Since the Left seems so upset about Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH)
to quote a serving member of the US military's reaction to Rep. John Murtha's(D-PA) "Surrender Now" approach to Iraq, why is there not at least equivalent outrage over
Yeah, you read that right.
It appears that Ford, therefore, while unwilling to stand up to the enemies of America, is more than prepared to adopt the methods of the Empire of Japan or al-Qaeda to subdue his unwarned and unwary opponents. Indeed, he has so long been immersed in the fetid fever swamp that is the Democrat Party that he would gladly ape the behavior the supporters of slavery visited upon the friends of freedom.
I urge the House to House of Representatives to take action against the tmember who most truly violated the decorum of the House of Representatives -- Harold Ford must be censured or expelled for his actions this evening.
UPDATE: Decided to do a bit of PhotoShop work on the period depiction of the assault on Sumner.
What a load.
The article never says that Ford
attacked anyone, just that he was very angry.
Posted by: Sundown at Sat Nov 19 12:10:14 2005 (ZqWXA)
I guess you missed the part where Ford had to be physically restrained in order to keep him from adding battery to the assault he committed.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Nov 19 13:57:21 2005 (ClHwQ)
Oh give me a break! What a load of garbage this post is!
This country needs to have a serious discussion about the war in Iraq.
New ideas, new strategies, and new tactics need to be discussed along with the direction of the war.
The situation in Iraq is not helped one bit when Republicans attack Democrats who offer an alternative vision for the war or raise questions about the intelligence that was used in the lead up to the war.
It is time to get serious. Real questions require real answers.
And this dire situation calls for a real discussion.
The American people deserve it.
I am proud that Harold Ford Jr. is fighting the good fight.
Posted by: Chris D. Jackson at Sat Nov 19 17:37:17 2005 (ykSms)
You are 100% correct Jaxebade.
This guy is just plain wrong and it looks as though he is trying to mislead people.
Posted by: Chris D. Jackson at Sat Nov 19 17:45:18 2005 (ykSms)
All you guys are nuts.
"Everyone on my side were nice, polite little kittens and everyone on the other side were the mean ole puddy tat"
Posted by: Bill at Sat Nov 19 19:33:01 2005 (wEKxG)
I've got no problem with a serious discussion of the issue of the war -- what a pity the Democrats are not up to it.
As for Harold Ford, his actions are proof that "you can take the boy out of the 'hood but cannot take the 'hood out of the boy." His decision to resort to a random act of violence against a member not even involved in the debate is the thing that is truly pathetic and truly frightening -- along with the fact that you are willing to justify it. Do you really favor political violence? And if you do, does it extend to the use of firearms, explosives, and incindiary devices? In other words, are you truly no bette than al-Qaeda?
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 04:26:55 2005 (JAIYI)
Bill -- not what I said at all.
Hence my focus on the actions of the one member who engaged in an action that would likely subject one of us to criminal charges if we were to try the same thing. And you know that is exactly what would happen if, for example, I were to have to be restrained to keep from punching out Harold Ford.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 04:30:03 2005 (JAIYI)
Here's the basic thing behind this.
Do we know that Ford would have physically attacked someone if he had not been restrained?
It's very likely that he was just very angry.
I'm still confused what role Tancredo was playing in all of this.
Posted by: Jaxebad at Sun Nov 20 06:55:43 2005 (5AQpo)
Jaxebad -- that is like asking if we know that someone pulling a gun was actually going to shoot it. Intent can be presumed from the circumstances.
And as you would know if you read the full excerpt, Tancredo was discussing another piece of legislation with another democrat when Ford attempted to assault him. As such, Tancredo's role may reasonably be said to be "victim of an unprovoked assault."
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 08:02:33 2005 (O0MDv)
Rhymes, why don't you quit lying.
Ford assaulted no one or anything of the kind.
Your true colors are showing through.
Posted by: Chris D. Jackson at Sun Nov 20 08:54:37 2005 (lNnTB)
Chris --
I did mention, didn't I, that my second job is teaching in a legal professional education program, didn't I?
Let's start with the
legal definition of assault:
ASSAULT A crime that occurs when one person tries to physically harm another in a way that makes the person under attack feel immediately threatened. Actual physical contact is not necessary; threatening gestures that would alarm any reasonable person can constitute an assault. Compare battery.
Based upon the common legal definition of assault, my characterization of Harold Ford's actions is appropriate and accurate. I will concede that he did not commit battery -- but believe it was only because he had to be restrained. You or I would have been charged with a crime had we approached a congressman in such a fashion -- why shouldn't FOrd be subject to the same standard?
And as for the "true colors" comment, would you care to make a specific allegation, or would you just like to make a nebulous accusation against me that you can deny in a cowardly fashion. Be a man, Chris, and tell me what my "true colors" are and how they "are showing through".
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 09:51:33 2005 (50XvX)
The only thing I have to say to that is that I feel sorry for you students.
