October 15, 2009

Simply Wrong

I just came across CiUMEaPc:UiacyKUnciaec8O7EyUr">this story -- and am both shocked and disgusted by it.

A justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple last week because of concern for the children who might be born of that relationship.

Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace for Tangipahoa ParishÂ’s 8th Ward, also said it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

“I’m not a racist,” Bardwell said. “I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children.”

Beth Humphrey, 30, said she and her boyfriend, Terence McKay, 32, both of Hammond, intend to consult the U.S. Justice Department about filing a discrimination complaint.

They've got my full support on this one. Indeed, I hope that Louisiana's governor can take some temporary action in the mean time to remove this racist piece of filth from any position of authority until a more permanent solution can be implemented.

Ad yes, this guy ran as a Republican -- but he clearly has no concept about what the GOP has been about since its founding over 150 years ago. I disown him, and so has every Republican I've seen comment.

H/T Volokh Conspiracy

Posted by: Greg at 12:34 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 14, 2009

More Racism, Pure And Simple

From our "friends" at the NAACP.

You see, they are worried that the "wrong sort" might get appointed as mayor of Baltimore after the incumbent gets convicted of her felonious behavior.

"Our concern is who would the governor appoint?" (Marvin L. Cheatham, the president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP) said. "Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? ... Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?"

Whatever would Dr. King say? After all, this certainly takes the notion of judging based upon the content of one's character rather than the color of one's skin and blows it all to Hell and back!

Posted by: Greg at 12:58 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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October 13, 2009

Flat Out Racism

Could you imagine the national – no, the international – uproar if the students of a prestigious university raised objections to the selection of a black student as the winner of a beauty pageant and school homecoming queen? There would be marches and rallies and sit-ins and federal investigations of the school, and serious efforts made to address the obvious racial problems at the school. It would be fodder for talk shows for weeks – and Barack Obama would no doubt make a public statement about how the students of the school were behaving stupidly.

Will we get the same sort of uproar over this incident?

Hampton University crowned its first non-black Miss HU Friday, leading to a division on campus that prompted her to write President Barack Obama.

Nikole Churchill, 22, competed against nine black students in the 15th annual Miss HU scholarship pageant. The senior nursing major attends the Virginia Beach campus and is the competition's first non-black winner, according to executive pageant director Shelia J. Maye.

Churchill, who is from Hawaii, wrote Obama on Sunday to tell him that her crowning was met with negative comments because of her skin color. She invited him to visit HU and speak about racial tolerance.

"I am hoping that perhaps you would be able to make an appearance to my campus, Hampton University, so that my fellow Hamptonians can stop focusing so much on the color of my skin and doubting my abilities to represent," she wrote, "but rather be proud of the changes our nation is making toward accepting diversity."

So come on, Barry, show us some of those Nobel Peace Prize winner skills and infuse a little bit of harmony and brotherhood at this historically black university. Unless, of course, racism isnÂ’t a problem when it is espoused by African-American scholars rather than uneducated whites.

Posted by: Greg at 10:27 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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October 04, 2009

Recruiting Of Jihadis In Minnesota Condemned By President -- Of Somalia

I guess that Barry Hussein has been too busy being an athletic supporter for Mayor Daley and the Chicago 2016 committee to take notice of this issue.

Fortunately there is a president with the time and moral clarity to speak out on the issue of jihadi recruiting on American soil.

The president of Somalia on Sunday denounced the recruiting of young men from MinnesotaÂ’s huge Somali community for terrorist activity in his war-ravaged homeland, and said he plans to work with the U.S. government to bring those still alive back home.

President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed spoke with The Associated Press while visiting the Minneapolis area, where authorities believe as many as 20 young Somali men—possibly recruited by a vision of jihad to fight—returned to the impoverished nation over the last two years.

At least three have died in Somalia, including one who authorities believe was the first American suicide bomber. Three others have pleaded guilty in the U.S. to terror-related charges.

Maybe he'll have something to say when one of these home-grown jihadis returns to this country and commits a terrorist act on American soil.

Or maybe not.

H/T Michelle Malkin

Posted by: Greg at 03:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 26, 2009

Race Attack On Sleeping White Kid Not A Hate Crime In Liberal Austin

If this had happened at the home of a black family living in a white neighborhood, the the Obama Regime would have taken action to make sure that the FBI would already be investigating and Barry Hussein would have already spoken out on the situation. At a minimum, the cops in Texas' most liberal city would have classified the incident as a hate crime and devoted extra manpower to it.

But hey, since the little boy whose window was broken by a brick with a racial message scrawled on it is white, it is a low-priority misdemeanor incident.

Police are investigating a brick with an offensive message thrown into the window of an East Austin home.

The brick, thrown through a 4-year-old boy’s bedroom window, read “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.”

* * *

Police have not classified this incident as a hate crime, said Austin Police Sgt. Richard Stresing, because hate crimes target an individual specifically because of an identifying characteristic, like race.

So when a white family living in a predominantly black neighborhood has a brick thrown through their window with a message about keeping the neighborhood black, that doesn't qualify as being targeted specifically because race? Would the same judgment be made if the it were a black family living in a white neighborhood getting a brick through the window with a message to keep the neighborhood white? The question answers itself.

Posted by: Greg at 06:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 27, 2009

A Statistic That Proves Nothing

Though at least a couple of domestic terrorists want to claim it does.

"Fifty-seven percent of white voters did not vote for Obama," Dohrn said. Referring to hers and Ayers new book, Race Course: Against White Supremacy, she said, "That was the impetus for writing this book. We've got a big job to do to change those numbers."

So, a racial disparity proves racism? I guess, then, that Dohrn and Ayers concerned about the level of racism exhibited by the black community, which did not vote for John McCain somewhere in the 95% range. You know, black supremacy would have to be a bad thing, right – even worse than what the alleged white supremacy shown by a mere 57% failing to vote for a black candidate for office, given the severity of the former. Unless, of course, one is such a racist that one is unwilling to hold blacks to the same standard which one holds whites.

Posted by: Greg at 07:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 24, 2009

City Where White Democrats Killed Blacks Elects Black Mayor

It is great to see the Democrat Party advance out of the nineteenth century – and move past the scourge of racism that overshadowed it for most of the twentieth century.

The city of Philadelphia, Miss., where members of the Ku Klux Klan killed three civil rights workers in 1964 in one of the eraÂ’s most infamous acts, on Tuesday elected its first black mayor.

James A. Young, a Pentecostal minister and former county supervisor, narrowly beat the incumbent, Rayburn Waddell, in the Democratic primary. There is no Republican challenger.

* * *

The city is 56 percent white, 40 percent black and 2 percent American Indian, according to the Census Bureau.

Once again, we see that a qualified black candidate who runs based upon qualifications rather than race can be elected in a majority white area -- even where Democrats are the prevailing political force and have been the main agents of racism (murderously so) for over a century and a half. So, let's move past the sort of focus on race that extends racism rather than eliminates it, and instead focus on love of country -- something which should unite all of us as Americans.

Posted by: Greg at 12:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 14, 2009

Can A White Man Be An African-American?

According to one institution of higher education, the answer is no – even if that white man was born and raised in Africa.

Born and raised in Mozambique and now a naturalized U.S. citizen, Serodio, 45, has filed a lawsuit against a New Jersey medical school, claiming he was harassed and ultimately suspended for identifying himself during a class cultural exercise as a "white African-American."

"I wouldn't wish this to my worst enemy," he said. "I'm not exaggerating. This has destroyed my life, my career."

The lawsuit, which asks for Serodio's reinstatement at the school and monetary damages, named the Newark-based University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and several doctors and university employees as defendants.

Filed Monday in U.S. District Court in New Jersey, the lawsuit traces a series of events that Serodio maintains led to his 2007 suspension, starting with a March 2006 cultural exercise in a clinical skills course taught by Dr. Kathy Ann Duncan, where each student was asked to define themselves for a discussion on culture and medicine.

After Serodio labeled himself as a white African-American, another student said she was offended by his comments and that, because of his white skin, was not an African-American.

According to the lawsuit, Serodio was summoned to Duncan's office where he was instructed "never to define himself as an African-American & because it was offensive to others and to people of color for him to do so."

