June 15, 2008

A Bio-Fuel Program Worth Looking At

Take agricultural and other organic waste and convert it to petroleum!

“Ten years ago I could never have imagined I’d be doing this,” says Greg Pal, 33, a former software executive, as he squints into the late afternoon Californian sun. “I mean, this is essentially agriculture, right? But the people I talk to – especially the ones coming out of business school – this is the one hot area everyone wants to get into.”

He means bugs. To be more precise: the genetic alteration of bugs – very, very small ones – so that when they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchips or wheat straw, they do something extraordinary. They excrete crude oil.

Unbelievably, this is not science fiction. Mr Pal holds up a small beaker of bug excretion that could, theoretically, be poured into the tank of the giant Lexus SUV next to us. Not that Mr Pal is willing to risk it just yet. He gives it a month before the first vehicle is filled up on what he calls “renewable petroleum”. After that, he grins, “it’s a brave new world”.

Mr Pal is a senior director of LS9, one of several companies in or near Silicon Valley that have spurned traditional high-tech activities such as software and networking and embarked instead on an extraordinary race to make $140-a-barrel oil (£70) from Saudi Arabia obsolete. “All of us here – everyone in this company and in this industry, are aware of the urgency,” Mr Pal says.

Think about it -- stuff which goes to waste now will go into your gas tank. Heck, imagine if we could just get these critters to excrete the stuff already refined.

But one has to ask -- will the environmental scaremongers seek to block this method of petroleum creation with scare-stories about genetic engineering?

Posted by: Greg at 04:16 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Ship Gore To China!

And then revoke his passport.

Maybe he can harangue the Red Chinese dictators for being the biggest emitters of so-called "greenhouse gases" in the world!

China has now clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of climate-warming gases, a new study has found. The increasing emissions from China - up 8 percent in the past year - accounted for two-thirds of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in 2007, the study found.

The report, released Friday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, is an annual study. Last year, for the first time, the researchers found that China had edged ahead of the United States as the world's leading emitter.

I suppose the only problem with my plan is that the rulers of Red China are even less tolerant of dissent than Gore is. I can only imagine their response to his efforts. It might look something like this.


Posted by: Greg at 04:11 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Post Convention Commentary -- Looking Towards 2010

Well, Saturday's sessions of the Texas GOP convention ended without much of significance to report. The one potential area of conflict -- a challenge for national committeewoman -- came to naught when challenger Borah Van Dormolen chose to withdraw in favor of incumbent Cathie Adams rather than push for a floor fight after being nominated for the position by 1/3 of the Congressional districts.

But that leads me to look towards 2010, and the real decisions facing Texas Republicans. The statewide races will point us in a new direction, given the desire of many Republicans to evict Rick Perry from the Governor's office -- with a shuffle of other elected officials coming in the scramble to fill any resulting vacancies.

And make no mistake -- I have no interest in supporting Rick Perry in 2010. A commentary in today's Houston Chronicle by Dr. Steve Hotze (whose opinions and endorsements rarely sway me) sums up my feelings on the matter quite well.

In August 2007, after he was safely re-elected to what I am sure he thought was his final term as our governor, you may recall how Rick Perry took the opportunity he had before the foreign media in Mexico City to criticize what were mostly Republicans in Congress who opposed passing an immigration amnesty bill that would legalize millions of workers.

Perry also told his Mexican hosts he supported a system that would temporarily legalize foreign workers. According to the Chronicle, Perry said such a system would allow for a "free flow of individuals between these countries who want to work, who want to be an asset to our country and to Mexico."

Of course, there might be nothing wrong with this statement had Rick Perry not made getting tough on immigration one of the central planks of his re-election campaign leading up to November 2006. Quite the contrary, he featured tough border security as a TV ad and publicly endorsed a concept to empower Web users worldwide to watch Texas' border with Mexico and phone the authorities if they spot any apparently illegal crossings.

Bait and switch. He fooled us once.

Remember, too, how in February 2007 within days of taking office for his second full term Rick Perry tried to end-run our state Legislature and mandate that our sixth-grade girls, who are 11 and 12 years old, must receive questionable vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases. He did this not only without saying a word about it on the 2006 campaign trail, but also without permitting any public testimony on such a delicate matter from such disinterested parties as, say, parents.

Bait and switch. He fooled us twice.

But perhaps most objectionable of all is what goes into effect this month: the Rick Perry business tax. The Perry Business Tax, passed by the Republican-dominated Texas Legislature during the special session in May 2006, was revised and further complicated during the 2007 regular legislative session. It is the largest tax increase in the history of Texas. The average small business will pay 10 percent of its income in new state taxes, while large corporations were given loopholes by the governor in exchange for their support.

Add to that the Trans Texas Corridor mess and I see four very good reasons for opposing Perry's renomination for the office, much less his reelection to it in the fall of 2010.

Friday morning I unexpectedly had the opportunity to speak with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison at her booth in the near-deserted Exhibition Hall before any of the caucuses or sessions began (showing up 45 minutes before the sessions start helps one avoid the crowds), and I told her that I look forward to supporting her in her as-yet-unofficial gubernatorial race. I've hinted around this before, but I am now willing to state my position definitively -- especially after getting it straight from the horse's mouth that Dan Patrick is not running for governor. Rumor has it, though, that Lt. Governor David Dewhurst will also throw his hat in the ring for the office, so expect a real donnybrook.

If this happens, it will mean that Dewhurst's position will be up for grabs -- and there is even some discussion of the possibility that Attorney General Greg Abbott will be running for Lt. Governor even if Dewhurst does not enter the gubernatorial fray. Abbott is popular and has been effective -- and Dewhurst has not always been seen as an ally by party activists. Frankly, I'd be really supportive of Greg Abbott's bid for the position, which is traditionally and constitutionally the most powerful office in the state.

What this means, though, is that we are going to have change taking place in Texas in 2010. My only hope is that it is conservative Republican change, not a shift towards the Democrats.

Posted by: Greg at 03:17 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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A BLAST FROM THE PAST: Barack Obama Needs A History Lesson

In searching my archives for something else last night, I came across this post from November 4, 2006. Even though the election in question is over, the message behind it is still strong and bears repeating.

* * * * *

The junior senator from Illinois and presidential hopeful proves that even election to high office doesn't guarantee that one knows or speaks the truth.

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois on Friday urged hundreds of blacks not to vote along racial lines next week in Maryland's Senate race.

Obama, the only black U.S. senator, came to the state to rally support for Democratic Rep. Ben Cardin, who is white. Cardin's Republican opponent, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, is the first black candidate ever elected statewide and has been courting black Democrats.

"Listen, I think it's great that the Republican Party has discovered black people," Obama said to laughter from students at the rally at predominantly black Bowie State University. "But here's the thing. ... You don't vote for somebody because of what they look like. You vote for somebody because of what they stand for."

Let's give this man a quick history lesson.

If one goes back to the birth of the GOP, it was a party that had the rights of blacks as its primary issue. Remember, the GOP was the party of abolition -- and that among those who were a part of its founding meeting was Frederick Douglass. At a time when the Democrats believed every black should be a slave, the Republican Party was co-founded by black men like Douglass -- an escaped slave. While they could not vote because they were women, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman were also active supporters of the Republican Party. The Democrats, on the other hand, fought tooth-and-nail to keep blacks from voting in general elections -- or participating in party primaries, until the Supreme Court told Texas Democrats in Fort Bend County (and, by extension, Democrats in the rest of the country) that such actions violated the guarantees of the Fifteenth Amendment.

