February 18, 2007

What Americans Really Think About Iraq

I know this might shock the Copperhead Caucus and the White Flag republicans who joined them, but average Americans are not nearly so down on the War in Iraq as they seem to think. Consider these polling results.


An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that victory is necessary, and a clear majority view it as likely. So why the urge to cut and run and defund? Why not follow the desires of the American people?

H/T Malkin & Captain's Quarters

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Maggie's Notebook, Big Dog's Weblog, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Cao's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Sujet- Celebrities, Allie Is Wired, Faultline USA, Wake Up America, stikNstein... has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 01:08 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 3 kb.

Is “Scrotum” A Dirty Word?

And even if it isn’t, is it appropriate for a children’s book?

The word “scrotum” does not often appear in polite conversation. Or children’s literature, for that matter.

Yet there it is on the first page of “The Higher Power of Lucky,” by Susan Patron, this year’s winner of the Newbery Medal, the most prestigious award in children’s literature. The book’s heroine, a scrappy 10-year-old orphan named Lucky Trimble, hears the word through a hole in a wall when another character says he saw a rattlesnake bite his dog, Roy, on the scrotum.

“Scrotum sounded to Lucky like something green that comes up when you have the flu and cough too much,” the book continues. “It sounded medical and secret, but also important.”

The inclusion of the word has shocked some school librarians, who have pledged to ban the book from elementary schools, and reopened the debate over what constitutes acceptable content in children’s books. The controversy was first reported by Publishers Weekly, a trade magazine.

On electronic mailing lists like Librarian.net, dozens of literary blogs and pages on the social-networking site LiveJournal, teachers, authors and school librarians took sides over the book. Librarians from all over the country, including Missoula, Mont.; upstate New York; Central Pennsylvania; and Portland, Ore., weighed in, questioning the role of the librarian when selecting — or censoring, some argued — literature for children.

Ah, what a furor over a single word that describes a part of the human body! And the debate is pretty intense, with some going so far as to raise it to the level of a Serious First Amendment Question. But is it? Or is it simply a case of librarians exercising good judgment about what should or should not be on the shelves of their school libraries, based upon questions of age-appropriateness and community values?

And let’s be clear – age-appropriateness is a major factor with this book, targeted at kids from 9-12. Personally, I don’t see the word as being problematic for the older kids in that age range (sixth and seventh graders, generally), but can understand where there would be those troubled by having to explain what a scrotum is to a third grader, even in this decidedly non-prurient context. It creates serious problems for educational professionals, who must then face the ire of parents and school boards over how much “sex talk” is acceptable with students, and at what ages.

And yet, this is definitely a work of quality – Newbery Awards are not given out lightly and are not particularly political in nature. Should a single, non-obscene word be sufficient to keep a Newbery Award winner out of school libraries? I would hope not, but I understand the problem faced by librarians. Look at the problems faced by teachers who have shown Schindler’s List, Amistad, or other movies to classes – non-prurient nudity has been a source of controversy in these great historical movies.

Personally, I think that librarians should order the book – but I won’t condemn those who don’t. And I certainly won’t cry “censorship” over the decision by these professionals to exercise their best professional judgment over what will be acceptable in their schools and communities.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Maggie's Notebook, Big Dog's Weblog, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Cao's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Sujet- Celebrities, Allie Is Wired, Faultline USA, Wake Up America, stikNstein... has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 06:18 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 605 words, total size 6 kb.

Is “Scrotum” A Dirty Word?

And even if it isnÂ’t, is it appropriate for a childrenÂ’s book?

The word “scrotum” does not often appear in polite conversation. Or children’s literature, for that matter.

Yet there it is on the first page of “The Higher Power of Lucky,” by Susan Patron, this year’s winner of the Newbery Medal, the most prestigious award in children’s literature. The book’s heroine, a scrappy 10-year-old orphan named Lucky Trimble, hears the word through a hole in a wall when another character says he saw a rattlesnake bite his dog, Roy, on the scrotum.

“Scrotum sounded to Lucky like something green that comes up when you have the flu and cough too much,” the book continues. “It sounded medical and secret, but also important.”

The inclusion of the word has shocked some school librarians, who have pledged to ban the book from elementary schools, and reopened the debate over what constitutes acceptable content in childrenÂ’s books. The controversy was first reported by Publishers Weekly, a trade magazine.

On electronic mailing lists like Librarian.net, dozens of literary blogs and pages on the social-networking site LiveJournal, teachers, authors and school librarians took sides over the book. Librarians from all over the country, including Missoula, Mont.; upstate New York; Central Pennsylvania; and Portland, Ore., weighed in, questioning the role of the librarian when selecting — or censoring, some argued — literature for children.

Ah, what a furor over a single word that describes a part of the human body! And the debate is pretty intense, with some going so far as to raise it to the level of a Serious First Amendment Question. But is it? Or is it simply a case of librarians exercising good judgment about what should or should not be on the shelves of their school libraries, based upon questions of age-appropriateness and community values?

And let’s be clear – age-appropriateness is a major factor with this book, targeted at kids from 9-12. Personally, I don’t see the word as being problematic for the older kids in that age range (sixth and seventh graders, generally), but can understand where there would be those troubled by having to explain what a scrotum is to a third grader, even in this decidedly non-prurient context. It creates serious problems for educational professionals, who must then face the ire of parents and school boards over how much “sex talk” is acceptable with students, and at what ages.

And yet, this is definitely a work of quality – Newbery Awards are not given out lightly and are not particularly political in nature. Should a single, non-obscene word be sufficient to keep a Newbery Award winner out of school libraries? I would hope not, but I understand the problem faced by librarians. Look at the problems faced by teachers who have shown Schindler’s List, Amistad, or other movies to classes – non-prurient nudity has been a source of controversy in these great historical movies.

Personally, I think that librarians should order the book – but I won’t condemn those who don’t. And I certainly won’t cry “censorship” over the decision by these professionals to exercise their best professional judgment over what will be acceptable in their schools and communities.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Maggie's Notebook, Big Dog's Weblog, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Cao's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Sujet- Celebrities, Allie Is Wired, Faultline USA, Wake Up America, stikNstein... has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 06:18 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 610 words, total size 6 kb.

February 17, 2007

Tufenkian Carpets

If you live in the area around Scottsdale Arizona, Los Angeles or New York City, you need to look here for great values on Tibetan Designer rugs!

That's right, Tufenkian Designer rugs are being sold at incredible prices in your cities -- up to 75% off! Not only that, if you register at the Tufenkian Designer rugs website you can receive an additional 10% discount!

And these are beautiful carpets, folks, hand-made by craftsmen and women. And best of all, these carpets are guaranteed not to have been made using child labor, so the purchase of these rugs is socially responsible as well.

So drop by the website and the showrooms to take a look at these functional works of art.

Posted by: Greg at 06:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 123 words, total size 1 kb.

A Quote To Consider

Today's "Founder's Quote" was the following, expressing a notion I take great pains to teach my students when we talk about the founding principles of this country.

Natural rights [are] the objects for the protection of which society is formed and municipal laws established.
-- Thomas Jefferson (Letter to James Monroe, 1791)

Seems to me to be a good one for folks to discuss here -- do you agree or disagree?

Posted by: Greg at 06:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.


I’m getting ready to do a redesign of my site in the next couple months, as many of the MuNuvian blogs prepare to shift over to a new blogging platform (I’ll spare you the details for now). And as I do, I am giving consideration to providing email updates to interested visitors, allowing them to subscribe to periodic newsletters from my site. I believe I’ve found the utility I’ll use for this service – it is called Zookoda, and it specializes in providing blog email.

Why use a service like Zookoda? Well, with Zookoda? I’ll be able to do all of the following:
• Manage email newsletter subscribers.
• Enhance my blog with custom newsletter subscription forms.
• Design eye-catching newletters to match my blog design.
• Schedule recurring broadcasts for each day, week or month.
• View real-time open, bounce, click and unsubscribe reports.
• Access mobile users by emailing blog content in text format.

Now will I use all of these services? Maybe not initially, but I will likely use most of them as I work the kinks out of my new design and blogging platform. Overt time, this will enable me to turn Rhymes With Right into the sort of blog I’ve always wanted.

Now I’d like to offer my encouragement to my fellow bloggers to take a look at Zookoda and what it can do for them and their blogs.

Paid Endorsement.

Posted by: Greg at 06:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 237 words, total size 2 kb.

