December 22, 2007

A Holiday Primer For Ron Paul Supporters

After a Christmas party my wife and I attended last night, I have a few pieces of holiday advice for Ron Paul supporters.

1) Proper Christmas celebration headgear is a Santa hat, not a "Ron Paul for President" ball cap.

2) It is appropriate to share pictures (including those on your cell phone) of your family, pets, and close friends with other guests. It is not appropriate to share photos of Ron Paul with other guests in order to prove how close you got to him at a rally.

3) "He does have some interesting ideas" is properly understood as "He and his supporters are loons," not an opening to invite a Democrat to cross over to vote in the GOP primary (this is especially true when she is married to the GOP precinct chair/election judge).

4) "My cousin was seriously wounded in Iraq" is intended to shut down further discussion of Ron Paul, not encourage discussion of his plan to get us out of Iraq, the problem with the military-industrial complex, and Washington's words about entangling alliances in his Farewell Address.

5) "Would you like some more chips" are words intended to distract you from further discussion of Ron Paul by filling your mouth with food, not an invitation to discussion of the federal budget and Ron Paul's plans to eliminate everything that he considers to be unconstitutional federal spending.

6) No, we don't want to know when Ron Paul is going to next be on C-Span. Don't ask, don't tell.

7) Comments about the amusing video another guest saw on YouTube are small-talk, not a request for you to drag someone back to the host's computer to show her the latest videos from Ron Paul and his supporters.

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Sorry, that means we don't believe that Ron Paul is the Messiah, even if you do.

9) When someone steers the conversation to something other than Ron Paul (the guacamole dip, for example), that doesn't mean they want you to relate the new topic to Ron Paul and his campaign for President.

10) Shut up. We don't want to hear about Ron Paul. Really.

So, all you Truthers, conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other Ron Paul supporters reading my words from your room in your Mom's basement, feel free to print out this post and refer back to it so that your friends(?) and family members can have a Merry Christmas.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Stop the ACLU, Blog @, The Midnight Sun, Rosemary's Thoughts, guerrilla radio, 123beta, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Stix Blog, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Cao's Blog, The Amboy Times, Big Dog's Weblog, Chuck Adkins, Conservative Cat, Nuke's, third world county, Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 03:58 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 507 words, total size 5 kb.

1 Most of your points are fair, and admittedly, some of my fellow libertarian minded Ron Paul supporters can get rather zealous in their attempts to spread the word and recruit new supporters. The spirit of most of this post seems to be in jest, and you are certainly not the only person to express such sentiments. However, your closing remark is unnecessarily aggressive, hateful, and slanderous. For a man who professes to be a Christian, you sure are quick to throw stones at those who don't agree with you. Understand, the average Ron Paul supporter is not a racist or a gay-basher or a misogynist. He or she is a literate, educated, tech-savvy person who much prefers funding local charities from their own pockets than pouring it wastefully into the giant Washington machine... Our parent's generation believed signing a large enough check meant something was being accomplished. Our generation is freezing the accounts, seizing the assets, and doing ourselves what we know must be done. I'm not a "Truther", a conspiracy theorist, or a Neo-Nazi, or a white supremacist. I'm a 26 year old soon to be law student with a B.A. in philosophy. Nor do I live in my mother's basement. Shocking as this might be to you from a Ron Paul supporter, I rent my own home, and care for a dog and a cat. Also, I'm Jewish, as are a number of Ron Paul supporters I know, so please back off with the Neo-Nazi crap. I've given money to the humane society, the ASPCA, the WSPA, MS research, MD research, and local homeless shelters, to name some. Your comments are offensive and ignorant. Humor is humor, and mean-spirited comments that your messiah would never approve of are exactly that.