Posted by: Chris D. Jackson at Sun Nov 20 12:54:46 2005 (lNnTB)
Yeah -- I'm sorry you find the use of little things like facts and definitions so troubling.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 19:10:19 2005 (E2BoK)
Rhymes With Right,
Sorry I wasn't more clear in my post. The "guys" I was referring to were your distractors. The quote I used was meant to reflect how their responses sound to me. We've known for a long time that there exists a double standard with these folk.
Posted by: Bill at Sun Nov 20 19:11:37 2005 (tTLsG)
Oh, and by the way, Chris -- you still haven't been man enough to explain youtr "true colors" comment.
Assuming it is a thinly veiled attempt to hint at racism, please remember that I have taught for a decade at a high school that is 80% minority and have never had that accusation made by a student or parent -- nor have I has such an accusation made in the context of my second job (I've taught those adult students for 8 years), where my students are about 90% minority.
But then again, you are not man enough to come out and say what you mean.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Nov 20 19:15:45 2005 (E2BoK)
You stupid bastard.This Colonel Danny Bop somehow in 30 years managed to miss every single military engagement like Beirut,Grenada, Panama The Gulf War,The Balkans, Somolia and has never been in combat and he's got the guts to critize a hero like Congressman Murtha? Typical republican.By the way how many of these jackass republican congressmen and senators have kids in the military.Bet i can count them on one hand.Typical bastards willing to send other kids to die for their wars but won't send their own spoiled brats.There to busy being like the Bush twins and getting drunk and arrested.
Posted by: None at Mon Nov 21 03:19:57 2005 (2AHl1)
And precisely how long did you serve?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Oh, by the way -- how long did Harold Ford serve? Not at all, but he is willing to attempt to attack an innocent bystander.
And since you want to talk about deferrments, could we discuss Ski-slope Howard Dean, whose medical deferrment enabled him to work at a ski resort? Or maybe we could discuss seviceless drunks like Teddy Kennedy.
But hey, I'll make you a deal. I'm more than willing to limit elected office to combat veterans, just as you imply should be the case. Why? Because most are conservative Republicans,in my experience.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Nov 21 05:44:10 2005 (9lcHF)
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey - avoided the draft, did not serve.
House Majority Leader Tom Delay - avoided the draft, did not serve (1). "So many minority youths had volunteered ... that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself."
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt - did not serve
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist - did not serve. (An impressive medical resume, but not such a friend to cats in Boston.)
Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-KY - did not serve (1)
Rick Santorum, R-PA, third ranking Republican in the Senate - did not serve. (1)
Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld - served in the U.S. Navy (1954-57) as an aviator and flight instructor. (1) Served as President Reagan's Special Envoy to the Middle East and met with Saddam Hussein twice in 1983 and 1984.
GW Bush - decided that a six-year Nat'l Guard commitment really means four years. Still says that he's "been to war." Huh?
VP Cheney - several deferments (1, 2), the last by marriage (in his own words, "had other priorities than military service") (1)
Att'y Gen. John Ashcroft - did not serve.received seven deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State.Karl Rove - avoided the draft, did not serve (1), too busy being a Republican.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - avoided the draft, did not serve (1, 2)
Former President Ronald Reagan - due to poor eyesight, served in a noncombat role making movies for the Army in southern California during WWII. He later seems to have confused his role as an actor playing a tail gunner with the real thing.
"B-1" Bob Dornan - avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes (Orange County Weekly article). Enlisted only after the fighting was over in Korea.
Phil Gramm - avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments
There's your great republican party stepping up to the plate to defend our country.
Posted by: None at Mon Nov 21 06:40:52 2005 (2AHl1)
Oh and don't forget.... Jeb Bush, Florida Governor - did not serve.
Posted by: None at Mon Nov 21 06:42:45 2005 (2AHl1)
In other words, None, you want to disqualify from office those who did not see combat, iand limit public office to combat veterans only.
That's fine -- it proves you are a fascist.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Nov 21 07:31:36 2005 (9lcHF)
Did i say limit people seeking office to only combat veterans? No. Speaking of facists that's what the republican right has become.Ideologues...When you have an ideology you stop thinking. Just ask Hitler or Bin Laden they were ideologues and i look at Tom Delay i see an intolerant narrow minded small minded man who only thinks he's right and will never consider anyone else is right.Whatever happened to men who worked for the good of the country not just their party? Thank God for John Mcain or we would have no one who's not a partisan on everything.And yes the left is just as bad that's why this country is screwed up most people are just a little left or right of center but the extremists run the country from both sides Democrats and Republicans. moderates need to take back our country.
Posted by: None at Mon Nov 21 08:17:45 2005 (2AHl1)
Sorry -- given your focus on who served and whetehr or not they saw combat, I drew a reasonable conclusion that you wanted a military oligarchy similar to that found in ancient Sparta.
Was i wrong, and are you still willing concede to non-veterans the right to participate in all aspects of government decisionmaking -- including that on military policy?
If you are, then it does not matter if the President (an honorably discharged veteran who fulfilled his service commitment) or the Vice President (wh was deferred from service) saw combat or not -- and your whole earlier post was a waste of my bandwidth.