No, They Are Not America

And that is precisely the problem with folks like the editorialists at the New York Times -- they don't recognize that foreigners who enter our country illegally are not Americans with as much right, legally or morally, to be in the United States. And that fuzzy-minded thinking leads to editorials like this one today.

Almost a year ago, hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their families slipped out from the shadows of American life and walked boldly in daylight through Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, New York and other cities. “We Are America,” their banners cried. The crowds, determined but peaceful, swelled into an immense sea. The nation was momentarily stunned.

A lot has happened since then. The country has summoned great energy to confront the immigration problem, but most of it has been misplaced, crudely and unevenly applied. It seeks not to solve the conundrum of a broken immigration system, but to subdue, in a million ways, the vulnerable men and women who are part of it. Government at all levels is working to keep unwanted immigrants in their place — on the other side of the border, in detention or in fear, toiling silently in the underground economy without recourse to the laws and protections the native-born expect.

Oh, yes -- the problem is clearly all of us evil Americans who want our borders respected and our laws enforced. The problem isn't, if you live in the ritzy neighborhoods inhabited by denizens of the NY Times newsrooms and editorial offices, the border-jumping immigration criminals. It is the fact taht the American government is responding to what the American people say they want. Because you see -- the American people are not America, the illegals are.

The editorial then goes on through the litany of "evils" engaged in by the American government and people over the last year -- stricter enforcement of our borders, efforts by state and local government to see discourage illegal immigration and its associated negative impact on communities, fast-track deportation proceedings for those who have no right to be in America in the first place, tracking of immigration criminals and compiling a database on them, increased immigration fees and "the rise of hate" (like the KKK, long the paramilitary wing of the DemocratICK Party, has ever needed a reason to propagate its malignant views). In short, the paper makes it clear that it is much more supportive of lawbreakers than lawmakers and the citizens they respond to.

Which leads, of course, to the bleeding of the hearts of the entire editorial board.

Hopelessly fixated on toughness, the immigration debate has lost its balance, overlooking the humanity of the immigrant. There is a starkly diminished understanding that hospitality for the stranger is part of the American ethos, and that as much as we claim to be a nation of immigrants, we have thwarted them at every turn. We must do better.

The new year began with renewed optimism for the chances of sensible immigration reform in Washington. The hope is justified, but time is short and real change will still require boldness and courage. Citizenship must be the key to reform. The idea of an earned path to citizenship for illegal immigrants was missing from President BushÂ’s State of the Union address this year, though he has continued to say his usual favorable words about reform. The new Democratic Congress and moderate Republicans cannot be afraid to stand up to the anti-amnesty demagogues and lead Mr. Bush to a solution.

Enforcement of laws cannot be ignored. Punish immigrants who enter illegally, make them pay back taxes and fines, restrict their ability to get work through deceit and false identities. But open a path to their full inclusion in the life of this country.

The alternative — the path of immigrant exploitation, of harassment without hope — will only repeat the ways the country has shamed itself at countless points in its history.

Oh, yes, that's right -- anyone who disagrees with the NY Times is a hate-filled demagogue out to exploit and harass the poor, hopeless illegals who are the victim of a desire to protect America's sovereignty and enforce America's laws. Anyone with a position to the right of the NY Times simply needs to be ignored as irrelevant by the "responsible" acolytes of illegal immigration rights -- because it is the illegals and their needs that should have priority, not the will of the American people. At least in the left-wing mindset of the NY Times.

But, as usual, the NY Times has it wrong in their fundamental premise about illegal immigrants who jump our border in violation of our laws and sovereignty.

They are NOT America.

We, the People of the United States are America-- and we want secure borders now.

Posted by: Greg at 06:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 808 words, total size 5 kb.

Review My Post

Some of you may have noticed the button that has appeared at the bottom of every post on my site a while back -- you know, the one saying you can review my post and get paid for it. That is one of the new features available through me as a part of PayPerPost.com, one of the many services out there that helps bloggers monetize their blogs though advertising and sponsored posts.

Now I could sing the praises of PayPerPost.com in general, but I really want to talk about the new feature that I mentioned above -- the Review My Post program. Using this program, you have the opportunity to write a review of my post -- any post with a button on it (which means all of them around here) -- and get paid for it when you join PayPerPost.com. And what's even better, YOU get paid for writing the review, and so do I! And once you've done that, you also have access to the rest of PayPerPost.com's many posting opportunities, so you can make even more money. And both of our blogs will generate traffic though the mutual linkage that we create in the process.

Of course if you are already a PayPerPost.com, all you have to do is click "Affiliate Tools" in your blogger interface when at the PayPerPost.com website and then select Review My Post for details.

What is great about this is that you can make money quickly -- much faster than you do using Google Ads or becoming an affiliate with Amazon or many of the other advertising services. You also get paid faster -- a mere 30-day turn-around tie from when you make your post to the day the cash appears in your PayPal account. What could be easier?

So come on, folks, click that little badge down there at the end of this post -- or at the end of any of my other posts -- and tell the world what you think of my ideas, my writing, or my blog in general.


Posted by: Greg at 06:00 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 350 words, total size 2 kb.

GOP Supports the Troops -- Stops Cut-And-Run Resolution In Senate

And so at least one house of Congress will continue to keep faith with America's troops in the field -- despite the fact that seven White Flag Republicans joined the Copperhead Caucus on this one.

Senate Republicans today blocked a floor vote on a House-passed resolution that expresses disapproval of President Bush's plan to send thousands of additional U.S. troops to Iraq, as a procedural motion to cut off debate on the measure fell short of the 60 votes needed.

It was the second time this month that minority Republicans successfully filibustered a nonbinding resolution opposing the troop buildup.

Senators voted 56-34 to invoke cloture and proceed to a floor vote on the resolution, with seven Republicans joining all the chamber's Democrats in calling for an end to the debate. But the motion fell four votes short of the threshold needed under Senate rules.

Most Republicans objected to a rule barring amendments to the resolution and demanded a vote on a separate measure, introduced by Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), that pledges not to cut off funding for troops in the field.

And so you see, the issue here is not even one of the GOP trying to block debate -- it is really about the Democrats refusing to allow any chance to permit the Senate to amend the Aid And Comfort Resolution to include a commitment not to give in to John Murtha's proposal to starve the troops until the Administration surrenders.

UPDATE: Looks like the DemocratICK Party is already planning on a strategy of massive aid-and-comfort.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Democrats would be "relentless."

"There will be resolution after resolution, amendment after amendment . . . just like in the days of Vietnam," Schumer said. "The pressure will mount, the president will find he has no strategy, he will have to change his strategy and the vast majority of our troops will be taken out of harm's way and come home."

Here's hoping this includes Sen. Lindsey Graham's suggestion to the Democrats.

"If you believe half of what you're saying in these resolutions then have the courage of your convictions to stop this war by cutting off funding. But no one wants to do that because they don't really know how that's going to play out here at home."

Will the Copperhead Democrats and White Flag Republicans be willing to serve up their treason straight, rather than cutting it with non-binding verbiage?

UPDATE 2: Yes, indeed, the current DemocratICK contingent in the Senate is acting in the finest tradition of the DemocratICK Party's heritage.

"There's always been a lot of dissent in wartime," said Senate historian Donald A. Ritchie. Sometimes, as in Vietnam, it takes a while to build, he added: "There's a certain point when everybody marches together. They were very much united with Johnson in '65 and '66. But when the war turned bad, that's when they broke away. The same was true in the Civil War, and the same was true in any protracted war when things didn't go well."

But interestingly enough, that opposition continued even when strategic and tactical changes were leading to victory -- with the Copperhead Democrats demanding the Civil War be ended a matter of months before the ultimate No doubt we will continue to get efforts aimed at forcing capitulation to terror even as we se reports like this one.

ATTACKS and killings in Baghdad have dropped by 80 per cent since Iraqi and US forces launched their security plan for Baghdad, Iraqi army spokesman Qasim al-Musawi said today.

"Terror operations in Baghdad dropped by 80 per cent," since the Iraqi Government officially launched a broad plan aimed at snuffing out sectarian violence in the capital, Mr Musawi said.

"The morgue was receiving 40-50 bodies per day before and now has received only 20 in the last 48 hours," said the spokesman for Lieutenant General Abboud Gambar, who commands a joint force of Iraqi soldiers and policemen.

Mr Musawi said that 144 people had been arrested in the four days since Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced the operation was underway. He said "they were wanted suspects and the arrests were not arbitrary."

