October 13, 2006

John Murtha – Corrupt Partisan Hack

John Murtha, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam case, decided to bring the level of political dialog to his own level.

"Screw them," Rep. John Murtha said of Republicans in an email sent to the liberal political group MoveOn.org on Wednesday. The Pennsylvania Democrat, who is urging a U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq, added that he needs its members' help to throw GOP congressmen "out of power -- as many of them as possible."

"A year ago when I presented my plan for Iraq, I did it to provide leadership and protect our troops," Murtha stated in his email. "The Republicans have spent their time name-calling while the situation for our troops in Iraq gets worse. They've tried to smear me, other veterans, Democrats, you and anybody who stands up to them.

"Well, let me say one thing right now: screw them," the 16-term congressman declared. "Those gravestones at Arlington cemetery don't say Democrat or Republican on them. We are all patriots.

I don’t believe you are a patriot. I don’t care how long you served or how many decorations you have – your desire to cut and run in the face of the enemy is a cowardly abrogation of the security of the United States.
And I think this presentation of your record, Congressman Murtha, bears that assertion out.

Also on Thursday, Larry Bailey, president of Vets for the Truth (VFTT) -- an organization working to "boot Murtha" from Congress on Nov. 7 -- agreed that the congressman's attitude in his email is something voters should consider.

Bailey told Cybercast News Service: "'Screw them' is what John Murtha has said for 32 years to:

• "Iraq War veterans, who have tried unsuccessfully to discuss that conflict with Murtha;

• "Honest citizens, who are berated, cursed and threatened by Murtha goons;

• "Taxpayers, who have to come up with the money for Murtha's self-serving appropriations 'earmarks;'

• "Troops in Iraq, who are unjustly characterized by Murtha for having 'killed innocent civilians in cold blood;'

• "Honest politicians, who object to the 'bully-boy' tactics employed by Murtha in getting his way; and

• "Anyone who dares to disagree with or vote against John Murtha.

"'Screw them' might well be the epitaph inscribed on Murtha's tombstone," Bailey stated.

So Congressman, your MoveOn.org fundraising communique leads me to respond in kind – Go screw yourself!

Posted by: Greg at 12:28 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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1 "I don’t believe you are a patriot. I don’t care how long you served or how many decorations you have – your desire to cut and run in the face of the enemy is a cowardly abrogation of the security of the United States." Didn't Hitler get an Iron Cross in the First World War? The fact that someone is a decorated veteran doesn't mean they aren't a SOB. Meanwhile, MoveOn.org welcomed anti-Semitic and racist hate speech at its Action Forum until my friends and I exposed them and forced them to shut it down.

Posted by: Bill Levinson at Fri Oct 13 14:42:01 2006 (bdRzT)

2 Jesus fucking christ, there is someone as stupid as you and the neocon dickheads that invaded a fucking soveriegn nation for as it turns out no good reason. Which I might add is what I and about 1/2 of the rest of america was saying in 2003 before the chimp began this fucking fiasco. Over 2700 KIA... For who?? For what??!!

Posted by: Nunya Biddness at Fri Oct 13 16:18:07 2006 (8ruhu)


Oh yeah I forgot to mention  :                  

 Iraq is to 9-11-2001 as Bolivia was to 12-7-1941

Posted by: Nunya Biddness at Fri Oct 13 16:22:01 2006 (8ruhu)

4 I'll add a few more. As Nunya is to honesty and courage. As Nunya's comments are to the topic of the posts. As Nunya's comments are to rational, civil discourse. As Cindy Sheehan is to sanity. As the kennedy family is to chastity and safe driving. As the Clinton's are to fidelity. As the Democrats are to ethics. I could go on -- but why bother. But I will point out that there were about 20 reasons given by the president for going after Saddam Hussein. Yu've managd to demolish exactly one of them -- one that I would have agreed with you on before the invasion began (although he was harboring and supporting OTHER terrrorists and did have some contact with Osama's crew). I guess you missed, though, that this is a war on terrorism, not a war on Osama or al-Qaeda -- sort of like the civilized nations of the world fought a war on piracy, not on Blackbeard.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Oct 14 02:22:50 2006 (YPtUU)