Oh, and by the way -- conservatism IS the mainstream of this country.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Nov 21 09:28:41 2005 (uL9sh)
It seems you knew just what Chris was refering to when he mentioned your true colors showing.
Thou protesteth too much, eh?
Also, gotta love your comeback. Almost as good as "I can't be racist my best friend is black!"
Posted by: Jaxebad at Mon Nov 21 09:54:55 2005 (l4nw2)
I could make a fair guess what the cowardly Chris meant based upon experience. I criticized a black man -- therefore I must be a racist, according to Leftist dogma. I just figured I would preempt the little puke, since such accusations are pretty common here in the blogosphere, where nobody can kick the ass of a false accuser.
But then again, to a Leftist it is the accusation that matters much more than the reality -- for the accusation of racism leaves a taint regardless of its truth. No matter how exemplary my conduct, no matter how benign my behavior towards minorities, the Leftist can very easily come back with the sort of retort you made. The only accusation that carries a similar taint is "pedophile".
You know, I may have to blog on that point over break.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Nov 21 10:52:02 2005 (uL9sh)
As usual, the only way to fight rationality of ones act is to throw right back to them in extremes. Who is involved in name calling here! there is a rightist? Aren't racist people always bent on the true identity of one and are mad at cosmetic surgery because some may sneak through and get integrated into the true Aryan race. be true to your self, where your Aryan face with pride so we can know you are who you are, and by the way the "hood" and "country" are very different and Harold Ford never made it out of the former. But since he is black he had to come from the hood, 30 years later, and still not enough educated black men have made into in suburbia America!!! But wait , he might not be educated enough, nor his parents, because look at how he "acts" in public, like the "president", the ,vice president" of the red states has any decorum. We seem to quickly forget when they act in behavior unbecoming but when someone with a different view does that they seem to get brandished with names. Remember it's not the "left" that has the isolationist dogma" you are we us or against, the reason why this country is going to the dogs. Tell me one thing this administration has done right, one thing! If the war had been going well we would all be forced to here the conservative blow horn (FOX news), but since it's going bad, it's wrong to have been for the war and now against it! Blah! People should never have an opinion so long as it stakes you to be always right! Like your stands. Any way, my point remains still, we don't know what went on in the belly of this "dignified" body, but we know for sure that ground breaking stand has been taken and something is finally been said about this oh so wring war. His own dad never went into Iraq because he wanted to avoid rebuilding it, and this guy thought otherwise. Yes mother’s baby father’s maybe, might not really be a chip of the old block. Well the sand of time are changing their course and we hope this will be result and relief to families in dire need of their kids to help them with the harvest and national security, not getting blown "over there" while we give thanks and wrap ourselves in flags during holidays in supporting them. Flags don't stop bullets and neither do they make you righteous when you cover yourself with one in the name of patriotism.
Posted by: mtu at Wed Nov 23 00:36:37 2005 (fInXn)
Your comments "you can take the boy out of the 'hood but cannot take the 'hood out of the boy" are so patently racist. Are you a member of the National Alliance???
Congressman Harold Ford is the son of a former long-serving Congressman from Tennessee Harold Ford Senior. Harold Ford's mother is white and his father is black. I suppose you have a problem with this??? Congressman Ford was never "in the hood" to begin with. He was raised living the privileged life of a Congressman's family.
When are you going to stop sharing your ignorance with us??? You are such a joke.
Posted by: tribalfighter at Wed Nov 23 00:52:55 2005 (8Sut0)
Racist? Really?
That is rich -- I took an old saying, updated it to meet with the fact that Ford comes from an urban background instead of a rural one, and you guys want to make it about race.
As far as Ford's parentage, I am aware of it. It is irrelevant to me (beyond the trail of slime and corruption that has followed the rest of the family -- but Jr. has kept his nose clean from what I can see).
And as far as the National Alliance comment is concerned -- my darling wife is, in terms of ethnicity, 50% Jewish. And an actual racist would not last a week teaching at my school, which is 80% black and hispanic.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Nov 23 02:02:56 2005 (3wvNJ)
And by the way, what are you CONSERVING! tit bit...2005...1772, very far apart, and what "our fore fathers" stood for stopped standing when they went six feet under. Same to slavery et al. .times have changed and saying that you are the grim ripper and the Klan keeper, means that your neck is just as red as the confederate flag you keep waving in the name of preserving America for the future. Teaching minorities does not qualify you to be an expert on black history nor not racist..." my best friend is black" sometimes they are the worst kind, come out of this "closet" into racial inHARMONY.A
Posted by: howard at Wed Nov 23 03:05:14 2005 (WYfpl)
And by the way, what are you CONSERVING! tit bit...2005...1772, very far apart, and what "our fore fathers" stood for stopped standing when they went six feet under. Same to slavery et al. .times have changed and saying that you are the grim ripper and the Klan keeper, means that your neck is just as red as the confederate flag you keep waving in the name of preserving America for the future. Teaching minorities does not qualify you to be an expert on black history nor not racist..." my best friend is black" sometimes they are the worst kind, come out of this "closet" into racial inHARMONY.