When the Civil War came to an end and the black slaves of the solidly Democrat South achieved the freedom guaranteed them by Republican President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the Republican Congress' Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, the Republican controlled legislature of Mississippi sent Hiram Rhodes Revels to be the first black United States Senator (filling the seat left vacant by the resignation of Democrat Jefferson Davis -- President of the Confederate States of America. He was later succeeded in the Senate by Blanche Bruce, the first black United States Senator to serve a complete term. At the end of his term, the Democrat-controlled Mississippi legislature replaced him with a former Confederate officer who had helped draft and sign the Mississippi Ordinance of Secession.

Incidentally, the next black man to serve in the US Senate was Edward Brooke of Massachusetts -- another Republican, from 1967-1979, at a time when the Democrat Party was still fighting against civil rights and trying to determine if blacks should have representation at Democrat nominating conventions. On the other hand, should the Democrat Party regain control of the US Senate next week, they will choose a former leader of the KKK, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, to be the president pro tempore of the Senate, placing him third in line for the presidency of the United States.

Republicans were active in their defense of the rights of African-Americans for the next century -- and every significant piece of civil rights legislation passed during that time was the product of GOP authors and/or an overwhelming number of GOP votes in Congress. Democrats, on the other hand, fought against civil rights every step of the way, writing and enforcing Jim Crow policies. It took a Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, to craft a decision to overturn such segregation.

It was a proud Republican who, in 1963, gave a speech at the Lincoln Memorial that clearly enunciated the Republican position on civil rights and racial equality -- of an America in which all people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Today the GOP continues to stand for the vision of our brother Martin Luther King, Jr., while the Democrats continue to seek to divide and balkanize along racial lines.

So you see, Senator Obama, it is pretty clear that neither party needed to "discover" black people. The problem is that one of them is the party of Ol' Massa, Jim Crow and the Klan, while the other is the party of emancipation, civil rights, and equality. Michale Steele is a part of the latter -- and any African-American should be ashamed to vote for or serve in office as part of the former.

Posted by: Greg at 01:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 825 words, total size 7 kb.

June 14, 2008

Custom Gift Cards

I don't know about you, but I love receiving gift cards. After all, who knows what I need better than I do? I also like to give gift cards to the other hard to please members of my family. But here's something great -- you can now get Gift Cards customized with the design of your choice -- a family photo, a loving sentiment, or a logo for your business if you are using them as a promotional item. And best of all, these gift cards are VISA cards -- so they can be used anywhere that VISA is accepted!

Posted by: Greg at 11:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 106 words, total size 1 kb.

Watcher's Council Results

The winning entries in the Watcher's Council vote for this week are The Chicken or the Egg? by Joshuapundit, and What Kind of War Crimes Trials Does Obama Plan? (Updated) by American Thinker.  Here's your link to the full results of the vote:

VotesCouncil link
3The Chicken or the Egg?
2Dear Pakistan
Wolf Howling
2For Once, It Really Is About the Children
Bookworm Room
1  2/3Caring Is Not Enough
The Glittering Eye
1  1/3The Global Warming Cult
The Razor
1I'm a Fuel, Fuel, Fuel for You
Soccer Dad
2/3Omaha Beach
Done With Mirrors
1/3Quote of the Day: Gas Wars Edition
Cheat Seeking Missiles

VotesNon-council link
2  2/3What Kind of War Crimes Trials Does Obama Plan? (Updated)
American Thinker
2  1/3Wake Up and Smell the Soup!
Melanie Phillips
1  2/3Obama and Khalidi -- What We Know So Far
Daled Amos
1  1/3Have You No Shame, Sir?
Winds of Change
1When Worlds Collide
The Weekly Standard
2/3Jimmy Obama, Meet Barack Carter
Big Lizards
1/3Shooting Down the Enemies of Progress
1/3Noted Imbecile Mark Morford: Obama Is a "Lightworker," an "Enlightened Being"
Hot Air
1/3Air Is Free
Eternity Road
1/3Arson Supected at Texas Governor's Mansion

Posted by: Greg at 11:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 182 words, total size 4 kb.

Business Loans

One reality of the business world today is that you sometimes need a business loan just to keep going through a cash crunch. You know how it is -- there is a temporary cash flow issue as you await payment from your customers. One way to get such Business Loans with out a hassle is by dealing with the folks at EXUnsecured.com. They offer business loans of all kinds – lines of credit, short and long-term loans, and business credit cards. With EZUnsecured.com, you get an easy application and approval process, fast funding of your loan, and great service from the associates you work with. Stop by and check them out.

Posted by: Greg at 10:47 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 115 words, total size 1 kb.

Gore Vidal Denies McCain's Heroism, Time As POW

When conservatives questioned certain inconsistencies in John Kerry's narrative about his military service and his military service record (which to this day has never been fully released), the Democrats cried foul and invented the term Swiftboating to describe it -- even though the Swift Boat vets were actually members of the same unit as John Kerry and many of them served with him.

Will any of those Democrats raise their voices in condemnation of this little attack on John McCain by author and Al Gore relative Gore Vidal?

Asked what he thinks of McCain, Vidal calls him a "disaster," then tells Deborah Solomon, "Who started this rumor that he was a war hero? Where does that come from, aside from himself? About his suffering in the prison war camp?"

Solomon replies: "Everyone knows he was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam." To which Vidal responds: "ThatÂ’s what he tells us."

Excuse me?




"Aside from himself?"


"That's what he tells us"?

McCain's flight suit and gear,
"Hanoi Hilton" Museum

Well, why don't we see what someone else has to say about the matter.

Is that enough for you yet, Mr. Vidal?

I wonder -- John McCain asked that the Swift Boat Vets stop their truthful attacks on John Kerry because he considered them unseemly. Will Kerry return the favor and condemn this false attack upon the well-documented heroism of John McCain during his time as a prisoner of war?

Will the media report on this false claim about McCain by a debauched celebrity with the same degree of vitriolic contempt that they displayed for the truthful words of decorated veterans that served with Kerry?

Will we hear from Al Gore about the disgusting aspersions cast by his cousin?

And I ask again -- will Obama's "new kind of politics" include speaking out against the sort of dripping hatred that Vidal displayed in this interview?

As an aside, Vidal also stated in another recent interview that the United States is a dictatorship with a fascist government. It seems pretty clear, however, that he demonstrates his words to be false by their very utterance -- if America were really a fascist state he would not have made these scurrilous comments for fear that he would be imprisoned or executed.

H/T LGF, JammieWearingFool, Ed Driscoll, QandO

UPDATE -- 6/15/2008: Other bloggers are beginning to chime in on this one at Hot Air, Commentary's Contentions

Here's hoping the sainted William F. Buckley will be granted the privilege of waiting outside the Pearly Gates to carry out this promise before Saint Peter directs Vidal to his infernal reward.

More really needs to be made of Vidal's undeniably evil words.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Rosemary's Thoughts, 123beta, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Cao's Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Nuke Gingrich, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 01:37 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 509 words, total size 7 kb.

Barack Threatens Gun Violence Against Republicans

Hey -- if mentioning a historical event like the Bobby Kennedy assassination is an incitement to murder, what on earth do you call this quote by Barack Obama?

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

Now tell me, what would the reaction be if a Republican candidate or official, much less John McCain, had made that sort of statement? I think we all know that answer. We would be hearing about how that Republican -- and Republicans in general -- were violent extremists who want to see Barack Obama dead (indeed, certain nutroots bloggers are already claiming we conservatives will start a civil war and probably murder Obama).

