October 15, 2005

Free Speech -- It's A Black (Only) Thing

I can't help but be struck by the contrast that exists between two events today. They show how some groups are a little more free, a little more equal, and endowed with a few more rights than others.

Our examination begins in Toledo, Ohio. It seems that black gangs have been terrorizing the community -- especially (according to some) the white residents of the community. An outside group decided to protest the seeming impotence of government in handling the problems of the perceived racist activity and went through all the legal hurdles to receive permission to engage in First Amendment protected speech. Unfortunately, the group was the "National Socialist Movement" (AKA the American Nazi Party), a disgusting group of racists and white supremacists who are rejected by all decent people, and which I condemn wholeheartedly.

So what happened when the march and rally were about to happen? Black gang members crawled out of the woodwork, engaged in acts of violence against the police and damage to the property of local business owners. The city's response was to trample the free speech rights of the Nazis, and cancel their event.

One member of the black community made this very frightening argument, one that I'm sure the Nazis will be able to use to make the argument that the rights of white people are in danger from lawless blacks.

Keith White, a black resident, criticized city officials for initially allowing the march.

"They let them come here and expect this not to happen?" said White, 29.

Mr. White (I won't get into the irony of that name) seems to believe that only the rights of those he agrees with are entitled to respect.

Let's move a bit east, to Washington, DC. Another group of racists rejected by anyone with a hint of moral values, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, sponsored a rally on the Mall to commemorate the not -nearly "Million Man March" held in 1995. The rhetoric heard from the platform of the Millions More Movement included the usual overblown crap about racism in America, and one speaker even referred to those with white skin as the enemy of his people. It was. in short, a racist rally designed to incite hatred and division -- every bit as much as the Nazi rally in Ohio.

Dozens of speakers -- academics, activists and media pundits -- took the microphone at the National Mall for a few minutes each. A speaker from a black gay group, added to the roster at the last minute, also spoke.

Organizers did not speculate on the size of the crowd, and police would not offer an estimate. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said subway ridership by noon was 152,000. On the day of the march 10 years ago, ridership reached just over 804,000.

Participants said they were inspired by the gathering. Rapper Ryk-A-Shay, 24, joined relatives from North Carolina for the drive to Washington. "Any time we as a people can come together it's a beautiful thing," she said.

Yet there is one notable difference. No mob of whites stepped forward to engage in violence to stop the rally. No one that I am aware of suggests that this black supremacist rally should have been banned or that whites would have been justified in making sure it was shut down by any means necessary. It was, in fact, covered live by white-owned networks, so Farrakhan's message of racial hate would be heard from coast to coast.

Now tell me, friends and family of all races, ethnicities, and religions -- has free speech become a "black thing" reserved for them and denied to whites? Or will some responsible black leader step forward and condemn the suppression of the free speech rights of the Nazis in Toledo by a group of African-unAmerican criminals and the authorities who aided and abetted them?

Posted by: Greg at 01:18 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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1 Point well made but unfortunately the left is not the least bit interested in fair play.

Posted by: BobG at Sun Oct 16 07:55:39 2005 (TIhRv)

2 Apparently you are too fucking stupid to even bother looking this topic up on Wikipedia. The Park Service which had its own agenda deliberately under-estimated the crowd size. Boston University studying the Park Service's own negatives of aerial photos placed attendence @ 837K which last time I looked is one hell of a sight closer to 1,000,000 than the "not-nearly" you wish to spew you bigoted conservative buffoon

Posted by: Library Louie at Sun Oct 16 08:07:32 2005 (Sfcu+)

3 Oh, I know that. This particular posting has already been called "an ugly racist rant" on another site, despite the fact that I make clear my revulsion with racists of all race -- and particularly the Nazis. Go take a look at http://www.reappropriate.com/2005/10/neo-nazi-march-in-ohio-turns-violent.html

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Oct 16 08:18:03 2005 (cCVFh)

4 And apparently you are too stupid, Louie, to make a point without using profanity.

Would you care to explain to me why the Bill Clinton Park Service would have an agenda to underestimate the crowd size? After all, we have been repeatedly told that the lying, philandering Bubba was the first black president. What possible agenda would his administration have in making a low estimate?

Oh, and by the way, why don't you look at the agenda of the MMM supporting professor's count -- for which he offered a margin of error of approximately +/-200,000 people. That means that even the friendly expert concedes that there were possibly as few as about 600,000 people at the march.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Sun Oct 16 08:33:57 2005 (cCVFh)

5 Too bad people don't see the word "estimate" when it comes to getting the number of peoople who've attended and think it's a totally spot on accurate number. There are always a margin of error when it comes to counting large crowd size. Really funny how people rant about this sort of thing.