Posted by: howard at Wed Nov 23 03:05:20 2005 (WYfpl)
nd about your wife being 50% jewish..tiger woods is "cabalnasian" whatever he choses to brand himself, but war to him the day he gets on the free-way doing 35mph with his caucasian wife missing, back to "niggerdom sonny", this nigger had to have done it, they are all the same. Not so long ago he was one of the good ones!!. The troop rapping and sleeping with the enemy's women in every single war??You have just proven the "cardinal" theory that has been proven by every chest thumping conservative male, "one woman, two woman, three"... irregardelss of race. In bed it's all the same, in public your men out to step out of the way.( note the metaphor/sarcasim least my words are taken word for word and out of context, you guys mastered the art guilt by association, and i am just trying to keep up).
Posted by: howard at Wed Nov 23 03:06:37 2005 (WYfpl)
Back to my point,the republicans have for the longest employed and made perfect the cut and run policy with their combat records, if any, and now want in unison to brand the same on everyone against the war.
Posted by: howard at Wed Nov 23 03:12:00 2005 (WYfpl)
Rhymes you are trying to backtrack from your racist comment and it isn't working. The term "'hood" is widely used to describe the areas where blacks are most prevalent. You know that but you got caught. Now you are coming up with something that "you updated" to describe urban areas? You obviously believe because Ford is black that he is more prone to violent outbursts. Read your comments again if you need a refresher.
Posted by: tribalfighter at Wed Nov 23 03:34:18 2005 (8Sut0)
Actually, TF, I know what i wrote, why, and have explained it to you. Not my problem if you are such an anti-white racist that you presume us all to be racists and liars, like the sick SOB howard posting above you.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Nov 23 04:12:49 2005 (3wvNJ)
oh come on rhymes ur very racial ,,,"LOW INCOME MINORTY STUDENTS"" what kind crap is that ? you wanna a medal, well we know you wouldnt get 1 for milt/serv....hehe chickan hawk
Posted by: Jojo at Thu Nov 24 21:05:58 2005 (9SIY/)
Hang in there, Rhymes With Right
They know that you weren't thinking racist. It's just the only way that they know how to debate...everybody knows the "race card" trumps "logic", every time.
Posted by: Bill at Fri Nov 25 10:04:48 2005 (8NpNh)
Hang in there, Rhymes With Right
They know that you weren't thinking racist. It's just the only way that they know how to debate...everybody knows the race card trumps logic, always.
Posted by: Bill at Fri Nov 25 10:05:33 2005 (8NpNh)
Hang in there, Rhymes With Right
They know that you weren't thinking racist. It's just the only way that they know how to debate...everybody knows the race card trumps logic, every time.
Posted by: Bill at Fri Nov 25 10:06:41 2005 (8NpNh)
Gee, JoJo -- I'm classifying them in categories set out by the Department of Education.
Somewhere around 2/3 of our kids are on free or reduced lunch, which classifies them as low income.
Around 80% are black or Hispanic, which makes them minority under the guidelines.
You do the math. The school is obviously one with a high percentage of low-income minority students. I'm not making a judgement -- I'm stating reality (realizing you lost contact with reality some time ago).
And no, I do not want a medal -- as my father said at his retirement ceemony 22 years ago as he left active duty -- "The measure of one's contribution to the nation is not medals received or rank attained."
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Fri Nov 25 10:08:19 2005 (m/JuX)
There seems to be a problem with the posting procedure here. I received an error the first two times and not the third, but all three posted.
Posted by: Bill at Fri Nov 25 17:23:42 2005 (h1r0Y)
I know about the problems with my new template, and have that particular one fixed. You caught me during the middle of my rebuild, so it acted rather funky when you were commenting.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Fri Nov 25 17:40:39 2005 (1jhgL)
Thanks,RWR, just didn't want to come off looking like a moonbat. Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated.
Posted by: Bill at Sun Nov 27 18:51:20 2005 (dfzws)
Hey "rhymes with white"...go fly a kite in a thunderstorm and tie Bill to it!! And tell Ray ray , Shanikwa and em'( Black names that white people of your calliber are used to) that "finding forester" is a good movie to watch. Tell them to keep hope alive and next time the leeves break, they should stay on the other side in their yatchs or just pump gas in their SUV's and leave town and check into a Marriot for 5 days. You are so out of touch with reallity that we can make you the next FEMA president. Mr Brown is too busy now, he is starting a consulting firm on "relief" efforts(-; (this bullshit is just priceless).PS, if hood is synonimous to poor(blacks and hispanics), does it mean you can take the white man out of the mansion but not the class out...what am i saying..the trailer, i meant or is that just left for "white trash", whom i believe must make up the remaing 20% of your not so fortunate students (not to do with the financial situations of their parents, but you been their "teacher"!)NO! amount of white-out or editing is going to get rid of the red in your neck you did in your earlier posting, fly the flag man, it's your constitutional right, n'est pas?
