September 19, 2006

Is Islam Crazy?

Is Islam the religious face of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Raymond Kraft looks at the DSM-IV definition of that personality disorder and notes that common Islamic behavior fits precisely point for point with the definition of that disorder.

Muslims feel free to call Jews "apes and pigs," they feel free to march in the streets calling for "Death to America," the Great Satan, they feel free to riot across France, burning thousands of cars and homes and businesses, for weeks. They feel free to execute homosexuals for their homosexuality, and send women to prison for the crime, or sin, of having been raped, or stone them for actual or suspected adultery. But at the slightest suggestion that they, or Islam, or the Prophet, are any less perfect than they claim to be, they erupt in fury and violence, the behavior of a culture fixated at the emotional level of a narcissistic four-year-old who throws a screaming tantrum every time he does not get precisely what his childish little heart desires.

With this thought in mind I turned to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association, to the section on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And now I am going to offend Islam, again. For the tantrums of Islam that we see in every day's news match precisely all of the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

"Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).

The Islamic world of today has precisely this grandiose and delusional sense of self-importance, as it declares Islam to be the cure for all the world's ills, despite the rather obvious fact that where militant Islam is dominant, as with the Taliban in Afghanistan, society regresses into barbarity. Each day I open the paper to see that the Religion of Peace has slaughtered another hundred Iraqis in Iraq, or that, having failed to develop anything even vaguely resembling a self-sustaining economy and destroying most of what was left to the Palestinians by the Israelis when they withdrew, Hamas in Gaza cannot even pay the salaries of its own employees and must go about panhandling the "international community" for enough money to feed its people, dependant on the charity of its enemies. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, rattling his nuclear saber, threatening the annihilation of Israel and proclaiming that Iran is better suited than America to "lead the world," blithely avoids the fact that the prosperity of Iran, and the populist largesse it allows him to shower on the Iranian people, and his own derivative sense of power and purpose, largely depend on the sale of Iran's petroleum to the Western countries he despises.

The Islam of today does not export science, or literature, or music, or art, or charity, or humanitarianism, or freedom. Islam has produced no Einsteins, no Da Vincis, no Beethovens, no Churchills or Franklin D. Roosevelts, no Declarations of Human Rights, no Mother Theresas. Islam today exports oil, and terror.

Yet Islam wallows in the self-inflicted delusion that it is the center of the world and the quintessence of civilization.

(2) Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success.

The Islamic Jihad of today is rather publicly preoccupied with the fantasy that it will destroy Israel and the rest of Western Civilization, and usher in an eternal Fourth Reich of Theocratic Islamic Totalitarianism, fulfilling the word of the Prophet at Koran 9:33 - "He it is who hath sent His Apostle with the Guidance and a religion of truth, that he may make it victorious over every other religion..."

(3) Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).

Islam from its inception has taught that it is "Special," and that Muslims should associate insofar as possible only with other Muslims. As the Prophet said in Koran 5:60, 76: "O you who believe! Take not Jews and Christians as friends. They are but one another's friends. If any one of you taketh them for his friends, he surely is one of them! God will not guide the evil doers...Infidels now are they who say, 'God is the Messiah, the Son of Mary;' for the Messiah said, 'O children of Israel! worship God, my Lord and your Lord.' Whosoever shall join other gods with God, God shall forbid him the Garden, and his abode shall be the Fire; and the wicked shall have no helpers..."

Indeed, "Specialness," the instant and effortless "Specialness" that does not come from achievement or accomplishment, or from humanitarian service, but merely from the act of belief in the Prophet and in Islam, is the great and terrible seduction of fundamentalist Islam, and those who become martyrs, who commit suicide and murder, killing Infidels (who are not "Special," because they are not Believers), achieve the greatest of all possible "Specialness" in the eyes of Allah and in the annals of Islam and are greatly rewarded in Paradise.

Islam, unique among the world's religions, is the only religion which confers its highest accolade of "Specialness" upon those who murder others and themselves, acts which other religions call "sins." Christianity and Judaism honor those who minister to others. Islam honors those who kill. In the world of militant Islam, only Muslims are Special, and among Muslims, the most Special people of all are its mass murderers, who in any other culture would be condemned to prison or death or ignominy as mass murderers.

(4) Requires excessive admiration.