And these are these are the early results, before the biggest impact of the surge can be expected to be seen. No doubt such successes will only intensify the efforts of the Copperhead Caucus and White Flag Republicans follow the Murtha/Schumer strategy of depriving the troops of training and equipment needed for ultimate victory.

Posted by: Greg at 10:27 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 768 words, total size 5 kb.

A Real Hero Speaks On Iraq

Rep. Sam Johnson, a real American hero whose made a tremendous sacrifice for his country, speaks out against the tactics of Neo-Copperheads.

You know, I flew 62 combat missions in the Korean War and 25 missions in the Vietnam War before being shot down.

I had the privilege of serving in the United States Air Force for 29 years, attending the prestigious National War College, and commanding two air bases, among other things.

I mention these stories because I view the debate on the floor not just as a U.S. Congressman elected to serve the good people of the Third District in Texas, but also through the lens of a life-long fighter pilot, student of war, a combat warrior, a leader of men, and a Prisoner of War.

Ironically, this week marks the anniversary that I started a new life - and my freedom from prison in Hanoi.

I spent nearly seven years as a Prisoner of War in Vietnam, more than half of that time in solitary confinement. I flew out of Hanoi on February 12, 1973 with other long-held Prisoners of War - weighing just 140 pounds. And tomorrow - 34 years ago, I had my homecoming to Texas - a truly unspeakable blessing of freedom.

While in solitary confinement, my captors kept me in leg stocks, like the pilgrims... for 72 days....

As you can imagine, they had to carry me out of the stocks because I couldn't walk. The following day, they put me in leg irons... for 2 ½ years. That's when you have a tight metal cuff around each ankle - with a foot-long bar connecting the legs.

I still have little feeling in my right arm and my right hand... and my body has never been the same since my nearly 2,500 days of captivity.

But I will never let my physical wounds hold me back.

Instead, I try to see the silver lining. I say that because in some way ... I'm living a dream...a hope I had for the future. "From April 16, 1966 to February 12, 1973 - I prayed that I would return home to the loving embrace of my wife, Shirley, and my three kids, Bob, Gini, and Beverly...

And my fellow POWs and I clung to the hope of when - not if - we returned home.

We would spend hours tapping on the adjoining cement walls about what we would do when we got home to America.

We pledged to quit griping about the way the government was running the war in Vietnam and do something about it... We decided that we would run for office and try to make America a better place for all.

So - little did I know back in my rat-infested 3 x 8 dark and filthy cell that 34 years after my departure from Hell on Earth... I would spend the anniversary of my release pleading for a House panel to back my measure to support and fully fund the troops in harm's way....and that just days later I would be on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives surrounded by distinguished veterans urging Congress to support our troops to the hilt.

We POWs were still in Vietnam when Washington cut the funding for Vietnam. I know what it does to morale and mission success. Words can not fully describe the horrendous damage of the anti-American efforts against the war back home to the guys on the ground.

Our captors would blare nasty recordings over the loud speaker of Americans protesting back home...tales of Americans spitting on Vietnam veterans when they came home... and worse.

We must never, ever let that happen again.

The pain inflicted by your country's indifference is tenfold that inflicted by your ruthless captors.

Our troops - and their families - want, need and deserve the full support of the country - and the Congress. Moms and dads watching the news need to know that the Congress will not leave their sons and daughters in harm's way without support.

Since the President announced his new plan for Iraq last month, there has been steady progress. He changed the rules of engagement and removed political protections.

There are reports we wounded the number two of Al Qaeda and killed his deputy. Yes, Al Qaeda operates in Iraq. It's alleged that top radical jihadist Al-Sadr has fled Iraq - maybe to Iran. And Iraq's closed its borders with Iran and Syria. The President changed course and offered a new plan ...we are making progress. We must seize the opportunity to move forward, not stifle future success.

Debating non-binding resolutions aimed at earning political points only destroys morale, stymies success, and emboldens the enemy.

The grim reality is that this House measure is the first step to cutting funding of the troops...Just ask John Murtha about his 'slow-bleed' plan that hamstrings our troops in harm's way.

Now it's time to stand up for my friends who did not make it home - and those who fought and died in Iraq - so I can keep my promise that when we got home we would quit griping about the war and do something positive about it...and we must not allow this Congress to leave these troops like the Congress left us.

Today, let my body serve as a brutal reminder that we must not repeat the mistakes of the past... instead learn from them.

We must not cut funding for our troops. We must stick by them. We must support them all the way...To our troops we must remain...always faithful.

God bless you and I salute you all. Thank you.

Here's hoping Sam Johnson is the Secretary of Defense in after the 2008 elections put a Republican in office -- and not a "starve the troops until the Administration capitulates" member of the Aid And Comfort Caucus like John Murtha, who clearly wants to be Secretary of Surrender under a Democrat president.

Posted by: Greg at 10:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1005 words, total size 6 kb.

Britney Seeks To Regain PR Advantage Over Anna Nicole

The lengths that a talentless white-trash skank like Britney Spears will go to steal press coverage from a dead talentless white-trash skank like Anna Nicole is pretty frightening.

Britney Spears appeared in a tattoo parlor in the San Fernando Valley with her head shaved completely bald.

Video on KABC-TV showed the newly shorn Spears with tiny tattoos on the back of her neck as she sits Friday night for a new tattoo — a pair of red and pink lips.

“She just wanted something real small on her wrist, something dainty,” Max Gott, the tattoo artist at Body and Soul in Sherman Oaks, told the TV station. “She got some cute little lips on her wrist.”


This seems to be a sign of Spears flunking out of rehab.

Hey, Britney -- your 15 minutes are up. Have Howard K. Stern send you some of whatever Anna Nicole was taking and have your publicist call us in the morning.

Posted by: Greg at 10:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 176 words, total size 1 kb.

A Note On The Gardasil Controversy

I just love it when the NY Times publishes an editorial disguised as an article and hides the contradictory information at the end. In this case, it is the really relevant information about why Rick Perry's Gardasil power-grab is opposed by so many people -- and it has nothing to do with promiscuous nine-year-olds

Groups on both sides of the debate appear to have been energized by the executive order of Gov. Rick Perry on Feb. 2 mandating vaccination. Opponents have pounced on Gov. PerryÂ’s ties to Merck and Women in Government. His former chief of staff is a lobbyist for Merck in the state and his wife, a nurse who has worked to promote health, once spoke at a Women in Government conference on cervical cancer.

“I looked at all of this and said, someone is playing politics,” said Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum, a branch of Phyllis Schlafly’s national Eagle Forum, a conservative group that calls itself “pro-family.”

Citing various reasons, the Texas Medical Association is not currently supporting mandatory vaccination.

Dr. Carol Baker, a professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said that two other vaccines for adolescents that were approved in recent years — against meningitis and whooping cough — have not yet been mandated in Texas. “To mandate just one, in my view, is a little odd,” she said.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is not advocating mandatory Gardasil vaccination, either. One source of opposition from pediatricians is cost. Buying enough H.P.V. vaccine for 100 girls would require a practice to lay out nearly $40,000 in advance. Many doctors say that the insurance reimbursement for giving the vaccine is not adequate to compensate them for administering it.

Dr. Bocchini of the American Academy of Pediatrics also said too much of the Gardasil focus was being placed on 11- and 12-year-olds, when legislatures should be focusing on trying to obtain funding to vaccinate girls and women in the 13-to-26 age group, many of whom are not covered by the federal vaccine programs aimed at children.

“A number of people are just not going to be able to get this vaccine,” he said.

Vaccines for serious illnesses that are more likely to be passed in classrooms are not required -- but Rick Perry is pushing the one that benefits his colleagues and contributors, and which his wife thinks is important. If he really gave a damn about public health, he would be trying to get the meningitis vaccine mandated through the legislative process. Instead, Perry is playing doctor with the little girls of Texas because of who it helps -- and I don't mean the little girls.

I will concede that I don't like the tactics and arguments of some of those on my side of this issue. Nor do I oppose the Gardasil vaccine, which I have repeatedly stated I would want any daughter of mine to have. But there is serious political corruption at work in Rick Perry's power grab, and there needs to be a greater discussion of the advisability of mandating this vaccine.

Posted by: Greg at 09:43 AM | Comments (51) | Add Comment
Post contains 528 words, total size 3 kb.

Chavez Tries To Repeal Laws Of Economics

I really don't think that the American government will need to overthrow Hugo Chavez if this sort of crap continues -- the Venezuelan people will string him up by the heels, just like the Italians did with Mussolini.