Posted by: howard at Tue Nov 29 11:11:15 2005 (niVDG)
Sorry, Howard (or should I call you "rhymes with boron" -- or perhaps you would prefer your female-degrading email handle, "tit_lika"), I'm too busy teaching New Orleans kids to spar with you over Hurricane Katrina.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Tue Nov 29 13:05:55 2005 (4PJN4)
Hey jackass, titulika, titilika et al..Indian Origin and Swahili, pick up a book!! so tit_lika, (the dash for anything it can make up for), for the minds in the gutter like you, it's female degrading..that's fresh coming from a conservative, last time i checked most of your wives were busy doing house work , sitting in PTA meetings and raising kids to be just like you. But this is not about you, it's about your statements, i would care less about you,just another moron, ryhmes with "boron" i see the chemistry is there too but do you know it's a very explosive brown substance like element and kinda volatile, i guess your pea brain has helped you figure out a bit about me. Anyway, the scuffel in the senate was pre-empted by a remark made by some stupid person calling Mr Murtha a coward, "only cowards cut and run"!!! MR MURTHA of all the people. Someone NEEDED to have slapped that person to 2008 .So if this scuffel was a result of that, or had in some minute way been influenced by it, then by God, "where da hood x2 where da hood @" pimp slap the idiot! Aren't the republicans the ones who said democtrats didn't have a backbone and now som spine is showing and they think it's like one from an Anorexic person "Too much backbone!". So go back to the drawing boards, read some books and don't come back until something worthwhile hits you in the head, damn! it, you can take your notebook with. Note, i still would like my response on what the republican party has done for this country, just one thing! Until then , stay out of chriss brown's back yard, might be token black, but the hood never left him,right! or his he "one of the good ones". You never know, he might go south central on you. Go find a hobby, buy a pet because the "my best friend is black" routine, or "i know black people" koolaid belongs in the achives together with WMD report, OJs other glove, big foot's foot print and Bushes and dick cheney military records.P/s when is the last time you have ever heard " 80% of the kids are from poor familes, damn these white people need to get their shit together!! offcourse they had to be black and hispanic kids, and you to be bill "Oh'really" and explain it to us.(-; Think about it!
Posted by: howard at Wed Nov 30 03:21:11 2005 (/LUKJ)
I'll simply point out that there is no "u" in your email -- so I'll stand by my interpretation -- especially with all your references to cRAP music (America's leading source of misocyny ) culture in the post above is sufficient.
As for your threats of violence, I'll put it in words those of your ilk understand -- "bring it on, m_thaf_cka --i'll cap yo' _ss" (and the _ can stand for anything it can make up for).
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Nov 30 10:09:03 2005 (XwRzk)
Oh, and Howard -- yeah, boron is an explosive brown substance, but I think a different explosive brown substance (often gas-propelled) is a better way of describing you.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Nov 30 10:20:40 2005 (XwRzk)
Fresh, you are straight out of a comic book, 40something and an history teacher. I guess your career has hit an ice-berg, and i can see you have been "hangin'" around you kids a bit too much, get some air; only michael and r-kelly do that.On the tit_lika thing, man whatever sails your boat,i will not tread in mud with a child, one of us has to be the adult, the bigger man, and any way, a cheese burger is still 99cts plus tax. The lingual is kind of there, but your are an "ol' timer" so i guess i can forgive you for trying to "keepin' it real".( can't even say that with a straight face).You are an history teacher, go break the Da Vinci code or something, find Noah's Arch, stay away from hip-hop, we know you don't like black people,you bush lover,you!! You are really sad, really, and the only thing that gives you a bang is yapping away on the internet going nowhere. Leave chemsitry to smart people, history is sort your niche, stick to what you can decipher. And i am still waiting to hear WHAT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS DONE FOR THIS COUNTRY SINCE 2001, ONE THING! you and Bill can put your heads together to come up with an answer; you need all the help you can get. P/s don't call the bush administration, they don't know the answer either, we tried already, just giving you the heads up.
Posted by: howard at Thu Dec 1 03:43:51 2005 (k34/1)
I can't think of anything, any mission, more important for a political party or for our candidate than the mission of restoring honor and dignity to the Oval Office."
- Dick Cheney, speech during a Philadelphia campaign rally, Aug. 4, 2000
"There's Adam Clymer, major-league asshole from The New York Times."
- George W. Bush, before a speech during a Naperville, Ill., campaign rally, Sept. 4, 2000
"Go f*ck yourself!''
- Dick Cheney to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-Vt.] on the Senate floor, June 22, 2004
Posted by: howard at Thu Dec 1 07:24:08 2005 (k34/1)
Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I stand here today in the same shoes, though with a slightly higher heel, as thousands of Members who have taken the same oath before me. I am mindful of what is expected of me both by this hallowed institution and the hundreds of thousands of Americans I am blessed to represent. I am the lowest-ranking Member of this body, the very bottom rung of the ladder; and I am privileged to hold that title.
