see it," to quote the late Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart), as we look for any one or a combination of the following: good content, sharp design, clever humor, creativity, innovation in organizing, use of new online tools, etc. The award is not about endorsing candidates or causes -- but rather about simply recognizing those campaigns and entities that effectively use the Internet as a political tool. This is why we selected your site for recognition.
In addition to being featured today on our homepage -- and we currently draw approximately 250,000 page views per week -- you'll also be permanently enshrined on our Site of the Day page at (and in our blog archives).
Warmest regards,
Ron Gunzburger
I'm speechless -- or at least as close as this short, fat, balding, middle-aged, white guy ever gets.
I really didn't expect this honor, and I appreciate the compliment. I guess this means I must be doing SOMETHING right.
Posted by: Greg at
05:59 PM
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February 03, 2006
but sometime shortly before 8:00 PM CST,
I received blog visitor
Posted by: Greg at
05:16 PM
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January 13, 2006
I've been thinking, friends -- there are lots of good carnivals out there.
But one seems missing to me.
A Carnival as big as Texas.
More to the point, a Carnival featuring bloggers from Texas.
So here is my idea -- a weekly round up of the best Lone Star Blogosphere.
What do you folks think? Any interest?
Answer me in the comments section -- and be so kind as to pass the word about the proposal.
Posted by: Greg at
05:59 PM
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January 12, 2006
Say Goodbye to Safety For DummiesYes, its true. It looks like Safety For Dummies is going the way of the dodo bird.
The name, that is.
Earlier this afternoon, I received a “cease and desist” e-mail from some lawyer from Hoboken, NJ representing the company that publishes all those goofy “______ for Dummies” books, telling me that I have 10 days to change the name of this blog... or.... something. She didn't exactly say what the risk would be if I don't.
Of all the absurdities I've encountered of late, this takes the cake! I guess they've copyrighted the two-word "for Dummies" combination?
Posted by: Greg at
12:33 AM
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Post contains 126 words, total size 1 kb.
January 11, 2006
An aside: If only these Dems were 1/100th as interested in digging into Sen. Bobby Byrd's proud membership and leadership position in the real KKK as they were into Alito's membership in CAP...
Or Ted Kennedy's driving record.
Posted by: Greg at
11:56 PM
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Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.
January 09, 2006
Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.
It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small favors, I guess.
This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet, is buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and two years in prison.
"The use of the word 'annoy' is particularly problematic," says Marv Johnson, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "What's annoying to one person may not be annoying to someone else."
Buried deep in the new law is Sec. 113, an innocuously titled bit called "Preventing Cyberstalking." It rewrites existing telephone harassment law to prohibit anyone from using the Internet "without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy."
Who is responsible for this little atrocity? Arlen Specter, of course. It may well be that the provision has outlawed anonymous blogging, if taken at face value.
And I may be in danger of prosecution.
After all, I intend to annoy stupid politicians, arrogant journalists, and other buffoons. Never have I fully identified myself (though certain recent posts make discerning my identity quite easy).
Am I now a criminal?
What happened to the First Amendment?
Posted by: Greg at
10:49 AM
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January 06, 2006
Microsoft Corp. has shut down the Internet journal of a Chinese blogger that discussed politically sensitive issues including a recent strike at a Beijing newspaper.The action came amid criticism by free-speech activists of foreign technology companies that help the communist government enforce censorship or silence dissent in order to be allowed into China's market.
Microsoft's China-based Web log-hosting service shut down the blog at the Chinese government's request, said Brooke Richardson, group product manager with Microsoft's MSN online division at the company headquarters in Redmond, Washington.
Though Beijing has supported Internet use for education and business, it fiercely polices content. Filters block objectionable foreign Web sites and regulations ban subversive and pornographic content and require service providers to enforce censorship rules.
"When we operate in markets around the world we have to ensure that our service complies with global laws as well as local laws and norms," Richardson said.
Which means, of course, that the company caters to the oppressive policies of the tyrranical Red Chinese government.
And also that they would have gladly cracked down on any German who dared hint at the evils of the Final Solution.
After all, Microsoft complies with all local laws and norms -- even those which are morally repugnant.
Posted by: Greg at
08:47 AM
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Post contains 236 words, total size 2 kb.