Faced with an accelerating inflation rate and shortages of basic foods like beef, chicken and milk, President Hugo Chávez has threatened to jail grocery store owners and nationalize their businesses if they violate the country’s expanding price controls.

Food producers and economists say the measures announced late Thursday night, which include removing three zeroes from the denomination of VenezuelaÂ’s currency, are likely to backfire and generate even more acute shortages and higher prices for consumers. Inflation climbed to an annual rate of 18.4 percent a year in January, the highest in Latin America and far above the official target of 10 to 12 percent.

Mr. Chávez, whose leftist populism remains highly popular among Venezuela’s poor and working classes, seemed unfazed by criticism of his policies. Appearing live on national television, he called for the creation of “committees of social control,” essentially groups of his political supporters whose purpose would be to report on farmers, ranchers, supermarket owners and street vendors who circumvent the state’s effort to control food prices.

In other words, Chavez wants to ensure that the productive segments of society are not rewarded for their productivity, but are instead punished for trying to get a fair return on their efforts. Indeed, Chavez has already taken initiatives to prevent "hoarding" (refusing to sell product at absurdly low prices set by the government), so this is simply one more step towards economic chaos.

One thing that I find telling in here is that the Venezuelan government has set a planned rate of inflation at 10-12% -- a rate that would be unacceptably high in this country and count the administration in place as a failure. Frighteninly, the Chavez government cannot even meet that unreasonably high target, and instead finds itself with a 18.5% rate of inflation.

The place is going to implode -- hopefully ending this experiment in socialism before it does too much damage tot he once-thriving nation.

Posted by: Greg at 09:19 AM | Comments (60) | Add Comment
Post contains 371 words, total size 2 kb.

Society Today Is A Lonely Place

Which explains how this fellow's absence could be missed by his neighbors for a year or more.

The partially mummified body of a man dead for more than a year has been found in a chair in front of his television, which was still on, authorities said.

Vincenzo Ricardo, 70, apparently died of natural causes, said Dr. Stuart Dawson, Suffolk County's deputy chief medical examiner.

Police found Ricardo's body this week when they investigated a report of burst pipes.

The home's dry air had preserved his features, morgue assistant Jeff Bacchus said.

"You could see his face. He still had hair on his head," Bacchus said.

Ricardo's wife died years ago, and he lived alone, Dawson said.

"He hasn't been heard from in over a year. That's the part that baffles me," he said. "Nobody sounded the alarm."

Neighbors said they had thought Ricardo was in a hospital or nursing home.

"We never thought to check on him," said neighbor Diane Devon.

Do you know your neighbors? Would you miss them -- or would they miss you -- if you suddenly went missing like this?

Posted by: Greg at 07:11 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 197 words, total size 1 kb.

February 16, 2007

Realtor Tracks School Ratings In Florida

Now here is an interesting idea that I had never thought of before -- Realtors using state education scores to actually map out the desirable neighborhoods to live in. This is the tack being taken by one Florida Realtor, who recently put out this press release.

Jacksonville, FL (PRWEB) February 13, 2007 -- Starting today homebuyers all across the state of Florida can display a Google Map of all of the public schools in their county and the FCAT scores for the past five years. School grades are color coded so that buyers can at a glance identify potential neighborhoods to look at for homes. This map of "A" through "F" graded schools gives buyers more information about the neighborhoods where they are looking at homes. I constantly get asked by many buyers where the best schools are located when they shop for homes. If the buyers are new to the area it's often hard for them to visualize which neighborhoods have the best schools "I constantly get asked by many buyers where the best schools are located when they shop for homes. If the buyers are new to the area it's often hard for them to visualize which neighborhoods have the best schools," says Krista Fracke, Realtor. She continues, "By using this web page buyers can see the past five years of FCAT scores and narrow down where they want to search for homes." The web page, http://www.kristafracke.com/idxschools.php, is a mash-up of the popular Google Maps service that many people are familiar with using to see aerial pictures of cities. Once the user clicks on the Florida County they want to see, the map centers on that county. The map then displays colored markers that show the location of the schools in that county. The color of the marker indicates the school's grade from the last year. Clicking on the marker reveals the school's name and grades from the past five years. The web page may also be found from the home page, http://www.kristafracke.com, by clicking on the "Schools" link on the right hand navigation menu. Krista Fracke is a real estate agent in Northeast Florida serving Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra Beach, and St Johns County. In 2006, Krista closed over $30,000,000 in sales. Krista is member of RE/MAX's Chairman's Club and has one the highest ranked RE/MAX teams in the state of Florida.

Frankly, I like the idea of this service. When my darling wife and I were hunting for our current home, one of the issues was the local schools, because we were planning o adopt. As a teacher, I knew what I was looking for and was aware of the areas to look at and neighborhoods to avoid because of the schools. One house was actually rejected precisely because of that issue. I wonder, though, how many home buyers don't know what they are getting into.

I think that home buyers in Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra Beach, and St Johns County are going to be well-served by this service, and I certainly hope that Krista Fracke's idea is taken up by other Realtors around the country, including those here in Texas as she continues to track Ponte Vedra Beach and A rated schools in her area.

Paid Endorsement.

Posted by: Greg at 06:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 546 words, total size 4 kb.

GM To Buy Chrysler?

Now this development could be quite interesting, both from an economic standpoint and a legal point of view. If Chrysler becomes a part of GM, what does this do to the US automotive market a a whole?

Shares of DaimlerChrysler climbed yesterday after media reports that General Motors was in talks to buy the German firm's Chrysler division.

Chrysler officials in Germany played down the reports, saying the primary focus now for Chrysler was a restructuring aimed at returning it to profitability. And U.S. industry executives struggled yesterday to assess how GM would benefit from an alliance with Chrysler. GM is in the process of shrinking its operations in an attempt to increase its profit.

Buying all of Chrysler would position GM to remain the world's largest manufacturer of automobiles, a title that Toyota is poised to snatch away in the next few years. But what does this mean in terms of anti-trust issues? I recall that as Chrysler was failing in the late 1970s, there were concerns that GM's market share would force the company's break-up as a monopoly under American law. Would this purchase risk the same sort of legal issue? Or has the automotive industry changed over the last quarter century to such a degree that there is no longer such a legal threat?

Posted by: Greg at 06:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 225 words, total size 1 kb.

Watcher's Council Results

The winning entries in the Watcher's Council vote for this week are San Francisco Has Bigger Scandals Than a Debauched Mayor by Bookworm Room, and Flagrant Evil by Gates of Vienna.  Here is where you can find the full results of the vote.

Here are the full tallies of all votes cast:

VotesCouncil link
2  1/3San Francisco Has Bigger Scandals Than a Debauched Mayor
Bookworm Room
2What a Tangled Web
Done With Mirrors
1  2/3Squeeze Play: How the Palestinian Summit in Mecca Overturned Bush's Middle East Policy
1  1/3On the Abuse of Religion in Politics
Eternity Road
1At Least He Speaks the Truth
The Sundries Shack
2/3The Blogosphere and American Politics
American Future
1/3A Loaf of Bread, a Toga and No Go
Soccer Dad
1/3Televise Supreme Court
Rhymes With Right
1/3Was This Teacher "Framed" By a Computer Run Amok?
The Education Wonks
1/3More Thoughts on "Articulate"
The Colossus of Rhodey

VotesNon-council link
2  1/3Flagrant Evil
Gates of Vienna
1  2/3Iran's Obsession with the Jews
The Weekly Standard
1  1/3Retrospective
The Possum Bistro
1  1/3First Things First
Villainous Company
1Does Barnard Need Junk Academics?
The Muqata
2/3Okay, So Maybe a Few More Words On This Whole Marcotte Dustup.  Because Oprah Tells Me I Need Closure, and Because, Well, It Dovetails Nicely With Some of My Site Themes (UPDATED)
Protein Wisdom
2/3Changing the Wire Services, One Story at a Time
2/3Those Who Wage War Should Call It War
Spiegel Online
2/3Don't Trust -- Verify II
Unqualified Offerings
1/3The Left's Identification With Murderous Aggressors
American Thinker
1/3Restoring Humility To Our National Psyche in the Face of Nihilism (Repeat)
All Things Beautiful

Posted by: Greg at 06:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 255 words, total size 5 kb.


You folks know that I adore our "child", Carmie, the world's most lovable mutt. My darling wife and I never know what our canine companion of over a decade is going to do next to make us laugh.