"It's crazy," Serodio's attorney Gregg Zeff told ABCNews.com. "Because that's what he is."

Serodio, who lives in Newark, said he never meant to offend anyone and calling himself African-American doesn't detract from another person's heritage.

Now let’s consider this for a minute. If I argued that it was somehow offensive for a black person to define him or herself as “American” because I’m an American and not black, I’d justifiably be called a racist. It is equally as racist for some blacks to seek to reserve the continent of Africa to themselves, given the multi-ethnic makeup of that continent. After all, while most people of sub-Saharan Africa are black, not all of them are. And in northern Africa, the vast majority are of an entirely different ethnic stock, a mixture of Arab and Semitic peoples among others. Are those individuals to be excluded from their African heritage in order to protect the hyper-sensitive feelings of racist blacks who want to lay claim to the continent as exclusively their own?

What’s more, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey is a public institution. Is it the place of a public institution to define the race of its students and limit how some students view their heritage based upon those determinations? I would argue that the answer is self-evidently “NO!” To expel an individual from a professional school based upon their ethnic self-identification is simply intolerable. And equally unacceptable was the attempt by school officials to gag the student by forbidding him to speak or write in any public forum about the issue of race, ethnicity and culture – last time I checked, the First Amendment still applied to public institutions.

Why do I defend this gentleman? Perhaps it is because for several years I taught with a young woman who was born and raised in South Africa – a woman who proudly identified herself as an African. Perhaps it is because I do not know how else to identify an individual like Teresa Heinz Kerry, also born and raised in Mozambique, other than as an individual of unambiguously African heritage. And yes, perhaps because I frequently remind my students that the entire human race has its origin on the continent of Africa, and therefore we all have some claim to the continent on which our species emerged – and in that sense we are all African Americans.

H/T Discriminations

Posted by: Greg at 08:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 26, 2009

Anti-Semitism Lives!

In the New York Times and Washington Post!


I'll concede that not all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, and even that one can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews (though the latter is harder than the former) -- but doesn't this sort of imagery look like something straight out of the Third Reich?

H/T Ace, LGF, Founding Bloggers

UPDATE: JoshuaPundit explains why he thinks this editorial decision is a good thing -- because it exposes the NY Times for the hateful rag it is.

Posted by: Greg at 03:11 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 23, 2009

Racial Bean Counting Takes A Twist

IÂ’ve long watched bi-racial/multi-racial kids struggle over how to define themselves when they have been asked to pick one box to check on the annual student survey. How, for example, should my former student whose mother is black and father is Mexican classify herself? What about the son of a Japanese mother and a white father? It is quite a conundrum for some of them, especially since they may not identify with one more than the other.

IÂ’m therefore heartened by this move.

For many families in the District, Montgomery and other local counties that have felt forced to deny a part of their children's heritage, the new way of counting, mandated by the federal government, represents a long-awaited acknowledgment of their identity: Enrollment forms will allow students to identify as both white and American Indian, for example, or black and Asian. But changing labels will make it harder to monitor progress of groups that have trailed in school, including black and Hispanic students.

* * *

Starting in 2010, under Education Department rules approved two years ago to comply with a government-wide policy shift, parents will be able to check all boxes that apply in a two-step questionnaire with reshaped categories. First, they will indicate whether a student is of Hispanic or Latino origin, or not. (The two terms will encompass one group.) Then they will identify a student as one or more of the following: American Indian or Alaska native; Asian; black or African American; native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; or white.

Believe it or not, this is an improvement for my students. I worked in one school, for example, in which the policy was to count the students on the basis of their father’s race or ethnicity. So to take the first example I gave above, the girl would be Hispanic – but if her father was black and her mother Hispanic, she would be black. I’m familiar of at least one school district, though, that required that any child of a white and a non-white parent be classified as the race of the non-white parent in order to get additional state and federal funding – sort of the “one-drop” rule risen from the dead.

Personally, I favor dropping the entire system of counting students by race. The examples above show the arbitrary nature of such classifications. It would be better to classify by socio-economic status instead, and instead list the race of every student as “human”.

H/T Discriminations

Posted by: Greg at 01:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 02, 2009

When Racism Strikes

It may well have a black face, as in this scene from a recent Detroit City Council meeting.

A pitiful Teamster official who practically crawled to the table on his knees expressing profuse respect for this disrespectful body was battered by both the crowd and the council.

When he dared suggest that an improved Cobo Center would create more good-paying jobs for union workers, [Council President Monica] Conyers reminded him, "Those workers look like you; they don't look like me."

Desperate, he invoked President Barack Obama's message of unity and was angrily warned, "Don't you say his name here."

Got that, white boy -- Barack Obama isn't the president for white Americans, only for blacks. Invoking his call for a post-racial America is only acceptable to bludgeon whites with, not to demand that all Americans be treated with respect.

By the way, the Kluxer sound-alike be-yotch running the Detroit City Council, Monica Conyers, is the wife of US Congressman John Conyers (D-Detroit). Could you imagine the outcry if a family member of a white Republican congressman (or governor, or dog catcher) were to publicly make such statements?

Or, as the author of the commentary piece from which I quoted above, Nolan Finley of the Detroit News, notes:

Juxtapose the place and the faces and imagine a white Livonia City Council treating a black union representative with such overt racial hostility. The Justice Department would swoop down like a hawk, and the Rev. Al Sharpton would clog Five Mile Road with protesters.

But in Detroit, dealing with the council's bigotry is part of the cost of doing business.

Here's a test for Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. Let's have that courageous discussion of race and racism that Holder talked about recently. Let's have a little bit of that post-racial America. Turn the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice loose on the city of Detroit. Deal with the naked racism present in the scene above by going after the black Democrat head of the city council, the wife of a senior black Democrat congressman who was an early supporter of Barack Obama's candidacy for president.

In other words, let's get a little equal protection of the laws for all Americans.

Or admit that the rhetoric of the campaign was all a sham.

Posted by: Greg at 09:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 27, 2009

The Arrogance Of The White Liberal

Excuse me, but upon what possible basis does a white liberal presume to define the appropriate political and social beliefs for an African-American, and to declare an African-American as “self-hating” if he or she fails to hold to the proper views as defined by that white liberal?

That is the question IÂ’d like to ask racist white liberals Janeane Garofalo and Keith Olbermann after their disgusting performance on OlbermannÂ’s hate television show yesterday. After these two hacks engage in psychological profiling of women who like (or, even worse, date) Rush Limbaugh, they decide to trash GOP Chairman Michael Steele for the high crime of being a black Republican.


JANEANE GAROFALO: She dated him, so either she suffers from Stockholm Syndrome – a lot like Michael Steele, who’s the black guy in the Republican party who suffers from Stockholm Syndrome, which means you try and curry favor with the oppressor.

KEITH OLBERMANN: Yes, you talk about self-loathing.

GAROFALO: Yeah, and thereÂ’s, any female or person of color in the Republican party is struggling with Stockholm Syndrome.

Excuse me? Where did that homely little troll of a woman come up with Michael Steele in that context? It seems almost a little too convenient that she just happens to have a black man immediately in mind to insult for not hewing to her white liberal notion of what proper political beliefs and voting behavior is for a black man. And Olbermann is all too ready to pile on, because the fact that any black man would fail to hold political views congruent with his own is inconceivable unless they are suffering from some psychological disorder. Interestingly enough, neither of these individuals has anything approaching the sort of education or credentials necessary to make such a diagnosis – but hey, as white liberals they are better than the rest of us and are only making such statements about Chairman Steele for his own good and that of any confused black folks who might believe that they are permitted to think for themselves or hold deviant views.

Really, it seems to me that an independent thinking black man like Michael Steele is the polar opposite of the sort of person who has Stockholm Syndrome. After all, such individuals are prone to seeking approval from their more powerful captors. Steel does not do that – indeed, he rebels against ersatz superiors like Garofalo and Olbermann. On the other hand, I can think of a prominent African-American liberal politico who does appear to crave the approval of white liberal elitists like Janeane and Keith…

UPDATE: Over at Gay patriot, there is a great post on this same topic -- from the perspective of one who is often accused of hating himself because he dares to hew to the conservative values of the GOP.