5 Nunya wrote, "Which I might add is what I and about 1/2 of the rest of america was saying in 2003 before the chimp began this fucking fiasco. Over 2700 KIA... For who?? For what??!!" We can thank John Kerry and John Murtha for a lot of those KIAs because their public comments doubtlessly helped the terrorists recruit more insurgents. Did you know that your (Nunya's) friends at MoveOn.org welcomed a blood libel of Jews at their Action Forum?

Posted by: Bill Levinson at Sat Oct 14 05:24:53 2006 (PnXsD)

6 Of course I do -- anti-Semitism is epidemic on the American Left. it has been on the Left for decades. After all, Socialism in all its forms (including International Socialsm AKA Communism and National Socialism AKA Nazism) require an enemy upon which to focus the hatred of the masses -- and the Jews are a small distinct group who are easy to single out and persecute. That is why both my trolls (Nunya and KKKen) are Jew-haters.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Oct 14 05:31:10 2006 (YPtUU)

7 Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt do you want to go for double jeopardy, where the scores can really change?? I am not a hater of jews you lying piece of shit. I do however think that this nation is unduly influenced by the Israel lobby, but other than that no I don't hate jews, in fact schmuck I went to conversion classes at one point in my life, but you being a jackass won't acknowledge that.

Posted by: Nunya Biddness at Sat Oct 14 16:28:57 2006 (8ruhu)

8 I'll stand with Martin Luther King on the Jew/israel issue. “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.” And I'll take it a bit further: When people say the Israel lobby has too much power in America, they mean Jews have too much power in America -- we're talking anti-Semitism. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself this -- if someone stated that they believe that civil rights groups have too much power in America, would it not be crystal clear hat they really mean blacks have too much power? Would you not understand that as an expression of racism? As Nynya, you profane, lying coward, do you think you could ever make a post here (other than one plagiarized from another source) that doesn't contain obscene language and insults? It would be refreshing, and might lead to an actual dialogue.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Oct 15 00:55:11 2006 (Jq0Yu)

9 I said influence, not power, you asshole maggot fat fucking puke piece of shit. Influence does not always equate to raw power, the power lies with the cocksucking politicians that listen to the special interests and not the people the people that "elect" them. Of course you are as usual too fucking stupid to distinguish between influence and actual power, and their use in the english language. And yes I can post a non-profane statement, but why bother here, since you are such a disingenuous motherfucker.

Posted by: Nunya F N Biddness at Sun Oct 15 04:28:22 2006 (8ruhu)

10 Very well, I stand corrected -- yoyu merely think Jews have too much influence, not too much power, in the United States. I'd argue that is a difference that makes no difference, but I've made that correction to more accurately reflect your form of anti-Semitism. And as for "cocksucking politicians", please note my obituary of Gerry Studds linked above. He was one of yours, I believe. I seem to recall that his special interest was teenage boys. As to "why bother", I'd argue that the best reason is that your comments would be significantly easier to write, read, and understand if you were not looking for an opportunity to add in every possible profanity. Furthermore, it might make it possible to treat you in a serious fashion and have a real discussion with you. Heck, i might even begin treating you with some respect.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Oct 15 06:25:15 2006 (7n2ot)


Murtha has the support of two Iraq verterans organizations, Iraq Vets Against the War and Vets against the Iraq War.

He also speaks unofficially as a liason for perhaps the majority of the military brass which agrees with the position of the UK Army leader, subject of recent controversy. Namely that the was is unwinnable and that US occupation causes native Iraqi Sunnis to join foreign al Qaeda. Indeed Sunni tribal chiefs have told us they can drive Al Qaeda types out better after we leave.

