February 09, 2008

Fellow MuNuvian Wins CPAC Blogger Award

Good on you, Ace! I'm honored to share a server with CPACs blogger of the year.

And I'd like to say that I agree with another fellow MuNuvian, Little Miss Attila, on this key point.

Speaking of which, why is Ace getting the award, rather than me? There is such prejudice against blogs that do not actually get read.

I feel exactly the same way, you little hottie.

And to Andrew Sullivan, I offer the suggestion that the petulant whining of a gay diva like you about this award and Power Line's book of the year award to Norman Podhoretz (and accompanying contribution to a worthwhile charity like Soldiers' Angels, not a small fortune to the winner) are really unbecomeing, and show how you really have much more in common with the Fringe left like Kos, DU, and HuffPo than with anything in the mainstream of contemporary conservatism.

Posted by: Greg at 02:39 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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