Posted by: Greg at 02:15 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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February 25, 2009

Race-Baiters Play “Pillage The Rodeo” Again

Anyone familiar with life in Houston knows that one of the top charitable organizations in town is the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. They put on a great show every year, and raise lots of money for scholarships and educational programs. Most of the work is done by volunteers, and you reach the board through DECADES of volunteer activity.

That isn’t good enough for some members of the race ho and poverty pimp community, who want to make sure that their hand-picked “minority representatives” get on the board without those years of service and that their preferred minority contractors get a piece of the pie without giving the lowest bids.

State Sen. Mario Gallegos said he will be filing a bill Friday that would require the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo to contract with more minority-owned businesses, include minorities on its board and comply with open records requests.
Gallegos said he and other minority leaders urged action on the same issues during a meeting last week with rodeo officials but were told that the rodeo could not address their demands — it has a show to put on starting next week.
“It’s time they break the good ole boy system and start doing what’s right, period,” said Johnny Mata, the former head of the local chapter of League of United Latin American Citizens, who attended the meeting. “I am a firm believer that we can meet halfway.”
Gallegos, a Houston Democrat, said he is filing the bill because rodeo officials refused to go forward with non-binding mediation overseen by a U.S. Department of Justice division that works to settle minority-related disputes.
“They just told the DOJ they thought it was pointless,” Gallegos said. “I want to know what they do with their money. They are the largest cash cow in Houston.”
The rodeo generates more than $80 million in revenues annually.

And that’s what it really comes down to – the money, the disposition of which is already easily tracked through publicly available reports filed pursuant to their non-profit status. Let’s call this what it really is – a race-based shakedown. It is one that is tried virtually every year.

Hey, Johnny Mata -- let's make the board of LULAC reflect the ethnic composition of Harris County, open all of its records in the same fashion as the rodeo, and guarantee that its contracts are properly distributed based upon the ethnic spoils system you want to impose upon the rodeo.

And as for Mario Gallegos – why don’t you sneak off, get drunk and beat one of your mistress again.

And regardless – leave the rodeo alone.

Posted by: Greg at 12:57 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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February 24, 2009

Who Does The NAACP Really Represent

Apparently not African-Americans.

Throughout the Prop 8 fight last year, the California NAACP was a strong ally for marriage equality. Yesterday, the national NAACP came out strongly against Prop 8, as well.

Remember -- a majority of African-American voters supported Prop 8 last fall. Indeed, the sane thing has been true in every state where the people have been permitted to take a stand on gay marriage -- African-Americans have supported traditional marriage of one man and one woman. So who does the NAACP really represent?

Posted by: Greg at 03:27 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 20, 2009

OMG! I Agree With Ted Rall!

I generally view him as an idiot espousing left-wing hate and anti-Americanism in his cartoons. But he does make a salient point as an editorial cartoonist about the Chip Cartoon.

Ted Rall, president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, doesn't think Wednesday's New York Post editorial cartoon was penned by a racist. But he does think it was a "misfire," a "cheap form of editorial cartooning" that fails to carry any real commentary or message and is common in major publications today.

The cartoon wasn’t very good – but it wasn’t at all racist.

Indeed, IÂ’d argue that the uproar tells us more about those outraged than it does about those responsible for the cartoon and its publication.

And interestingly enough, a lot of cartoonists are feeling the heat over how to draw Obama.

Posted by: Greg at 01:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 19, 2009

About The Chimp Cartoon

By now almost everyone has seen the cartoon from the New York Post and heard of the controversy surrounding it.


I won’t defend it – I think it is in poor taste.

Because there is a seriously injured woman fighting to recover after the real chimp attack – not because of any slight, real or imagined, to Barack Obama.

Let me explain.

1) Barack Obama and his administration didn’t write the stimulus bill – it was a product of an all-Democrat team assembled by Pelosi and Reid to write the bill. Thus the comment from the cop cannot legitimately be taken as referring to President Obama.

2) Even if Barack Obama had personally written every word of the stimulus bill, I would not find the uses of the chimp imagery to be inappropriate. Such imagery was directed against George W. Bush for eight years without a word of complaint from any liberal that I ever encountered. If it was acceptable for President 43, then President 44 is an equally legitimate target of such barbs.

3) Barack Obama is President of the United States. He happens to be black. He is not the African-American President. We degrade the office, the man, and his accomplishments if we give Obama a special pass or special protection from certain criticism or certain imagery that would be otherwise acceptable if directed against a President of another race.

Now let me take matters a step further. The cartoon itself is not an act of racism – and more to the point is certainly not an act of intentional racism. The reality is that the chimp imagery is, lamentably, topical due to the Connecticut chimp attack of earlier this week. It is not as if someone up and decided to put a chimp in a cartoon for no apparent reason. Similarly, this isn’t a call for an assassination because the chimp in the cartoon was shot and killed – it was a direct play on the tragic events just a few days before in which the crazed primate was shot and killed.

Should the cartoon have run? IÂ’d argue that the best answer is a negative one. It isnÂ’t funny. It is subject to misinterpretation because it is not clear. It is insensitive to the seriously injured victim. But in the end it just isnÂ’t racist.

Or if it is, it is certainly less racist than these two noted cartoons about a prominent African-American in public life who was the subject of indisputably racist treatment in editorial cartoons which was met with silence by the same folks who are righteously outraged when they perceive a slight directed at Barack Obama.



Now am I ignoring that there has been a lamentable history of depicting blacks as apes and chimps? Not at all – but I’m also not ignoring the fact that when we place this cartoon in context there is little reason to argue that Obama’s race was the (or even a) motivating factor in the cartoon (especially since I don’t believe is even intended to reference Obama). And rest assured that when and if I see actual racism directed at Barack Obama, I’ll condemn it. But in the (probably apocryphal) words of one Sigmund Freud, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar” – and I think this one is merely a cigar.

By the way, I would like to note two recent ways in which I have used a chimp reference in relation to Barack Obama – both times to draw parallels to the sort of disdainful treatment received by George W. Bush during his time in office. In a couple of instances, to parody the deranged ravings of too many Leftists who for eight years have referred to the former president as “Chimpy McHitlerBurtion” or some variation thereof, I have referred to Obama as “Chimpy al-Hussein bin-Osama” in a satirical fashion. Similarly, I asked a couple of pointed questions – one of which related to the classification of George W. Bush as a chimp by liberals – in this post about the desire of Obama’s handlers have the capacity to electronically feed the President answers during press conferences:

>Even George W. Bush could competently deal with the media. Apparently Barack Obama cannot do so. In light of that, IÂ’d like to know who the real dummy is, which one really operates at the level of a trained chimp? After all, Bush may not have been as pretty as Barack or have been a polished orator behind a teleprompter, but at least he could answer questions from reporters without being programmed by someone else.

Again, the chimp reference is not racial slur – it is set forth to offer a comparison to eight years of derogatory references to the intelligence and abilities of George W. Bush, who could answer press questions unaided despite lacking Obama’s oratorical gifts and alleged soaring intellect. In no way did race even enter my thought process.

Posted by: Greg at 12:19 PM | Comments (33) | Add Comment
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January 08, 2009

US Government Sues Racist Group For Voter Intimidation Tactics

If the KKK had tried this tactic to protect “white votes”, there would have been howls of outrage in the mainstream press. Thank God that the Justice Department is willing to seek justice on a race-neutral basis by going after this group of armed thugs.

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department today filed a lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act against the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and three of its members alleging that the defendants intimidated voters and those aiding them during the Nov. 4, 2008, general election.

The complaint, filed in the United States District Court in Philadelphia, alleges that, during the election, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were deployed at the entrance to a Philadelphia polling location wearing the uniform of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, and that Samir Shabazz repeatedly brandished a police-style baton weapon.

“Intimidation outside of a polling place is contrary to the democratic process,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Grace Chung Becker. “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to protect the fundamental right to vote and the Department takes allegations of voter intimidation seriously.”

Remember – this is a violent, anti-white, anti-Semitic hate group. They need to be confronted whenever they engage in such illegal acts -- just like their white cousins in the Klan. Now the question is – will the Obama Justice Department continue to pursue this case?

