October 25, 2006
The New Jersey Supreme Court left the door ajar for the approval of same-sex marriage Wednesday, ruling that gay couples are entitled to rights no different from those of heterosexual couples.The court gave state legislators 180 days to craft a bill offering same-sex couples the same rights as opposite-sex couples, though it appeared to leave open a choice between calling the status "marriage" or "civil unions."
"Although we cannot find that a fundamental right to same-sex marriage exists in this state, the unequal dispensation of rights and benefits to committed same-sex partners can no longer be tolerated under our state constitution," the court said in its 4 to 3 ruling.
Now the problem here should be obvious to anyone who isn't looking at the decision from a "results-oriented" perspective. The justices do not find a right to gay marriage in the state's Constitution -- and then go on to overturn the status quo anyway on vague theory taht "the status quo is intolerable". They order that the legislature act in 180 days to create gay marriage -- in fact, whetehr or not they do so in name. And the minority dissented not because of this radical judicial activism -- no, they don't feel the court was activist enough! they wanted teh court to create gay marriage and implement it through judicial fiat! In both cases, however, they ignore th specific policy decisions of the state legislature to NOT create gay marriage when they passed a domestic partnership law.
This could have some serious impact in New Jersey and elsewhere.
The New Jersey decision could stoke the fires for social conservatives elsewhere in the nation, who during this election cycle have complained loudly of their unhappiness with the Republican Party. New Jersey, however, tends toward social liberalism -- albeit with strong pockets of social conservatism. As the court's decision stops short of mandating same-sex marriage, few expected it to unhinge a taut race for the U.S. Senate between Sen. Robert Menendez (D) and Republican Thomas H. Kean Jr., according to political observers. Menendez and Kean oppose same-sex marriage, although Kean has gone further and called for a state constitutional amendment to ban it."If the Supreme Court had flatly forced the state to recognize gay marriage, it would have had a negative effect and rallied the conservative Republican base in New Jersey and hurt Robert Menendez," said Ross K. Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University. "As it stands, he should be okay, but this could rally evangelicals elsewhere."
I disagree. The Kean-Menendez race has been tightening. I think it could be enough to push Tom Kean over the top -- all without becoming "unhinged".
If Kean were to focus on the issue of judical activism and the importance of keeping a GOP majority to ensure that judges who recognize the constitutional limits of their office are confirmed, it could gain him votes. Ditto a stronger emphasis on the constitutional amendment issue.
On the other side of the river in Pennsylvania, this could help Rick Santorum defeat Bob Casey, Jr..
In Maryland, this could help Michael Steele garner a few more black votes for his GOP race, given that blacks tend to be conservative on the gay marriage issue.
Similarly, this could swing a few House races to the GOP as well.
And those eight gay marriage referenda around the country? I think they could now be wins for the traditional marriage side of the issue, which was in doubt after New York and California courts refused to do what the New Jersey judges have.
UPDATE: And that is a new direction being tried by conservatives around the country.
MORE AT: Malkin, Hot Air, Church & State, Blogs for Bush, Ace of Spades, Riehl World View, Wide Awakes, Gay Patriot, Wizbang, Don Surber, Stop the ACLU
Posted by: Greg at
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And this is the country which presumes to spread healthy "democracy" to the conservative Moslem world? Conservatives need to heal America of these kind of plagues which the Moslem world fights to keep out, before attempting to instruct others in "civilization."
Posted by: Ken Hoop at Thu Oct 26 07:04:36 2006 (7GYBH)
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Thu Oct 26 09:39:50 2006 (shDDg)
No, you are "in with the queers," as you choose to fight unnecessary enemies on the behalf of a queerish Empire.
Posted by: Ken Hoop at Fri Oct 27 02:51:24 2006 (+6sav)
The court decided (I think wrongly) that marriage is not inherently a constitutional right, however since it is a right the legislature has extended to some citizens, they are constitutionally required to extend it to ALL citizens, under equal protection clauses. In otherwords, the NJ constitution doesn't require marriage, but it does prohibit second-class citizenship.
The proper move for the court would have been to simply declare the gender-specific language of the law void and gay people could have started marrying immediately instead of "marrying or something the same as marrying" in 180 days.
Sending it back to the legislature for them to choose a resolution is something the court was neither required (and arguably didn't have the write to do). In this case the court went so far out of its way (and potentially overstepped it's bounds) to get the legislature involved, it's inconeivable that anyone can cry "activist judge" with a straight face. Unless of course they are operating on the standard conservative assumption that an activist judge is anyone who makes a decision that doesn't toe the GOP party line.
Posted by: dolphin at Fri Oct 27 06:46:38 2006 (oQl4G)
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