This is a corollary of Islam's pathological obsession with its "Specialness" and the inferiority of those who are Unbelievers, those who follow any other religious faith, or no faith at all. When Islam is insufficiently admired (or, God forbid, critiqued) by those it is attempting to kill, enslave, dominate, and subjugate, Muslims around the world riot and protest that they have been offended and demand apologies. The stance of Islam toward the West is, We can slaughter you, but you cannot criticize us. We can call you pigs and apes and infidels worthy only of death and hell, but you must admire us.

(5) Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or compliance with his or her expectations.

Throughout Europe, and in other non-Muslim countries, Islamic immigrants and communities expect special treatment. They expect respect for their demands to be governed by Sharia, rather than by the laws of the countries to which they have immigrated. They do not want to assimilate into the cultures and societies into which they have come, rather, they demand that France, Denmark, Germany, England, and all other Western nations that now have large Muslim communities, accommodate them. Islam sees itself as the defining force of every community and culture and country into which it spreads. It is intolerant of all others, and it intends, in time, to displace and then replace all others. Islam dreams of a world in which there is no East and West, no Judaism, no Christianity, no Hinduism, no Buddhism, no Agnostics and no Atheists, only Islam. This is what the Prophet has promised, and to this it is entitled.

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday" "[Muslim nations] should have tanks, warplanes, warships, guns and missiles...Yes, they need to have nuclear weapons too, because only with the possession of such would their enemies be deterred from attacking them...Well, if you allow Israel to have them, why should the others not have them too?"

He ignores, of course, the fact that Islam has enemies only because it has declared war on everyone else. If Islam were in truth a religion of peace, it would have no enemies, and it would need no weapons.

But they are Special. They are entitled.

(6) Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.

Islam has been, for years or decades now, taking advantage of the immigration policies and public generosity of Europe, America, Canada, Australia, in order to achieve its own ambitions of global domination, as explicitly explained in The Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji. Islam and Muslims, as a cultural trait, take every possible advantage they can of everyone they can, including other Muslims. As a Muslim client once explained to me, "We are different from you Americans. When you make a deal, you make a contract, that's it. You make a contract, then you do it. With us Muslims, a contract is just for today, and tomorrow it is the place to begin negotiating again." Another, an Iranian with a PhD in pharmacology, came to California to escape the purges of the Khomeini revolution in Iran after the Shah was deposed. Speaking no English, he went to work in a restaurant owned by two of his nephews, doing whatever needed to be done, prep, cooking, cleaning, bussing. They paid him minimum wage for forty hours a week, although they never actually paid him in full, and required him to work from opening to closing every day, seven days a week, more than a hundred hours a week. He was allowed to sleep on the floor in the store room, and he was not allowed to leave. In other words, they made their uncle their slave. He escaped, and with an Iranian acquaintance to translate went to the Labor Commission to file a complaint for unpaid wages, and after he returned his nephews beat him nearly to death. He wanted to know if he could sue them. I replied that he could, but asked what they would do to him if he did. He answered, "They will kill me."

(7) Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.

Lack of empathy - indifference to the emotions and feelings, the pain and suffering, of others, is also a defining trait of psychopaths, "...predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt." (Hare, Robert D., Psychopaths: New Trends in Research, The Harvard Mental Health Letter, September 1995).

This narcissistic psychopathy is amply on display in the embrace of terrorism by militant Islam. Those who have empathy for the emotions, feelings, grief, pain and suffering, for the lives of others, do not blow up nightclubs filled with vacationers in Egypt or Bali, wedding parties in Jordan, schools full of children in Beslan, Russia, trains filled with commuters in India and Spain and England, buses, synagogues, banks, and consulates in Turkey, police recruits and shoppers in Iraq, cafes in Israel, and they do not plot for years to fly airliners full of innocent passengers into the World Trade Center in New York, killing thousands of people from dozens of countries, Muslim and Infidel alike. They do not decapitate Daniel Pearl and Nicholas Berg on TV.

If Islamic terror were not hiding behind the Mosque and the Koran, and if America and Europe were not intellectually blinded by its camouflage of religion, and its outspoken protestations of "offense" at every criticism, and by our own uncritical and indiscriminating Liberalism, which is a sort of inverted Nihilism (while the Nihilist approves of nothing, the Progressive Liberal approves of everything except rational discrimination between good and bad), America and Europe would not hesitate to call these terrorists and their allies what they are, pre-meditated mass murderers, and the Jihad, the Global Intifada, what it is - a world-wide conspiracy to commit mass murder, serial murder, in the relentless narcissistic pursuit of religio-political power.