As for the KKK, there is thing called "Free speech" but then again I believe the KKK got what it wanted...black people rioting in their own town and basically destroying their own properties and businesses, and give themselves a black eye...and not the KKK.

Posted by: mcconnell at Sun Oct 16 09:07:24 2005 (CQ3Yp)

6 The media and the government need to stop all this political correctness and call these things for what they are. Black people are some of the most racist people today. You figure that this child-psychology type weapon of hiding their racism behind calling others racist Immediately and for any reason would start to be figured out. I mean it's completely lame and old. I thing Any racist group is a bad thing, but how come it's only the white groups that catch slack and when the black racists do their thing the media talks about how lovely they are and how wonderful it is. I think this allowance and nurturing of Black Racists is simply making this whole issue worse and making the tension between races greater. I also believe that most Black people don't want to be considered as Equals, but as Elites. The more freedoms they are allowed the more they complain about not having freedom. The more schools and workplaces enable them with unfair quotas, the more they act as if they are being unfairly treated. Television and the media all reek of Black Racism and it's laughed off or applauded. I wonder what will be done, if anything, about the rioters in Toledo Today. Is action going to be taken or is it going to be O.K simply because it was black people who rioted? I also wonder what would happen if a few hundred thousand White people got together and Started demanding their rights back in our nations capital. Would police in riot gear stand by and disperse them? Would the media call them Racists? How can this BLATENT double standard continue to exist in this country? And most importantly what can we do? What action can we take to be considere equal citizens again?

Posted by: James at Sun Oct 16 11:52:23 2005 (XTHvQ)

7 This is an ugly racist rant. You can do better.

I attended the Million Man March in 1995. I listened to the speakers, and was very proud I attended.

I did not attend a 'Black supremacist" rally. Please revise your illogical notions of Black leadership, because you are not comprehending that being 'pro-Black' is not 'anti-White'.

Maybe you don't care, but this post was both illogical and ignorant. Thank you for reading.

Posted by: James at Mon Oct 17 10:44:22 2005 (56GVk)

8 Point to an actual example of racism, not simply things you disagree with. After all, disagreeing with a black man does not constitute racism -- or ddoes it, since I am being "uppity"?

So why don't you revise your silly, illogical and ignorant definition of racism to fit with reality.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Oct 17 11:12:59 2005 (ETSKf)

9 suppose a company produce a magazine called "Ivory" that is the magazine "equivalent" of Ebony, would there be any objection? Also, are the KKK and neo-Nazi pro-white? And oh, Mr. Farrakhan mention often about the "white devil." Not racist you say? I saw more white, blacks, hispanics at some of those Promise Keepers rallies than had more unity and respect for each other than the rallies that were in line with with one race theme.

Posted by: mcconnell at Mon Oct 17 14:43:40 2005 (70GM3)

10 "It seems that black gangs have been terrorizing the community -- especially (according to some) the white residents of the community." - Rhymes with Right

That's your racist statement. You have no evidence to characterize anyone as a member of a 'black gang' involved in any 'terrorist' action. To do so plays off of racist stereotypes of Black male aggression. It is a racist assertion. You are being racist here. And you can do better.

And yes, you are also being uppity.

Posted by: James at Mon Oct 17 17:57:55 2005 (56GVk)

11 Actually, I am repeating the assertions that are being made about the activity of the gangs -- assertions that are borne out by the behavior of these same gang members this past Saturday. Seems to me we had a whole bunch of "Black male aggression" by gang members. And they certainly engaged in terrorist activities to stop folks from engaging in gaging in constitutionally protected speech -- a civil rights/civil liberties violation, no less.

You can do better.

And by the way, you confirmed my point about the racism of your own position -- I intentionally used the word "uppity" because of the historical connotations of a a person refusing to accept a race-based inferior position vis-a-vis members of another racial group. Your acceptance of the term seems to confirm that you believe that white people should "know their place" below blacks in the racial pecking order.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Oct 17 22:53:53 2005 (WOGex)

12 There is no racial pecking order. You are being uppity because you ignore fact to stir up race animosity.

Further, parroting racist dogma does not mean you are challenging said racist dogma. Black men are not terrorists, and there is no evidence that people in Toledo are gang members. You are calling Black men terrorists in this post, and that is wrong. Because you are totally unwilling to concede that your mischaracterization is incorrect, you are speaking racism.