Posted by: Michael Schocket at Sat Dec 22 16:33:40 2007 (cApGN)

2 I'll back off on "the neo-Nazi crap" when your candidate quits embracing them and taking their money. As for the rest, I've encountered a great many more of the losers cited above than than folks like you -- though I will concede that the individual upon whom the post cited above does have an advanced degree and works in the aerospace industry. And to be fair, he does not live in Mom's basement -- he and his wife moved out of her parents' garage about a year ago. However, the entire tone of the piece was intended to be satirical -- and good satire has more than a little truth to it. That you are uncomfortable with what I wrote should tell you that you need to be (justifiably) uncomfortable with some of your political associates in the Ron Paul camp, not those of us who point out who they are.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Dec 22 19:56:48 2007 (fP6C2)

3 You have a classic here. It could get copied and pasted in viral emails across the net. However, it will go further and win you a ton of hits if you got a little more fair. Number 4 isn't funny and number 10 is too mean. Ron Paul has the most support from military and veterans, often from those of us who believe Operation Iraqi Freedom was the right thing to do. Your average RP supporter has a great job as well. You are not telling me that you believe the MSM do you? Heck, they are not even bothering to explain the methodology of their polls any more. And what are the other Rep choices? None wish to mention the word Constitution in their speeches. Huckleberry and Romney push religiosity. Julie Annie and McCain push their similarity to Dems.

Posted by: Jim Peterson at Sun Dec 23 00:17:59 2007 (w1DrB)

4 From a non-truther, non-conspiracy theorist, non-neo-Nazi, non-white supremacist and not from a room in my Mom's basement (she doesn't even have a basement): I'm a married, 28 year old father of 1 and a homeowner in New Hampshire- I'm also a Ron Paul supporter. I thought this post was actually kinda funny at first. But then it took a sudden turn into wack-ville- just like the people you described in your last sentence there. Chill out. Having hate in your heart is something that those people we stand against share in common with you- don't let them spread their hate to you! So in the spirit of the holidays, please take a moment and imagine that you might be wrong about Ron Paul. Think for a moment that it's possible that with millions of supporters that there are always going to be wack-jobs at the edges. Imagine, that it's possible that his libertarian viewpoints are not in support of those people at the fringes, but are actually in support of liberty itself. Does any of that sound plausible? Do you know for sure that your interpretation of Ron Paul is accurate? Let the hate out of your heart and then see what it tells you. Peace be with you, Merry Christmas. Walter

Posted by: Walter at Sun Dec 23 01:24:36 2007 (HbRrQ)

5 You guys really don't understand satire, do you. A couple of points. First, I include #4 BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. My wife's cousin lost a leg and was left a quadriplegic by an IED. She tried to fend off a discussion of the war by mentioning that fact, only to have this guy plow right into the topics mentioned. Second, #10 was what it finally took to get the guy to quit talking about Ron Paul -- at which point he went to sulk next to his wife. As for the racist donors, I'm a former staffer of the website that broke the story, and remain friends with many current writers. And yeah, I know that the bulk of Ron Paul supporters are not the sort of mutants I mention -- but I've met, read, or banned too many of the sort of folks I mentioned to call them an aberration. And as I mentioned, the guy in question has an advanced degree and works in the aerospace industry (for a government contractor, no less) -- and he is married to a former colleague who isn't quite as loopy about Ron Paul as he is (I only had to mention Mitt Romney once to get her to back off. And I do have a friend who is actively involved in the Ron Paul campaign, and who is none of the things I mentioned. As for my opinion of Ron Paul -- He's the Congressman in the next district south of mine. I'm the GOP precinct chair in the last precinct north of CD14 in Harris County. I've met the man and had one extended conversation with him. I admired him up until that point. My decision to defeat him both nationally and locally was made shortly thereafter. Maybe it is best to close with the words of a dear friend from church who worked many Ron Paul campaigns when our area was still a part of his district -- "Dr. Paul is a very nice man, but he's just gotten a bit odd as the years have gone by."