( Is often envious of others, or believes that others are envious of him or her.

It is probable that one of the driving forces underlying the Jihad, the Global Intifada, perhaps the most powerful and dangerous one, is jealousy, or envy, the unspoken, perhaps unrecognized, inarticulate envy of many Muslims who resent Israel and the West for their success, which contrasts badly with the failures of much of the Islamic world. The Islamic world should (according to Islam) be most greatly blessed by Allah, it should dominate the globe, and the greater achievements and prosperity of the West presents a stark challenge, a desperate cognitive dissonance, to the ideology of Islamic perfection, supremacy, Specialness. To the narcissist who seeks Specialness above all else, to compensate for his lack of real accomplishment, those who achieve what he has not, or will not, or cannot, are hateful. He despises them, because they become a mirror in which he sees himself for what he is, or what he is not, but cannot admit to being or not being.

A mirror which must be broken.

(9) Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.

The Islam of Jihad, the Islam of the Global Intifada, displays absolute arrogance. This Islam assumes that it is privileged to attack every continent, and any nation, killing people all over the world, burning churches and synagogues and temples, killing Christians and Jews and Hindus merely because they are not Muslims, without remorse, without apology, killing Muslims by the thousands to destabilize Iraq to prevent Iraq from becoming a peaceful and prosperous democracy friendly to the West. Then in the next moment Islam takes extreme offense at any criticism or disparagement of Islam, demonstrating, rioting, calling for retractions and apologies, disdaining all other political traditions and religious faiths as illegitimate. Its arrogance knows no limitations. It is infinite.

Islam is in desperate need of soul-searching, of self-reflection, of reality. Islam needs a long hard look in the mirror. Islam needs to see itself as others see it, not merely as it sees itself.

I wonÂ’t go so far as to argue that you have to be crazy to follow Islam, but it seems pretty clear that Islam itself displays serious elements of psychopathology. Can it regain (if not gain for the first time) its sanity and become a healthy part of human culture and the world of spirituality?

* * *

And as if to prove the point made above, there is this little gem coming out of Libya.

The elder son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has called on Pope Benedict XVI to convert to Islam immediately, dismissing last week's apology from the pontiff for offending Muslims.

"If this person were really someone reasonable, he would not agree to remain at his post one minute, but would convert to Islam immediately," Mohammed Gaddafi told an awards ceremony on Monday evening for an international competition to memorise the Qur'an.

"We say to the pope - whether you apologise or not is irrelevant, as apologies make no difference to us."

Gaddafi junior also hit out at "those Muslims who look for comfort in the words of a non-Muslim".

He said Muslims "should not look for charity from the infidel... but should fight Islam's enemies who attack the faith and the Prophet Muhammad".

Yeah – like that’s gonna happen.

Posted by: Greg at 09:22 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 2555 words, total size 16 kb.


hello madam/sir

Your letter is full of hate and dislike, it's your opinion. I want to ask you few questions, just to understand you better, if you don't mind?

what you mean by Islam?....the relegion itself or people? because Islam came as a continuity of judism,christianity (you must believe in Jesus and Mosas,to be muslim)....if you mean muslim people,yes, since many years ago,after they stop follow strictly the islamic rules,they become weaker and less respected. e.g

I will give you some of prophet Mohamed's advice when he sent his followers to distripute islam...

-No one should be forced to inter this relegion.

-No fights, unless someone force you to defend yourself.

-never cut a tree,destroy buliding, or hurt someone.

this is what I believe my relegion is.....please...share with me your opinion.



Posted by: Ahmed at Sat Jan 13 19:39:25 2007 (sEd+W)

2 Sorry, Ahmed, but I reject your comments. Islam is not a continuation f Judaim and Christianity -- indeed, it requires that its followers reject essential elements of both the old and New Covenants between God and His People. The Muslim fight to steal the Promised Land from the Jews is an example of the rejection of the former, and the blasphemous rejection of the divinity of Jesus Christ shows its rejection of the latter. Indeed, said rejections lead me inexorably to the conclusion that Islam is a counterfeit inspired by some spiritual force other than God -- I'll let you take that assertion to its logical extension.

