April 30, 2006

Panthers To Harrass, Intimidate Duke Lacrosse Players

Could you imagine what would happen if a white supremacist group with a history of armed violence announced its intention to come to a private university and march to protest the alleged rape of a white woman by a black athlete? There would be utter chaos, as multiple law enforcement agencies vied to arrest the thugs and protect the accused from the racists.

Why, then, is Duke welcoming this group and permitting them to be active on campus? And why is the prosecutor apparently going to meet with these thugs?

The national chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense says his group intends to march at Duke University on Monday to "deal directly" with lacrosse players about charges of rape of an escort service dancer at a team party.

Duke's campus police are coordinating with the Durham Police Department to prepare for the black-separatist group, which has a reputation for coming to its protests armed.

Malik Zulu Shabazz, a Washington lawyer who is the leader of the New Panthers, said he will be in Durham to rally with local black leaders and monitor progress of the criminal case against Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, the two students charged with raping and kidnapping the dancer.

"We are conducting an independent investigation, and we intend to enter the campus and interview lacrosse players," Shabazz said Thursday. "We seek to ensure an adequate, strong and vigorous prosecution."

Duke is a private institution, and its campus is private property. Shabazz said he has not sought permission to enter but that his group has "received no word that we are not welcome."

John Burness, Duke's vice president for public affairs and community relations, said Thursday that the university will allow a controlled march on campus, as long as the New Black Panthers follow specific rules.

"As an institution we support free speech, and we will treat them like any other group," Burness said. "But we do not permit weapons. We will take necessary steps to keep the campus safe."

One of the key tenets of the New Black Panthers is owning firearms and knowing how to use them, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a national Jewish group that has monitored Shabazz and his followers for years.

In other words, the violent racists are allowed on campus to harrass students not charged with any crime, provided they leave tehir guns at home. What a double standard -- though one that has operated throughout the development of this case. Could you imagine the smae courseof action being followed by the university or the prosecutor if this case involved the alleged rape of a white stripper by the Duke basketball team?

Could you imagine the Klan being allowed to march on the Duke campus and freely "conduct an independent investigation" and "interview players" at that private school? Certainly not! But the Panthers are welcome, out of a typical academic desire to be "sensitive" and "politically correct".

I don't know if any of these boys are guilty. If they are, I hope they get the maximum available penalty --I've had too many girls and women in my life face the trauma of sexual assault (heck, "one" is "too many" -- and ther have been more than that) to want to see anything less than every ounce of justice received. But in this circus-like kangaroo court atmosphere, the introduction of a violent racist group to the mix is prejudicial to both the safety of the students at Duke and the right of the accused to a fair trial under the laws and constitutions of both the United States and the State of North Carolina.

OPEN TRACKBACKING TO: Voteswagon, TMH Bacon Bits, Stuck on Stupid, Adam's Blog, Third World Country, Liberal Wrong Wing, Blue Star Chronicles, Conservative Cat, Tor's Rants, Uncooperative Blogger, 123Beta, Church and State, Cigar Intelligence Agency, Stop the ACLU

Posted by: Greg at 10:50 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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April 27, 2006

Sick Game

I find this repulsive, because it does clearly advocate violence. As such, I condemn it.

A controversial video game attached to an e-mail making the rounds of in-boxes around the country is highlighting just how some people feel about the immigration issue.

Many local residents have been forwarded an e-mail with the words "Border Patrol Game." However many are saying it is less a game and more an invitation to violence. In the game, players try to shoot and kill Mexican border crossers.

Inside the game there are three targets: a Mexican nationalist, a drug smuggler, and a pregnant woman running with two children which the game labels a "breeder."

Border Patrol spokesman Doug Nosier tells ABC-7, "They only perpetuate hate, not to mention show Border Patrol in a false light....it's horrendous and really unfortunate that these kind of games exist."

The perpetrator of this sick “game” is Tom Metzger, the Klansman.

Figures that this would come out of a sick mother f*cker like him.

Posted by: Greg at 12:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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ADL Engages In McCarthyism

What else can you their report entitled “Extremists Declare 'Open Season' on Immigrants: Hispanics Target of Incitement and Violence”? It goes on about Nazi and Klan violence and racist rhetoric – and having set the bait, pull a big switch and tar non-racist, non-violent opponents of illegal immigration as “extremists” and “vigilantes”.

