November 20, 2008

Barbary Pirates Redux?

Could be – if the lame duck incumbent or the president-elect decides that protecting shipping from piracy on the high seas is important.

US Marines have been singing about their exploits on the "shores of Tripoli" ever since President Thomas Jefferson sent them to scour out the world's most dangerous pirates, the Barbary corsairs, from their bases in North Africa in 1801. Now President Barack Obama may have to give the Corps the chance to add a new line - by sending Marines to destroy the newest generation of pirates, this time on the other side of Africa.

* * *

Stopping the pirates at sea is almost impossible. The time that lapses from when the crew of an innocent ship spots the approach of a high-speed pirate boat until it is boarded is less than 15 minutes - not enough time to get a US frigate to come to the rescue.

Even when a warship manages to catch up with a captured vessel, its options are limited: It can't sink the target without endangering the crew and cargo. And boarding ships under hostile fire is a vanished art in modern navies - as is handling hostage situations

The solution? Send in the Marines!

Here's a past piracy related post.

Posted by: Greg at 03:29 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 216 words, total size 1 kb.

1 I'd like a translation of the first two comments, perhaps the first one says, "Yankee go home" followed by, "...and that goes for your horse too." My solution to the pirates would be to randomly deploy special forces troops within merchant vessels, those with valuable stores which would be more tempting for pirates. That would give the pirates a bit of a surprise, having to fight well trained and armed troops instead of untrained and unarmed civilians.

Posted by: T F Stern at Fri Nov 21 01:19:42 2008 (Ruh11)

2 Ðàçðåøèòå ñïðîñèòü ó Âàñ, ãäå Âû ðåãèñòðèðîâàëè ñâîé äîìåí. Ìîæíî íà ìýéë, ÷òî óêàçàë çäåñü. Ìîæåò çàîäíî ïîñîâåòóåòå ñðàçó, ãäå ëó÷øå ðåãèñòðèðîâàòü RUøíûå è íåRUøíûå äîìåíû. Ëó÷øå - íå â ñìûñëå äåøåâëå, à â ïëàíå íàä¸æíîñòè. ×òîáû íå áûëî ïîòîì òðàáë ïðè ïðîäëåíèè äîìåíà. Ïðè÷èíà ïî êîòîðîé ñïðøèâàþ - ðåãèñòðèðîâàë äîìåíû ó InterNetX/PSI-USA, âðîäå âïîëíå íåïëîõàÿ çàáóãîðíàÿ êîíòîðà. À âîò ïðèøëî âðåìÿ ïðîäëåâàòü, à ó íèõ èíòåðåôåéñ öåëóþ íåäåëþ íå ôóíêöèîíèðîâàë, è íè îòâåòà íè ïðèâåòà îò ñàïïîðòà. ÇÛ Íå ðóãàéòå çà îôôòîï....

Posted by: RussFlot at Wed Oct 14 22:43:44 2009 (/9/Iu)

3 Ïîçâîëüòå ïîèíòåðåñîâàòüñÿ ó Âàñ, ãäå Âû ðåãèñòðèðîâàëè ñâîé äîìåí. Ìîæíî íà e-mail, ÷òî óêàçàë çäåñü. Ìîæåò áûòü ïîñîâåòóåòå ñðàçó, ãäå ëó÷øå ðåãèñòðèðîâàòü RUøíûå è íåÐÓøíûå äîìåíû. Ëó÷øå - íå â ñìûñëå äåøåâëå, à â ïëàíå íàä¸æíîñòè. ×òîáû íå áûëî ïîòîì òðàáë ïðè ïðîäëåíèè äîìåíà. Ïðè÷èíà ïî êîòîðîé ñïðøèâàþ - ðåãèñòðèðîâàë äîìåíû ó InterNetX/PSI-USA, âðîäå äîñòàòî÷íî ïðèëèí÷àÿ èíîñòðàííàÿ êîíòîðà. À âîò ïðèøëî âðåìÿ ïðîäëåâàòü, à ó íèõ èíòåðåôåéñ öåëóþ íåäåëþ íå ðàáîòàë, è íè îòâåòà íè ïðèâåòà îò ïîääåðæêè. ÇÛ Íå ïèíàéòå çà îôôòîï....

Posted by: RussFlot at Thu Oct 15 04:17:08 2009 (dZF+g)

4 Àâòîðà ñàéòà è âñåõ åãî ðèäåðîâ ñ õåëëîóèíîì)))) À åñëè ñåðü¸çíî, õîòåëîñü áû çàòðîíóòü òàêóþ òåìó.. òåìó ïîñåùàåìîñòè ðåñóðñà. Âîò ó ìíîãèõ ñàéòîâ óñòàíîâëåí ñ÷¸ò÷èê ËèâÈíòåðíåòà, äëÿ îòñëåæèâàíèÿ ñòàòèñòèêè. ß âîò çàìåòèë òàêóþ øòóêó íà îäíîì èç ñâîèõ ñàéòîâ - êîë-âî ïîñåùåíèé êîëáàñèò î÷åíü ñèëüíî. Ïîÿñíÿþ: â îäèí äåíü ìîæåò çàéòè 150 ÷åëîâåê, â äðóãîé 20. Âîò óìà íå ïðèëîæó, òî ëè ýòî íà ñàìîì äåëå òàê, òî ëè ñ÷¸ò÷èê ñòàëî òàê ãëþ÷èòü. Íå íàáëþäàåòå ïîäîáíîãî????

Posted by: ElectronixBox at Thu Oct 22 21:57:03 2009 (mQ4o7)

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