H/T Jawas, Malkin

Posted by: Greg at 01:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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November 11, 2008

Intolerant Gays Attacking Religion

IÂ’ve long been on record condemning Fred Phelps and his malignant klan for their disgusting activities. Their protests of funerals of homosexuals and servicemembers are a disgrace, though I am thankful that our nationÂ’s laws and constitution protect the right of the folks from Westboro Baptist Church to spew their warped religious faith.

That said, there have been three assaults on the religious beliefs of some Americans by homosexual activists over the last week or so that are equally deserving of condemnation.

Let’s consider the first – the assaults endured by the Mormon faith in the wake of the Proposition 8 victory. Not content to accept the voice of the people on the issue, gay rights groups have targeted the LDS Church for attack and special punishment – with one writer for Huffington Post going so far as to demand that the Mormons be stripped of their recognition as a religious group despite the fact that they have remained fully within the (arguably unconstitutional) restrictions imposed upon political activities by religious organizations. Indeed, one prominent celebrity opined in a television interview that Mormons are not good Americans because they had acted to write their values into law – not noting the implicitly hypocritical nature of his argument that only those who agreed with him should be permitted to have their values so established. I guess they feel that appealing to religious bigotry in an effort to promote their own cause (not to mention racial bigotry, like that of Roseanne Barr) is a small price to pay for overturning the will of the people as has now been expressed by religiously and racially diverse voters in 30 of the 50 states.

But that is not all we have seen in recent weeks. Not content to allow religious believers to freely practice their religion unmolested, a church in Dallas was picketed this past weekend because the pastorÂ’s sermon was to deal with the negative treatment of homosexuality in the Scriptures.

About 100 people stood in front of First Baptist Church of Dallas on Sunday morning to protest Dr. Robert Jeffress' sermon, "Why Gay Is Not O.K."

When one boils down the argument of the protesters, it is essentially that not only may Christians not seek to have their moral values on the issue written into law, but they also may not preach them from the pulpit, teach them in a Sunday School class, or in any way disseminate them. I’d have to argue that theirs is a pretty crabbed view of religious tolerance, given that they were doing nothing less than protesting a religious service. I’m curious – how did their picketing in any way, shape, or form differ from the sort of thing done by Fred Phelps and his followers? Where, pray tell, is the condemnation of this event?

But that is not the worst of it – in Michigan a church was invaded by homosexual activists who disrupted their service.

A gay anarchist group infiltrated the Mt. Hope Church in Eaton County Sunday morning, disrupting a service by pulling a fire alarm, dropping leaflets and yelling at parishioners, a pastor said.

The group, Bash Back, was simultaneously picketing outside the church, beating on buckets and using a megaphone to shout “Jesus was a homo” and other slogans as confused churchgoers continued to enter the building.

Members of Bash Back issued a press release Tuesday saying that it targeted Mt. Hope, a church that claims a flock of around 5,000, because it is, "complicit in the repression of queers in Michigan and beyond."

Now imagine, if you will, that Phelps’ followers were to invade a meeting being conducted by a gay rights group – or the services of a congregation of the Metropolitan Community Church. Wouldn’t there have been arrests? Charges filed regarding hate crimes and civil rights violations? National media coverage of the outrageous evil they had committed? Interestingly enough, not one major media outlet in the Lansing area even bothered to report the matter. So much for objective journalism.

And yet when Christians and other believers argue that the efforts of the gay rights movement are a threat to their religious freedom, they are told that they have nothing to worry about. Who are we to believe – the liberal gay rights activists or our own eyes?

Posted by: Greg at 01:47 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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October 17, 2008

For The Record – Quannell X Is Nothing But A Whore

After all, he’ll apparently hold an Astroturf rally for you to create the appearance of a grassroots movement – if you are willing to cough up $20K for him.

ThatÂ’s one of the details exposed in the billing dispute between local Democrat hack lawyer Lloyd Kelley and former clients Erik and Sean Ibarra over KelleyÂ’s bill. One of the things that he wants the Ibarras to pay for is this little expense.

Kelley said he had $300,000 in expenses, but a judge approved only a reimbursement of $51,000. The remainder of the expenses, according to the contract signed by the brothers and Kelley, says the brothers must pay the expenses.

* * *

A supplemental page of expenses filed by Kelley show $95,000 paid to attorney Tammy Tran for jury consulting and $20,000 to community activist Quanell X for organizing a rally in front of the courthouse, Sorrels said.

In other words, the rally intended to represent the “outraged community” was actually nothing but a bit of political theater bought and paid for by the plaintiffs’ lawyer from a “community activist” who will prostitute himself and his followers out if the price is right.

In other words, the name of the game for Quannell X is “show me the money!”

UPDATE -- 10/17/2008, 7:30 PM: Looks like the issue may be fraud by Kelley, with Quannell X being a pawn in this whole thing:

Longtime Houston activist Quanell X wants you to know that he did not get $20,000 for organizing a demonstration last June in support of the Ibarra brothers during the lawsuit in which they won $1.7 million for mistreatment by Harris County deputies.

The brothers had been roughed up and falsely arrested for taking photographs from their own property of a drug raid on the house next door. Quanell X led a demonstration march as the jury was hearing testimony. But he insists he was not paid for the expression of outrage.

"That is absolutely not the case," Quanell X said Thursday. "Nobody has ever paid me for a demonstration."

Randy Sorrels is the attorney for the Ibarras in a lawsuit over that and other expenses flamboyant lawyer Lloyd Kelley is charging them for work on their wildly successful suit against the county.

Sorrels says Kelley told the brothers the payment to Quanell X was for organizing a demonstration march.

Not so, says Quanell X. He says he even turned down an offer from the Ibarra brothers to help pay the expenses.

"I told them I didn't want anybody saying you paid for the march."

Quannell X was, however brought in as a jury consultant, for which he was paid. That would make it appear that the officemate of the Democrat candidate for DA is trying to rip off his former clients just days before the election, and using fraudulent documents in the process.

Posted by: Greg at 04:14 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 06, 2008

Why DonÂ’t They Ask The Group That Fomented, Benefited From, The Racist Coup?

You know, rather than merely have the state pay reparations, go after the organization that was really responsible for the event.

Marchers took to the street this week, calling for the state to make reparations for the 1898 Wilmington riots.

About a dozen people marched to the courthouse in Durham on Sunday. It was one of 13 such marches held across the state leading up to the 65th annual conference of the state NAACP, which starts Thursday.

The marchers are asking state legislators to make payments to the descendants of those harmed in an insurrection that led to the deaths of at least 14 black people and perhaps many more.

The riots were brought to the forefront when the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission report was released in 2006 after six years of study by a state-appointed panel.

The panel found that the riots that led to a government overthrow in Wilmington were started by white supremacist leaders in a conspiracy to strip political power from black people and their allies.

State legislators have apologized for the conspiracy, but the state NAACP and other groups in a statewide coalition are calling for the state to make reparations to the families of those who died or lost their livelihoods as a result of the riots.

"You want to apologize, but you don't want to share the wealth with these people," said Fred Foster, head of the Durham branch of the state NAACP. "The only way to bring closure is to set things right."

Yes, set things right indeed. The state’s Democrat Party was one of the two primary instigators, perpetrators, and beneficiaries of the coup conducted against the elected GOP government of Wilmington. Make the Democrats pay for their crimes – indeed, liquidate the Democrat Party in North Carolina and distribute the assets as reparations to the families of those who died and/or lost their livelihoods as a result of the murderous rampage by Democrats to create a Democrat-led government in the city – and also distribute a share of those assets to the state Republican Party, which was every bit a victim of the coup as the individuals. You know, bring some closure to this incident by setting things right.

Posted by: Greg at 12:40 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Obama Camp Making Racism Acceptable Again

He started out as a “post-racial” candidate, but Obama and his surrogates have found themselves time and again claiming that any criticism of the candidate and his record are racist. Such claims are nonsensical – but taken up by the slavering media supporters of the campaign as if they fell from heaven bound in leather with gold leaf on the edge of the pages.

The latest involves Sarah PalinÂ’s observation that Barack Obama has had an ongoing close relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.

"Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country," Palin told a group of donors in Englewood, Colo. A deliberate attempt to smear Obama, McCain's ticket-mate echoed the line at three separate events Saturday.

"This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America," she said. "We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism."