The vigilante border patrol groups have operated for several years but have expanded greatly in the past twelve months, spurred on by the media attention given to the so-called "Minuteman Project." In April 2005, Chris Simcox, who founded the Arizona-based Civil Homeland Defense, a border vigilante group, and Jim Gilchrist, based in California, joined forces to create the Minuteman Project, whose purpose was to gather thousands of volunteers for a month-long watch for illegal border crossers in Arizona. The project, which was highly publicized among right-wing extremists and white supremacists, attracted far fewer volunteers, many of them armed, during its first week. However, the publicity generated by the event resulted in numerous Minuteman chapters and spin-offs forming across America, even in states such as New York, Virginia, Vermont, and Illinois. These groups use the same radical rhetoric: that the United States is being "invaded" by Mexicans who must be stopped.

That message was clear at a three-day summit, "Unite to Fight Against Illegal Immigration," held in Las Vegas, Nevada, in May 2005. More than 400 anti-immigration activists gathered at the event to hear speakers describe illegal immigrants as "the enemy within" and "illegal barbarians," while suggesting that America was "at war" with illegal immigrants and urging people to "take America back."

Many of these anti-immigrant extremists have switched their focus from the border to day laborer centers, where they photograph Hispanics whom they assume are illegal aliens. This racial profiling has also occurred at fast food restaurants and other businesses where Hispanics are employed across the United States. White supremacist and anti-government groups continue to express interest and take part in these activities, and their rhetoric has become more and more confrontational.

Such tactics are repulsive and despicable.

And I don’t mean those of the patriots who seek to secure our borders against the stream of border-jumpers breaking our nation’s laws – efforts that are brutally misrepresented in the report.

I mean those of the ADL, which attempts to paint any opposition to its open-borders agenda as racist. In fact, it is anti-American hate-mongering, and unworthy of an organization that at one time merited a reputation as a fair-minded and responsible advocate of human rights.

Posted by: Greg at 12:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 25, 2006

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

One would do well not to publicly badmouth clients or their families during working hours.

A spinning instructor at Washington, DC's Sports Club/LA mocked President Bush without realizing (believe it or not) that a first daughter was in his class!

ROLL CALL reports: The instructor, Glenn Makl, is said to be horrified to learn after class that the president's daughter Jenna was there to hear his making fun of President Bush and handing out of a video clip compilation of some of the president's more memorable gaffes and malapropisms.

Jenna Bush was working out at the club with her boyfriend, who later complained about the politcal ranting of the trainer, a source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.

Glenn, you putz, your job is to run a workout class, not to hold forth on your political opinions during class time. Stick to business, and save the politicking and joking until you are off the clock and using your own time, not that of your employers and clients.

Oh, and by the way – were you horrified to learn that Jenna was there because you realized you were out of line for making the comments? Or just because you were caught?

Posted by: Greg at 11:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 18, 2006

Jesse Spews Race Poison

IÂ’ve not commented on the Duke lacrosse team case. I want to wait and hear a bit more evidence before I make up my mind, because too much ambiguity is out there.

But I will take issue with this tripe from Jesse Jackass Jackson.

''Divorced mother of two, working way through college, allegedly raped, abused by gang.'' Had the headline read that way, the fury would have been great. The facts that the police didn't arrest anyone, that the gang was not talking, that it took two days for the police to search the scene of the crime would have added to the anger.

But that's not how it was reported. Rather it was reported that a black stripper was accusing members of the Duke lacrosse team of rape after she and another woman were hired to dance for them at a party. That method of reportage put race and class in the center of the story. Predictably, the right-wing media machine has kicked in. Rush Limbaugh called the two women strippers ''ho's,'' though he later apologized. And Michael Savage referred to the alleged victim as a ''Durham dirt-bag'' and ''dirty, venomous black stripper.''

Why was the story not reported the way Jesse suggests in the first paragraph? Well, it could be because the words he uses do not accurately convey what happened. I won't defend any of the examples of "conservatives" that he cites (one so incindiary that I reject him as representative of conservatism), because they rushed to judgement.

This was not a gang – it was an athletic team.

Why were they not talking? Because of the legitimate advice of their lawyers – based upon the Firth Amendment and the liberal precedents of the Warren Court that are usually trumpeted when the accused are members of the liberal-favored victim class instead of upper-class white kids.

And sorry, Jesse, but the bit about her being a stripper is relevant – it explains why she was at the house. Her “working her way through college” job is somewhat relevant to the story, given that strippers are also, at times, prostitutes – could this be an extortion case or a dispute over failure to pay for “services rendered”? Notice, please, that I am not calling this alleged victim a prostitute, but I won't discount that possibility given other legal issues in her past. I'm agnostic on the matter.