Setting this aside, the Shia death squads the US military is training, have no love for us either and are Iranian-oriented. The next Iraqi government, however it is comprised, will continue to be anti-American and anti-Israeli and will assist resistance to any unwarranted intrusion in their region.

Murtha has not gone far enough in advocating trrop withdrawal to other points in the Mideast. The US should get out of the Mideast, period, afterforcing Israel to vacate the West Bank and Samaria, as we forced Saddam to vacate Kuwait.

But Murtha's reccomendation is a step in the right direction and it is foolish if the siteowner  believes significant elements of the military haven't worked in tandem with him to ease the pullout.


Posted by: Ken Hoop at Sun Oct 15 12:41:44 2006 (dold7)

12 Murtha has the support of two small groups of malcontents -- Bush has the support of major veteran's organizations.  I know which I put more stock in.

As for your claims of hs speaking for any percentage of the officers of the US military, I'd argue that they are worthy of court martial for failing to abide by the chain of command and interference in civilian politics.  Remember -- it is civilian control of the military, not military control of the civilian government, that is the correct constitutional order of things.

And I know, KKKen, that you want the US out of the Middle East  -- and that you want us to nuke Israel on the way out.  Then you can have a party to celebrate millions of dead JOOOOOOOOS! (since your hero Adolph didn't finish the job).

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Oct 15 13:52:08 2006 (swypc)


You obviously didn't read the Zogby Poll of US soldiers in Iraq, taken in February 2006. More than 70% said if Iraq wasn't stabilized by December they believed all US troops should exit.Only 37% agreed with Bush's "stay the course" policy. The military jails would be full of your "sedtionists."

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Sun Oct 15 14:16:36 2006 (dold7)




before you accuse me of distorting the poll-readers, judge for yourself. seems the troops are Murtha-ites!

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Sun Oct 15 14:17:52 2006 (dold7)




War hero Murtha speaks. One difference between Murtha and the  siteowner's maunderings against him. Murtha speaks of the details of the war's abysmal failure. The siteowner avoids all discusssion of same then pretends it is patriotic to stay on board Bush's Titantic.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Sun Oct 15 14:54:29 2006 (dold7)

16 Remember -- Benedict Arnold was a war hero, too.  Didn't stop him from being wrong on policy -- or committing treason.

And it isn't seditious to oppose the curren policy -- it is seditious for a military officer to seek to thwart civilian control of the military and the chain of command to overrule the commander-in-chief in the exercise of his constitutional responsibilities.

By the way, KKKen, givent he poll is by Zogby, with all their pro-terrorist awctivities, I put as much weight on the results as I do on the historical works you recommend.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Oct 16 01:03:12 2006 (4nXaP)


Bush war support down to lowest ,34% Of course the troops themselves are, according to the siteowner, sooner gluttons for no-win punishment, than reflective of the broad populace's disgust. Keep on keeping on, you're making Zogby look better.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Tue Oct 17 08:55:15 2006 (DZbll)

18 Let's see -- those who know what is going on are more supportive than those who have swallowed the media lies and Democrat propaganda (which are more or less the same thing).  That is precisely my point.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Tue Oct 17 12:46:13 2006 (wfdL5)


Let's hope the troops leave before the Shias turn on them, which they are going to do as soon as they believe they have got all that can be got from America against their Sunni rivals.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Wed Oct 18 07:18:45 2006 (P95FD)

Posted by: Ken Hoop at Wed Oct 18 07:21:16 2006 (P95FD)

21 Gee -- another link to the hate-America gang, posted by KKKen. YAWWWWWWWWN!

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Oct 18 12:25:15 2006 (4rUAi)

22 Yeah -- after all, we only killed 10,000 terrorists there last month. And that isn't a claim from the Bush administration you despise. That comes from your beloved al-Qaed buds, KKKen.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Fri Oct 20 10:15:38 2006 (0jJSk)

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