Well, I've found a spot on the 'Net for folks like us, who love laughing at funny animals -- PetHumor.com!

And yes, the site even includes cute and cuddly kittens -- and the aloof creatures they grow into.

And I swear that the retriever-style behavior above has nothing to do with what happened to this poor fellow.

So like I said -- if you like funny animals, you need to go to funny animalsPetHumor.com!

Posted by: Greg at 06:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 1 kb.


The betrayal of AmericaÂ’s troops in Iraq continues.

Capping four days of passionate, often angry debate, the House delivered President Bush its first rebuke since the Iraq war was launched nearly four years ago, voting 246 to 182 to oppose the administration's planned deployment of 21,500 additional combat troops to Iraq.

Seventeen Republicans joined 229 Democrats to approve a resolution that expresses support for U.S. combat forces but opposes the additional deployments. Two Democrats opposed the measure.

I am more disgusted with every story I read.

This is clearly designed to implement the Murtha strategy for "supporting the troops."

"They won't be able to continue. They won't be able to do the deployment. They won't have the equipment, they don't have the training and they won't be able to do the work. There's no question in my mind."

Clearly, this is a strategy of aid and comfort and cut and run and surrender on the part of the Copperhead Caucus and the associated White Flag Republicans.

These 17 White Flag Republicans must face strong opponents in the 2008 primaries, and must be defeated. Personally, I will be crossing the Kemah Bridge to work for any Republican who challenges Ron Paul, since my precinct borders his district.

Representative James T. Walsh

Phone: 202-225-3701
Fax: 202-225-4042
[Email: Rep.james.walsh AT mail.house.gov]

Representative Walter Jones

Phone: 202-225-3415
Fax: 202-225-3286
Web Email

Representative Wayne Gilchrest
Phone: 202-225-5311
Fax: 202-225-0254
Web Email

Representative Michael Castle
Phone: 202-225-4165
Fax: 202-225-2291
Web Email

Representative Richard (Ric) Keller

Phone: 202-225-2176
Fax: 202-225-0999
Web Email

Representative Philip Sheridan English

Phone: 202-225-5406
Fax: 202-225-3103
Web Email

Representative Ronald Ernest Paul

Phone: 202-225-2831
Web Email


Representative Frederick Stephen Upton

Phone: 202-225-3761
Fax: 202-225-4986
Web Email


Representative Thomas M. Davis

Phone: 202-225-1492
Fax: 202-225-3071
Web Email


Representative Mark Kirk

Phone: 202-225-4835
Fax: 202-225-0837
Web Email


Representative Howard Coble

Phone: 202-225-3065
Fax: 202-225-8611
Email: howard.coble AT mail.house.gov
Web Email


Representative John J. Duncan Jr.

Phone: 202-225-5435
Fax: 202-225-6440
Web Email


Representative James Ramstad

Phone: 202-225-2871
Fax: 202-225-6351
Email: mn03 AT mail.house.gov
Web Email


Representative Steven C. LaTOURETTE

Phone: 202-225-5731
Fax: 202-225-3307
Web Email


Representative Robert Inglis

Phone: 202-225-6030
Fax: 202-226-1177
Web Email


Representative Timothy V. Johnson

Phone: 202-225-2371
Fax: 202-226-0791
Web Email


Representative Thomas Petri 

Phone: 202-225-2476
Fax: 202-225-2356
Web Email

In addition, I want to give my deepest thanks and heartiest praise to the last two loyal Democrats in House of Representatives.

Representative Jim Marshall

Phone: 202-225-6531
Fax: 202-225-3013
Web Email


Representative Gene Taylor 

Phone: 202-225-5772
Fax: 202-225-7074
Web Email

I know I will also be working hard to get rid of Copperhead Democrat Congressman Nick "I'm Afraid To Face A Republican On The Ballot" Lampson, who disgraced CD22 and the state of Texas today.

I urge every American who loves this country and supports the Crusade Against Jihadi Terrorism to join the Victory Caucus.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Right Pundits, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, The Virtuous Republic, 123beta, Right Truth, Maggie's Notebook, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, The Amboy Times, Phastidio.net, Diva Dish - Weekly Celebrity Gossip Round UP, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein... has no mercy, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, The Right Nation, Pirate's Cove, and The Pink Flamingo, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 01:57 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 565 words, total size 10 kb.

I Don’t Know Whether To Rage Or Weep

Mike Gallagher reports on this incident at Arlington National Cemetery, where the body of one of our Iraq heroes has been treated like refuse at the city dump.

With the family gone and the area cleared out, my friends watched as four civilian workers began to handle the casket. The honor guard was gone, the military escort had left. Just four workers and a beloved soldier, husband, father, and friend in a casket.

The men struggled to lift the casket and put it into the vault, which was up on some kind of a forklift. Evidently, the walls of the grave that had been dug were collapsing and they weren’t able to lower the casket into the ground. They watched as the men basically dumped the casket, like a load of garbage, into the vault. It crashed into the container, and the forklift spun it around like a top. My friend said there could be no doubt that Nicholas’ body would have been thrown around in the casket. In fact, he believes that the casket would have been damaged considering the way the men tossed it around in the container.

These witnesses cried out in anger and anguish. They went to Arlington’s administration office and encountered a sympathetic officer. “What would you like us to do?” he asked my friends. “We want the body exhumed so that Nicholas can be straightened out in the casket, the men who did this to him should be reprimanded, and there should be some kind of protocol change so that someone can oversee these soldier’s burials so that this can’t happen again to anyone else”, they said.

The officer was patient and kind and sympathetic, my buddy told me. But he indicated that none of that is likely to happen. He told him that there are, on average, 22 funerals a day at Arlington. This was probably an isolated case, he said. It would be too expensive to exhume the body. And there would be no plans to change their protocols.

I’ve been harshly critical of those members of Congress who today pissed on our troops with their cut-and-run resolution, but if anything, this callous disregard for the dignity of one of our supposedly-honored dead may be even worse in my eyes.

Posted by: Greg at 01:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 386 words, total size 2 kb.

I DonÂ’t Know Whether To Rage Or Weep

Mike Gallagher reports on this incident at Arlington National Cemetery, where the body of one of our Iraq heroes has been treated like refuse at the city dump.

With the family gone and the area cleared out, my friends watched as four civilian workers began to handle the casket. The honor guard was gone, the military escort had left. Just four workers and a beloved soldier, husband, father, and friend in a casket.

The men struggled to lift the casket and put it into the vault, which was up on some kind of a forklift. Evidently, the walls of the grave that had been dug were collapsing and they werenÂ’t able to lower the casket into the ground. They watched as the men basically dumped the casket, like a load of garbage, into the vault. It crashed into the container, and the forklift spun it around like a top. My friend said there could be no doubt that NicholasÂ’ body would have been thrown around in the casket. In fact, he believes that the casket would have been damaged considering the way the men tossed it around in the container.

These witnesses cried out in anger and anguish. They went to Arlington’s administration office and encountered a sympathetic officer. “What would you like us to do?” he asked my friends. “We want the body exhumed so that Nicholas can be straightened out in the casket, the men who did this to him should be reprimanded, and there should be some kind of protocol change so that someone can oversee these soldier’s burials so that this can’t happen again to anyone else”, they said.

The officer was patient and kind and sympathetic, my buddy told me. But he indicated that none of that is likely to happen. He told him that there are, on average, 22 funerals a day at Arlington. This was probably an isolated case, he said. It would be too expensive to exhume the body. And there would be no plans to change their protocols.

IÂ’ve been harshly critical of those members of Congress who today pissed on our troops with their cut-and-run resolution, but if anything, this callous disregard for the dignity of one of our supposedly-honored dead may be even worse in my eyes.

Posted by: Greg at 01:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 394 words, total size 2 kb.

Our Next First Lady – Ann Romney

I would like to call everyone’s attention to this interview with Mrs. Romney. Given my own wife’s health issues, I was particularly moved by this portion of the interview.

Snow: Stem cell research is another area that he's asked about a lot. He, he's essentially for limited amounts of embryonic (stem cell research)?

Romney: He is in favor, he's in favor of stem cell research. He is hopeful, as we all are, that there will be cures with stem cell research. He is not in favor of cloning…he sees it as sort of, of babies being developed for research, and I don't know, he, for him, that was the, that was the ethical line that he felt that life had been cheapened.

