August 31, 2005

Left-Wing Arrogance

I got the following email in my box this morning. I wonÂ’t shame the guy by posting his name.

Date: Aug 31, 2005 1:05 AM

Subject: do you plan on writing anything about the hurricane?

Not as important as voter fraud or Cindy Sheehan?

Glad to see you have things in perspective. When you can't gas up your Hummer you might change your tune

Actually, I had tried a couple of times to write about the hurricane. But as often happens in times of overwhelming tragedy, I find that mere words just are not sufficient. So I’ve refrained from posting rather than post some cliché-ridden item about the horror of it all and wailing “Oh, the humanity!” Others have done a significantly better job of addressing the subject – especially Michelle Malkin. Their words have not failed them, while mine have.

So instead IÂ’ve written about stories that I find important that I think could be missed in the crush of Katrina coverage. If that strikes others as uncaring, too bad.

Ultimately, I think this writer is a bit confused. Does the presence or absence of a post about the hurricane on this blog determine what is or is not important? Is RHYMES WITH RIGHT the standard by which the importance of a story is judged? If it is, no one has told me. So either this guy vastly over-estimates my importance as a media source, or I vastly under-estimate that importance.

And while I may not be writing about the hurricane and its devastating impact that does not mean that I am doing nothing. The writer doesnÂ’t know whether I am sending money or to whom it is going. He has no way of ascertaining whether or not I am doing anything for the refugees that have fled into my own community in the face of this disaster. No, he chooses to interpret silence as apathy.

Now I’ve not played politics with the storm. I’ve not asked why Cindy Sheehan and her fellow terrorist-backers are not down in New Orleans instead of traveling the country to undermine the war effort (Did you know that while everyone else travels by bus, Cindy hops a plane to the next destination? Orwell was right about some animals being more equal than others.) Doesn’t she care about the devastation? I’ve not heard her address the crisis with her “unquestionable moral authority”. Why doesn’t this writer hold her to the same standard that he wants to hold me? Heck, what about the fuel being eaten up by the buses and the planes used in her anti-American endeavor?

And we won’t get into the question of one of the writer’s favorite haunts, Americablog, where the owner has played politics with the decision by the president to stay in Crawford and continue with some speaking engagements instead of returning to Washington immediately – and would have played politics by criticizing a decision to return to Washington immediately if he had. The writing there about the disaster has been so incredibly insincere – as have been the comments posted there by my email-critic.

As for the issue of my car and gas prices – I’m a teacher in an 80% minority urban school district with a high poverty rate. What out-of-touch planet does this liberal fool live on if he believes I drive a Hummer? My car is seven years old and gets 30+ MPG. I need it to, because I drive 20+ miles each way to school. I’d love to know what he is driving and what he does for a living/how much he makes. I’m guessing he is a trust-fund baby who is seeking to assuage his liberal guilt by attacking conservative rather than giving away the money that feeds his lifestyle..

Posted by: Greg at 02:01 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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August 20, 2005

If I Wuz President...

There's a new meme going around, courtesy of Say Uncle. I hope everybody will play along.

Oddball thought experiment:

By some bizarre set of circumstances, you are the president as of now. Name the first 5 things youÂ’d do. Level of difficulty: it must actually be stuff the president is constitutionally allowed to do.

Please note where I added emphasis -- some answers I've seen ignore this one.

1) Address a joint session of Congress and demand the following constitutional amendments:
A) National initiative and referendum.
B) Requirement that any ruling that a law is unconstitutional be affirmed by 3/4 of the Supreme Court -- and that a resolution by a 2/3 majority of both houses of Congress and signed by the president shall be sufficient to overturn such a ruling.
C) Alter the 14th Amendment to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens and non-immigrant foreigners.
D) Repeal the amendment granting Washington D.C. electoral votes, mandating instead that the city be included as a part of Maryland for presidential, senatorial, and congressional voting, because it started out as a part of Maryland -- and affirming the city's home rule status.
E) Federal Marriage Amendment

2) Overturn "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- replacing it with "Don't Ask, Don't Give A Damn" -- permitting homosexuals in the military.

3) Appoint Condi Rice Vice President, and Michelle Malkin Head of ICE,. Fire Mineta.

4) Mandate that all federal officials travelling coach be subject to the highest level of srutiny in airports -- and that all federal officials travel coach.

5) Strictly enforce all immigration laws.

Come on folks, join in the fun. What would you do?

(Hat Tip: Say Uncle, Dangerous Liberty, TF Sterns, Eric's Grumbles.