Will anyone (other than me) hold the Obamessiah to that same standard?


UPDATE: Gateway Pundit asks some pointed questions.

Since Obama insists on his website that he only supports the use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting, does Senator McCain fall into the category of "big game" or "clay pigeon"?

Finally, does this mean that the candidate of hope and change is bitter?... Since he's now "clinging to his gun or religion and has antipathy to people who aren't like him?"

See-Dubya (blogging at Michelle Malkin) notes that while Obama is apparently willing to use this sort of disproportionate response against his opponents, he is apparently unwilling to do so against terrorists who threaten our national interests (and rogue states like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, too).

I’ve always thought that speech applied very well to the war on terror. I would expect Obama to disagree with me there–but it’s interesting that he does seem to think that “the Chicago Way” applies to domestic politics. I suppose a pupil of Tony Rezko’s would have to think like that.

It makes sense, if you think Republicans are the real enemy, and that the terrorists are just a distraction from the progressive agenda.

H/T Ace of Spades HQ, Hot Air, Protein Wisdom

Posted by: Greg at 05:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 338 words, total size 3 kb.

June 13, 2008

Sick And Disgusting Political Commentary -- Protected by The First Amendment

I'd like to condemn this disgusting piece of crap for his virulent expression of unAmerican racism.

And I'd like to thank God and the US Constitution that his right to do so is fully protected in this country.


Neighbors say a sign posted by a Houston-area man is causing tension and fear.

They say the sign is offensive. It makes a derogatory and profane reference to Sen. Barack ObamaÂ’s bid to become president.

“Whoever did this is a racist,” neighbor Laz Socarras said.

“They hatin’ on Obama,” neighbor Jarmaine Calvin said.

Hey -- I'm accused of "hatin' on Obama" when I tell the truth about his record, statements, and lack of qualifications for the presidency. This is something much more offensive, being that it is a raw, unadulterated expression of racism.

But it is protected by our Constitution. The scumbag makes no threats against anyone, and is displaying it on his own property, so he can say any damn thing he wants. God bless America -- because it means we are still a free people and that even the most disgusting among us still have the right to speak publicly without fear of the heel of government crushing us for unapproved speech. After all -- we are not Canada yet.

Interestingly enough, this is within a few blocks of where I have taught school for the last 11 years. I'm surprised that the sign has stayed up as long as it has.

H/T Lone Star Times

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Rosemary's Thoughts, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 10:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 313 words, total size 4 kb.

UN Body Interferes In UK Internal Affairs

The toothless, symbolic British monarchy violates the human rights of the British and should be abolished? This would be some sort of joke were it not a something that the UN Human Rights Council has recommended.

The UN Human Rights Council said the UK must "consider holding a referendum on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably republican".

The council has 29 members including Saudi Arabia, Cuba and Sri Lanka.

It was the Sri Lankan envoy who raised concerns over the British monarchy.

The resulting report said Britain should have a referendum on the monarchy and the need for a written constitution with a bill of rights.

Now let's consider some of the hypocritical complaints put forward.

The UN report was also critical of the UK's treatment of immigrants from Sudan.

Syrian representatives accused the UK of discriminating against Muslims and Iran complained about the UK's record on tackling sexual discrimination.

Hold on -- Iran is complaining about sex discrimination? That complaint from Burqa-ville should have been laughed out of the hearing room.

But then again, consider the human rights records of the participating nations. What the heck is Saudi Arabia doing recommending a constitution and the abolition of a monarchy? And what is Cuba doing on any body that is tasked with judging human rights?

US out of UN -- UN out of US

Posted by: Greg at 10:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 241 words, total size 2 kb.

Dems Think Obama Terrorist-Connected?

Yeah, that's right -- Democrat officials, not Republican bloggers.

Tennessee Democratic Party Executive Committee member Fred Hobbs tells The City newspaper in Nashville, "I don't exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for — and I'm not sure we know enough about him. He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."

Hobbs was giving an interview to the paper about fellow Tennessee Congressman and Democratic superdelegate Lincoln Davis, who has not yet declared his support for Obama.

Reacting to Hobbs, Davis' Chief of Staff Beecher Frasier says he does not know for sure if Obama is terrorist connected, but he assumes he is not.

And talk about weak statements -- the Davis camp "assumes he is not" terrorist connected? If Democrat leaders -- superdelegates, no less -- aren't certain that Barack Obama is not connected to terrorists, why on earth is the party willing to take a chance nominating him?

I don't know of any Republicans making the accusation that Barack Obama is a terrorist -- merely that he is unqualified and incompetent. Maybe a few blogospheric fringeoids do, but I haven't encountered it. So what do the Democrats know that the rest of us don't?

H/T Gateway Pundit, Jawa Report

Posted by: Greg at 10:15 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Dem Convention Shortfall Shows Campaign Finance Flaw

It looks like the host committee for the August's Democrat Convention in Denver is short of cash to the tune of $15 million.

The host committee for the Democratic National Convention faces a possible shortfall of $15 million, complicating logistics for the August event and forcing it to abruptly postpone a media walkthrough of the site scheduled for next week.

The Democratic National Committee has asked the cash-strapped panel to raise $40.6 million by Monday to finance the event. Last month, the committee said it had just $25 million in cash, and it has failed to meet each of several fundraising deadlines since signing a contract with the DNC last year.

Host committee members consistently have refused public comment on their fundraising efforts. Committee spokesman Chris Lopez could not immediately be reached by telephone Friday.

Now there is an obvious solution to the problem. The Barack Obama campaign is positively awash in cash, having raised prodigious amounts of money for months -- so much that the candidate is breaking his promise to the American people to take government funding for his campaign and abide by spending limits that go with that money. Why can't he just order his campaign to cut a check to pay for his coronation?

In a rational, constitutionally-limited system, he could. unfortunately, federal campaign finance laws are such that making that sort of transfer of cash to pay for a convention is an illegal expenditure, even if it is done in a public, totally above board fashion. So as a result, the Democrats will have to scale back plans and run a second-rate convention (perhaps appropriate, since they are giving America a second-rate candidate) instead of doing things up right. That once again demonstrates that what is legal under federal election law does not always coincide with what is ethical and what makes sense.

Posted by: Greg at 09:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 322 words, total size 2 kb.

R. Kelly: I Believe He's A Platinum Predator

I believe that he committed all 14 offenses with which he is charged.

However, the ability to delay the case for six years and influence the victim and her family made it possible for him to create something that the jurors felt constituted "reasonable doubt".

Grammy-award winning rhythm and blues superstar R. Kelly broke down and wept Friday as a jury cleared him of 14 charges of child pornography.

The hugely successful Chicago-based star had consistently denied the charges since his arrested in 2002 after an incriminating video tape was sent to the Chicago Sun-Times.

"There wasn't enough evidence," jubilant defense lawyer Edward Genson told a press conference saying they were "ecstatic" that Robert Kelly was cleared of all the charges against him after the jury deliberated for less than a day.

"What happened today when those verdicts started (was) you got to see the real Robert Kelly. He sat there and he was contrite. He sat there and he was crying," said another defense lawyer Sam Adam.

"He sat there and was thanking God. All I heard the entire time those 14 verdicts were being read was thank you Jesus," Adam said, adding: "He is a deeply religious man."