Snow: But this is a tough question, but if he is against most embryonic stem cell research, that's the very research that might help someone just like you.

Romney: That's why this discussion was very heartfelt, and went on for months. Um, and I, was, I'm also pro life, and am opposed to research for, the developing, cloning of embryos, for research.

Snow: Even if it could potentially help you some day, people like you?

Romney: You know, you know, I have to say yes, and, and I, you know, I pray for a cure for MS, and I'm, I'm very supportive of research for MS, and there's many other ways, you know, for, hopefully for us to get there. But it is, it is one of those life questions. Is my life more important than a child's, another child's life, and I, I see it as a life that they would be experimenting on. To maybe make me better, and I, how do you, that's why it's hard. These decisions are very, very hard. They, they tear you apart. But how do you balance that life?

This is an issue I struggle with (my darling wife, as on so many other issues, disagrees with me). But it does come down to the question of whose life one chooses, whose life is more valuable, and whether we as human beings have the right to even make that choice when it comes to a clash of innocents. And I’ll be honest, it is an issue over which I still weep, as I watch the woman I love deal with her medical conditions on a daily basis – and as I acknowledge that a cure for my own diabetes could be found though such research as well.

But what comes through most of all in this interview is the great love that exists between Ann and Mitt Romney – a love affair that is so reminiscent of the deep bond that existed between the Reagans. Mitt Romney isn’t afraid to refer to Ann as “my sweetheart” on the campaign trail – after over four decades as a couple, dating back to their teens. And for all the comments about Mormonism and polygamy that one hears, be they based in ignorance, bias, or humor, it is clear that Ann is a one-man woman and Mitt is a one-woman man.

And who would you rather see in the White House two years from now – Hill and Bill, Rudy or Newt and the spouse du jour, or a this sterling example of marital fidelity?

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Right Pundits, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, The Virtuous Republic, 123beta, Right Truth, Maggie's Notebook, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, The Amboy Times, Phastidio.net, Diva Dish - Weekly Celebrity Gossip Round UP, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein... has no mercy, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, The Right Nation, Pirate's Cove, and The Pink Flamingo, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 01:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 650 words, total size 6 kb.

Our Next First Lady – Ann Romney

I would like to call everyoneÂ’s attention to this interview with Mrs. Romney. Given my own wifeÂ’s health issues, I was particularly moved by this portion of the interview.

Snow: Stem cell research is another area that he's asked about a lot. He, he's essentially for limited amounts of embryonic (stem cell research)?

Romney: He is in favor, he's in favor of stem cell research. He is hopeful, as we all are, that there will be cures with stem cell research. He is not in favor of cloningÂ…he sees it as sort of, of babies being developed for research, and I don't know, he, for him, that was the, that was the ethical line that he felt that life had been cheapened.

Snow: But this is a tough question, but if he is against most embryonic stem cell research, that's the very research that might help someone just like you.

Romney: That's why this discussion was very heartfelt, and went on for months. Um, and I, was, I'm also pro life, and am opposed to research for, the developing, cloning of embryos, for research.

Snow: Even if it could potentially help you some day, people like you?

Romney: You know, you know, I have to say yes, and, and I, you know, I pray for a cure for MS, and I'm, I'm very supportive of research for MS, and there's many other ways, you know, for, hopefully for us to get there. But it is, it is one of those life questions. Is my life more important than a child's, another child's life, and I, I see it as a life that they would be experimenting on. To maybe make me better, and I, how do you, that's why it's hard. These decisions are very, very hard. They, they tear you apart. But how do you balance that life?

This is an issue I struggle with (my darling wife, as on so many other issues, disagrees with me). But it does come down to the question of whose life one chooses, whose life is more valuable, and whether we as human beings have the right to even make that choice when it comes to a clash of innocents. And I’ll be honest, it is an issue over which I still weep, as I watch the woman I love deal with her medical conditions on a daily basis – and as I acknowledge that a cure for my own diabetes could be found though such research as well.

But what comes through most of all in this interview is the great love that exists between Ann and Mitt Romney – a love affair that is so reminiscent of the deep bond that existed between the Reagans. Mitt Romney isn’t afraid to refer to Ann as “my sweetheart” on the campaign trail – after over four decades as a couple, dating back to their teens. And for all the comments about Mormonism and polygamy that one hears, be they based in ignorance, bias, or humor, it is clear that Ann is a one-man woman and Mitt is a one-woman man.

And who would you rather see in the White House two years from now – Hill and Bill, Rudy or Newt and the spouse du jour, or a this sterling example of marital fidelity?

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Right Pundits, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, The Virtuous Republic, 123beta, Right Truth, Maggie's Notebook, basil's blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, The Amboy Times, Phastidio.net, Diva Dish - Weekly Celebrity Gossip Round UP, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein... has no mercy, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, The Right Nation, Pirate's Cove, and The Pink Flamingo, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 01:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 657 words, total size 6 kb.

I Support Sami al-Arian

Let the terrorist bastard starve himself to death.

Sami Al-Arian, the former University of South Florida professor sentenced to prison for providing assistance to a terrorist group, collapsed Wednesday in a Virginia prison on the 23rd day of a hunger strike.
He was taken to a North Carolina medical facility.

He began his hunger strike after learning his sentence may be extended by up to 18 months for refusing to testify before a Virginia grand jury. His attorneys say an earlier plea agreement freed him from further cooperation with the government.

Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa Chapter of the Council of Islamic Relations, said Al-Arian's family is concerned about his health but knows he wants to make a statement about his "unjust treatment."

"His freedom is more important to him than his health," Bedier said.

One more month of this, and the world will be a cleaner place. And even better, this purification will be accomplished without the scumbag taking any innocent human lives.

Posted by: Greg at 01:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 174 words, total size 1 kb.

Professors Challenge Carter Lies

Given that Carter refuses to debate or discuss a book that he claims is all about promoting dialogue, I think that the letter of nine distinguished faculty members from Emory University can only be seen as a measured and reasonable response to his anti-Semitic attack on Israel and promotion of Palestinian terrorism.

"Despite having written a book whose purpose he claims was to promote dialogue and discussion, he has consistently dodged appearing with anyone who could challenge him on the numerous factual errors which fill the pages of his slim book," the letter states.

"We are happy that Jimmy Carter wants to come to Emory," said Deborah E. Lipstadt, the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies, and a signer of the letter. "But we think it should be an exchange of ideas, not a one-sided presentation. We felt that this is not up to the standards of Emory in terms of creative inquiry."

I applaud the professors for raising this important issue – and for daring to try to challenge the worst president – and ex-president – of my lifetime.

Posted by: Greg at 01:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 190 words, total size 1 kb.

Malkin Profile In WaPo

A fair and accurate profile of the hottest conservative commentator in the blogosphere. And I love her powerfully-worded response to the racist, sexist liberals who regularly attack her.

"They'll ridicule my looks, ridicule my ethnicity, go after my family," the 36-year-old blogger says of her critics. "They've attacked my husband relentlessly. There's a strong sexist strain among my liberal critics, who think it isn't possible I could have gotten anywhere without my Svengali husband, or some white man, embedding ideas in my head."

Make no mistake, though: This daughter of Filipino immigrants plays pretty rough herself. Whether on her blog, her Internet talk show or her Fox News appearances, Malkin delights in sticking her finger in the eye of the liberal establishment. And she is convinced that her detractors don't play fair.

"Particularly when you're a minority conservative," she says, "you get a lot of ugly, hysterical, unhinged attacks, because you're challenging so many liberal myths about what people of color should think."

Malkin is one of my first half-dozen stops on the ‘Net each day –and never a waste of time. Bravo to Howard Kurtz for a fair portrait of a wonderful lady.

Posted by: Greg at 01:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 202 words, total size 1 kb.

Dems Show That Corruption Isn’t Serious Issue – Give Jefferson Plum Committee Assignment

On the Homeland Security Committee, no less. Now he can seek to take graft from companies involved in protecting our nation from terrorists – and get a cut of the relief funds for Katrina, since the committee controls FEMA.

Rep. William Jefferson, the Louisiana Democrat who's facing an ongoing federal corruption probe, is being granted a spot on the Homeland Security Committee, according to Democratic aides.

The appointment will be announced Friday, according to one aide who requested anonymity because the decision isn't yet official.

Jefferson was removed from his seat on the Ways and Means Committee, one of the most important panels in Congress, by Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) last summer in an attempt to show how seriously Democrats viewed the allegations of corruption.