And as for your statements about the instructions of Mohammad, I cannot help but notice that they were violated even in his time -- and even by Mohammad himself. They have been repeatedly violated throughout Islamic history. This leads me to conclude that islam is not the peaceful, respectful religion you claim, and that such assertions of Islam's peaceful, respectful nature are falsehoods -- but i will refrain from deciding if they are spread knowingly or not by those who seek to propagate them.

Please recognize and embrace this fundamental spiritual truth, that you might have eternal life:

There is no God but God, and Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Jan 14 06:12:50 2007 (6br+E)

3 None of which is to say, however, that the average Muslim is not a decent person with a high sense of personal morality. Rather, it is to note that Islam as a faith is fundamentally flawed -- precisely the opposite of the position you take, Ahmed.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Jan 14 06:25:19 2007 (6br+E)

4 Islam is indeed a continuation of Judaism and Christianity despite what many people have chosen to believe. The only problem with modern Judaism and modern Christianity is that they have somehow strayed from the true teachings of the religion. As it has now been discovered by CHRISTIAN scholars, the original content of the bible did not contain the word trinity nor did it contain the fantasy that Jesus is the son of God. So for that view of yours I would advise you to research your own religion much more carefully. As for the rest of your preposterous allegations I would advise you to research Islam a lot more carefully. Granted that Muslims of today tend to be far from perfect, it is wrong of you or indeed anybody (even me) to stereotype anyone. Muslims of today have strayed from Islam's fundamental beliefs. That is a fact. However, to judge Islam by that is not only wrong it is ignorant. People make mistakes as did Adolph Hitler who you may remember was a Christian. The true teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have not been contradicted but taken out of context or misinterpreted. Islam is indeed a religion that does not condone violence unless when protecting Islam or yourself. It is not Islam that exports oil or terror, it is people. To claim that America or Britain are responsible for anything less than mass murder is ridiculous. However, that is another issue completely. Jihad exists in Islam only as a way to die for ones religion, not as Al-Qaeda believe to murder for it. Suicide is the only guaranteed way to Hell whether that’s through suicide bombing or any other means. To judge Islam right now is the equivalent of judging Christianity at the time of the Crusades. At that time Islamic countries were the more cultured and the Christians were seen as uncultured. Indeed before Muslims took over, Europe was seen as a place with nothing to offer. It was Muslims who brought knowledge and culture to Europe. Even Oxford University was started by gaining knowledge and books from these Muslims. To say that we are “stealing” the Promised Land from the Israelis shows a lack of understanding of the situation in the Middle East. Israel was granted as a small state initially. However, it illegally took over most of the land it now occupies. It did originally belong to Muslims. When it did people of all religion were welcomed not just Muslims. Muslims have not declared war on anyone but those that declare war on Islam. You stated that, “If Islam were in truth a religion of peace, it would have no enemies,”, In that case we can say that Gandhi also had no enemies as he was a man of peace, ignoring the fact that he was shot by someone that I am presuming was not a friend. Humans will be humans irregardless of religion. The stories you tell of bad Muslims I could also relate to you the same stories about Christians, or Jews, or Hindus, etc. Having read your article I find that your views hate filled and baseless. I would advise to read up on Islam or check your sources. “La-Illah-Ha-Illullahhu-Muhammadur-Rasulluah” “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger” Saif Choudhry

Posted by: Saif Choudhry at Sun May 13 15:53:22 2007 (wTxTD)

5 No, Saif -- not when Islam denies the essential element of Christianity, namely the divinity of Jesus Christ. Nor when the Quran calls for killing Jews.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon May 14 11:48:28 2007 (mG8tM)

6 You are of course forgetting the fact that the original untampered version of the bible NEVER states that Jesus was the son of God nor does it even mention or refer to the so called "Holy Trinity". This is not something I am fabricating, it is in fact confirmed by Christian scholars that are called on to assess these scripts. The Qu'ran does not call for the killing of Jews. You are of course, again, misinterpreting verses of the Qu'ran. These sort of lies are what cause tension between religions and people. I would again ask you to check your sources on both Christianity and Islam. Saif Choudhry

Posted by: Saif Choudhry at Mon May 14 13:54:57 2007 (wTxTD)