Sorry, you pedophile bastard, Jesus didn't have anything to do with your skating on these charges. It was your money and a different spiritual powerhouse -- Satan.

And I can't help but notice that one of kelly's lawyers sort of gave away his client's guilt in that passage above -- "He was contrite."

Let's consider what "contrition" actually is. It is a sadness and remorse for having done wrong -- often understood as carrying with it a sense that one is facing eternal damnation. R. Kelly could not be contrite today unless he was also guilty of the acts in question.

And let's be honest -- this isn't the first time he has used an underage girl as his sexual plaything. Can we say Aaliyah?


Remember, they lied about her age (she was really 15) to get married and the marriage was later annulled for that reason.

Of course, there is also the issue of the videotape. Either Kelly and his young victim on the tape, or someone somehow just happened to get a dead ringer (in appearance and voice) for Kelly AND a relatively unknown child who R. Kelly just happened to have access to. I'm no math whiz, but I can't help but believe that the odds of this collusion of circumstance is so small as to defy reasonable belief.

In a court of law, R. Kelly may be not guilty. However, in the court of common sense the verdict must be something else.

And I hope that the twelve jurors who let this platinum predator go will recognize their guilt WHEN R. Kelly sexually abuses his next victim -- and there will undoubtedly be a next victim.

And may I point to this article which talks about the biggest scandal that this case highlights?

It wasnÂ’t that they couldnÂ’t believe that Kelly, a grown man, had engaged in sex with a girl who may have been no older than 14. They just didnÂ’t see a problem. For an apparently large number of Americans, adult men having sex with young teen girls is no big deal.

The numbers donÂ’t lie: Almost 66 percent of nearly 280,000 babies born to teen mothers in 2005 were fathered by men who were 20 or older, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Most of those men were 20 to 24 years old.

WhatÂ’s going on here? Some, pathetically, blame the young girls. It takes two to tango, they say. But a 14-year-old girl is not psychologically or emotionally equal to a manipulative, preying older man.

And if this is the case, why are we as a society so willing to allow our daughters, nieces and sisters to be sexually exploited in this fashion?

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Rosemary's Thoughts, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 02:21 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 714 words, total size 6 kb.

Tim Russert Dies

Shocking and sad.


Tim Russert, NBC News’ Washington bureau chief and the moderator of “Meet the Press,” died Friday after a sudden heart attack at the bureau, NBC News said Friday. He was 58.

Russert was recording voiceovers for Sunday’s “Meet the Press” program when he collapsed, the network said. No details were immediately available.

Let's be real honest here -- Russert generally tried to be fair. And regardless, it is impossible to see his death as anything other than tragic, given his relatively young age. Let our prayers go out to his family, friends, and co-workers, in particular to his wife, Maureen Orth (of Vanity Fair magazine) and son, Luke -- as well as his father, "Big Russ".

UPDATE: Tom Brokaw announces the death of Tim Russert.

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="390" height="320" id="Redlasso">

Posted by: Greg at 07:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 134 words, total size 2 kb.

Senator John Cornyn

Senator John Cornyn has served in all three branches of the government -- Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. He met with bloggers today at the Texas GOP convention, at the Blogger's Row sponsored by RightOnline.com.

Cornyn meets the bloggers,
including me in the Hawaiian shirt.

He began with a discussion of gas prices, in particular the need to open the off-shore areas of the rest of the United States to exploration and drilling, as well as ANWR and the oil shale deposits. He asks why, when only 42 senators would vote in favor of that exploration, these same senators can complain about gas prices. Talking about the new exploration, he noted "unfortunately, our Democrat friends don't want to do that." Windfall profits taxes and lawsuits against OPEC were described as part of the Democratic "No Energy" plan. In particular, the windfall profits tax was described as a tax on the stockholders in American oil companies, not the foreign nations who control the supply. He also supported alternative sources, including nuclear power and renewable fuels like bio-diesel. However, he noted that the use of "food for fuel" has resulted in 25% of the nation's corn crop has led to higher food prices.

On earmark spending, Senator Cornyn noted his support for proposals to end earmarks. The light of day needs to be shed on these earmarks, to help eliminate the pork while preserving those that have merit.

On immigration, the senator was asked about what the future holds in regard to stopping a return of last year's bad immigration bill sponsored by John McCain and Ted Kennedy. He noted the importance of creating border security and verification of legal work status. In particular, he noted that Senator McCain has come to recognize the need for border security before amnesty.

Senator Cornyn noted that yesterday's decision on habeas corpus for terrorist detainees was clearly erroneous, and that the dissenting opinions of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia were correct -- the majority of the court substituted their opinion for the judgment of the Legislative and Executive branches. The basic problem is that the court wants to treat terrorism as a crime, not an act of war and the need to prevent attacks before they happen rather than punish perpetrators afterwards. "We cannot allow the Supreme Curt's decision to stand without addressing it." Otherwise, the result will be endless litigation.

Regarding Open Government, the Senator noted that the legitimacy of the government is based upon the consent of the governed. However, the people cannot give real consent if they don't know what is going on. He has been partnering with Senator Pat Leahy to effect reform of Freedom of Information Laws. On such issues, it is very possible to make common cause with Democrats. This gives the people the power to evaluate what those in power are doing.

Unfortunately, Senator Cornyn noted that Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have fallen short of their commitment to confirm judges in a timely manner. He noted that the laws passed by Congress don't matter if judges believe they can set aside the wisdom of the elected branch and the people. Electing McCain is therefore important, because he will nominate judges who will interpret the law and Constitution, whereas liberal Obama nominees would implement policies that the people and the elected leaders of the country reject.

UPDATE: One of the delights of the convention has been the introduction videos for our candidates and elected officials. Turns out some of them (or their handlers) have a great sense of humor. John Cornyn's was a delegate favorite.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Rosemary's Thoughts, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 06:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Quiet Morning At Texaqs GOP Convention

Our senatorial district convention got off to a tardy start (trying to seat a couple hundred delegates and then seat alternates takes time) -- but once we got started things went fairly smoothly.

It was a bad day for the RonBats who disrupted yesterday's First General Session with dilatory motions that delayed the day's business by close to three hours.

Oddly enough, they tried the same thing today in SD11 -- only to find that their call to "follow the rules" meant that we actually had to follow the rules. Thus, when their male candidate lost the SD nomination for Party Chair, they tried to have the SD endorse him anyway on the argument that even though the rules state we can only nominate one candidate for Party Chair we must nominate two -- one of each gender. Then, having had the clear language thrown in their face after the nomination of Tina Benkiser, they objected to the fact that the rules then required us to nominate a man for Vice Chair. I guess that "follow the rules" doesn't really mean "follow the rules.

Also, the RonBat lawsuit against the party was thrown out by an appellate court this morning -- with the RonBats ordered to pay the legal expenses for the Texas GOP based upon the frivolous nature of the lawsuit.

Posted by: Greg at 05:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Quiet Morning At Texaqs GOP Convention

Posted by: Greg at 05:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Exorcist

Some on the Left want to make this story into a bad thing. After all, while they are willing to use religion as a crutch to support their otherwise indefensible policy proposals, they don't actually BELIEVE in any of that spiritual stuff. So to find out that a conservative politician actually believes in the tenets of his religion and practices them is somewhat scandalous to them.

Which brings us to this story.