This House has much work to do. On that we can all agree. We will not always agree on the details of that work. Honorable people can certainly agree to disagree. However, here today I accept a second oath. I pledge to walk in the shoes of my colleagues and refrain from name-calling or the questioning of character. It is easy to quickly sink to the lowest form of political debate. Harsh words often lead to headlines, but walking this path is not a victimless crime. This great House pays the price.
2 1/2 months later.................
Mrs. SCHMIDT."He asked me to send Congress a message: stay the course," Ms. Schmidt said. "He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run, Marines never do."
Democrats booed in protest and shouted Ms. Schmidt down in her attack on Representative John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, a Vietnam combat veteran and one of the House's most respected members on military matters. They caused the House to come to an abrupt standstill, and moments later, Representative Harold Ford, Democrat of Tennessee, charged across the chamber's center aisle to the Republican side screaming that Ms. Schmidt's attack had been unwarranted.
now who is really full of "schmidt"........
Posted by: howard at Thu Dec 1 13:16:17 2005 (fInXn)
For just a moment, I thought there was a comprehensible, literate message coming from you.
Instead, I find they are quotes.
You may assume it has something to do with me hating black people -- everything you have said is based upon assumptions about me based upon your own hate-filled stereotypes about whites and Republicans. If you wish to believe that combination makes me a race-hater, go right ahead. I'll go right on loving those kids in my classroom and teaching them history. And as for my career hitting an iceberg, consider this -- I turned down three job offers from principals at other schools (two in other districts) who came asking me to work for them.
Bye, howard -- I'm done wasting precious moments of my life on you.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Thu Dec 1 13:34:24 2005 (T9Noa)
Hey, I don't hate white people or republicans, if you read carefully, it boils down to POLICIES, we agree to disagree, you take the gloves off, a take mine off too. The above phrases were to show the double standards that have plagued the republican party and most conservatives; we do it our way, and no other way ( with us against us routine and run and wrap yourselves in the American flag!). This guy (bush) and his administration listens to NO ONE, not even his own dad, who had to call on a close friend to ask him to talk to his son, that was 4 months ago and this guy is still waiting for a phone from this self absorbed self proclaimed liberator. He returned honorable Murtha’s letter 6 months latter! “We went in as liberators and we shall be welcomed as oneâ€, and the insurgents are the ones fighting us, those terrorists. Before he went in there were no insurgents in Iraq, no link to WMD's, no link to the attacks on our soil on 9/11. But hold on, you are a history professor so you must know of these names, Shaka Zulu, Menelik II, Kwame Nkuruma, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, the Maji Maji rebellion, the HeHe rebellion, Mekatitili, Leobon Ole Sojon, Kabaka Mutesa, and the list goes one. Weren’t they in a position to be called "insurgentsâ€? Didn’t they lead their respective nations in fighting colonial power? That was late 1800’s, fast forward to date, to present day Mes"OH"potamia, colonialism is just a century metamorphism to Neo-colonialism, where you go in, conquer( here we delivered an ass whooping) to secure interests for ourselves( Diamonds..Minerals and slaves in the former... the later, Oil, and rebuild for the cheap or by God, let them take care of themselves if opportunity arises for us to get it that cheap. And I say this with certainty, because I have pals in the military that agree with me and tell me that the bases we are building there are PARMANENT, we are staying the course for a long long time. The reason we pulled out so fast from Somalia is because we had missed that bearing by some longitudes, the Oil laid plenty in Sudan, and we are there now. And which is more important, rebuilding Iraq (one nitwit mistake) or rebuilding New Orleans. New what! must be the question because last time one heard about it was like..i forgot, it was that no so long ago, but we live on 15minutes memory here, she got hers. People morgages are up in New Orleans you know, houses you cannot live in and paying $1,500 a month. Oh, but they new what they were getting themselves into when the bought those properties, tough luck, it’s a capitalistic society. But we can’t loose or allow Iraqis to loose, it’s way to important for them, their lives depend on it (which is true), but it was not supposed to have a been a mess to start with. We can allow one group of people to play around with rights and liberties our forefathers (who had their short comings) bled for in the name of “for country, justice and libertyâ€? Some one needs to start giving answers and soon. His whole presidency is one huge house of cards, New Orleans lifted our skirt up, and we need to lift his. And back to Iraq, there is a contractor by the pentagon with a $100,000,000 contract to translate and syndicate for the pentagon in Iraq in publications and radio stations where the pentagon owns at least a couple of newspapers and radio stations to spread that good ol' koolaid we have come to get so accustomed to. I don't care about what you think of me, I am not filled with stereotypical clichés, these are facts and however you want to spin them, is of no consequence to me. I know the truth, I am well versed with almost everything around me, and I see the world in 4-D. I gain say I hate (policies x infinity). And the Republican Party has surely messed this one up without even having policies; imagine if they had them? And by the way, have you explained to your students why part of their voting rights( the black ones off course) is going to expire in 2007( we are still talking about this TODAY!) and the republican party wants to get the ball rolling for the 2006 elections to "win the black vote". TODAY!