And at this point, after reading some of your other posts, here, I'm convinced you can't do better. I'm glad you have this blog. At least you have some outlet for your sick, old-school race hate.

Posted by: James at Tue Oct 18 03:24:19 2005 (56GVk)

13 Pointing out an observation is not the equivalent of espousing hate unless there's an agenda behind it. What I saw on live tv, most of the people engaged in this riot were blacks but a majority of them were just merely observers while the minority few did the actual rampaging. Now, if it were whites, I'd say the same thing. Either way both incidents involving blacks, whites, and the neo-Nazi in this whole sad affair were nothing but idiots to go on with this wanton destruction and continued hate.

Any groups who advocate a one-race theme and charge the other group with either a charge of inferiority, racism, bigotry and such are simply a mindless bunch of groups. This is includes groups for "white power" and "black power" or "latino power." This include the likes of Farrakhan who use his "white devil" in his speech, or the KKK or neo-Nazi as being the "white superior" group or the Black Panther..etc..etc..

It's all about trying to be politically correct. There is nothing politically correct about one race-themed groups who continually harp the racist tone against another racial group. None.

RWR doesn't show that at all.

Bottom line, free speech is a protected speech in nearly all cases. If they want to be idiots, let them and the world will see for who they are...idiots. This includes those who rampage and pillage their own towns and terrorize their own people.

Posted by: mcconnell at Tue Oct 18 04:37:36 2005 (CQ3Yp)

14 No evidence they were gang members? Tell that to the Toledo Police Department, you idiot! That outright lie proves which of us is ignoring facts to stir up race hatred -- and it isn't me!

I parrot no racist dogma here -- in fact, I condemn it. Not only that, but I work to eliminate it on a daily basis. If you do not believe me, ask my black students (about 30-35% of the kids in my class). Now I will concede I called some young men who are gang members and who happen to be African-American terrorists, but that is based upon their behavior. I'm sorry you lack the moral integrity to call them on their behavior.

Now why don't you take your race-baiting, anti-American, First Amendment-despising butt somewhere else -- perhaps back to one of those porn sites that excites you so much that you started recommending them over at the other site where we argued.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Tue Oct 18 11:07:32 2005 (ze4FI)

15 Give it up, Greg. This "James" is just another quasi-intellectual sounding cretin who hasn't even come close to reaching a triple digit IQ yet. It may be cathartic to engage him (and people like him) but ultimately it's fruitless.

Posted by: Hube at Tue Oct 18 13:45:04 2005 (9Eitc)

16 And, I know from experience! ;-)

Posted by: Hube at Tue Oct 18 13:46:03 2005 (9Eitc)

17 Yeah, I agree with the general observation.

But I still like to point out, for the record, when someone lies about me.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Tue Oct 18 13:48:19 2005 (wfdL5)

18 James seems to be extremely racist and he likes to justify his racism towards white people by assuming every white person he disagreees with as racist.

It's quite common these days.

Argue with him all you want, he'll just label you a racist.

Posted by: Equal at Fri Oct 21 08:41:45 2005 (XTHvQ)

19 I neeed to fix my sticky eee key ;op

By the way, Nice blog, for a racist!!

I mean just look at all these racist bigoted articels.

What are you racist against Brazilians?

Oh and how dare you side with christians! Don't you know that this is a new era where superstitions about something/someone that could possibly be greater than us human beings, and hold us to a high standard of morals, is considered primitive?

I mean geesh! Next you'll be against men having sexual relations with other men; or you'll be telling people there's something wrong with worshipping trees or various farm animals!

Whats this world coming to?

Posted by: Equal at Fri Oct 21 08:52:13 2005 (XTHvQ)

20 Lets all remember that the definition of racism now is not the definition...the original defintion is, some who wants whats best for his race, therefore i am a racist i want whats best for the human race. i dont care if your black white red brown purple, we are all equal and we all deserve the same...
but i will say this, the way things are going i dont think equality will happen, and since when are nazis socialists?

Posted by: Cortez Vanfelder at Sun Nov 13 18:00:00 2005 (2Qfue)

21 Well, we could start with the fact that they were teh National Socialist Party -- and then conduct an examination of the party platform, which really did not differ in many respects from that of your run-of-the-mill socialist platform of the period in other European countries.

Posted by: Rhymes With Right at Mon Nov 14 00:01:05 2005 (Q116e)

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