Strangely, I found myself repeating the Hail Mary until it became a chant. Being a recent convert to Catholicism, I had yet to accept the Catholic doc­trines concerning Mary and considered any form of Marian devotion to be idolatry. Though I had never before prayed a Hail Mary in my life, I suddenly found myself incapable of any other form of prayer. Somehow, Mary's intercessions allowed me to find peace during that long night; I knew that I had sur­vived the worst and that I would exit with my faith intact. It terrified me to recall how close I came to turning away from Christ out of fear.

The crucifix had a calming effect on Susan, and her sister was soon brave enough to bring a Bible to her face. At first, Susan responded to biblical pas­sages with curses and profanities. Mixed in with her vile attacks were short and desperate pleas for help. In the same breath that she attacked Christ, the Bible's authenticity, and everyone assembled in prayer, Susan would suddenly urge us to rescue her. It appeared as if we were observing a tremendous battle between the Susan we knew and loved and some strange evil force. But the momentum had shifted and we now sensed that victory was at hand.

While Alice and Louise held Susan, her sister continued holding the Bible to her face. Almost taunting the evil spirit that had almost beaten us minutes before, the students dared Susan to read biblical passages. She choked on certain passages and could not finish the sentence "Jesus is Lord." Over and over, she repeated "Jesus is L..L..LL," often ending in profanities. In between her futile attempts, Susan pleaded with us to continue trying and often smiled between the grimaces that accompanied her readings of Scripture. Just as suddenly as she went into the trance, Susan suddenly reappeared and claimed "Jesus is Lord."

With an almost comical smile, Susan then looked up as if awakening from a deep sleep and asked, "Has something happened?" She did not re­member any of the past few hours and was startled to find her friends breaking out in cheers and laugh­ter, overwhelmed by sudden joy and relief.

This story chills me to the bone -- mainly because I participated in something similar to this twenty years ago, praying over a friend who was clearly afflicted with some malign spiritual presence. Based upon my studies during my seminary career, I'd call what we each witnessed to be cases of demonic oppression rather than full-blown possession. But regardless, the events described (and those in which I participated) were clearly REAL -- and the underlying reality of a greater spiritual battle between good and evil is real as well.

But since the Left wants to make a joke out of this, I'd like to offer photographic support for my nomination of a candidate for Jindal's next exorcism. more...

Posted by: Greg at 12:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 12, 2008

Surrender On The Border

Why are we withdrawing needed support from our porous southern border?

Members of Congress are split on whether the National Guard should end its deployment along the U.S.-Mexico border in July, as planned.

On Monday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff predicted the border would not be secured until 2011.

* * *

The final withdrawal for the National Guard working in Operation Jump Start is planned for July 15.

The National Guard's Noller said that Operation Jump Start is winding down because of a presidential directive. As in all military operations, he said, about 150 guardsmen will remain for administrative duties after the mission ends.

As of June 11, 2,284 Guard members were on active duty at the border.

Git that? The border will be unsecured for three more years -- but we are pulling a couple of thousand bodies away from the task of securing it.

This is one of those things that leaves so many of us so pissed off at the Bush Administration -- its utter fecklessness when it comes to immigration and border policy. Even when the Administration has conceded a need to do more, it does so in such a half-hearted way as to be utterly useless.

And the notion that the Guard should remain deployed has bipartisan support.

Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch recommended keeping the troops along the border for another year or so.

"We can get a long way between now and 2011," Lynch said. "Make an assessment in 2009 or 2010 and see where we are, and if we can afford to move them off our border, then we can do that."

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) was also in favor of waiting.

"My advice would be to favor their continued deployment until the border's judged as secure," he said.

Mr. Bush -- don't undercut the enforcement efforts along our nation's southern border.

Posted by: Greg at 11:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Web Design

I like a blog with a good looking design that really attracts my attention – one that is clean and not cluttered with too much crap. Over the years, I’ve found a lot of blogs that have managed to design blog elements that really make them look fantastic. When that happens, I begin to get an itch to tinker with the design I currently have. Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge I need to really do a top-notch job at a redesign. As a result, I’ve been trying to check out sites that talk about how to do it. You would be surprised at the number of websites and blogs that I found that give interesting and helpful tips on creating your own custom web design. I found one, Stylish Weblog, at http://www.stylishwebdesign.us/directory/.

This web design blog is quite informative and has an extensive archive of good articles. If you want to learn more about web design, they are certainly a site to visit for that are interesting and educational. Best of all, they offer a fresh take on many issues in web design from different angles than most sites IÂ’ve seen. So if you want to design your blog, drop by and take some of their great advice.

Posted by: Greg at 11:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Well, This Explains The Timing

Ron Paul finally dropped out of the presidential race yesterday evening.

Republican Ron Paul ended his rebel campaign last night and announced a new effort to help elect libertarian-leaning Republicans to public office around the country.

"With the primary season now over, the presidential campaign is at an end. But the larger campaign for freedom is just getting started," Paul told supporters in a letter posted on the website of the new group, Campaign for Liberty.

"We will be a permanent presence on the American political landscape," added Paul, who announced his move during a rally coinciding with the Texas GOP State Convention in Houston. "That I promise you. We're not about to let all this good work die. To the contrary, with your help we're going to make it grow - by leaps and bounds."

The 72-year-old Texas congressman won 24 delegates during the Republican primaries, but was the last remaining challenger to John McCain, the party's presumptive nominee.

Doing so at 9:00 last night was probably a good move -- it came right as he was prpearing to host a reception for delegates at the Texas GOP convention.

However, many of them were not happy over this little angle of his withdrawal.

Paul has said he won't endorse McCain, but in an interview with CNN earlier yesterday, Paul had nice things to say about Bob Barr, a former Republican congressman from Georgia who is the Libertarian Party's nominee. Barr "talks our language, so I do really believe that he can have a very positive effect in this campaign and let the people know that limited government is a very, very important message," Paul said.

I think I speak for the bulk of delegates at the Texas Republican Convention when I say the following. Ron Paul needs to decide if he is a Republican of a Libertarian. If he is a Republican, he ought to endorse John McCain and campaign for him vigorously. If he is a Libertarian, he needs to have the integrity to get the Hell out of our party and go back to that party.

Posted by: Greg at 11:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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State Senator Dan Patrick

WHat happens when a talk radio host decides to run for state senate? He wins a multi-candidate primary with over 2/3 of the vote -- that's what happens.

That is the Dan Patrick story -- from televison news sports guy to restaurant owner to radio host/station owner to state senator -- and maybe even further.

Dan Patrick met with bloggers at the RightOnline.com Blogger's Row.

He noted that this is an interesting year for Republicans with a lot at stake. Unity is important, but it is also important that elected officials inspire the voters by bringing about the reforms that have been promised over the years. This includes controlling the border.. he also talked about the essential need to limit property tax and property appraisal caps to make sure that homeowners can afford to stay in their homes. In addition, the margins tax needs to be repealed. Patrick also noted that several billion dollars could be saved with a five percent reduction of the state budget. In the end, it is visionaries like Reagan who are needed to bring out the voters to make the GOP successful. Ultimately, we must return to our conservative roots to make the US and Texas strong by getting real conservatives in charge.

Patrick noted that his conservative radio format educates, entertains, and informs the people -- and that as a state senator it allows him to explain why things are happening in Austin and the implications of state policies. He particularly mentioned the need to eliminate the margins tax and the "blocker bill". His stations potentially reach 50% of primary voters in the state. In addition, he noted the influence of the blogosphere -- and mentioned his involvement in founding LoneStarTimes.com (note: I was one of the original bloggers for LST).