Posted by: Greg at 10:08 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 294 words, total size 2 kb.

August 12, 2005

Leftist Hate Alert

I've gotten plenty of interesting comments from the Left in relation to my Cindy Sheehan post. I was polite and respectful of the woman, but it seems that any hint of criticism of the woman regarded by the Bush-haters as "Saint Cindy, Our Lady of the Martyred Son" is grounds for savage (and anonymous) hate speech.

One of the perps posting such attacks on my site appears to be our old friend Ridor, though he denies making the post while claiming he watched someone else do it (*******************).

Look what the guy posted on his site.

Malkin, Drudge, LGF and RWR: When Cindy Sheehan asked for GW Bush to come out of his reclusive Crawford Ranch for few minutes of talk, to have the normal conversation. Show some compassion for the mother of a dead soldier. After all, he is on his 50th vacation in 5 years (10 per years!), he said he wanted a vacation to "reconnect with his folks in Texas" -- this is his chance to be normal and be civilized. Apparently, no. GW Bush dispatched his supporters like Matt "Roehmosexual" Drudge, Michelle "Chink Bitch" Malkin, Little Green Snotballs, that nobody's prick, Rhymes with Right to assault the mother of a dead soldier of her simple request to meet and talk with GW Bush on a casual level.

It is interesting to note that these people did not mention that the secret service agents made an indirect threat that they will arrest the mother because she is the "threat to the national security". Wow, GW Bush is the national figure? Please!

That Roehmosexual, Matt Drudge did this on persistent level, obviously because he regarded her as an annoyance that can bring the downfall of GW Bush's popularity. His current polls are at an all-time low, which is good for me.

That "Chink Bitch" Malkin had the guts to speak for Casey Sheehan, Cindy's dead son -- she said that Casey would be embarrassed of his mother. Excuse me, Michelle, you do not know Casey like Cindy does -- you just write and spew your fucking dumb-ass rhetoric, claiming to speak for people who has nothing to do with you!

As for RWR, he is just an idiot from Texas. Simply put. He claimed that GW Bush did meet Cindy last year. Yes, in front of media! In front of hundreds of persons, but not one on one. Compassion! Compassion! Franklin Delano Roosevelt did it. Abraham Lincoln did it. JFK did it. Bill Clinton attended the dead soldiers' funerals. Did GW Bush? No. GW Bush joked by calling Cindy, "Mom" and even asked his assistant, "Who are they?" -- implied that GW Bush is a buffoon and do not care at all.

GW Bush and his Republican cronies knew the art of media, thanks to the Nixon debacle, to use against the mass. How? To pretend. To stand and pose for 5 minutes so that the pictures can be taken, then when it's over, the families are out due to the "national security". No time for a normal conversation between a true citizen and the nation's President. But he has time to have 50 vacations in 5 years. No conservatives and Republicans will disseminate why GW Bush has 50 vacations in 5 years, but they are willing to destroy the grieving mother of a dead soldier.

How great is it?

First, let me thank you for putting me in the same category as Drudge, Malkin and Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. I'm honored just to be on some of the the same blogrolls as them, and here you are mentioning me in the same sentence as them for our parts in the conspiracy to defame Mrs. Sheehan that Karl Rove is orchestrating from his Secret Rose Garden Bunker. I'm flattered beyond words that you rate my writing, influence, and importance so high.

Now let me point out that you managed to get a pair of two-fers in your post. Calling the lovely and multi-talented Ms. Malkin a "Chink Bitch" is clearly the first, covering the bases as racist and sexist at the same time. Based upon your subsequent communications with me (which appears below), I have to classify your reference to Matt Drudge as a "Roehmosexual" (my reason for believing that you dictated the comment even if ****** typed it) qualifies as both homophobic and anti-Semitic. Good job. Curiously enough, you failed to find a slur of any kind for Mr. Johnson of LGF, which iis a sign that the quality of your posts is slipping --you usually find at least one intolerant epithet to direct at anyone with whom you disagree. As for my "prick", you lack the necessary clearance to have any information about it.

Now I posted a response in your comments section -- which you promptly deleted. So much for your advertising it as "the Unsafe Zone of Personal Attacks -- Which Means, Fire Away With Your Insults" (proofreading tip -- you don't need that comma).

But you did decide to respond to me at my email address.

From: Ridor []

To: XXXXX []

Date: Aug 12, 2005 9:36 PM

Subject: hey

fyi, ur comment has been deleted as expected.