Posted by: howard at Fri Dec 2 03:17:39 2005 (ExX7P)
Note the different perspectives for and against bush. I give both sides of the story an equal litmus taste. Note, i will not influnence one's comprehension or conslusion, but i will say this, the "thruth" becomes thinner and the run-away on the USS Lincoln becomes shorter.
Posted by: howard at Fri Dec 2 03:54:13 2005 (ExX7P)
Howard, why don't you try using a little common sense and come out from behind that race thing for a while? Maybe if you would just try a more rational approach to your many problems, you could get rid of some of that misery you seem to be experiencing. I know that too many years of being on the losing side can be tough, but you need to cut yourself a little slack, man. It could be a very long time before you get any relief. Here's a little common sense for you,IF BUSH DOESN'T DO IT, SOMEONE ELSE WILL HAVE TO.
Posted by: Bill at Fri Dec 2 11:06:33 2005 (HF30V)
Last time i checked "rhymes with right" and bill were not the same thing, too many consonants on the former, and i thought you had already met your demise in a "thunderstorm" flying from a kite? From all that, all you could get were those misley lines above that you got from "English for dummies"? This is an educated men discussion, once you get proof of that then seek permission to be allowed back in to talk; i am very big on second chances. And that race reversal trick,i think that is what you were attempting( i might be giving credit where it's not due), dubya has really reached you in a way the pope, you teachers and parents were not able to. Too bad he has an IQ of a 1st grader as is evidence in your 5 liner above. So william, billiard or whatever it is you are called, find time to indulge yourself in intellect searching, knowledge is too broad a subject for you.And if intellect is not your forte, then try meditation, something has to come from deep within you that makes sense, (God i so hope for your sake and that your not a teacher). If all fails try hooked on phonics. See, i tried to use plain simple English, no big words, little words for little heads.
Posted by: howard at Sat Dec 3 00:35:05 2005 (btadr)
Howard -- I find it interesting that you wrote the following:
This is an educated men discussion, once you get proof of that then seek permission to be allowed back in to talk
By your own standards, the semi-literate race-baiting, hate-mongering misogynistic and insulting posts you have made on my site put you outside YOUR STANDARD for participating in discussion on MY SITE.
As such, you are banned.
But I am also very big on second chances, howard, so when you come back with an apology and proof that you have the intellectual capacity to be a constructive part of the debate I will lift the ban.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Dec 3 01:29:05 2005 (0Czjr)
One thing -- earlier on the thread, you passed on the falsehood that the voting rights of blacks expire in 2007. I'm going to do a post on that particular urban legend in a little bit.
Since you are the reason for the post, I will post your comments (uneditted except for inappropriate language) on that thread if you email them to me. If your behavior is acceptable in those posts, I will consider the above comment to simply be a misunderstanding and lift the ban.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Dec 3 01:34:19 2005 (0Czjr)
After giving the matter some consideration, howard, I'm taking you off the banned list for the moment. I'm hoping you will be able to make a reasonable contribution to the discussion on that new post i mentioned like one of the "educated men" you seem to think should be discussing important matters.
Be aware, man, that you are on probation with me, and that it is I (not you) who get to decide the standards for posting around here.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Dec 3 05:31:30 2005 (0Czjr)
Howie, you've got to be a genius. You could tell all that by my little "five liner"?
Help me out here, I checked my "English for dummies" and couldn't find "misley lines". Could that possibly be in your "Black English for dummies"?
Posted by: Bill at Sat Dec 3 17:39:39 2005 (XatNQ)
Billard, again, you epitomize the term "Dark Ages"; lack of literature and material. It's good to see you are putting the dictionary to work, taking me up on my offer might probably be life changing, je panse'.It's like seeing the light on your way to Damascus in reverse.I actually meant MISERLY, not measly, as you can note, some of my "Rs" tend not to be there(due to the fact that the keyboard i am using tends to have a sticky R). That's something that's beyond my control, same as the pickle of a situation i have here with you.In addition, if you thought i meant MEASLY, guess again,it's slang and the other meaning is,well,a disease. You are not buying vowels nor are consonants on a 10% off discount (note the lack of a "spin again" pop_up every time you type); tout est gratuite! courtesy of monsieur rhymes with right. So please use these valuable assets that help in sentence building.By the way , your assumption that i am black, priceless! Crosses and white sheets are probably sold out in your neck of the woods! So "tafadhali",pick up a periodical, check under adds, and see if they have new personalities for sale; buy in bulk. Or you can just dial 1-800-new-meee, they range from Abel to Pieter Willem Botha. It's a buy one personality, get one night vision that enables a 20/20 vision of UFOs free!It's a hanukkah, kwanzaa, christmas and happy festivas special! If all fails, open a cold Bud, get a 555 deal, sit , relax and watch cars turning left all day long!