But the move by Pelosi, who was still minority leader at the time, infuriated members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who said Jefferson shouldn't be punished unless he is indicted; federal prosecutors have yet to bring an indictment, despite an FBI raid 18 months ago on his home that yielded $90,000 in cash in his freezer.

Other lawmakers were angling for the seat on Homeland Security, which was the last slot available on the panel, according to another Democratic aide.
The committee oversees the Homeland Security Department and its web of agencies designed to protect against terrorism on U.S. soil.

The committee has oversight of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which was widely panned for its response to Hurricane Katrina in Jefferson's hometown of New Orleans.

Remember – this is the same Jefferson who commandeered a relief boat and crew to remove evidence from his home in the days immediately following hurricane Katrina.

Nice choice, Nancy!

Posted by: Greg at 01:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.

Dems Show That Corruption Isn’t Serious Issue – Give Jefferson Plum Committee Assignment

On the Homeland Security Committee, no less. Now he can seek to take graft from companies involved in protecting our nation from terrorists – and get a cut of the relief funds for Katrina, since the committee controls FEMA.

Rep. William Jefferson, the Louisiana Democrat who's facing an ongoing federal corruption probe, is being granted a spot on the Homeland Security Committee, according to Democratic aides.

The appointment will be announced Friday, according to one aide who requested anonymity because the decision isn't yet official.

Jefferson was removed from his seat on the Ways and Means Committee, one of the most important panels in Congress, by Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) last summer in an attempt to show how seriously Democrats viewed the allegations of corruption.

But the move by Pelosi, who was still minority leader at the time, infuriated members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who said Jefferson shouldn't be punished unless he is indicted; federal prosecutors have yet to bring an indictment, despite an FBI raid 18 months ago on his home that yielded $90,000 in cash in his freezer.

Other lawmakers were angling for the seat on Homeland Security, which was the last slot available on the panel, according to another Democratic aide.
The committee oversees the Homeland Security Department and its web of agencies designed to protect against terrorism on U.S. soil.

The committee has oversight of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which was widely panned for its response to Hurricane Katrina in Jefferson's hometown of New Orleans.

Remember – this is the same Jefferson who commandeered a relief boat and crew to remove evidence from his home in the days immediately following hurricane Katrina.

Nice choice, Nancy!

Posted by: Greg at 01:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 308 words, total size 2 kb.

February 15, 2007

Coach "Does" Player -- Wrist-Slap Pending

After all, this is a female teacher/coach.

A former Fort Bend Independent School District high school teacher has been arrested after being indicted on a charge of an improper relationship between an educator and a student, school district police said.

Kimberly Dawn Hollis, 30, a teacher at Hightower High School, resigned Jan. 12 and surrendered at the county jail Thursday. Her bond was set at $20,000.

The charge is a second-degree felony, and if convicted, Hollis could face up to 20 years in prison.

I know it says 20 years, but we've seen the trends. Female abusers in the classroom get probation or short sentences, while male perps get long terms in prison doing hard time as everybody's bi-yotch. Here's hoping that Texas courts apply the law equitably in this case, and give Hollis the full 20 years.

Posted by: Greg at 11:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 150 words, total size 1 kb.

Ohio Gov: No Iraqis Allowed

Politics apparently trumps humanitarianism in Ohio.

When Gov. Ted Strickland was campaigning for election, among the superlatives voters were fed about him was his background as a minister. Good man, big heart, trustworthy fellow was what the public was supposed to think.

Having met him, that description seemed to fit the bill.

Which is why it was distressing to read a news story in which Strickland basically said Ohio is off limits to Iraqi refugees coming to the United States to flee the violence in their homeland.

Under pressure from the United Nations to help relocate Iraqi refugees, the Bush Administration agreed yesterday to allow 7,000 to relocate in the United States this year. The administration especially wants to help Iraqis whose lives are in danger because of their cooperation with U.S. forces in Iraq.

Strickland opposed the U.S. war in Iraq as a congressman, and when asked about the refugee plan yesterday, he reportedly said, ''I think Ohio and Ohioans have contributed a lot to Iraq in terms of blood, sweat and too many tears. I am sympathetic to the plight of the innocent Iraqi people who have fled that country. However, I would not want to ask Ohioans to accept a greater burden than they already have borne for the Bush administration's failed policies.''

I suppose that DemocratICK Gov. Ted Strickland would have tried to keep out blacks in 1863, Jews in 1938, and Southeast Asians in 1973 as well, combining racism with naked political partisanship. In that he constitutes a worthy successor to another former congressman from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham.

Posted by: Greg at 11:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Arizona Won't Attempt First Amendment Repeal

After all, that is what this law would have amounted to -- because it is usually the speech that offends that really needs Constitutional protection.

It's still going to be legal in Arizona for trucks to have splash guards with racist terms and silhouettes of naked women.

The House on Thursday rejected a Democratic amendment that would have banned splash guards with "images that are obscene or hateful."

The amendment's sponsor, Rep. Ed Ableser of Tempe, said he'd seen a splash guard that used the word "pickaninny" — a derogatory term for black children — and said his proposal was intended "to make sure those individuals that have hateful motives don't express or push those images upon others in our communities."

On the other hand, coat religious image in urine or feces, and Democrats like Ableser will not only defend them, but also support NEA grants for them.

For what it is worth, I share Ableser's disgust with the messages appearing on mud-flaps -- but I am more disgusted by his attempt to engage in censorship of speech.

And I'd like to comment on one other DemocratICK legislator as well.

Rep. Theresa Ulmer, D-Yuma, supported the amendment and said it fit with lawmakers' other efforts to crack down on pornography and sexual predators.

"I personally am tired of explaining to my 11-year-old son why they (women) are depicted on mud flaps, but not all women are 36Ds. He's very confused by that," Ulmer said. "But seriously, this is about family values — what are we going to send out as a message to our children."

I'll agree with you, Re. Ulmer, that racism and sexism are not family values -- but neither is government censorship of speech in violation of the US Constitution.

Posted by: Greg at 11:16 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Closing In On Terror Leaders In Iraq

Not only has Muqtada al-Sadr fled to Iran, but now come reports of an attack by Iraqi forces (supported by American troops) upon terrorist leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri.

The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq was wounded and an aide was killed in a clash Thursday with Iraqi forces north of Baghdad, the Interior Ministry spokesman said.

The clash occurred near Balad, a major U.S. base about 50 miles north of the capital, Brig. Gen Abdul-Karim Khalaf said.

Khalaf said al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri was wounded and his aide, identified as Abu Abdullah al-Majemaai, was killed.

Most rational people would see this sort of report as a reason to stay the course. Copperhead Democrats see this as a reason to cut-and-run.

Posted by: Greg at 11:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Copperhead Dems Seek State Cut-And-Run Resolutions

Proving that some things never change, DemocratICK opponents of the war are pushing for state cut-and-run resolutions to go with the cowardly proposals pending in Congress.

Frustrated by the inability of Democrats in Congress to pass a resolution opposing President BushÂ’s policies in Iraq, state legislators across the country, led by Democrats and under pressure from liberal advocacy groups, are pushing forward with their own resolutions.

Resolutions have passed in chambers of three legislatures, in California, Iowa and Vermont. The Maryland General Assembly sent a letter to its Congressional delegation, signed by a majority of the State Senate and close to a majority of the House, urging opposition to the increase in troops in Iraq.

Letters or resolutions are being drafted in at least 19 other states. The goal is to embarrass Congress into passing its own resolution and to provide cover for Democrats and Republicans looking for concrete evidence back home that anti-Iraq resolutions enjoy popular support.

And this movement is in the finest tradition of the DemocratICK Party.

At the 1864 Democratic convention, Vallandigham persuaded the party to adopt a platform that declared the war a failure and called for negotiations with the Confederacy.

After all -- what's a little aid and comfort to the enemy among like-minded friends?

UPDATE: Biden seeks to up the ante on Iraq, actually proposing a move that would do something. But then again, we know he is in the best tradition of the Copperheads, who were also racist and supportive of slave states.

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Right Pundits, Perri Nelson's Website, Faultline USA, third world county, Big Dog's Weblog, Shadowscope, The Right Nation, The Pink Flamingo, and Diva Dish - Weekly Celebrity Gossip Round UP, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 10:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Eckels To Quit

Well, the worst kept secret in Harris County has been confirmed.

County Judge Robert Eckels announced his resignation this afternoon at the annual State of the County speech.