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Dec 23 02:00:16 2007 (fP6C2)

6 Most of your points are fair, and admittedly, some of my fellow libertarian minded Ron Paul supporters can get rather zealous in their attempts to spread the word and recruit new supporters. The spirit of most of this post seems to be in jest, and you are certainly not the only person to express such sentiments. However, your closing remark is unnecessarily aggressive, hateful, and slanderous. For a man who professes to be a Christian, you sure are quick to throw stones at those who don't agree with you. Understand, the average Ron Paul supporter is not a racist or a gay-basher or a misogynist. He or she is a literate, educated, tech-savvy person who much prefers funding local charities from their own pockets than pouring it wastefully into the giant Washington machine... Our parent's generation believed signing a large enough check meant something was being accomplished. Our generation is freezing the accounts, seizing the assets, and doing ourselves what we know must be done. I'm not a "Truther", a conspiracy theorist, or a Neo-Nazi, or a white supremacist. I'm a 26 year old soon to be law student with a B.A. in philosophy. Nor do I live in my mother's basement. Shocking as this might be to you from a Ron Paul supporter, I rent my own home, and care for a dog and a cat. Also, I'm Jewish, as are a number of Ron Paul supporters I know, so please back off with the Neo-Nazi crap. I've given money to the humane society, the ASPCA, the WSPA, MS research, MD research, and local homeless shelters, to name some. Your comments are offensive and ignorant. Humor is humor, and mean-spirited comments that your messiah would never approve of are exactly that.

Posted by: Michael at Sun Dec 23 05:58:38 2007 (cApGN)

7 Gee, Michael, thanks for coming back and posting the same comment you did twice yesterday. Just goes to show that you haven't bothered to read either of my comments, including the one directly responding to you. Clearly you fall into the OTHER major category of Ron Paul supporters -- crybabies who claim to support free speech but want to control what others say against them and their candidates. As such, it is no surprise that you losers gravitate to the same candidate as the other losers I cited above. By the way -- you can come back and comment after you have achieved an understanding of the concept of satire -- something I know is covered in most 10th or 11th grade English classes.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Dec 23 09:52:07 2007 (fP6C2)

8 I once frequented a website where most of the writers seemed to like this Ron Paul guy. At least one of them even said that he is our greatest congressman. I got into a drawn-out feud with one of them, because he kept attacking Bush and the War in Iraq without bothering to explain why for a long time (he even blamed the War and Bush for the results of Hurricane Katrina!) and in such a vicious way that he would make Howard Dean proud. Another writer there, who specializes in history, once claimed that Adolf Hitler was "a man with strange ideas" without bothering to mention that those "strange ideas" cost millions of ######## people their lives. He also strongly opposed the US alliance with Israel, using the George Washington "avoid foreign entanglements" argument. The first writer I mentioned agreed with him on that topic. Not that they're neo-Nazis... I finally stopped going there because of the first writer (and a weirdo who claimed that rock music kills brain cells, and whom I managed to successfully debate, under the alias "Masked Crusader"). I should mention that this all took place a couple of years ago, at their old URL (, and that I made a bit of a fool of myself, debating the first writer, not that the other guy didn't look foolish as well. Fortunately, I'd honed my debate skills by the time I debated "rock music kills brain cells" girl. I should mention that all of the writers were home schooled and therefore, really smart. However, they were all in high school/college, so I guess some of them were not very wise. But since I'm still in high school, who am I to judge? I just went to there website again. They moved to a new URL this year, and don't have any of the archives from their old URL. Perhaps they wanted to hide their previous foolishness... By the way, the first two writers I mentioned are still writing for the site. Writer #2 has a history article on the front page, and Writer #1 is now the editor(!). (The assistant editor is a much wiser writer, as far as I can recall, never stooping to the other's insanity. I guess age trumps wisdom over there. But enough of my personal baggage). I listed their current URL as my own because: a) I don't have a website of my own, b) I don't want to broadcast my e-mail address all over the internet, and c) it's easier than linking to them. Click my name if you want to see what they're up to now. (It actually seems pretty innocuous, but maybe with some digging)... I also went to Walter's website (see above) and while his comment seems reasonable enough, on his website, he seems to borderline worship Ron Paul, seeing as how virtually the whole first page consists of posts about Ron Paul, not to mention (you guessed it), lots of videos of and about Ron Paul. Anyway, what I am basically trying to say is that based on my personal experience with Ron Paul supporters, not to mention Ron Paul's own crazy views on the war, I am inclined to agree with everything you've said, Mr. Rhymes With Right.