Posted by: howard at Sat Dec 3 20:15:43 2005 (btadr)
Actually, given your word choice, your alleged use of terms from an African language, your choice of subject matter, etc, the notion that you are black is not an incredibly outrageous one for anyone to draw -- though none of those things taken singly or together constitutes proof of ethnicity.
But Bill's point, which you miss in your desire to spew insults, is that you are quick to take offense over perceived slights and make unsupported judgements based upon much less evidence.
And howard -- there is an entirely new post for you to comment on, one that has its genesis in one of your own comments. Why don't you go and make some intelligent, on point comments over thre and let this thread, which has long-since degenerated into you insulting anyone who you disagree with, die a well-deserved death.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Dec 4 02:22:07 2005 (rnQvo)
You see "rhymes with right" my ethnicity is not the issue here, it's the fact it has to be made an issue so that "stereotypical attempts to be insults" can be drawn. I could be mexican, portugese, indian et al with a broad knowleged of languages but the wit and callous is not read as sarcasm but direct insults; once again comprehesion is entirely ones choice. Actually i have five bloods in me, african, indian, portugese, arab and somali. But to an "untrained" eye, i am probably mexican and to bill, 1/5 is black enough for him. I speak 8 languages and know the globe like the back of my hand, i chose africa, because that is where the most shafting by neocons is "ordre de jour". By the way my spew, has probably been the best thing your post has seen in the longest time. Read between the sarcasim, there is much to be learnt.
Posted by: howard at Sun Dec 4 02:41:30 2005 (btadr)
Oh,the last comment is not an attack at you, it's my belief, and i hope you can see beyond it and decipher it's intended meaning. All i heard from you so far is the contention on a fact i had made earlier on the civil rights of citizens nearing expiration and the sticker on the carton is going to be renewed but the content, still suspicious. Remember, "the governator" has learnt his dear lesson and now has the "enemy" as his advisor. Smoke screen, "conservatism", call it whatever you want to, it's a positive step to me. So until we stop using gay marriages, war on terror (fight them there so we don't have to do it here!) and illegal immigrations as issues for vaying for office, we shall still be moving at one angstrom/hr in the vie for a better America for EVERONE. And billard said "if he does not get it done, someone else will". News flash, it's the united states of America, not the NHL, you don't get second chances to show just how much incompetence you can exhibit. You get the job, you get it done, during the duration, not in hiatus. And the only guy who i give hats off and my vote who doesn't have his head up where the good lord done well split him is McCain, and most of you guys don't want him!Sheeesh!
Posted by: howard at Sun Dec 4 03:02:06 2005 (btadr)
The globe as we see it...
Posted by: howard at Sun Dec 4 03:09:31 2005 (btadr)
howard -- if you would slow down for a minute and fully form your thoughts, it might be possible to carry on a rational discussion. Instead, you spew out random comments, jump from point to point and generally muddle everything together -- throwing in bad typing, poor spelling, and awful sentence structure to boot. This makes it very difficult to discuss much of anything with you, despite what appears to be a somewhat intelligent person trying to communicate something that might be significant.
And I will point out that I made no "contention on a fact you had made". I stated hard and fast facts to show that you had a fallen prey to an urban legend -- using the US Constitution and a document issued by the Clinton Justice Department to prove it. What I did was apply facts to a myth you had propagated in a manner not dissimilar to how one applies radiation and chemotherapy to a cancerous tumor.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Dec 4 03:40:38 2005 (rnQvo)
Well I guess I stand corrected (darn those urban legends), but not until I prove it to myself from the local civil library. I do believe on one thing though. My thoughts may seem random to you because of the fact that is clearly an attempt to summarize all my postings; I never know when you might go “Iraq†on me; I have no Oil for food program contingence to work for me. So like my dear friend 2-Pac, I try to get everything in with the “little time allotted†and hoping someone can digest this at a pace more comfortable to him or her. That theory been breached like the levees, I believe it’s time for baby scoops; even jelly needs time to settle down. So until a time where at least one of my points is given a “seat at the tableâ€, I will contend in preparing for my finals on the classical theory of fields. P/S, my humanities professor (35 years of teaching and an author of five books I believe) once confessed to me that the divide between him and I was that he picked on every sentence structure he did not like from my essays but could never get the facts; I was always on point.
Posted by: howard at Sun Dec 4 04:35:47 2005 (btadr)
I meant( never get enough of the facts).
Posted by: mtu at Sun Dec 4 05:48:39 2005 (btadr)
I meant( never get enough of the facts).
Posted by: howard at Sun Dec 4 05:48:47 2005 (btadr)
And I will tell you, man, that your "form" negates your "content" much of the time. In communication, the best argument and facts will be dismissed every time if not presented in a manner that the audience can comprehend. If you can ever figure out how to do the latter and implement it on a regular basis, you will be a fearsome commentator.
ANd let me say this -- you are welcome around here, always.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Dec 4 06:12:01 2005 (iTmqJ)
You can't be 70044 serious?!?
Posted by: Mary Box at Thu Jul 20 14:46:25 2006 (jbtfr)
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