You accused me of racism, sexism and homophobia -- that is ludicrous. Michelle Malkin called Deaf people "deaf-mute" -- my emails to her has not been responded and she continued to slander Deaf people as "deaf-mute" which is very offensive to start with. So for that, I reserve the right to retaliate back with a "Chink" comment. Deal with it, you fat boy.

Matt Drudge is gay, period. He is quick to accuse and out many people -- even people who questioned GW Bush, Matt was swift to out the person's sexuality -- but what if he was Jewish, will he do the same thing? No. Therefore I reserve the right to call him Roehmosexual.

Sexism? What?

And you fell for McCock's comments -- I *did* not write on your blogsite -- I read, yes, and in fact, someone IN my apartment responded to your comments while I stood and laughed. Rest assured, it was NOT me who commented on your blogsite. After all, who wants to touch your blogsite? Certainly not me.

Please be delusional and remain in your little world with your friends like McWeenie.


The One and Only Ridor
Check -- be very afraid.

What can I say? Ms. Malkin gets copious amounts of email. We know that you rarely disagree with anyone in a polite or pleasant fashion. Why would you expect her to take the time to bother writing back.? How does that justify racist and sexist abuse directed at her? It doesn't -- but more on that later.

And then there is Drudge. You insist the guy is gay. I don't know, and don't really care. I respect his right to keep his private life as private as he wants it -- something that was supposed to be a sacred right for homosexuals, according to all the gay advocacy groups. I'm not aware of his having outed anyone over politics (that tends to be the province of hate-mongering gay activists), but I'm sure you can point to his having linked to some story or other from some publication that did so. What is particularly amusing is that you were part of the political feeding frenzy over Jeff Gannon's sexual orientation, so I don't see where you have any room to criticize. And given your reference to Drude's religion, it is clear that you intended the homophobic rhetoric to be laced with anti-Semitism as well. Good job!

As for your comments about me, I challenge anyone reading this to look at my one and only post on Mrs. Sheehan and explain to me how it constituted an attack -- unless discussing an unflattering piece of news is an attack.

Now I won't go into any discussion of the claims you advance on behalf of Mrs. Sheehan. I'm not going to engage in a tit-for-tat game over it. I have, until today, believed that she is being used. I'm not so sure about that any more, based upon some MSM articles I've come across -- but I want to show her son respect by not attacking her.

I think I've already made clear my position on the comments that I continue to believe you wrote -- if you didn't write them, you dictated them to someone else or used voice recognition software. Your explanation reminds me of another famous denial -- "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

I can think of only one explanation for the hate that seethes through your writing. It has to be rooted in your childhood.

Now no doubt your early socialization as a child raised by a Klan of inbred hate-mongers in the backwoods of the Appalachians leads you to believe that such bigotry is acceptable in polite society. It isn't -- **************.

Oh, and by the way -- what is your fascination with the penises of conservative heterosexual males like me and McConnell that leads you to comment on them so frequently? Is it desire, envy, or simply another feature of your warped personality that leads you to engage in on-line sexual harrassment? Just curious.

UPDATE: You will notice a couple of spots where I have substituted a chain of asterisk for previously posted material. I made several gratuituous comments in this post which were snarky and hurtful -- and which do not do me credit. They also seem to have cut Ridor very deeply in a way I never intended. I've removed them in realization that I may have crossed a line with them. I won't post the emails, as Ridor made it quite clear they were intended to be private.

Posted by: Greg at 05:19 PM | Comments (70) | Add Comment
Post contains 1640 words, total size 10 kb.

Cool Geeky Stuff!

Look, Mom, I'm an interstellar blogging sensation!

I don't know for sure if there is a real transmission or not (I assume that there is, but have no independent way of verifying it), but the price is right and the certificate is cool. Go check them out and sign up.

Posted by: Greg at 11:52 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 56 words, total size 1 kb.

August 08, 2005

Thank You, Jim

I've been wanting to tranfer all the stuff from my old blog, Precinct 333, over to this site as a way of archiving my blogging experience and getting everything in one semi-neat place.

Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to do it.

Call me a non-tech geek.

Jim from Zero Intelligence and Snooze Button Dreams helped me out by making the tranfer for me. The help is very much appreciated, and my deepest thanks are extended.

Posted by: Greg at 05:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 83 words, total size 1 kb.

August 06, 2005

A Little Bit Of Fun

I love it when bloggers tweak friends and enemies in the blogosphere.

Over at Rightwing Nuthouse, Rick posted a taxonomy of the left side of the blogosphere. I really encourage you to take a look -- its funny, but with a serious point.

(Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin, Junkyard Blog)

Posted by: Greg at 03:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.

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