Posted by: Michael at Sun Dec 23 19:43:25 2007 (FYl8N)

9 Oh man, I forgot that someone already used the name Michael. I'm the person who put up that last post. Please don't confuse me with Michael "crybaby comment spammer" Shocket. I am a completely different human being from him. The opposing viewpoints in our comments should be enough to prove that, but I just wanted to clear things up. I too believe that Ron Paul and many of his supporters are crazy, and I don't want him to win the Republican primary.

Posted by: Michael H. at Tue Dec 25 19:11:49 2007 (FYl8N)

10 You know, it's interesting that you bring up this argument as proof of your position: "but I've met, read, or banned too many of the sort of folks I mentioned to call them an aberration." First of all, how do you know the person posting on your blog that you are banning lives in his mother's basement? Actually, you get a little more candid with us and explain that you think Ron Paul's supporters are loons, get this, simply because YOU disagree. A little self-righteous, perhaps? To me, you appear to be entirely obnoxious and vomit-inducing. We'll just call you crazy. And since we won't know until Febuary if we outnumber you (we do, by far,) I will refrain from calling you a 'fringe basement dwelling techie (you admitted you were a staffer of a website that broke an entirely RIDICULOUS article that indeed made a lot of people laugh...but was not meant to be "satire.") until then. So, it seems we have us a Mexican standoff. You label us all as fringe wackos, simply because you don't agree. We call you a fringe wacko, well, because your ideologies are killing this country and millions of people. We'll soon see who's bullets hit who. Don't worry, we won't be as cruel to you as you have been to us. We are about freedom and liberty, remember? Later whackjob.

Posted by: Scott M. at Wed Dec 26 04:40:39 2007 (TI/ay)

11 Michael H: Michael S. and I had a very cordial exchange of emails on the matter -- it seemed that he double clicked the first time he posted, and later came back to repost because the message he had gotten the first time said that we were having commenting problems. I was a bit harsh with him.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Dec 26 05:36:24 2007 (fP6C2)

12 Scott: I generally don't ban folks who live in their Mom's basement. I was referring to the racists and nutjobs referenced there who I have banned. Now call up the stairs and ask your mom to bring you some chocolate chip cookies and ovaltine before reading the rest of this, OK? Now that I've got you back, Scott, go a little bit further. I don't think they are loons because i disagree with them. Heck, I'm married to a liberal Democrat, and I consider her perfectly sane -- merely wrong on most political issues. The reason I consider so many Ron Paul supporters to be loons is because of their behavior. Based upon my limited coursework in psychology and my encounters with Ron Paul supporters, I'd be willing to bet that paranoid schizophrenia is found at a higher rate among Ron Paul supporters than among the public at large. It isn't their philosophy that is the problem (you'd be surprised to find out how many points I am in rough agreement with you folks). Similarly, claims that Ron Paul supporters outnumber supporters of the rest of the GOP candidates is clearly delusional -- indicating serious psychological problems. As for your personal opinion of me, you are more than welcome to it. Best of all, you are more than welcome to stay away from my site in order to avoid nausea and vomiting. Oh, I'm curious -- where have i been cruel to you? How have i limited either your liberty or freedom with my words? Or is it just that you got your wittle feewings hurt? Oh, one minor detail on the LST article -- while you call it ridiculous, I'm also struck by the fact that you can't call it FALSE. Let's face it -- Ron Paul is willing to accept cash from Nazis and other racists. Why shouldn't we judge him based upon that?

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Dec 26 05:52:51 2007 (fP6C2)

13 I'm new here, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.

Posted by: fluemyFluerry at Sun Aug 17 05:12:33 2008 (4t96s)

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