"Today, the time is right,'' Eckels said. "I had a friend who told me, 'You never become what you want to be while remaining where you are.' Harris County is moving forward, and it's time for me to do the same.''

Eckels said he has no timetable for his departure, but he will remain until the Commissioners Court considers the upcoming annual budget next month.
The Greater Houston Partnership, which sponsors the event, had sold about 1,140 tickets through Wednesday, within 60 of a sellout.

Speculation about Eckels' departure has increased in recent days with a close Republican ally, Commissioner Jerry Eversole, saying Eckels' departure was a sure thing. Eversole had advised Eckels to make his intentions known during the luncheon speech today, even though Eckels had indicated he wanted to wait for a previously scheduled fundraiser next week

I’m curious, Judge Eckels – why didn’t you adopt this philosophy a year ago, so that the voters of Harris County (and the GOP in particular) could have had a candidate on the ballot who really wanted your job and intended to serve us for a full term?

Posted by: Greg at 12:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Why No Romney?

Mitt Romney does pretty well among conservatives when you look at opinion polls. I was shocked, therefore to see that he was mentioned nowhere in this story from FoxNews.

Perhaps because of the early start to the race, many voters say they hope someone new will join the 2008 presidential contest. And by new they mean new, making it clear they do not want third-party candidate Ralph Nader, former Vice President Al Gore or former Florida Governor Jeb Bush to step into the contest, according to the latest FOX News Poll.

Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from February 13 to February 14. The poll has a 3-point error margin.

Half of voters (49 percent) say they are hoping there is someone new out there who they have yet to hear about who will enter the presidential contest. Republicans (53 percent) are a bit more interested than Democrats (46 percent) for someone new to come along.

Overall, one of four voters (26 percent) would like Gore to enter the 2008 presidential race, which is moderately more than want Jeb Bush (16 percent) and Nader to do so (14 percent). Even so, the big picture is clear — majorities are against all three of these potential contenders throwing their hat into the ring.

But then I looked at the polling results – and discovered that Opinion Dynamics didn’t even include Romney anywhere in the polling! Not one question about the guy who clearly is just such a fresh face in the race – but questions almost designed to bring the “old gang” (a fomer VP, a former Speaker, another Bush, and a has-been gadfly) into the race.

So tell me, FoxNews and Opinion Dynamics – where’s Mitt?

OPEN TRACKBACKING AT Right Pundits, Perri Nelson's Website, Faultline USA, third world county, Big Dog's Weblog, Shadowscope, The Right Nation, The Pink Flamingo, and Diva Dish - Weekly Celebrity Gossip Round UP, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by: Greg at 12:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ellison’s Non-Apology Confirms He Is An Assh*le

Keith Ellison offered Tom Tancredo a non-apology for the recent call to Capitol Hill Police over Tancredo’s perfectly permissible smoking in his own office.

A freshman Democratic lawmaker sent a hand-written note Wednesday night to a neighboring Republican congressman to apologize for the situation that erupted after his staff complained to U.S. Capitol Police about cigar smoke.

No word yet that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is sorry that his staff called the cops in the first place to complain that Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo's cigar was stinking up the hallway they share in the Longworth House Office Building.

Ellison "apologizes for the situation" because "it was so blown out of proportion," Carlos Espinosa, Tancredo’s press secretary, told FOX News.

Notice that this is not an apology for the call to the police in the first place without so much as a courtesy call to Tancredo, who Ellison has never even met despite being in the neighboring office. The apology is for the press coverage of the situation – coverage that makes Tancredo look reasonable and Ellison look incompetent, foolish, and arrogant.

Maybe Ellison will choose to be an adult one of these days and actually apologize for the impertinent call to the police.

Posted by: Greg at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 210 words, total size 1 kb.

EllisonÂ’s Non-Apology Confirms He Is An Assh*le

Keith Ellison offered Tom Tancredo a non-apology for the recent call to Capitol Hill Police over TancredoÂ’s perfectly permissible smoking in his own office.

A freshman Democratic lawmaker sent a hand-written note Wednesday night to a neighboring Republican congressman to apologize for the situation that erupted after his staff complained to U.S. Capitol Police about cigar smoke.

No word yet that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is sorry that his staff called the cops in the first place to complain that Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo's cigar was stinking up the hallway they share in the Longworth House Office Building.

Ellison "apologizes for the situation" because "it was so blown out of proportion," Carlos Espinosa, TancredoÂ’s press secretary, told FOX News.

Notice that this is not an apology for the call to the police in the first place without so much as a courtesy call to Tancredo, who Ellison has never even met despite being in the neighboring office. The apology is for the press coverage of the situation – coverage that makes Tancredo look reasonable and Ellison look incompetent, foolish, and arrogant.

Maybe Ellison will choose to be an adult one of these days and actually apologize for the impertinent call to the police.

Posted by: Greg at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 217 words, total size 2 kb.

Hillary Endorsement Quid Pro Quo?

I guess it is more of that “appearance of impropriety” thing at work in the DemocratICK Party.

Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign reached a deal to pay a key South Carolina black leader's consulting firm more than $200,000 just days before he agreed to endorse her run for president, it was revealed yesterday.

The arrangement involves South Carolina state Sen. Darrell Jackson, a well-connected African-American leader and pastor whose support is coveted by national campaigns.

Jackson confirmed to The Post yesterday that his public-relations firm struck a deal with the Clinton campaign just days ago for a contract worth up to $10,000 a month through the 2008 elections.

Jackson had also been in talks with Sen. Barack Obama's campaign about endorsing him and entering into a consulting contract for more than $5,000, sources said - raising questions about whether Jackson's endorsement was bought by a higher bidder.

Remember, this is one of the guys who more or less claimed that “a black man can’t win” and that an Obama nomination would destroy the chances of the DemocratICK Party in 2008. Now we find out that he was prepared to endorse Obama for a fee, until the Illinois senator was outbid by the former First Lady.
Am I the only one who thinks something stinks here – and that it is “politics as usual” in the DemocratICK Party?

Posted by: Greg at 12:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Press Hackery, Dem Flackery At NY Times

This story seems pretty damning at first glance.

Controversy over a possible missed U.S. opportunity for rapprochement with Iran grew on Wednesday as former aide accused Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of misleading Congress on the issue.

Flynt Leverett, who worked on the National Security Council when it was headed by Rice, said a proposal vetted by Tehran's most senior leaders was sent to the United States in May 2003 and was akin to the 1972 U.S. opening to China.

Speaking at a conference on Capitol Hill, Leverett said he was confident it was seen by Rice and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell but ``the administration rejected the overture.''

Rice's spokesman denied she misled Congress and reiterated that she did not see the proposal.

And the evidence backing Leverett isÂ…? Well, non-existent, from what we can see in this article. Indeed, this is an accusation from someone who was NOT working for the NSC during the period he claims to know what Rice was or was not reading or being briefed on. Even the NY Times is forced to admit as much.

He said he had left the National Security Council, which advises the president on security issues, in March 2003 before the Iranian proposal was received. He returned to the CIA where he previously worked and soon after left government. Hence, he was not in a position to make this case directly to Rice, he said.

So what has he been doing since leaving government? IÂ’m not 100% sure, but Ed Lasky at American Thinker points out this little detail that the Times certainly knew but left out of its article.

Might the New York Times have been able to fill in the time line and report that he is a partisan Democrat who went to work for the John Kerry campaign and that Kerry's defeat left to his future job prospects in a Kerry Administration in tatters. Instead the Times just reports that he "left government".

Gee, that detail puts LeverettÂ’s claim in a rather different light, doesnÂ’t it? He is a partisan Democrat who is looking for a high position in a DemocratICK campaign and a possible DemocratICK administration. Not only that, but he has been pushing for more US contact with the Islamist regime in Teheran, essentially the Iranian position on US-Iranian relations, since KerryÂ’s defeat. But the Times hides that information, because it would make Leverett significantly less credible.

Like I said the other day, the new motto for the NY Times is “We only print the news that fits.”

Posted by: Greg at 12:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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My Favorite Quote From The Cut-And-Run Resolution Debate

From Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL)

"...the majority would have us consider a resolution that puts us one day closer to handing militant Islamists a safe haven the size of California. And when ideological militants achieve their objectives, history tells us that they don't settle; that they only attempt to expand their reach even further. And that means following us home."

We can fight the jihadi terrorists in Iraq, or we can fight them in California. You decide.

Posted by: Greg at 12:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.

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