December 31, 2005
1. The GOP will retain control of both the House and Senate at the midterm election, with approximately the same balance between parties.
2. Tom DeLay will be found not guilty, but not soon enough to recover his position as House Majority Leader. He will be reelected by the people of the 22nd District. I will be reelected precinct chair by the people of Precinct 333.
3. Gov. Rick Perry will face a runoff election against Kinky Friedman. Perry will win.
4. Fidel Castro passes on to his infernal reward.
5. Iranian nuclear sites will be bombed by Israel.
6. Judge Alito will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Republicans will not need to use the nuclear option to accomplish this. At least one vacancy will appear on the court, due to death rather than retirement. Expect a Hispanic replacement.
7. Every state voting on the matter will ban gay marriage. A District Court judge in the Ninth Circuit will rule that limiting marriage to one man and one women violates the Equal Protection Clause. The US Supreme Court will take the matter on an expedited appeal.
8. New Orleans will not have recovered by this time next year -- and those displaced by Katrina will have long since worn out their welcome as they keep demanding special government benefits more than a year after the hurricane.
9. America draws down troops in Iraq as the situation continues to improve -- and Democrats continue to label the invasion and reconstruction a failure.
10. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban marry. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes marry. Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston marry. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt marry. Nick and Jessica do not reconcile. Brittany and Kevin divorce. Garth Brooks and Tricia Yearwood have a baby.
Let's look at how I did last year.
1. At least one more state will legalize gay marriages, while at least five will ban them. I don't think California will be the one, rather I suspect that the Minnesota courts will do the deed. And Texas will most assuredly be one of those which formally outlaws such marriages through a constitutional amendment. My longshot prediction in this regard is that a federal court, probably somewhere in the Ninth Circuit, will declare that gay marriage bans contradict the Equal Protection Clause, leading to new momentum for a Federal Marriage Amendment.
Well, sort of. Rulings seeming to favor such marriages took place in New York and California, but have been stayed. The California Legislature tried to circumvent the state constitution to legalize such marriage, but the Gevernator vetoed teh measure on constitutional grounds.
2) Chief Justice Rehnquist will submit his resignation, likely on January 21, to be effective upon the confirmation of his replacement. While much speculation will center upon the elevation of Justice Thomas to the center seat, it will not happen. He will instead seek to move Scalia to the Chief Justice position, and will nominate a sitting state supreme court justice to the high court. My longshot prediction is that the appointee will be California Justice Janice Rogers Brown, whose appointment to the DC Circuit has been blocked by the use of parliamentary tactics by the Democrats.
Well, the Chief Justice left the bench by death rather than resignation. Thomas was not elevated, but neither was anyone else on the high court. Janice Rogers brown was confirmed to the appellate bench and not elevated to the SCOTUS.
3) Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle will prove the old adage that a prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he wants it to. The ham sandwich in this case will be Tom DeLay, and it will come close to the end of the year, shortly before DeLay has to file for the 2006 primary. Facing the potential for a strong primary challenge and a trial during the fall election campaign, DeLay will announce his decision not to run for reelection. My longshot prediction has the Texas Legislature stripping the Travis County DA of its authority to investigate breaches of ethics laws, and invest that power in the office of the Texas Attorney General , where it rightly and logically belongs.
I guess that September/October constitute the end of the year. DeLay has put up a great fight, more than I would have expected at the beginning of the year. Perhaps there will be a stripping of jurisdiction by the legislature this year, during the special session to revamp school funding.
4) Hillary Clinton will announce her candidacy for reelection to the Senate, promising not to seek the Democrat presidential nomination and to serve out her term. Few observers of American politics will believe her. My longshot prediction is that early polls will show her locked neck-and-neck with George Pataki, but defeating Rudy Giuliani.
Pretty good, though my polling predictions are off.
5) This year will see the death of Pope John Paul II. His successor will be a conservative cardinal, who will continue to follow the course set by the current pontiff. He will not be a European. My longshot prediction is that he will not take the name John Paul III. My even longer shot prediction is that he will select either Leo or Benedict.
Mostly right. For all the talk of a non-European, Joseph Ratzinger became a consensus choice prior to the conclave. He is certainly a conservative. And I nailed it with the prediction of Benedict as the name selected.
All-in all, not bad.
We'll review the new predictions in December!
Adam's Blog
Fanatical Apathy (Quite funny!)