And for once in his life, Jesse seems to want arrests without a complete investigation, in the face of convoluted and uncertain evidence. He also apparently wants to do away with the requirement that there be a warrant obtained to do a search. In other words, white men accuse by black women should not get the same benefit of the doubt or due process as his favored members of the victim class.

Jesse wants “searching discussions of race and gender issues” – sounds good to me.

Let’s start with Tawana Brawley – and the tendency of so-called civil rights leaders to assume that minority accusers are always victims and whites accused are always guilty.

Posted by: Greg at 10:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 11, 2006

Gratuitous Slur?

The murderers of Broderick Hehman will not be charged with a hate crime, despite the cries to “Get the white boy!”

You see, the cops and prosecutors have determined that the actions of the animals in question were based upon greed, not race.

Although eyewitnesses allegedly heard shouts of "Get whitey!" from one of the suspects, the commanding officer of the Hate Crimes Task Force, deputy inspector Michael Osgood, said the incident was not racially motivated.

Mr. Osgood described the teenagers as an "organized robbery team" who first targeted a Hispanic man, but were intimidated by a passing police car. Then Hehman came along.

The crime, Mr. Osgood said, was motivated by "economic reasons." For a hate crime to occur, Mr. Osgood said, "the main reason for the crime must be the identity of the victim. You can see how their purpose of meeting him, engaging him, was to rob him," Mr. Osgood said.

The racially charged remark of "Get the white boy!" was a "gratuitous slur," Mr. Osgood said.

A “gratuitous slur”?

Is there such a thing as a “gratuitous slur” when some white punk yells “get the nigger” or some other hate-filled phrase? Or does the “gratuitous slur” rule apply only to minority criminals in cases where the authorities are too cowardly to take on the racism that exists in minority communities?

Fortunately, civil rights leaders and blacks in law enforcement are taking a stand against this frightening failure to deal with racism.

The ruling drew a swift and sharp reaction from civil rights activists and black police officers. "At least in part it's a hate crime," the former director of the New York Civil Liberties union, Norman Siegel, said. "All racial violence is equally deplorable.' Charging the teens with a bias crime, he said, would be an "acknowledgement of racial tension."

One of the founders of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, a fraternal organization for African American police officers, Eric Adams, agreed. "When you look at the logic they are using to come to that conclusion, it's really troubling."
If the Police Department is saying identifying the race of the victim is merely a description, Mr. Adams said, then "we have to rewrite the current law for bias crimes. The mere fact his race was interjected, the courts have to decide why that was. Our position is it should be out of the hands of the Police Department and in the hands of the courts.

"All people should be protected under hate crimes legislation," Mr. Adams said. "A white guy can be as much a victim as a black guy." Mr. Adams is a retired police captain.

Both Mr. Siegel and Mr. Adams said they would meet with the Manhattan district attorney, Robert Morgenthau, to encourage him to include hate-crime charges against the suspects.

I salute those in the black community who acknowledge that racism is racism is racism.

MORE AT Michelle Malkin

Posted by: Greg at 11:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 08, 2006

The Racial Double Standard

A young college student in a major American city is struck by a car and dies while fleeing a mob shouting racial slurs. Sounds like it should be a big story, with national coverage, doesn't it.

Not in this case.

A 20-year-old college student who was struck and killed by a car last week in Harlem was chased into a busy road while fleeing a group of young men during what may have been a bias attack, the authorities said yesterday.

The death of the student, Broderick Hehman of Manhattan, a junior at New York University, was ruled a homicide by the city medical examiner, who found that while the direct cause was head trauma, Mr. Hehman had been fleeing assailants when he was struck, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner said yesterday.

On April 1, Mr. Hehman darted into the intersection at 125th Street and Park Avenue, where he was hit by a silver Mercedes-Benz, the police said. A witness, a homeless man named David Jones who sells used goods at the intersection, said that just before the collision, he saw a group of men trying to attack the student. Mr. Hehman died on Tuesday.

So what we have here is a pack of jackals preying on a lone individual, which results in his death. what do the police think happened?

Investigators have two theories concerning the killing, a law enforcement official said yesterday: that about eight young men, some of them teenagers, were trying to rob Mr. Hehman; or that the group, at least one among them using a racial epithet, singled him out because he was white.

Oh, he was white. No need to make this a front page story or highlight the racial angle to the story -- bury the story inside the paper and bury the race of the victim at the end of the story. Don't mention the race of the perpetrators at all. After all, it isn't like this was a gang of white guys chasing a black man into traffic -- that would be news! But the New York Times certainly couldn't present facts that might make some members of a minority community look bad -- that would be a horrid act of racism. Heck, I'm surprised that the paper has not editorialized that Broderick Hehman was guilty of racism for fleeing for his life and getting killed in the process. After all, they are a bunch of head-up-the-butt liberals over there.