Her reference to Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, was exaggerated at best if not outright false. No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.

Obama, who was a child when the Weathermen were planting bombs, has denounced Ayers' radical views and actions.

Well, I would dispute the characterization that they were not close – especially given that Ayers personally sought out Obama for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, hosted campaign events, participated in speaking engagements, and otherwise worked closely with the Democrat candidate. While one can argue about the depth of their personal relationship, it was clear that they were close professional associates – and that Obama’s willingness to be so closely associated with an admitted terrorist indicates that he does see the world in a manner that is very different from most Americans. Either that, or he doesn’t give a damn about anything that doesn’t advance Barack Obama personally.

But racist? It the connection to race is so tenuous as to be laughable.

Palin's words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee "palling around" with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America?

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers' day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as "not like us" is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.

So get that – any pointing out that Obama might be different from Americans in his outlook or associations is automatically false and racist.

This marks simply one more goofy “racism” charge. They are cataloged over at Patterico’s Pontifications.

  • It&Â’s racist to point out the connection between Barack Obama and a white man — who happens to be a terrorist.

  • ItÂ’s racist to point out the connection between Barack Obama and a black man — who happens to have run Fannie Mae.

And I’ve got to make an observation publicly that I have made privately to friends over the last few months as we have watched Barack Obama deflect criticism by redefining the entire concept of racism – if everything, including clear statements of fact and direct quotations of candidates, their friends, family members, and associates, constitutes racism, then the very notion of racism itself is meaningless. And that has the potential for making all but the most pernicious, outrageous forms of racism legitimate, because racism itself will have been devalued as an actual evil. Do we as a country really wish to see our society go down that path?

H/T Malkin, Hot Air

Posted by: Greg at 12:20 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 01, 2008

The Double Standard Again

Could you imagine the outrage if a newspaper ran a neutral, even slightly approving, story with the following headline?

Whites Forming a Rock-Solid Bloc Behind McCain

We would be treated to even more editorials and columns lamenting the emergence of race and racism in American politics.

Why, then, is this sort of race-based voting not so loudly condemned?

Blacks Forming a Rock-Solid Bloc Behind Obama

We know the answer, of course – racially-motivated behavior on the part of minorities is not seen as malignant by the liberal opinion elite. Only when white folks band together in solidarity with their do they see a problem. Instead, they hold minority groups to a lower standard – and condemn whites who do not support them in such solidarity as racist.

Posted by: Greg at 01:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 17, 2008

Whoopi Opines

Again proving that the real racial problem in this country stems from African-Americans who want to keep grievances alive rather than white racism.

After all, when you slap down someone for saying it is NEVER acceptable for anyone of any race to use a certain historically sensitive racial slur by dismissing them as "very white", it is really clear that you are the anti-MLK.

What a crock! But then again, Whoppi is phenomenally ignorant on a wide range of subjects.

Hey, Whoopi -- here's a big box of something for you courtesy of Mr. Chris Rock.

Posted by: Greg at 02:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 08, 2008

What Kind Of Hole?

You've got to love it when public officials display their ignorance by screaming "RACIST" at the drop of a hat.

And this one seems to have been caught on tape -- if anyone can direct me to the video online, I'll post it.

A special meeting about Dallas County traffic tickets turned tense and bizarre this afternoon.

County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.

Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.

Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."

That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.

Mayfield shot back that it was a figure of speech and a science term. A black hole, according to Webster's, is perhaps "the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape."

Other county officials quickly interceded to break it up and get the meeting back on track. TV news cameras were rolling, after all.

I'm stunned. Anyone who has had any access to the media for the last three or four decades ought understand the broad, general outlines of what a black hole is, and understand what the term means colloquially -- and that it has nothing to do with race.

Seems to me that there are two ignorant racists in this story.

Ignorant racist #1 is Commissioner John Wiley Price for intentionally using "white" as a racial slur.

Ignorant racist #2 is Dallas County Judge Thomas Jones for demanding an apology from Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield rather than Price after the latter made an intentionally racist comment in an attempt to bait Mayfield.

And it would never cross my mind to describe either Price or Thomas as a black hole -- but I think we all know what sort of holes these two distinguished Democrat elected officials really are.

And to think that this Dallas County is the model upon which Democrats here in Houston wish to recreate Harris County government!

H/T Jammie Wearing Fool

Now picked up at Urban Grounds and Michelle Malkin

UPDATE: Here's the video.

Good God are these two guys stupid -- and the attempt to justify the objection is even more outrageous.

Posted by: Greg at 06:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 29, 2008

Where Was The Outrage?

A pre-school bus carrying a group of toddlers was attacked by a rock-throwing, epithet-hurling gang in New York's Crown Heights last month.

Why no banner headline, and no stop-the-hate marches led by folks like Al Sharpton?

Oh, I see -- the victims were Jews, and the perpetrators were black. The story doesn't fit the template -- but it would have been national news if the kids had been black, Muslim, or Hispanic and the perpetrators had been white.

But since it wasn't, no harm, no foul in the eyes of the civil rights establishment and the liberal media.

Fortunately, hate-crime charges are pending against the perps. How long until Sharpton and company are out protesting against that decision?

H/T Atlas Shrugs

Posted by: Greg at 02:27 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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June 24, 2008

Playing The Race Card In Odessa

There are certain laws that apply to public health -- and when a community group is giving out food in a manner that violates the rules, it should be shut down. Last year there was a food poisoning outbreak in Odessa when the rules weren't enforced, but there is an even bigger uproar now that they are being enforced.

Leaders of the Black Cultural Council say volunteers and the black community felt "humiliated" after two health department food inspectors threatened to put a stop to a Juneteenth celebration over questions about food preparation for 600 free barbecue sandwiches.

Council President Jo Ann Davenport-Littleton said health inspectors told them it was illegal for the group to serve the sandwiches because they were not prepared at the site where they were served.

Gino Solla, the county's top health official, said state law prohibits any food service operation from having food prepared in a private home for public consumption.

"I hate that it happened," Davenport-Littleton said in a story for today's edition of the Odessa American. "I wanted people to go away talking about how great the celebration was this year. All you heard was 'They were going to deny us barbecue. Here we are in modern-day slavery again.' "

I wonder what Jo Ann Davenport-Littlebrain would have said if she and the folks she were feeding got a little modern-day food poisoning?

My guess is Davenport-Littlebrain would be complaining that the health inspectors didn't enforce state health regulations -- based upon their racism, of course.

And when Davenport-Littlebrain and her group got sued and faced a big damage award to those made ill by the tainted food, she would probably argue that the equal application of the law was another case of modern-day slavery.

In other words, Davenport-Littlebrain is part of a long line of grievance-mongers, poverty-pimps, and race-hos who insist upon making even the most neutral of actions an example of insidious racism.

More at Urban Grounds, Malkin.

Posted by: Greg at 05:39 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 05, 2008

Death Of A Civil Rights Heroine

Sometimes a court case has a name that really fits with what it is about. That is particularly true of the case that struck down laws regarding interracial marriage -- Loving v. Virginia.

One of the participants in that case, Mildred Loving, has passed away.

Mildred Loving, a black woman whose challenge to Virginia's ban on interracial marriage led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling striking down such laws nationwide, has died, her daughter said Monday.

Peggy Fortune said Loving, 68, died Friday at her home in rural Milford. She did not disclose the cause of death.

"I want (people) to remember her as being strong and brave yet humble — and believed in love," Fortune told The Associated Press.

Loving and her white husband, Richard, changed history in 1967 when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld their right to marry. The ruling struck down laws banning racially mixed marriages in at least 17 states.

"There can be no doubt that restricting the freedom to marry solely because of racial classifications violates the central meaning of the equal protection clause," the court ruled in a unanimous decision.

Her husband died in 1975. Shy and soft-spoken, Loving shunned publicity and in a rare interview with The Associated Press last June, insisted she never wanted to be a hero — just a bride.

"It wasn't my doing," Loving said. "It was God's work."

Now I hadn't been aware of all those details -- some of which are quite disconcerting by today's standards -- but those details do not stand in the way of the fundamental truth that the laws in question violated the Fourteenth Amendment.