Three Rounds Brisk
Random Cowbell
Mover Mike
Gahrie's Grumbles and Groans
The Appletonian
The Anchoress
SoapBox Politics
A Certain Slant of Light
The Gilittering Eye
All Things Beautiful
Ann Althouse
Calculated Risk
Dean Esmay
The Indepundit
Ezra Klein
Arnold Kling
Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred
The Sundries Shack
Matthew Yglesias
Blogs for Bush
National Review Online
Posted by: Greg at
05:59 PM
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November 28, 2005
Eric from "Eric's Grumbles Before The Grave" supplied the template and engineered out some bugs.
Hube from "Colossus of Rhodey" supplied the inspiration for the banner.
I picked the colors and did the actual banner work.
Your serious and constructive comments are solicited.
Posted by: Greg at
10:28 AM
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Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.
November 20, 2005
As I've noted in several newspaper profiles and television interviews, I met my husband in college, where he founded a right-of-center student publication that I wrote for and edited. He started off as a Berkeley-born Dukakis liberal; I was a congenital conservative who helped him see the light. We have been each other's best friend, editor, and sounding board for nearly half of our lives. He followed me to Southern California when I took my first newspaper gig in Los Angeles. He followed me up to the Pacific Northwest when I was hired by the Seattle Times. I followed him to Washington D.C. when he got a lucrative health-care consulting job. And when my career took off after I published my first book in 2002, he cut back on his own ambitions to be with our kids.In his spare time (such as it is with an active kindergartener and an Energizer bunny preschooler), he helps me out when he can. Al Franken needs a dozen, overpaid Harvard-trained research assistants. I have my hubby's help for a few hours a week.
In other words, the Malkins are a couple who are very much in love with one another and who have put her successful career ahead of his so that their daughter can have one full-time parent.
SO what is the problem? Well, it seems that those on the Left do not thik an Asian woman could possibly be smart enough to independently formulate conservative views -- and that since Jesse Malkin is also a writer (focus on healt care issues, as I understand it), he must have some sort of influence and control over his wife.
Michelle does concede that ther eis influence -- but an influence based upon intellectual equality, not the domination of a husband over his wife.
As for my husband's "influence," why yes, he influences me all the time and vice versa. Spouses tend to do that to each other over the years. When I came up with my idea for Invasion after 9/11, he was skeptical. We don't agree on everything, but I've pulled him to the right on national security, the Second Amendment, and some social issues. He has put up with my insomniac writing habits, investigative obsessions, and workaholism for more than a dozen years, and I have successfully converted him to the conservative cause.
In other words, it sounds like a lovely marriage. It is the sort of relationship we should encourage and envy in this country, not one to be denigrated and destroyed.
Michelle makes a plea from the heart to her liberal critics, one which should be respected if these alleged opponents of racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and the politics of personal destruction should respect if they are sincere in their beliefs (I doubt they are, thought they talk a good game).
The racist and sexist "yellow woman doing a white man's job" knock is a tiresome old attack from impotent liberals that I've tolerated a long time. It is pathetic that I have to sit here and tell you that my ideas, my politics, and my intellectual capital are mine and mine alone in response to cowardly attacks from misogynistic moonbats with Asian whore fixations. My IQ, free will, skin color, eye shape, productivity, sincerity, and integrity are routinely ridiculed or questioned because I happen to be a minority conservative woman. As a public figure, I am willing to take these insults, but I cannot tolerate the smearing of my loved ones. Because I have always been open and proud about his support for my career, my husband has taken endless, hate-filled abuse from my critics. His Jewish heritage, his decision to be a stay-at-home dad, and even his looks, are the subject of brutal mockery.Enough.
If you have a problem with my work and what I stand for, go ahead and take me on. Keep calling me whatever four-letter-word makes you feel better when you can't win your arguments. But leave my family alone.
In other words, folks, if you want to combat her in the marketplace of ideas, have at it. If you are a lowlife scumbag who feels the need to engage in misogynistic race-baiting, do so if you must. But attacks and assualts on family are the province of intellectually deficient moral degenerates, and ae always to be condemned.
And if I may say, great picture. I think the t-shirt says it all.
God bless you Michelle, and your beloved Jesse -- and your adorable little daughter as well.
Posted by: Greg at
09:10 AM
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