7 Just found a quote you might like from the Qu'ran; 2:62 "VERILY, those who have attained to faith [in this divine writ], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Christians, and the Sabians -all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds-shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve." This quote states that in Islam, even Jews and Christians can enter heaven. This contradicts your view that the Qu'ran calls for the killing of them. No misquotations here. Saif Choudhry

Posted by: Saif Choudhry at Mon May 14 14:20:39 2007 (wTxTD)

8 Please quit coming here and lying about my Lord and Savior. But then again, your stock in trade appears to be Islamo-lies.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon May 14 15:02:21 2007 (/MTqO)

9 Your quote above states that there is only one God and that is God. Then why is it that you refer to Jesus as your Lord. You seem to be contradicting yourself in order to spread propaganda. From the way you are talking it also seems you are yourself suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. You are following all the characteristics described above. I will not be so narrow minded as you were and diagnose the whole of Christian society with your problems. It forbids such behaviour in Islam...maybe you should read up on it... Saif Choudhry

Posted by: Saif Choudhry at Mon May 14 16:10:02 2007 (xEYAU)

10 Saif -- Might I introduce you to a very basic part of scriptures -- "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And lest you question that this refers to Jesus, let me point you to this later verse from the same chapter -- "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." So the Word was, in fact, God -- and the Word took on flesh and dwelt among us as a man. And that man was Jesus. So since you deny the divinity of Christ, nothing else your false religion has to say particularly matters -- except to the degree that it teaches teh murder of non-believers, and acts to see it carried out today.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon May 14 22:49:02 2007 (MmOwl)

11 You keep saying things such as Islam asks you to kill non-believers indiscriminately when you know yourself it is not true otherwise you would have backed yourself with words. In the Qu’ran it states: “Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them.” This is a quote from the Qu’ran. It only allows you to harm those that harm you or your religion. You are most definitely showing traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder as described above. Here are some of the characteristics I identified: (7) Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. You showed this when you said, "Sorry, Ahmed, but I reject your comments." without showing any respect for his religion or belief. Free speech is good but not at the cost of respect. If you feel something that is likely to upset people on a large scale (particularly if your views are baseless and narrow minded such as yours)it is better to keep them to yourself. ( Is often envious of others, or believes that others are envious of him or her. You showed this trait when you claimed, "But then again, your stock in trade appears to be Islamo-lies." This is pure and simple something you said in order to spread propaganda against people of the Muslim faith. What I said was completely 100% correct. However, if I did do something wrong it is on my conscience. It is not right for you to blame the whole of the Islamic society for my problems. (9) Shows arrogant, haughty behaviour or attitudes. One of the times you showed this was when you stated, “So since you deny the divinity of Christ, nothing else your false religion has to say particularly matters…” You seem to be purposefully saying things in order to stir the pot and cause fall outs between religions and people. I would see a psychiatrist if I were you. Saif Choudhry

Posted by: Saif Choudhry at Tue May 15 08:35:35 2007 (xEYAU)

12 I'm sorry -- I have no empathy for those who follow a counterfeit religion inspired by Satan. And trust me, I'm not envious of you or anyone else who follows the path of darkness rather than that of light. Lastly, since your religion denies the central truth of Christianity, nothing else it has to say about being a continuation of the Christian faith matters because it is a demonstrable falsehood.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Tue May 15 09:22:08 2007 (k3KX3)

13 What's wrong? You only leave up messages you can defend? Fair enough, delete this message too and live in ignorance. There's not alot I can do about it. P.S. If you were raised in a Muslim country, you'd be here defending Islam! Ironic, isn't it?

Posted by: serotonin_wraith at Wed Jul 11 04:37:39 2007 (AdNmH)

14 What are you talking about?

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Jul 11 04:54:42 2007 (UlWia)

15 You deleting my other message. Play innocent if you like. Lie if you like. That's obeying the Bible, isn't it? Lying? Whatever you say, we both know what you've done. I'll leave it at that and let you say you don't have a clue what's going on, as I'm sure you will.