Fortunately, the New York Post has the decency to pursue the story a little further (link courtesy of Modern Tribalist).

The NYPD hate-crimes unit is probing a report that a white NYU student killed by a car in Harlem was fleeing a gang of black teenagers screaming "Get whitey!" sources said yesterday.

* * *

The sources said Hehman might have been targeted as a soft mark for robbers after the teenage gang spotted the caring urban-studies major handing pocket change to a wheelchair- bound man near the corner of 125th Street and Park Avenue Saturday night.

The gang of youths, some of them as young as 11, had been smoking pot inside a nearby Popeye's fast-food eatery at 8:30 p.m. when they spotted Hehman walking by and then stopping to help the handicapped man.

An anonymous caller later tipped the CrimeStoppers hot line that a group of youths screamed, "Get Whitey!" and ran toward him.

Witnesses said Hehman fled into traffic against the light and was hit by a Mercedes-Benz traveling east on 125th Street.

This case does, as is pointed out elsewhere int he article, have an eerie symetry with the 1986 Howard Beach case, in which a black man was killed when pursued into traffic by a racial slur shouting teen. Interestingly enough, the New York Times covered that case extensively and ont he front page, clearly and prominently noting the race of both the victim and attackers.

But then again, that story fit the MSM frame of reference that prevails at the Times and among other major media outlets. This one does not.

UPDATE -- 4/9/06: Michelle Malkin has picked up on this story this afternoon. She adds a couple of imporant details.

First, arrests have been made.

Police said they arrested four teenage boys on Saturday night in the death of a college student who was struck by a car in Harlem earlier this month.

Authorities said they believe the suspects chased the victim, John Broderick Hehman, 20, into the busy street.

Hehman was struck by a silver Mercedes on East 125th Street near Park Avenue on April 1. He died three days later.

Hassan Mayfield and Andre Johnson, both 15, face second-degree murder and attempted robbery charges. Charges are still pending against the two other suspects, who police said are 13 years old.

Because the suspects are black and the victim was white, some activists are pushing police to pursue the case as a hate crime.

"If the reports are accurate, then one of the people in the group said: 'Get the white boy.' That's a hate crime," said Norman Siegel, a civil rights attorney.

Will the authorities have the integrity -- and the testicular fortitude -- to apply the law in an even-handed way, charging these killers witha hate crime? And will they take the appropriate stepps to have the two younger kids animals charged and tried as adults?

Second, the New York Post has picked up on issue of the silence of the MSM and the racial activists like Al Sharpton on what at first glance appears to be a racial killing that parallels one of New Yorks most celebrated -- and horrific -- cases of white on black violence.

Despite its eerie resemblance to the 1986 Howard Beach affair, this incident has all but passed unnoticed.

Back in '86, a gang of white thugs chased Michael Griffith, a black man, onto the busy Belt Parkway - where he, too, was killed by a car. The outrageous act inflamed racial passions across the city.

Last year, when another black man was beaten by several white thugs from Howard Beach, the city again took notice.

Al Sharpton & Co. saw to that.

So, Howard Beach, big headlines.

Harlem, hardly any headlines at all.

Could it be because this time the gang was black and the victim white?

Obviously, the police have to take their time as they make their case, but the silence in the media - relative to the other two cases - is stunning.

Eyewitness accounts say Hehman had stopped to give a homeless man a dollar. One thug allegedly approached, asking, "Where's our dollar?"

Another yelled, "Get the white boy!" or "Get whitey!" The gang chased him.

* * *

Meanwhile, while we have never particularly cared for the concept of "hate" crimes, the fact is that the statutes must be enforced as written.

A little public protest from Al Sharpton and his merry pranksters would go a long way toward making their reflexive "outrage" when the shoe is on the other foot a bit more credible.

Even if they don't really mean it.

MORE AT Jason E. High, Ed Driscoll, Church of the Painful Truth, Wall Street Cafe, Florida Cracker, The Cotillion, A Mom and Her Blog

OPEN TRACKBACKING: Stop the ACLU, Right Wing Nation, Basil's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Wizbang, Bullwinkle Blog, Cigar Intelligence Agency, Uncooperative Blogger, Samantha Burns, Stuck on Stupid, Voteswagon, Bacon Bits, Blue Star Chronicles, Adam's Blog, Outside the Beltway, Conservative Cat, Third World Country

Posted by: Greg at 09:56 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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