Patrick also spoke about the importance of transparency in government. This has been something in which Texas has led. "There shouldn't be anything which isn't transparent in government." The big difficulty is that many voters don't have time to follow what goes on in government -- it is therefore important to elect folks you can trust to carry out what they say they will do.

When I asked Senator Patrick about possible plans to run for Governor, he indicated that he loves being in the state senate because of his ability to influence policy. Rather than seek higher office, his interest is to support good conservatives for office. "I'm not planning to kick any doors down." In other words, don't expect a Dan Patrick gubernatorial run in 2010.

Posted by: Greg at 08:41 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Attorney General Greg Abbott

Attorney General Greg Abbott met with folks at the RightOnline.com Bloggers Row this afternoon. He was warm and engaging, which is a major reason that so many of us see us as a future governor of the state, or US Senator.

He began by noting the importance of the grassroots to the election of Republicans to all 29 statewide offices here in Texas.

He then turned to child protection, in particular the cybercrime unit that he has created in his office in a very effective effort to track down and arrest youngsters -- the unit has arrested more than 100 sexual predators across the state of Texas. He sees this as his most important accomplishment as Attorney General.

His also dealt with the importance of the protecting senior citizens from abuse and neglect and identity theft, which has become a significantly more serious problem in recent years with the expansion of the internet -- but which is still primarily a crime that is committed by taking mail and other "hard copy" documents.

What is the biggest challenge? Border security, which must be addressed in several ways due to the different aspects of the problem. On one level is the criminal issue, especially with regard to drug trafficking. But of key importance is the need for the federal government to step up and protect the border.

Speaking of the Heller case on the Second Amendment, Abbot expressed his concern that a negative decision could be used to undercut the rights of Texans to carry arms subject to Texas laws. He is eagerly anticipating the decision, with concern that a wrong decision might erode the right to keep and bear arms.

Addressing the FDLS child custody case, Abbott expressed his concern that there are still possible criminal charges possible if there is evidence of child abuse. He also pointed out that there is still the possibility of future removals of children from the compound. "No child should be subject to ongoing rape at the hands of their captors."

Abbott also spoke of the importance of making use of the blogosphere for getting the conservative message out to the world.

Posted by: Greg at 08:05 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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Blogging From The Texas GOP Convention

All quiet so far. The fireworks, if any, will come later in the Senatorial District conventions.

The most touching moment so far? Governor Perry's comments on the Governor's Mansion, burned in an arson attack over the weekend. It can and will be rebuilt.

I'm particularly appreciative of the fine folks from Right Online.com and Americans for Prosperity for providing their own little blogger's row and a series of interviews of elected officials.

Ragnar from The Jawa Report is also here and blogging -- I hope we can hook up.

H/T Michelle Malkin

Posted by: Greg at 07:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Supreme Court Screws The Pooch

Today the US Supreme Court created an entirely new principle under the United States Constitution -- that it applies to enemy combatants captured on the field of battle by the US military, who are not either citizens or residents of the US, and who have not even entered the United States!

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts.

In its third rebuke of the Bush administration's treatment of prisoners, the court ruled 5-4 that the government is violating the rights of prisoners being held indefinitely and without charges at the U.S. naval base in Cuba. The court's liberal justices were in the majority.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court, said, "The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times."

Kennedy said federal judges could ultimately order some detainees to be released, but that such orders would depend on security concerns and other circumstances.

The White House had no immediate comment on the ruling. White House press secretary Dana Perino, traveling with President Bush in Rome, said the administration was reviewing the opinion.

It was not immediately clear whether this ruling, unlike the first two, would lead to prompt hearings for the detainees, some of whom have been held more than 6 years. Roughly 270 men remain at the island prison, classified as enemy combatants and held on suspicion of terrorism or links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Now here's the problem with the decision.

Never, ever, in the history of the United States have those captured by the military during the course of combat operations been entitled to habeas corpus. Not even during the War of 1812 (when the bulk of the combat took place on US territory) and the Civil War (when those captured were, by the logic of the Union position on the right of states to secede, American citizens) have we allowed such individuals access to civilian courts. Indeed, at the height of WWII the Supreme Court ruled that enemy combatants captured on US territory had no habeas rights in Ex Parte Quirin. Under the Geneva Conventions, enemy soldiers are not entitled to access to the civilian courts, and indeed may not be tried by a civilian court -- but the Supreme Court has miraculously ruled that those who violate the laws of war are entitled to greater protection than those who follow it!

Over at Patterico's Pontifications, we get a wonderful view of the the dissent by Justice Scalia, who positively disassembles the logic of the majority in this case. Most notably, Scalia refused to use the traditional phrase "I respectfully dissent" at the end of his opinion, choosing instead to indicate his profound disagreement with the majority by using the much less collegial "I dissent". The most important line of the dissent, however, is this: "The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today."

Read the opinions here.

H/T Malkin, Hot Air, Flopping Aces

Posted by: Greg at 05:06 AM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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Tear Down This Wall!

I was blessed to come of age during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest men to occupy that Oval Office -- indeed, the greatest to occupy it during my lifetime.

Twenty-one years ago today, President Reagan gave one of the great speeches against tyranny and oppression. In it, he offered one of the great calls for freedom -- "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

I'd thought to post the speech in its entirety -- but as a student and teacher of history, this video so moved me that I decided to share it instead.

Two-and-a-half years later, the gates were open and the wall began to fall.

Let freedom ring.

More at Grand Old Partisan, Soccer Dad

Posted by: Greg at 12:12 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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June 11, 2008

Earliest Christian Place Of Worship Found?

If this can be corroborated, it takes us all the way back to the first century, and therefore to those who were contemporaries of Peter and Paul.

Archaeologists in Jordan have discovered a cave underneath one of the world's oldest churches and say it may have been an even more ancient site of Christian worship. But outside experts expressed caution about the claim.

Archaeologist Abdel-Qader al-Housan, head of the Rihab Center for Archaeological Studies, said this week that the cave was unearthed in the northern Jordanian city of Rihab after three months of excavation and shows evidence of early Christian rituals.

The cave is under St. George's Church, which some believe was built in the year 230, though the date is widely disputed. That would make it one of the oldest churches in the world, along with one unearthed in the Jordanian southern port of Aqaba in 1998 and another in Israel discovered in 2005.

Al-Housan said there was evidence that the underground cave was used as a church by 70 disciples of Jesus in the first century after Christ's death, which would make it the oldest Christian site of worship in the world.

He described a circular worship area with stone seats separated from a living area that had a long tunnel leading to a source of water. He said the early Christians hid there from persecution.

A mosaic inscription on the floor of the later church of St. George above refers to "the 70 beloved by God and the divine" who founded the worship there.

There are those who doubt this find -- and I am not ready to support the claim myself. It is virtually inconceivable that the mosaics would date to the first century (the 70 likely would have been a group fleeing from either the persecution of early Christians described in Acts or the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD -- not individuals with the wealth and/or skills to create the mosaics), and so it is more likely that the inscription refers to a legend in the community about the historical use of the cave. Absent some more solid archaeological evidence, I think it is impossible to sustain the claim it makes as fact.

Posted by: Greg at 11:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Didn't The Dems Say Voter Fraud Isn't A Problem?

Well, maybe it isn't for them, because the fraudulent votes seem to always benefit them.

But to patriotic Americans who believe in honest elections that exclude necro-Americans and other fake voters, this sort of stuff is outrageous.