Posted by: serotonin_wraith at Wed Jul 11 07:50:52 2007 (AdNmH)

16 Given that I got hit with over 200 comment spam messages last night, it is possible that your message got swept away by the despamming blacklist during my cleanup activities this morning. Given that much of the comment spam was drug-related, it is possible that serotonin triggered something during the clean-up. I'll go into the blacklist and check, and fix the problem by removing that term if it is there. If you would care to repost the comment, it would be welcome.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Wed Jul 11 08:01:29 2007 (UlWia)

17 You selectively chose to criticize Islam and Muslims, implicitly romanticizing the West and the Western culture. I must say to you that a criminal and oppressive Western gang just gave birth to a mad and crazy Muslim gang. Congratulations to mankind! You are yourself portraying the same symptoms of the illness you are talking about. You speak with an unusual degree of self-righteousness, selectivity, bigotry, and ideological bias. When Oppression and universal injustice becomes the rule rather than the exception, what do you expect? Muslims for centuries have been colonialized, robbed, genocided, minimized and that is why they immigrated to the west in the first place desperately seeking a better life. Their fanaticism is no more than an allergy reaction to a disease that started its epidemic at the West. You lack the courage and decency, and perhaps the knowledge, to point out the horrendous acts of the colonial and capitalist greed of the Western expansion which had its roots in the crusaders who used religion as a sham to rob the Muslims in the East in the medieval times. Those waves of Western expansion which revived again around the middle of the last millennium and led first by the kings and queens of Spain, England, France, and the Dutch were responsible for the killing of 19 million Indians in the Americas, and the disappearance of about 50 millions of blacks from Africa. The recent Colonial history of Europe to the Middle East for the past two centuries, and many places in Africa and South East Asia is nothing less to mention. The modern involvement of the CIA plotting and conspiring against the developing countries in South East Asia, South America, Africa, and the Middle East which resulted in the death of millions who resisted the corporatist world governments are all no sins to you, and you come here with your twisted scientific seemingly objective tone of reason to say that Muslim know nothing about peace, that they are envious of the West and the Western achievements, that they take advantage of the laws and liberties extended to them by the generous West! Very well done Mr. Psychiatrist! Muslim are trying to break the mirror which reminds them of their misery, but that is a natural reaction and a self-preservation mechanism, so what is your objective excuse to being ignorant of history and the roots of all evil? Maybe you do not know better and I ask the mighty power to give you enlightenment as I celebrate not to see a soul in darkness and ignorance. I wish you and the rest of mankind happiness and wellbeing. I truly do. I would hope that you could have more balanced and symmetric views of the world around you. What you are saying is no different from what is being pronounced in the mainstream media, the same media which power vetoed the rest of the world when they came to criticize Israel, the same media which fabricated evidence and told lies to go to war and destroy a whole country, placing its greedy contractors into the festival of billions of dollars in pure profit. The world is a mess Mr. Psychiatrist and what you see is evil born out of a bigger evil. Only when humanity is restored to its honor bestowed by the creator, one could only point the finger and judge. The sad historic perspective which has always been and will always be is that it is much easier and more satisfying to blame the victim when the aggressor is the mighty one. What you see today is two wrongs trying to be right, so whom to blame if you want to be fair?

Posted by: Truthseeker at Sat Mar 8 09:13:57 2008 (/7wOS)

18 Good God! What a load of crap! But since you want to place the blame where it belongs, let's go back to the very roots of islam. From its very inception it has been about doing violence to those who dare to believe differently. From the day of the false prophet Muhammad, Islam has marginalized all who will not accept its perverse message. Remember -- the Crusades were nothing but a reaction to Islamic expansion by force into Christian lands. I'm well aware of the faults of Western society -- but I prefer that society, warts and all, to the oppression and human rights violations that are implicit in Islam!

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sat Mar 8 16:11:20 2008 (yv1Pz)

19 I found this topic in the friend message What it mean ? william sonoma outlet in san francisco william sonoma outlet in san francisco william sonoma outlet in san francisco Would you like to descend upon and gab approximately trend with me? I'll be hosting my blue ribbon-still FW online fash bullshit flirt Friday at 12pm, answering any questions you muscle bring into the world on till the cows come homey side pizazz conundrums, where to come across any choosy items, what to bore stable items with, or equanimous objective to talk approximately the crap that makes us swoon.

Posted by: Rapimitty at Sun Jan 4 10:12:33 2009 (M1sYI)

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Posted by: Jules at Fri Nov 13 01:01:00 2009 (DAADg)

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