And while her death is sad, I am certain that Mildred Loving is today in the arms of her beloved husband, Richard/

Posted by: Greg at 10:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 08, 2008

New View Of Race; Same As The Old View

Looks like the Obama campaign isn't interested in new tones and dialogue about race -- as witnessed by the bum's rush given to one of its delegates over a trivial matter.

An Illinois delegate for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama resigned after using the word "monkeys" to describe black children playing in a tree, the Obama campaign said Tuesday.

Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski, a trustee in the Chicago suburb of Carpentersville, was issued a $75 ticket for disorderly conduct after neighbors complained to police. She says the word wasn't meant racially and she will fight the ticket.

"Given the incident, Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski is stepping down as a delegate and will be replaced," said Obama spokeswoman Amy Brundage.

The incident occurred Saturday, when two children were playing in a tree next door to Ramirez-Sliwinski's house.

She said the parents were outside supervising the children, but she went over and told them to get out of the tree because she was concerned about the boys' safety and because the small magnolia tree was being damaged.

The father of one of the boys told her it was none of her business, she told the Chicago Tribune, and "I calmly said the tree is not there for them to be climbing in there like monkeys."

The mother of one boy called police.

Cmdr. Michael Kilbourne said Tuesday a ticket was issued because the ordinance bans conduct that disturbs or alarms people. One of the boys told police he was scared by her comment and a mother said she was disturbed, he said.

Now, let's make a couple of points.

1) It wasn't any of Ramirez-Sliwinski's business what was going on in the neighbor's yard -- especially with the parents there.

2) One the parent -- who presumably owns the tree -- said they didn't have a problem with the kids playing there, Ramirez-Sliwinski should have backed off.

3) If Ramirez-Sliwinski was concerned about the safety of the children, she should have called the police and let them sort it out.

That said, the reaction of the parents -- and the cops -- was absurd.

Disorderly conduct? For saying "monkey" in a context where it clearly didn't have a racial context? Just because a racial grievance-monger didn't like it? You have got to be kidding!

And after all the talk of a "new tone" and "discussion" on race, the Obama campaign didn't waste any time in caving in to those who follow the old paradigm -- that a shout of "racism" by a black person is a scarlet letter that cannot be removed, and that common sense cannot be allowed to enter into the analysis of the events leading to the claim or the motives of those making it.

Nice speech, Senator -- too bad your own campaign won't even try to live up to it.

Posted by: Greg at 10:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 04, 2008

Will The NFL Act?

In response to the profane, racist rant of one of its players – even though he is black.

A Jacksonville, Fla., television station has obtained documents detailing Jaguars cornerback Brian WilliamsÂ’ racist rant to police the night he was arrested in September 2006 on suspicion of DUI, News 4 Jax reported.

The police officer involved wrote in a report that Williams called him "Honky mother (expletive)," and said, "I (expletive) your momma ... I (expletive) your wife twice." Williams allegedly went on to say he would do something to the officerÂ’s daughter, News 4 Jax reported.

Williams apologized for his actions after the initial arrest, but recently withdrew the guilty plea he submitted after the 2006 incident.

That withdrawal allowed the arresting officerÂ’s notes to be made public. The officer said at the time of the arrest he did not know Williams had recently signed a multimillion dollar deal with the Jaguars, News 4 Jax reported.

Now I have to ask this question – had this racist rant come from a white player towards a black cop, would it have been swept under the rug like this? Wouldn’t we have quickly seen leaked police reports on the arrest, complete with the slurs and profanity, as well as any video of the incident?

Could we be looking at one more double standard here on race relations that we need to dialogue about?

This goes along pretty well with one of the points from John HawkinsÂ’ superb column today on race and racism.

Blacks are, on average, more racist than whites: As we've seen in the Democratic primary this year, black Americans are much more likely to vote for a person based on his skin color than white Americans. Also, most black Americans tend to think it's ok to belong to race-based organizations like the NAACP, while white Americans hold race-based groups like the KKK in disdain. Moreover, percentage wise, there are pretty clearly a lot more black Americans who dislike white Americans based on their skin color than vice-versa. Maybe that's understandable given the shameful treatment black Americans once had to endure in this country, but it's still the truth -- and don't even get me started on black Americans actually defending criminal scum like O.J. Simpson, Mike Tyson, and the L.A. rioters because they're black.

Now in defense of the NAACP, its Jacksonville chapter president did condemn Williams’ language as divisive and harmful. But I can’t help but wonder whether a similarly despicable rant from a white player would have produced the same measured response – or a nuclear meltdown with demands for sensitivity training for the entire NFL and race-based kickbacks to black organizations and minority contractors with the appropriate political patrons.

In the end, though, I hope that the best punishment in this case comes from those of us who are NFL ticket holders. We need to make life very uncomfortable for this racist scumbag – with boos, jeers, and general expressions of contempt. He’ll get that from me when the Jags play here in Houston this fall.

Posted by: Greg at 10:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 02, 2008

More Racism, Less Outrage

IÂ’m glad to see the arrests made, but I wonder if you notice what is missing here.

Four men in Orlando were charged with a hate crime after they pummeled a 62-year-old woman and her two mentally-challenged companions at a public park after they didn't pay a "fee" for being white, police said.

Investigators said the victims were walking into a Kaley Park when they were confronted by Christopher Colbert, Erick Golden, Willie Pritts and Antoniette Boone.

Police said the victims were told that since they are white, they had to pay a fee to be in the park.

What donÂ’t you see? How about marches and speeches led by outraged foes of racism? I guess that they just canÂ’t muster the outrage necessary to protest when the victims are white and the perps are black.

But rest assured that if the races were reversed, they would be there extorting a little something out of the public coffers.

And I’m curious – why hasn’t the media been all over this one nationally? After all, it would be a great case to use in a dialogue on race and racism, don’t you think?

Posted by: Greg at 12:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 20, 2008

Noose Prof A Plagiarist

And given the lack of any information about what actually happened in that celebrated case, I can't help but wonder if these two incidents are related.

A Columbia University professor who was the apparent target of a hate crime last October, when a noose was left on her office door, has been sanctioned for plagiarism, university officials confirmed today. The plagiarism investigation of the professor, Madonna G. Constantine of Teachers College, was reported today by The Columbia Spectator. This afternoon, she called the investigation “biased and flawed” and accused the university of a “witch hunt.”

The university would not specify how Professor Constantine, a psychologist, is being punished.

So she is clearly dishonest here -- and her statement plays upon the noose incident to cast herself as a victim.

In a statement sent by email this afternoon to Teachers College students and faculty members, Dr. Constantine called the investigation “biased and flawed,” saying that it, coupled with “other incidents that have happened to me at Teachers College in recent months, point to a conspiracy and witch-hunt by certain current and former members of the Teachers College

“I am left to wonder whether a white faculty member would have been treated in such a publicly disrespectful and disparaging manner,” she wrote. “As one of only two tenured Black women full professors at Teachers College, it pains me to conclude that I have been specifically and systematically targeted.”

Interesting, isn't it, that she became the target of such a convenient incident right in the middle of an investigation that was going bad for her? Interesting, isn't it, that it allows her to turn a simple investigation of academic dishonesty into a racial cause celebre? It is enough to make me ask if she hung the noose herself -- after all, there have been a number of high profile noose incidents where the "victim" is the perp trying to distract from something else.

H/T Malkin

Posted by: Greg at 11:31 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 28, 2008

Perhaps A Change Is Coming

For years, Houston has had its own race-baiting, poverty-pimping counterpart to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, in the form of Quanell X. Indeed, much of his rhetoric has been uglier than that which has come out of those two national figures.

But I want to offer some praise here. We may be seeing some growth on his part as a human being.

The date was Oct. 15, 1995, the place Washington, D.C. On the eve of the Million Man March, a rally organized by the Nation of Islam, the organization's youth minister was ready with rhetoric and venom.

Angered by Jewish protests over a conference dedicated to "the black Holocaust," 24-year-old Quanell X told the gathering that offended Jews "can go straight to hell," then expounded on his sentiments to a Chicago Tribune reporter.

"The real deal is this: Black youth do not want a relationship with the Jewish community or the mainstream white community or the foot-shuffling, head-bowing, knee-bobbing black community," Quanell said. "I say to Jewish America: Get ready ... knuckle up, put your boots on because we're ready and the war is going down."