Secretary of State Jay Dardenne said Tuesday he will meet today with a Democrat-affiliated group responsible for a voter registration effort that is inundating East Baton Rouge and other parish registrars with bogus and incomplete applications.

Dardenne said his investigators are trying to determine if any state election laws have been violated as thousands of voter registration cards have been dumped on registrars offices through the efforts of VIP.

“We have some very real concerns about the data we are getting from them,” Dardenne said.

VIP is a Washington, D.C., group hired by national Democrats to register some 70,000 new voters in advance of the presidential and other federal elections this fall.

"If any state election laws have been violated"? That is certainly a polite way of putting it.


After all, dead people and those serving time for felonies have been registered. In one parish, the folks in the voter registrar's office were surprised to get a new registration card in the name of their boss turned in by the company. And let's not forget the two Shreveport registration cards turned in for George W. Bush, with the address listed as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Frankly, there needs to be a federal investigation here -- VIP is based in Washington, DC and is clearly operating interstate to engage in election fraud.

UPDATE: It appears the group, hired by the Democrats, is an arm of the Muslim American Society, which is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood!

H/T Hot Air

Posted by: Greg at 11:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Owning Up To Racism

Last week, one of the Chicago area's minor newspapers insinuated that those of us voting against Barack Obama are doing so based upon race. Now Catholic priest and Chicago Sun-Times columnist Andrew Greeley has said the same. Indeed, Greeley goes so far as to imply that even the expression of otherwise reasonable objections to Barack Obama -- objections that would be legitimate if raised regarding a white candidate -- are really just a cover for a latent desire to pull on a white sheet, set a cross alight and proclaim "Ain't no BLACK man gonna live in the WHITE House."

Others have gone to great length to delegitimize opposition to Barack Obama as rooted in racism as well, as noted by fellow bloggers.

So I would like to associate myself with the forthright confession of my dear friend and fellow Watcher's Council member Bookworm.

When I vote against Obama on November 4, 2008:

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq, which I think will weaken AmericaÂ’s interests beyond repair, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama thinks that a nuclear Iran is no threat to the Western World, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because I think itÂ’s an incredibly stupid idea for the most powerful nation in the world to approach evil totalitarian dictators as a supplicant, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because I hate the idea of a President who will subordinate AmericaÂ’s interests to the UN (as he inevitably will), it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama has the thinnest resume ever in the history of Presidential candidates, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because I think ObamaÂ’s Leftist connections (Ayres, Dohrn, Soros, Pfleger, Wright, etc.) show him to be either stupid about or complicit with an agenda antithetical to basic American values, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama consistently chooses as advisers people who have opted for the wrong side in the completely binary debate about IsraelÂ’s right to exist, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama wants to socialize American medicine, which I believe will destroy the high quality of medical care available to most Americans, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama wants to gut the military and reduce us to a nation with a big target painted on our collective backside, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and destroy AmericansÂ’ Constitutional right to protect themselves from foreign and domestic enemies, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama has already announced loud and clear that he will support activist judges who place their “feelings” above the law, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama supports judicial decisions creating a right to gay marriage, when I think that decision is one for the voters, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s announced that he will dramatically increase taxes, putting the slow, inflexible, ill-informed government in charge of what should be a quick-reacting, knowledgeable marketplace, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s record in the Senate (albeit short and undistinguished) has been so liberal he makes Teddy Kennedy look like a reactionary, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s an open-borders kind of guy, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama has shown himself to be a scarily slow thinker and speaker when released from the teleprompter (which really doesnÂ’t bode well for those cozy private chats with Ahmadinejad, Jong-Il, and Assad), it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s wife clearly loathes America and everything it stands for, despite the fact that sheÂ’s done pretty well out of it, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama was affiliated for more than 20 years with a church that preached white hatred and began to care only when it looked as if it would affect his campaign, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because Obama was good buddies with Tony Rezko, and other sleazy characters (showing again that Obama was complicit or a singularly bad judgment of character), it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s a compulsive liar who clearly thinks we in the public are too stupid to catch up with his lies, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s campaign has proven to be fly-paper for every two bit troofer and anti-Semite in America, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

  • It wonÂ’t be because ObamaÂ’s promised already to start down the totalitarian path of purging his predecessors through criminal prosecutions, it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

And might I add that even though I am a life-long Republican and have never knowingly voted for a Democrat for any position higher than county clerk (and then only when the GOP incumbent was under indictment for official misconduct), when I proudly cast my vote for a real American hero with a lifetime of distinguished service to this country rather than Barack Obama it will be because IÂ’m a racist.

After all, that is what the liberal intelligentsia in the media have proclaimed. And it isn't like they would sling around false accusations of racism against innocent victims because it fits with their political agenda, would it?

Posted by: Greg at 11:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 956 words, total size 8 kb.

If The Democrats Want The Card Check

I'm not a fan of the mis-named "Employee Free Choice Act", which would strip workers of the right to a secret ballot vote on whether or not to unionize. The Democrats, on the other hand, seem bound and determined to have it.

So let's offer them a compromise that offers employees REAL freedom to choose.

In light of the Democrat's obvious commitment to "Employee Free Choice", I'd like to make an offer in two parts:

  1. Bring back Card Check legislation, which allows a Union to be created immediately when a majority of employees submit signed cards in support of unionization.

  2. But make it real employee free choice by allowing a Union to be decertified immediately when a majority of employees submit signed cards opposing an existing Union.

  3. For bonus points, let's also stipulate that an Employee Free Choice Act should give each employee a free choice about membership in a Union, and no employee can be forced to join (or leave) a Union against his will.

It's a good deal.  It's a fair deal.  It's the workplace democracy that Democrats tell us they really want.  What's not to like about it?   I think we can come to a deal.**

What say you, Democrats?

**...unless, of course, Democrats decide that reciprocity isn't they had in mind, and the Employee Free Choice Act suddenly includes a bit too much employee freedom.

All I would add to that suggestion is an addition to the last of the three points -- extend that prohibition to include a prohibition on agency shop fees, which force an employee to still pay the bulk of union dues even if they choose not to be a member of the union.

What objection could there possibly be to providing workers with REAL freedom of choice regarding membership and financial support of unions? Unless, of course, the point is not freedom for workers but welfare for unions.

Posted by: Greg at 02:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 331 words, total size 3 kb.

Don't Do This On A Plane!



But it is still funny in a sick, twisted sort of way.

Thanks for sharing this on your site, T.F.!

And I thought Richard Sutton was such a nice man; can't believe he sent me this...

If you are sitting next to someone on a plane who irritates you follow these simple instructions:

1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop.
3. Start up.
4. Make sure the guy who is annoying you, can see the screen.
5. Close your eyes, tilt your head up to the sky & move your lips as if praying.
6. Then hit this link

Like I said, though, don't do this -- you really don't want to risk the jail sentence that might follow.

Posted by: Greg at 01:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 139 words, total size 1 kb.

The Brown Note?

I've been ignoring this silliness for some days now, but since it continues to get traction in the press, I'm finally going to give in.

Political activists planning protest rallies at the upcoming Democratic Convention in Denver have their stomachs in knots over a rumor about a crowd control weapon - known as the “crap cannon” - that might be unleashed against them.

Also called “Brown Note,” it is believed to be an infrasound frequency that debilitates a person by making them defecate involuntarily.

Mark Cohen, co-founder of Re-create 68, an alliance of local activists working for the protection of first amendment rights, said he believes this could be deployed at the convention in August to subdue crowds.

“We know this weapon and weapons like it have been used at other large protests before,” he said.

Cohen, who described Brown Note as a “sonic weapon used to disrupt people’s equilibrium,” cited eyewitness accounts of its use during free-trade agreement protests in Miami in 2003.

“I think these weapons were mostly intended for military use and so their use for dealing with innocent protesters seems highly inappropriate,” he said. “The idea that they might be field testing them on people who are doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights is disturbing.”

Of course, scientific researchers say that the "brown note" doesn't actually exist -- and since there is no actual evidence other than loony ramblings of these aging hippies and '60's wannabes, I'm inclined to believe the researchers.

Maybe the real problem that the Recreate 68 folks have is that radicals like them are have simply become so full of crap that it is waiting to burst out in all its glory.

Posted by: Greg at 12:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Dem Congressman: Obama Too Liberal

And this is coming from Obama's side of the aisle, not from ours.

obamachangewecantbelieve in.JPG

Democratic Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma said Tuesday Barack Obama is "the most liberal senator" in Congress and he has no intention of endorsing him for the White House.

* * *

Boren, the lone Democrat in Oklahoma's congressional delegate, said that while Obama has talked about working with Republicans, "unfortunately, his record does not reflect working in a bipartisan fashion."

Boren, a self-described centrist, is seeking a third term this year in a mostly rural district that stretches across eastern Oklahoma.

"We're much more conservative," Boren said of district. "I've got to reflect my district. No one means more to me than the people who elected me. I have to listen them." He called Obama "the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate."

But absurdly enough, this superdelegate will cast his vote for Obama at the Democrat Convention, and will vote for Obama in the fall, so this move is purely symbolic and completely without substance. It proves that Boren talks a good game, but will still care in to the demands of the party leadership when pushed.

Voters of Oklahoma, recognize what you have in Dan Boren and do your duty -- vote him out of office for his fecklessness.

Posted by: Greg at 12:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Jordan Strips Christian Convert Of legal Rights, Annuls Marriage


Last week, Jordan indicted a group of Danish publishers and cartoonists for daring to publish the Muhammad Cartoons -- claiming international jurisdiction over any act of alleged blasphemy against Islam. Now the Jordanians are actively stripping human and civil rights from their own citizens who turn away from Islam and embrace the truth that Jesus is the Savior.

The North Amman Sharia Court in April dissolved the marriage of Mohammad Abbad, on trial for apostasy, or leaving Islam. The 40-year-old convert fled Jordan with his wife and two young children in March after another Christian convert’s relatives attacked Abbad’s family in their home and his father demanded custody of Abbad’s children. “Marriage depends on the creed [religion], and the apostate has no creed,” a May 22 court document stated, detailing reasons for the April 22 annulment. According to the document, Judge Faysal Khreisat had “proven the veracity of [Abbad’s] apostasy.”

JordanÂ’s penal code does not outlaw apostasy, and the countryÂ’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion, as does the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that was given force of law in the country in June 2006. But Islam, JordanÂ’s official religion, forbids conversion to another faith. Jordanian sharia (Islamic law) courts that rule on family law have convicted converts of apostasy, stripping them of all legal rights.

“I can’t win this case as long as I insist that I converted to Christianity,” Abbad wrote after arriving in a European country where he has applied for asylum. Abbad and his 10-year-old son were violently attacked in their home on March 23, when relatives of another convert, staying with Abbad, stormed the house. Abbad suffered injuries to his head and chest and bleeding in his right eye, according to medical reports from Jordan University Hospital. When Abbad went to the police station the same day to file a complaint he found his father there, demanding custody of Abbad’s son and 11-year-old daughter.

By allowing the religious courts to take on civil jurisdiction, Jordan has placed itself in defiance of international human rights norms again, even as Kin Abdullah attempts to present his country as a moderate, modern nation that honors human rights. In the end, however, the reality shows that Jordan is still mired in the seventh century when Abdullah's ancestor, the false prophet Muhammad, first preached Islam.

Posted by: Greg at 12:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 10, 2008

Anotehr Hasselhoff Music Video Atrocity

"The odds are you won't live to see tomorrow."

We can only hope so after this video.

Why does anyone let this man into a recording studio, or in front of a camera?

Posted by: Greg at 11:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Soy Candles.

I donÂ’t know anyone who doesnÂ’t love candles. They provide a touch of class to a table, a touch or romance to a special time with one you love, and a touch of warmth to that place we call home. Candles provide atmosphere, illumination, warmth, and a gentle scent that makes them something special.

Most candles are made from a petroleum-based wax. Well, given what oil prices are doing, we can expect to see candle prices go up in the weeks and months ahead as the cost of abarrel of oil sky-rockets. But what if I told you that there is another substance that you can make a candle from – one that is renewable and biodegradable. Believe it or not, that source is soy. Yes, that is right – Soy Candles!

Caterpillars Candles is a reputable seller of candles made from soy wax. Unlike many soy wax candles, theirs are made of 100% soy wax. Not only that, their candles are certified organic – no pesticides, herbicides, or genetically-modified beans go into these candles. So whether you want Soy tealights, pillars, or jar candles, you can be assured that you are getting a high-quality, safe product.

Not only that, but you can even buy Wholesale Soy Candles for resale at your place of business, starting with an order of as little as $100.

Posted by: Greg at 11:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Jon Stewart's Anti-Semitic Humor

Hebe-Land? Elders of Zion? What next -- resurrecting Leni Riefenstahl to produce his show?

Contact Comedy Central to protest this anti-Semitic humor.


Posted by: Greg at 09:25 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Democrat Admits: My Party Raising taxes On Middle Class, Poor

Bravo to Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL 14) for his honessty about the budgetary priorities of his own party!

“I can’t support a budget, from either party, that raises taxes on the middle class. This bill hurts families all across the 14th District by eliminating the 10-percent bracket for lower-income taxpayers, reinstating the marriage penalty and increasing taxes on small businesses and investments."

So for those of you folks who think that electing Democrats means higher taxes for the rich and cutting your taxes, think again -- the Democrats are already out to raise your taxes RIGHT NOW. It isn't "soak the rich" -- it is "soak the middle class".

H/T Blogs for Victory

Posted by: Greg at 01:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Polar Bears Threaten Energy Independence

One more example of how environmentalism run wild is a threat to human needs.

Two conservation groups plan to sue to protect polar bears from petroleum exploration and drilling off Alaska's coast.

The Center for Biological Diversity and Pacific Environment gave the federal government formal notice Monday that they will sue under the Endangered Species Act to protect the bears, which were listed as threatened last month by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne.

Polar bears are threatened -- likely to become endangered -- because their sea ice habitat has melted dramatically and computer models predict further losses, Kempthorne said. Polar bears use sea ice for mating, denning and hunting.

Kempthorne said the best scientific judgments did not conclude that polar bears were threatened by oil and gas development.

The conservation groups do not agree.

Of course, there is no real threat to the polar bears, whose population has been expanding. But the willingness of the Bush Administration to make the faulty classification of the bears as threatened now threatens America's energy independence and national security.

After all, one group recently indicated its intent to start challenging projects it considers "global warming threats" ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY as threatening the polar bear's habitat in violation of the Endangered Species Act.

Two things need to happen here.

First, the Bush Administration needs to admit its error and remove the polar bear from the threatened list.

Second, the Endangered Species Act needs to be amended to put human needs first -- or better yet, it needs to be repealed completely.

Posted by: Greg at 01:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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