A dozen years later, Houston's best-known black activist says he has changed. He is not only older but wiser, no longer beholden to revolutionary politics or an angry young man's immature view of the world.

Now Quanell has something else to tell Jews: He's sorry. He was wrong, he says. And though it may anger some in his community — perhaps to the point of threats to his safety — he wants to make amends.

Toward that end, he toured the Holocaust Museum Houston on Monday afternoon in the company of its executive director and chair-elect. He appeared moved by what he saw and learned, much of it for the first time. Quanell later expressed sorrow that he would have chosen remarks offensive and threatening to people who endured the horrors of Nazi concentration camps.

"I apologize to every Jewish (Holocaust) survivor that may have heard anything I have ever said," Quanell said at the end of his tour, which culminated with his placing a stone at an outside memorial, a Jewish custom at a gravesite. "How could I say anything in a vile, malicious or repugnant manner to anyone who has been in one of these camps? I should have never threatened like that.

"I seek the forgiveness of every survivor who has heard the words I've said," he continued. "I did not say them in the proper manner to make the point I was trying to get across. I can see and understand how they might be utterly paranoid (of) a person such as myself."

I'm willing to presume the sincerity on the part of Quanell X. I'm willing to respect the words here and the possibility that thy are from the heart. And while I do not understand how a man can reach his mid-thirties in this country without an awareness of the fundamental facts of the Holocaust, I'm prepared to believe that he has learned something of value and has begun a process of change.

But I wonder -- when will we hear an apology for his armed body guards shoving a WWII vet to the ground for daring to question Quanell (or is it Mr. X? I'll follow the Chronicle's stylisic lead here) about his rhetoric and positions? When will he make amends (from his nice suburban home) for his public revocation of the "ghetto pass" of a Houston politician who dared to vote against the demands of Quanell X and his radical constituency? When will we get an apology for this call to violence against whites?

"If you feel that you just got to mug somebody because of your hurt and your pain, go to River Oaks and mug you some good white folks. If youÂ’re angry that our brother is put to death, donÂ’t burn down your own community, give these white folks hell from the womb to the tomb."

It is my hope that Quanell X has turned over a new leaf and is out to promote harmony. But you have to understand my feelings, and those of many in this community, that we will have to "trust but verify" on this one.

Posted by: Greg at 11:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 07, 2008

A Thought Worth Considering

There has been a theme running through the coverage of the Barack Obama campaign for some time now. It has disturbed me -- and Christopher Hitchens states clearly why I feel disconcerted by it.

Isn't there something pathetic and embarrassing about this emphasis on shade? And why is a man with a white mother considered to be "black," anyway? Is it for this that we fought so hard to get over Plessy v. Ferguson? Would we accept, if Obama's mother had also been Jewish, that he would therefore be the first Jewish president? The more that people claim Obama's mere identity to be a "breakthrough," the more they demonstrate that they have failed to emancipate themselves from the original categories of identity that acted as a fetter upon clear thought.

It does seem rather interesting that in an age where "multi-racial"has become more and more common a response from Americans of mixed heritage, there is an insistence that Barack Obama be stuffed into one neat little pigeonhole. And more disturbing is the fact that many people find his race to be relevant, and are willing to suspend judgment because of it. We ought to be asking "Is Barack Obama qualified and competent to be President? Is his platform good for America?" Of negligible relevance is the question "Is America ready for a black president?" What is important is not the possibility that Obama will be the first black President -- what matters is whether he is or isn't the best possible president.

Posted by: Greg at 11:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 27, 2007

Imagine The Outrage

If a prominent right-wing blogger allowed one of his/her co-bloggers to post a piece like this on a blog and left it there. And this anti-Semitic piece of crap, worthy of those other socialists who ran Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, has been there since Christmas Eve.

Several months ago, at the suggestion of MSOC, I returned to this site, resolved that I would never again descend to the moral cesspit occupied by the haters. I would willingly engage in civil and rational discourse with anyone of good will, but if they refused, I would ignore them.

Unfortunately, the same persons whose emnity and hostility were so pervasive before immediately resumed their campaign to discredit me, not only rejecting my overtures of peace, but mocking them.

These hateful persons are Jews. At one point, I would have disregarded this fact, but I no longer can. This site has been nothing but the battleground of the Jew Wars, and it is not possible to escape the toxic fallout.

Some persons here have posted remarks offensive to Jews, remarks that no one would have regarded seriously if not for the Jews, as they stridently identify themselves, calling for banning and lynch mobs and denunciation of the posters whose words have offended them. They have made it very clear that they are willing to destroy this site, to make it a barren no-man's-land where no civil discourse can survive, unless the persons they charge with antisemitism are silenced and driven out.

I know that these Jews will continue to conduct their hate campaigns with impunity as well as self-righteousness, because the people in charge of this site regard them as friends, but they are false, treacherous friends, willing to destroy the site that has befriended them.

And these same persons, these Jews, have not only continued their malicious attacks on me, but others, also Jews, have joined their Hate Squad, solely on the grounds that they are Jews and have been offended by someone, and thus arrogate to themselves the right to hate and insult a person who has done them no harm and no offense.

And the consequence is this: I now find myself, for the first time in my life, hating Jews. I find myself hating the Jews on this site, both the Jews who have conducted their malicious campaign against me for so long and the Jews who have stood by in silent solidarity with them, never saying a word against their vile attacks, their cruelty and ugliness.

I find myself thinking that Proximity perhaps has the right idea, that Jews regard other human beings as objects, to be sacrificed to the interests of Jews. That Jews will always stand with other Jews no matter their guilt, and against non-Jews, no matter their innocence. The face of Jews has become unspeakably ugly in my sight, because of the ugliness of the Jewish haters here.

There you have it -- Jew-hatred is a rational response to Jewish condemnation of Jew-hatred. Courtesy of the Left-wing. And remaining un-deleted from that Left-Wing blog, and uncondemned by its owner.

But then again, what do you expect -- the owner proudly proclaimed how she revels in hatred in a WaPo profile last year.

And to think that a local lefty condemned my piece on the absurdity of taking Christ out of Christmas as an example of "hate that doesn't take a break".

H/T Captain's Quarters, Jawa Report, Moderate Voice, Gina Cobb, Neptunus Lex

Posted by: Greg at 02:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 24, 2007

Why I Am Not A Democrat

I've commented on the long legacy of hatred and bigotry spewed by the Democrats since their foundation.

Columnist Bruce Bartlett has been kind enough to share some of that legacy with us -- from the founders of the Democrat Party to the present day.

We know what they were.

We know what they are.

We know what they always will be.

To cast a vote for a Democrat is to cast a vote against equality, liberty, and human dignity.

Here are the quotes assembled by Mr. Bartlett for your consideration. more...

Posted by: Greg at 10:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 05, 2007

Seeking Justice In Jena

While the race hucksters have been able to muddy the waters in Jena, Louisiana with their calls for justice, the one person who has received no justice in the case is 18-year-old Justin Baker, the victim of a brutal, unprovoked hate crime by six thugs who were just out to get a white boy because of his race.

The family of a white student allegedly beaten by six black classmates in rural Louisiana has filed a civil lawsuit against the teens' parents, the adult teens, an additional student and the local school board.

One teen, Mychal Bell, pleaded guilty to battery in juvenile court on Monday in the attack. Five other teens face criminal charges in the case and are awaiting court appearances.

Justin Barker, 18, and his parents, David and Kelli, allege in the suit that seven Jena High School students attacked Justin on Dec. 4, 2006, as he left the school gym.
The suit names the attackers as the "Jena Six" students — Bell, Bryant Purvis, Robert Bailey Jr., Carwin Jones, Theo Shaw and a juvenile — as well as a second juvenile.

Law enforcement officials have not named the second juvenile as one of the attackers.

"Petitioners show that Justin was singled out by Mychal, Bryant, Robert, Carwin, Theodore (and the two juveniles), and that the malicious and willful attack of Justin was of such extreme nature so as to require emergency medical care and treatment for the harm inflicted by the attack, and resulting in extensive and permanently disabling injuries," the lawsuit states.

Barker was hit by Bell, knocked unconscious and then repeatedly kicked and stomped by a group of students, according to testimony and court documents.
The beating was preceded by racial incidents, including three white students hanging nooses from a tree.

Now let’s for the moment presume that all the claims of the Jena mob are true, and that there was some sort of unequal treatment of black students and white students by both the school and law enforcement. That STILL does not justify the attack on Justin Baker, who was not one of the three students who hung the nooses – unless, of course, you want to argue that lynching the first available victim of the proper race is an acceptable response to cross-racial crime. For that matter, the attack could not be justified legally or morally even if Justin Baker had been one of the three students from the tree incident, any more than a revenge assault upon Mychal Bell by a group of white students would have been acceptable.

Given the unaccounted-for cash the Jena thugs have received from “admirers” and well-wishers, I think it only reasonable that their victim get a share of the pie.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary's Thoughts, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Cao's Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, Chuck Adkins, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 02, 2007

Racial Double Standard In Baltimore

No criminal charges in noose case.

Because the perp is black, of course.

A firefighter who reported finding a knotted rope and a threatening note with a drawing of a noose in an East Baltimore station house last month had placed the items there himself, city officials said yesterday.

The man was suspended last week for performance-related issues and will likely face additional punishment, fire officials said. Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Police Department and for Mayor Sheila Dixon, said the man admitted to the hoax and will not face criminal charges.

Officials identified the firefighter who they say acknowledged writing the note as Donald Maynard, a firefighter-paramedic apprentice who is black. Maynard could not be reached for comment.

The rope incident sparked outrage two weeks ago and prompted a federal investigation into possible civil rights violations. It was the latest in a series of incidents that have cast the Fire Department in a poor light over the past year, including the death of a recruit in a training exercise and accusations of racism.

The news of the hoax came a day after a report released by the city's inspector general found that the top performers on two recent Fire Department promotions exams likely cheated amid lapses in testing security.

So let's see here.

A cheating scandal breaks out in the Baltimore Fire Department.

One of those involved finds a noose and a note.

Accusations of racism fly, and a civil rights investigation ensues.

Now it turns out the perp is one of the black guys involved in the cheating scandal, and the party who found the noose.

Well, never mind -- no need for charges criminal charges here. But if he had been white, Donald Maynard would have had the book thrown at him, by local, state, and federal authorities, on the basis of the civil rights violation posed by the noose.

Excuse me, but didn't Maynard just victimize every black -- and every white -- member of the BFD? Why should he get a pass on his CRIME?

Lock him up and throw away the key -- or admit that the current noose hysteria is nothing more than a PC move designed to score more points for the ethnic grievance industry.

More At Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Right Angles

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary's Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Chuck Adkins, Adeline and Hazel, The Uncooperative Radio Show! Special Weekend!, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, AZAMATTEROFACT, 123beta, Adam's Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, Cao's Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Nuke's, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Global American Discourse, CORSARI D'ITALIA, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 12:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 498 words, total size 6 kb.

November 18, 2007

Does Nature Make Some More Equal Than Others?

The more we come to know about the human genome, the more we come to recognize a certain, awkward fact. Genetic differences endow some folks with significantly more of certain desirable (or undesirable) traits than others.

Last month, James Watson, the legendary biologist, was condemned and forced into retirement after claiming that African intelligence wasn't "the same as ours." "Racist, vicious and unsupported by science," said the Federation of American Scientists. "Utterly unsupported by scientific evidence," declared the U.S. government's supervisor of genetic research. The New York Times told readers that when Watson implied "that black Africans are less intelligent than whites, he hadn't a scientific leg to stand on."

I wish these assurances were true. They aren't. Tests do show an IQ deficit, not just for Africans relative to Europeans, but for Europeans relative to Asians. Economic and cultural theories have failed to explain most of the pattern, and there's strong preliminary evidence that part of it is genetic. It's time to prepare for the possibility that equality of intelligence, in the sense of racial averages on tests, will turn out not to be true.

Now what does this mean for the question of equality? Does it mean that we need to abandon the notion that we all are created equal, given that it is manifestly untrue? I'd answer in the negative, because even at the time Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, it was already quite clear that there were differences between people based upon a whole host of factors that in no way undermined the essential equality and dignity of every person in the eyes of God. Indeed, that Jeffersonian equality was based upon the notion that our common humanity was the basis for our equality, and nothing more. That was true even in the case of slaves -- remember, of course, that Jefferson's condemnation of slavery (which presumed the equality of Africans) was stricken by the Continental Congress because of its threat to the "peculiar institution".

Ultimately, of course, there are two ways of dealing with the manifest inequality in the state of persons while still holding to the radical equality of persons as persons.

One, radically liberal in the modern sense, presumes that society must be leveled so that the inequalities are minimized and eliminated. Unfortunately, the result is that we round-down human achievement to the lowest common denominator. In literature, this is best modeled in the Vonnegut short story "Harrison Bergeron".

The other, today called conservative but in reality classically liberal, supports permitting individuals to rise to the fullest of their abilities, even if this results in socio-economic inequality and the concentration of wealth and power. While often accused of being a betrayal of equality (which it is, indeed, if one defines "equality" as equality of outcome ). The focus there is equality of opportunity, in the sense that one makes the most of what one has.

The problem with the notion of genetically based inequality is that it could lead some to presume that Huxley's Brave New World is the model for society to follow. It clearly is not, for the system there enforces a radical inequality. As such, the challenge ahead is to determine how to understand equality in an age where inequality is in part defined in our DNA.

Posted by: Greg at 11:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 11, 2007

Why Should We Be Surprised

I'm not at all shocked by this outcome.

Race, many sociologists and anthropologists have argued for decades, is a social invention historically used to justify prejudice and persecution. But when Samuel M. Richards gave his students at Pennsylvania State University genetic ancestry tests to establish the imprecision of socially constructed racial categories, he found the exercise reinforced them instead.

One white-skinned student, told she was 9 percent West African, went to a Kwanzaa celebration, for instance, but would not dream of going to an Asian cultural event because her DNA did not match, Dr. Richards said. Preconceived notions of race seemed all the more authentic when quantified by DNA.

“Before, it was, ‘I’m white because I have white skin and grew up in white culture,’ ” Dr. Richards said. “Now it’s, ‘I really know I’m white, so white is this big neon sign hanging over my head.’ It’s like, oh, no, come on. That wasn’t the point.”

But what Richards fails to consider is that for the last few decades we have been awarding benefits and burdens based upon race and ethnicity. We've been setting up special scholarships, cultural centers, and other programs to help folks understand what it means to be authentically [FILL IN THE BLANK]. having now been sorted into ethnic group X, why would these students seek out some other culture? Isn't that defined as "selling out" to the evils of "assimilation"? Unless, of course, you are white, in which case you are expected to embrace every culture except your own evilracistsexisthomophobicfascist culture in the name of diversity, multiculturalism, and political correctness. We've sowed balkinization for decades -- why wouldn't these results lead to further balkinization?

Posted by: Greg at 02:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 29, 2007

Sharpton Raises Racial Grievance Over Garage Flag

Good grief -- have we so few issues of importance in the field of civil rights ad race relations that so-called "civil rights leaders" (all-to-often merely racial grievance mongers) are reduced to protesting something as absurd as this.


Nobody got shot, but Vice President Cheney still fired up controversy Monday when he went hunting at a private club that hangs the Confederate flag.

A Daily News photographer captured the 3-by-5 foot Dixie flag affixed to a door in the garage of the Clove Valley Gun and Rod Club in upstate Union Vale, N.Y.

"It's appalling for the VP to be at a private club displaying the flag of lynching, hate and murder," said the Rev. Al Sharpton. "It's the epitome of an insult."

Sharpton demanded Cheney distance himself from the exclusive club where the Stars and Bars was flown, and said he might hold a prayer vigil there.

I'm curious -- how many folks, including club members, even knew that the thing was there before the picture was taken? Probably not many. If Al Sharpton is going to try to make a cause celebre out of this, it proves that the racial climate in this country even better than I had believed.

Indeed, if a flag in a garage and the six felonious thugs from Jena are the worst offenses the racial grievance mongers can muster, then I'd argue it is time to zero-out the civil rights division of the Department of Justice -- its work is done.

Posted by: Greg at 10:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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